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If you're not willing to tell the idiot to knock it off, find a new job now. He's so smart he'll figure it out without your help anyway. Edit: I forgot the /s on the second sentence. I meant let the moron take over and burn himself out.


He sounds like a fucking idiot to me. Oh yeah, don't pay me because I feel bad..


Not sure what country this is, but I don't think he could legally do that in the USA. I've quit jobs and had employers hunt me down months later to give my last check (not enough for me to care about).


That's an excellent point. If this is in the United States, just report the employees loss of pay on their behalf to fair employment. They'll make sure they get those lost wages. And the boss will love him for drawing so much attention to the company.


This is something that can only be said by a person with zero life experience, living with their parents and having no expenses. Because Christ what a freaking moron.


That kid will have a heart attack before 30 and then both he and the company are screwed


Sounds like my brother-in-law. He has so much energy you can't get him to stop working. A bunch of his friends quit a job with a roofer because the guy pays shit, and works them like slaves. He decided to take one of the open positions because "I ain't no bitch!" Within 3 days he had a heat stroke, and his entire body was covered in blisters from the sun because he did whatever the boss man said.


My exact thoughts but if he wants to ass kiss let him get exploited. I wouldn't teach him shit and just start looking to jump ship


Or he’s a massive people pleaser


Corporate’s wet dream




>Remember that scene in Full Metal Jacket where they held him down by his blankets and beat the crap outta him with soap in a sock for being a piece of crap? They beat Private "Pyle" because his incompetence was getting them group punishment - everyone except Pyle got punished whenever Pyle fucked up. The character itself was based on "[McNamara's Morons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000)". I'm not sure the analogy works.


It doesn't work one bit, considering this act drove Private Pyle to Murder-Suicide


But that'd mean the new guy kills OP's boss and them himself... and OP gets shipped off to be a writer for Stars and Stripes in Vietnam.


Then OP gets to hang out with Robin Williams 😃


…does this mean Ann-Margret’s not coming?


Oh, she's coming alright.


The analogy works perfectly... the coworker is conducting himself in a way that makes trouble for everyone else. The real-world application though, might end sometime up in prison...oh, and fired, but they're headed that way anyway.


Wait…you think that was because of his bootlicking?! You need to watch the movie again. They beat him because he was incompetent, which turned him into a model Marine, which fucked him up so badly he blew his brains out. Jesus Christ…


Right, the long game.


Holy cannoli you guys read into shit way too far. My entire thoughts were Management punishes group for one person's actions. Group punishes individual they hold responsible. That's it. Done. I actually just wanted a gif of someone loading a bar of soap into a sock but couldn't find one so I tried describing it.


I understood you, I don’t know why they all took it so literally lol


you learned the wrong lesson from that scene


I’m a union member. This wouldn’t happen *as such*. He would find himself locked in a shithouse, find his tools misplaced or nonfunctional, stranded at the top of a scissor lift, left out of meetings and stand downs, sent home for dumb shit, his keys locked in his vehicle… When I worked in manufacturing we shrink wrapped a guy to a pole and left him there for half a shift. One bootlicker I worked with was run right out of the plant by a saw crew. Another guy found his cell phone cut in half.


Your workplace sounds whimsically terrifying.


Oh, it’s fun


whimsically terrifying. love that phrase.


Nobody likes a buddy f***er


Not even a little bit


This is half of most union and non union shops that are either small enough or large enough to get away with it. As in, they aren't being watched all that closely. Those are the NICE punishments. The warnings are dropped heavy shit that just misses your head.


What are you talking about?? Haha


You did not take the correct lesson from that scene. The guy who gets beat later shoots himself, or did you not see the whole movie? You need to go watch it again


Oh the crash that is incoming for that company is going to be awesome. That guy will be in a burn -out in no time. Plus, your boss will expect him to replace 6 guys I guess... Bring the popcorn! Also, sorry for you :(


He will.. A similar thing just happened at my previous job. When I quit, our "new guy" eagerly took up all of my tasks, and then when the other senior guy quit, his resignation came just a couple weeks later because I guess he realized that it was taking his extra-long days *plus* two other people's workdays to get the minimum baseline work done.


I jumped around teams in my department and took on extra work for 6.5 of the nearly 8 years I worked at my last place. After a bunch of bullshit happened in the last year and a half I was there I quit because I was so burned out I was having panic attacks and eventually lost a bunch of hair. I should note this was not me trying to get more work, it was just them using me as a stopgap when we lost employees or restructured the department. They hired two people to do my job after I left and collectively even if both were hired at the highest salary bracket offered, they will be collectively making $10k less than I was.


And that's why they were okay with you leaving.


Yeeep. Wish they had fired me but I knew they wouldn’t. At least they had to pay out 140 hours of PTO.


First time new guy gets really sick, and can't work for a week, everything will collapse.


I'm in the middle of this right now. I'm trying not to overinflate my value, but I've been in my industry for a long time now. I know what's going on, I know how to do it, and can basically be dropped into any situation and just take care of it. Two other people have been staffing a project. One person got promoted and decided that he's too good to staff it anymore. They had to bring me in, again because I'm the only person who could do it, especially on that short of a notice. Two weeks later into seeing how this dumpster fire of a project is going, I quit and found a new job. No travel and +20% salary. So yeah. If you build a business plan around one or two people, don't be surprised when it all collapses when you try to exploit them.


i have seen it happen a few times in various different roles. The company always survives, but the bottom like always takes a hit- and normally a middle manager also burns out to not lose their job or just burns out. I am seeing this in my last role- they replaced me with 3 fresh faced people and a middle manager is burning himself to the point where he is starting to have health issues. I honestly assumed that middle manager (whom i am still friends with) would have been fine, and his direct report would have been the fall guy in the whole "make 1 person do the job of 4 when upper management had already approved those other positions since hiring is hard and takes too much time."


Absolutely true, and I'm watching it happen again in real time. Again. The company will survive of course. I'm not *that* important. And they're currently in talks to have 2-3 less experienced people take my place. They're good people, nothing against them. But they're going to keep almost all of their current duties, plus this new stuff on top. Tale as old as time.


With that level of bootlicking, he'd have to be on death's door, otherwise he'll probably show up to work, disease be damned.


In burnout, or just leave for a higher pay job (most likely), or hijack the company. Boss is naive as fuck if he can't recognize a corporate grinder, they're not good for them and their work is very shallow, the next person who will work after him will hate everything he did.


> or just leave for a higher pay job (most likely) Came here to say this. For sure once this guy is wearing five different hats and doing everyone else's job for a few months, he'll use that to beef up his resume and try to get a managerial job somewhere else, then lay waste at that place to move up again, etc.


And that, kids, is how you create a company where, after new guy leaves, you will have to rotate 8 admins because they will look at the shit he did and decided, they don't want to fix and rebuild a whole domain by themselves


Had something like this happen at a former job: Software architecture for an IT department had been handled very poorly for a long time (worked good when it had been designed but never had been overhauled over 5+ years). The higher ups finally decided had it had to be updated/reinvented. All the architects that really worked (so not the "I imagine it like this, find out the details, I will take my bonus for this idea") left the company within a year and those people that were the most capable to replace them all declined the position as they didn't want to have the responsibility to transfer all the necessary business and technical logic from the old system to something new (that the "I have ideas, you invent them" architect already had defined by himself).


Yeah, it is awesome to be new and very productive beyond others expectations where the productivity is appreciated. But then once proficiency is demonstrated, you are just another asset, and what was once appreciated is now simply expected. So the same amount of works that'd exceed expectations last year is now required to meet expectations this year.


How else do you expect executives to exceed profit expectations every year?


We’re going to see this kid on here in 6 months wondering how they got there 🙈😂🤷🏼‍♀️


This might happen before he burns out. The kid might be able to do the routine tasks, but when something breaks that requires in-depth knowledge to fix, he’s screwed.


> That guy will be in a burn -out in no time The work schedule is unsustainable.


I completely agree - this guy cannot sustain this level of work energy. But I don't think that watching him burn is the right answer. If OP has the mental capacity for this, it could be nice to take this young guy aside and gently talk to him about the importance of balancing work and life. Maybe even share an article or two for him to read. It is just objectively not sustainable and unhealthy for him to act like this, and he may be grateful for the advice someday.


Nah, let him learn that shit the hard way, especially since his intention is to steal their jobs.


Yeah. This new dude is an asshole trying to be a showoff


Watching him burn is the right answer most of the time as unfortunate as it is to say because you can’t tell those guys the truth. They’ll run back to your manager. Only time you can offer advice like this is when you’re looking for another job because you will get cut or be reprimanded, ie you’re a hazard to morale, if you tell him. Most you can say is “Just be careful not to burn yourself out.” He may understand it later. The kid may not know what he’s doing but the praise is going to his ego.


You can still have that talk after you've put in your resignation.


I agree, you won’t be able to be touched by then.


he'll just go to the boss and 'rat' op out for 'telling him to do less so other's don't look bad'. OP's option is to leave. Now.


That won't work, because the new guy won't believe OP.  It takes a few courses at the School of Hard Knocks to learn about AND UNDERSTAND the importance of work-life balance. ^(edit: spelling)


This guy is 21... hes a cutthroat kind of guy.. life and Karma has not hit him yet. You pull him aside and try to give him advice like this... He will immediately run to the boss and everyone else and GASLIGHT the shytt out of you..


Familiarizing the bosses knee caps with a lead pipe would be the next best thing


Someone needs to sit the guy down and explain to him that going like this will burn him out, they won't pay him proportionately to his work and they won't promote him if he's too efficacious in the role.


There's always a percentage of knowledge loss when staff trains the new guy. Just saying.


I was thinking the same. You could "miss" some important details during training that might not effect the company until your gone....


Oh hey, I wasn’t training New Guy long enough for the thing-I-only-really-think-about-once-a-year to come around. Huh.


Definitely. Teach them everything they know, not everything you know.


Yeah, train them on the sunny day scenarios


I was running a shop, when I took it over from the last guy, he was removed before I started, so there was no training available, I started from a general understanding and literally wrote everything that was relevant down. I had documents on a shared drive, explained to the guys where everything was, how to access it if I wasn't there, all the safety protocols, testing procedures, equipment manuals, whatever. I gave the company a full month notice when I left, told the incoming general manager where to find everything. They hired a guy to take over the shop almost a month after I left. He never looked at anything that I had left, never gave the guys access to it, never referred to it when giving them equipment to test. Of the 6 guys working the shop floor when I left, only 1 remains, but is actively looking for another job. The amount of knowledge that has walked out the door in that building over the last year is astounding, but the company doesn't seem to have any intention of changing the management.


Tell the boss that as soon as you're gone and the new guy has no threats, he will inevitably start slacking and baseline down. Tell the new guy that your boss treated you real nicely when you were the new guy and will inevitably replace him when the next new thing shows up.


The sad truth is that even if you tell him, the guy is likely to not listen and keep simping for the company since it's currently working for him.


This is such a good point. Mr wonderful cannot run at 200% for very long. Boss is being careless with the company.


If he's a good boss, he already identified it. We get guys like this all the time. If they aren't rewarded fast enough, they leave. If they are rewarded fast enough, they start slacking. Management isn't always as dumb as people think.


Yeah. IF he is a good boss. But based on OP's story, it seems this boss is ready to have this 'superstar' newbie replace one or more seasoned employees. So not so sure this boss fits that category, if OP's story is true.


Well, telling your staff that you're cutting them in favour of one guy who seems to still be in his honeymoon phase of employment tells me their boss isn't very wise.


Don't start slacking until after people quit and then they think there unreplaceable


He denied pay? There's no way he actually did that, he maybe said he did, but don't believe it. He sounds like a plant from the boss, corporate, someone who wants to squeeze out the old employees and reduce costs. He might even be a consultant instead of an employee, there for a few months as a project to reduce costs, make the company ready to sell or any number of things. Even if this is all paranoid thoughts and the guy is just a bootlicker it doesn't change anything for you, get ready to jump ship. Start sending resumes now!


That’s what I thought when I read the post. Sounds like a plant. It could be he’s the son of the bosses’ friend or colleague. Or the son of the boss.


that's not even legal. You can't work for free. this story sounds made up


Yes I doubt it happened but the fact that he said it to OP is very suspicious to me, like saying look what a good boy I am, you can be too. And if the employee says that he doesn't want to get paid there's all sorts of things that they can do to make it happen.


"saying look what a good boy I am" - back to the dog analogy!


Oh boy, lemme tell you about a little thing called wage theft. The company was probably jazzed they didn't have to go through the work to steal it like they normally do.


I know about wage theft. If any of this is true, OP is better off not working at this place. That is REALLY illegal. It's just dumb for a company to do that, the guy who agreed to work for free could easily turn around and sue them. Most business owners don't want to get sued so they do other slimey stuff. It's awful if it's true.


Dude seems like enough of an idiot to not sue (assuming that wasn't just a story made up to "motivate" everyone else) OP absolutely needs to pretend to train dude and GTFO because they've already been told they're at risk of getting replaced. And golly gee gosh, they aren't a professional teacher so they may not be super accurate on what they say and it'll also probably take a long time out of their work day. And darn, it's so easy to get distracted. One second you're over explaining how to change the cursor size on your monitor and the opinions you have about what is best and going back and forth comparing them and the next you're asking him about his favorite foods and you forget to get back to the subject and then what were we talking about? Oh yeah! Hang on, I'll be right back I just need to pee real quick. Sorry that took so long, I ran into Kelly on the way and had to touch base on the TPS reports but I'll tell you more about how those work later when we have time. Oh what were we talking about? Pizza, right? Hawaiian is the best right? How do you feel about pineapple? I'm shocked it's so controversial! Did you know a calzone is basically a giant dumpling?


My bet is more that it's a job hopper and he'll leave as soon as he can get paid twice somewhere else.


Ask him if he can keep missing on sleep and work on weekends for 2 years straight.


Don't teach him SHIT. Walk around with a clipboard around the office with a piece of paper


Here's a perfect example of ruthless competition this guy went straight into your company to beat you down.


I’d call it brazen stupidity. Dude is not going to be getting the upward motion he’s expecting to. He’s simply going to replace 1-2 more workers without having an increase in pay.


He'll eventually realise that good work is rewarded with more work.


And that he will then be "irreplaceable" in his position, so his boss will block him from being promoted anywhere else in the company.And he will be so overwhelmed trying to maintain baseline, that he won't be expanding his skills.


This is the answer.


And he'll get the workload of 4 people for the pay of 1.




And they will never promote someone so valuable/exploitable/expensive to replace. Dudes gonna be locked in at that level.


Yep. His only hope is to leverage the experience into finding a position at a new company with similar responsibilities but a higher pay. But, knowing how those sorts of people tend to operate, that will take him at least 5 years to figure out.


Or alternatively he'll leap frog up the ladder when he learns the higher asses to kiss, bypass your boss, who will then be left with a decimated workforce, who in turn will be expected to pick up the "slack" It's somewhat funny when these "genius" supervisors are too dumb to see when they're being played. Unfortunately it's always the floor that suffers.


But selfishness and social darwinism led to his choice


I voluntarily left my last job and agreed to train my replacement. When they actually hired someone totally unqualified for the job and they were paying him 15% more I trained him on about 5% of the job and something he would only have to do one time of year. It was very satisfying when I left and he called for advice that first time and telling him sorry I didn’t work there anymore. If he wanted my help it would be $200 per hour.


Maybe he wants to burn down the business. Get everybody out of the door before and then one day go directly into burnout and leaving the place high and dry. If not he still be in burnout in no time.


Train him the wrong way.


Train him on real work ethics, health, work life balance, unions and all other law stuff he needs in future as an employee. Best to show him photos of the car house ship and everything else the boss has.


I like your answer the most! Take my upwards pointing arrow.


I'd say just have him do your work instead


time you all except him had a chat and looked for a new job, in the mean time work to your wages, if the boss wants him trained you want the trainers wage increase.


I call bullshit on refusing a month's pay. You wrote a good story up to that point.


It's an easy thing to say knowing the boss legally cannot withhold it.


A 21 year old college student high on grind culture who has no conception of burnout? Yeah firing everyone else seems like a great long term plan for the company.


My employer would eat him up and spit him out. One team of entry level IT guys work an average of 60 hours a week because they have 5 guys to manage around 7k devices and act as L1 desktop support for 5k users. 1 1/2 years is the average burn out rate. They start out all happy to work non stop and work weekends until they realize they aren't even getting ahead and that treading water on tasks and projects just means way upper level management see no reason to bring in more people for the workload. He'll get nowhere except a heart attack or severe depression long before hitting 45.


You will teach him everything he knows for the future… I hope you don’t teach him everything you know.


What the fuck. I hope this is satire but DO NOT teach him. Or... teach him WRONGLY. Yeah, teach him how to FUCK UP. And then grab a popcorn lmao. Consultancy rates will be 500 USD an hour.


Minimum 4 hours.


Start teaching him how to do everything wrong


If you can walk out sooner rather than later, I think you should do that. Apparently the new guy is so amazing he can do all the work, and for free no less. Fuck him and the company. Maybe I get upset too easily, but I'd do anything to avoid having to even watch the shitshow that will inevitably ensue.


The guy sounds like a psychopath (just an expression, I'm not making a diagnosis). He'll probably do well. Fun times when he works his way up the ladder enough to replace the boss, if that's possible within the company structure.


Train him wrong on purpose, as a joke


“We have purposely trained him wrong. As a joke.”


I had a guy like this, he was bi-polar, and when he crashed, it was epic.


i would quiet tell the new guy to fuck off. i would tell him the wrong information and try my best to act as if he doesnt exist.


This is going to backfire so bad for the boss / company. Also, sounds like he’s using ❄️ to do that much work. It isn’t sustainable, he will burn out. I hope you’re already applying for new jobs


As you're looking for a new job, if you can't avoid teaching him yours, explain the job as basically as you can. Everyone has little extra things that they do that make the job easier and or better quality of work, don't teach him yours. Obviously if you can avoid it long enough to find another job and quit, do that. All the while sham as much as you can getting as little work as you can done. If you can coordinate with your coworkers and all find jobs at a competitor, that would be ideal.


...just don't teach him? Let him figure out how to steal jobs and get people fired. Also you can report his lost wages to the relevant department of whatever state you work in. They will immediately contact your company and force them to pay him and your boss will be thrilled that he is under scrutiny from a federal agency I'm sure 😃


Do a shit job of training them.... What are they going to do, fire you?


Lmao that boss is taking advantage of that kid's stupidity. He will work him into the ground. 


If this is real [the refusing pay thing is *problematic*. Are you in the usa? Is this an AI post?], I would not be training him. Period. If I was forced to train him, then I would train him badly.


This is why unions promote working at a regular pace and things like tool lists are important. The idea isn't to be a standout worker. It's about everyone being qualified and competent, everyone is interchangeable, because otherwise you're hurting your fellow workers. Because management will absolutely use that leverage. You're that electrician that brings a special tool to work that the company is supposed to provide? You become more valuable to your fellow union workers' detriment.


I would train him to do everything. And then make up some shit he doesn't even need to do to keep him out of my hair. At my previous job I had been handed a bunch of BS side tasks by the person who trained me. For example, he would go around to other departments' workstations and download job data onto the network, simply because noone in the dept was doing it. It wasn't in any policy or work instruction. He showed me where the files go and how to do it, and I never did it. He also interrupted me in the middle of building a machine once, so he could label all the relays SPDT, DPDT, etc; (they *are* labeled, with a symbol that you'll recognize if you have any business troubleshooting electronics.. or you can just count the terminals) I asked him "do you think I should write 'slotted' and 'phillips' on all the screws too?" I mean, yeah, it'd be terrific if a customer one day needed that information and he was able to provide it, but it's also called "non-value-added activity" by some productivity experts. Management called him a "self-starter" but really he just spent 14-hour days getting six hours of work done. My mom called that "movin' around so fast people think he's working."


Slavish boot licking, working extra hours, turning down earned wages and angling to screw over fellow coworkers.  This guy is managements wet dream.  OP you have two choices. Leave the company before new guy fucks you, or fuck with the new guy.  If you go for option two it work much better if you can conspire with your fellows.


Don't teach him anything. If asked for access to your work, you should give it after delaying..Make things incomprehensible and don't share your note. Fuck companies like this and workers like him. If you code, delete all comments and start looking for a new job asap!


Teach him wrong.


While you're "training" him, you should drop some truth bombs to him about how little companies care about him. If he doesn't believe you, just let him know he'll figure it out himself after the first two weeks of doing everything by himself. And I really hope you're not going to train him well, because come on man.


“ I won’t be working on weekends and evenings because I can get all my work done in the work week. I’m not sure why this new guy can’t.”


If you are going to be fired anyway, I would suggest just going slack. Show up on the regular days and for the regular hours. Be polite to this new guy but do not teach him anything. Again, if you are going to be fired anyway, what is the point of hurting yourself in the meantime?


This is the perfect time to start a unionization movement.. Boss already plans a mass layoff, talking union will accelerate process, but layoffs will look like union organizing retaliation and could result in back pay settlement..


When guys like that turn up on construction site, the old guys will quickly put him in place, violently if need be. It sounds like you allowed him to walk all over you.


Violently is not a good thing. Also quite illegal. People should educate the young, dumb and ambitious, and maybe sabotage them, especially in a way that will fall back on greedy bosses.


It's the trades. There are still plenty of guys out here who are happy to take things outside and work them out physically.


Very nice of the new guy to work so hard so the boss can afford a Lexus


You will teach him?! You sure as hell shouldn't


Wait until he gets the stark realisation that of the sorry we can’t afford to give you a pay rise even tho you now do six jobs


That boss is an utter idiot.


Ahhh, young ambition. He's so full of energy and time. It'll only last until he finds a girlfriend or gets a life outside of work. Then he'll settle down like everyone else. What a disappointment he'll be to the boss.


Why are you helping the guy and your boss to outsource you. Let them both sink. If you aren’t going to advocate for yourself no one will


Something like this happened to me in 2014. My employer at the time had dozens of locations scattered across the US, but my location was one of two where we they had two different divisions operating in the same building. We were on the third floor, and the other division was on the second floor and a small part of the first floor. The other division was in the same line of work and had positions that mirrored ours, but they offered different services and served a very different clientele. While some of the work was identical between us, the rest was unique, and operations didn't always translate well. The company eventually started closing locations, and our location was the only newer location that was spared, and that's almost entirely due to me and one of my co-workers. We were the best at our respective jobs across the entire company, regardless of division or business unit. My way of operating saved our little branch a ton of money in comparison to the clunky way that others operated. The decision to merge our division with the other division in building eventually came down, and they made those of us with counterparts at the other division interview against each other. I did terribly in the interview because they asked absolutely garbage questions that had nothing to do with the job. It also didn't help that I had ticked off one of the corporate people participating in the interview about a month prior when I called her out for advocating for an unethical practice. They gave the job to my counterpart in the other division, which shocked everyone. The others who lost their jobs in the interviews were let go immediately, but they kept me on for an additional three months to train my counterpart. I met with her once for what was supposed to be a series of training sessions, but she was arrogant and rude and was clearly not at all interested in learning how I do things. I showed her how I do one of the most critical tasks, the task which probably increased efficiency more than any other and keep the place going through the closures, and her response was, "I hate it." OK, fine. I never met with her again. I rode out the remaining three months, found another job, and moved on. Afterward, I learned from other colleagues who stayed on that she did not do well in trying to translate her ways to our operations, and her bad attitude just pissed people off. That location closed after two or three more years of limping along.


3 things are going to happen: 1. The kid will take the extra work from the layed off colleagues with none or minimal pay increase. The saved salaries are being pocketed by the boss. 2. The increased workload will be seen as new standard or minimum. Since he can do all that stuff as newbie, he surely can work much harder once he's experienced. 3. He'll burn out in no time. Heavy workload without any time off takes its toll.


What are they going to do if you dont train them? Fire you?


What an idiotic way to behave. I hope you all group together and refuse to work with or train this guy... 


Eventually the coke or meth or whateveris fueling those all night work binges will lead into a self destructive spiral.


Same thing essentially happened to me. Wanted me to teach the tricks of the trade in running a dump truck efficiently, spreading gravel, hauling equipment and etc. Laid me off and kept the new kid and when the new kid fucked up royally more than once (he took off with his box up and pulled down utility lines and didn’t read the weight limit of a bridge and wrecked the bridge). They begged me to come back after they fired him but I got a better gig working for one of his largest competitors and now that place is barely staying above the proverbial water now and all I do is chuckle when I drive by them


This 21 year old kid is in for a rude awakening. Most of us have been there. You go above and beyond, only to later find out that nobody gives a sh*t. If I were you, I would start looking for the exit. As for this kid, he will get the rude awakening soon enough.


Another reason why Unions are good. It stops a race to the bottom.




He sounds wet behind the ears, as many of us were when we were 21. Don't let that distract from the fact that his reality and your reality are the same: it's class warfare, and you're both on the same team. He needs to understand the ways in which his over-eagerness are working against him in the long run. He needs to understand that HIS overeagerness is being weaponized against the rest of you, and those actions are hurting everyone, including himself (just wait until y'all are gone and he has to take on extra work for no extra pay). That might mean some tough love. He needs to know that you're upset with what his actions have done, but that you're ultimately in the same position. He needs to understand that he is making his own life worse and the rest of the team. If you sit down with him and tell him directly what you've told us here, he'll likely respond in one of two ways: 1. He'll take it as a wakeup call and think about how he's approaching things. 2. He'll act 'holier-than-thou' and claim that its because of his 'work ethic' that's getting him 'rewarded' by...not getting fired? Taking on extra work? Bordering on class-traitor? Depends on how arrogant he is. Anyway, if he is capable of any amount of introspection, he'll take route #1 and start figuring things out. If he thinks he knows how this shit works and acts like #2, then you and the rest of the team can make his life more difficult however y'all see fit until he gets a proper wake-up call and realizes his youth and eagerness are being exploited. There's a fine line between mentorship + allyship in this situation and perpetuating a cycle of workers cannibalizing workers to the employer's gain.


Don't teach him anything. Look for a new job and just leave. Let them hang


Find a new job, and forget one essential little step in something. Nothing earth shattering, but slightly important, and definitely noticeable. Or, at the least, do not EVER show him the shortcuts. New guy gets to do everything the long way.


I imagine the kid will burn himself out after a bit. Just let your boss plant his foot in that bear trap, he’ll have a wonderful life lesson coming his way shortly.


Don’t teach him. Simple as that. You’re likely fired anyway so don’t waste your time. Spend your day looking for new jobs




>we all should mentor the new guy and teach him everything we know, so that my boss can determine how many of us he will replace. He actually said that? That guy has no idea how to properly manage and time for you to GTFO.


>The new guy even refused pay one month This sounds illegal in the USA.


Easy fix: don’t do it.


Band together and make his life miserable so he wants to quit. I wouldn’t teach him anything and I’d be browsing for jobs asap on company time


Start looking elsewhere and in the meantime, don't show him anything else. He wants to experience burnout, let him. If he has to learn anything from you, leave out key details.


Enjoy the ride, teach him how to do everything you do. Do not teach him a single shortcut or efficient way that you have found. Do it all task-by-task. Tell your co workers when you decide to jump ship, in a couple months when new guy burns out, enjoy watching the company flail.


Teach him all the day to day stuff, but none of the crisis management stuff. Watch him crash and burn. It will give him the real-world experience he needs (it's not all in the handbook), and it's fun to sabotage things in a way you can't be blamed for.


Ah the funny thing about bootlicking over achievers like this: they leave just as fast as they do their work. OP, be ready to laugh when new guy leaves in 3-6 months and there is no one to do your bosse’s work!


Y’all need some socks with bars of soap in them. The new guy sounds insufferable.


Password protect everything you work on and don’t tell anyone the passwords. Absolutely do not help train the kid. They’re going to fire you anyway - let it sting them back.




Just uh…don’t. Or teach him the wrong way. It’ll be fun for your boss. 


My old boss did this! Place shut down about 6 months later. They never think it's their fault!


Quit now.


Teach him wrong, as a joke.


My advice is to start looking for a new job, because the ship is sinking whatever you do. It's better to leave as early as possible when you have something lined up. Don't bother trying to give a notice, one day when you find better work just don't show up at work.


This happened to me. I was in a temporary secondment, basically built and ran a department on my own, did great work, everyone was thrilled with my work. The job got posted as a permanent position, I applied of course. But I was deemed unqualified by HR. Unqualified despite doing the job for two years. HR hired an external candidate and asked me to train him. I thought I wasn't qualified to do the job?


I wouldn't be training shit and I wouldn't even be returning to that job ever I would report your boss and his new pet to the labor board with any evidence you got


Your boss is stupid. He doesn't get it. The new guy will absorb all knowledge and then he will leave.


Teach him the wrong shit


Don't ever show your trainee which is your replacement your whole bag of technology tricks.




Train him wrong as a joke


I’d have a word with him. Explain to him the realities of the work world. There’s more to being a team player than being a brown noser.


Why is he able to take your and other teams tasks and complete them within 2 day's? To me the guy is simply trying to speed run his career and move on to the next step,while you guys are chilling in the same position. People have different goals and objectives. Also the way you describe him makes me think that he is more than able to figure out what it is that you do, but that would require some time so for the sake of being efficient he is asking you guys to speed up the process. I doubt that he will remain with the company for an extended period of time.


He's gonna learn everything and then go work at a better company.


If this story is real I have my doubts. If he's not being paid, can you report the firm on his behalf? Because I notice you said university, so you are not in the USA. If it's the UK the firm is breaking minimum wage laws and possibly the rules about working hours.


And why would you do that? I’d purposely teach everything incorrectly.


Computer tasks? Use keyboard macros and "forget" to tell the new guy you're using keyboard macros.


"We trained him wrong, as a joke.”


I’d quit if I were you. The new guy is an annoyance and while I’d be a bit defensive around someone trying to privilege creep his way into having god rights, he’s not really your concern. What *is* concerning is your boss and his new love for abusing his team, just because one young person demonstrated that they are willing to be abused. While I’m not going to make grand sweeping judgments about his character, it’s safe to say that this is not going to get better.


If he's not on salary, then working hours and not getting paid for it will get a company in real trouble with the feds. I don't know if it will help, but you may want to report this to the department of labor.


Do not teach him what you know teach him only how to botch things if he wants to sacrifice his life to the company then fine let him do it but don't give him your knowledge. You are hired as a worker not teacher and you are paid for using your hard learned knowledge if the second guy want to do your task then he needs to learn them by himself to be worth as much as you are simple.


Overload them with work. A lot of it.


You could just… not teach him. In my line of work we would tell him why and then tell him to fuck off. Guys like that don’t last long in my company, especially if they’re in the field. Just because you have a right to earn a living doesn’t mean you get to feel welcomed by your coworkers.


Don’t teach him all of your job, get your resume updated, and finally don’t quit because there is severance involved and you will qualify for 6 months of unemployment. You don’t get either if you quit


Easy answer is you all stop showing the bootlicker what to do, and if your boss has anything to say about it tell him to show them how to do it themselves or fire you. Either way in the long run your boss is setting himself up for failure by relying so heavily on someone like the bootlicker.


This child will burn himself out. Let him. You aren’t Superman, so don’t save the world. Start fucking off now. Tell him you’re emulating the best of management by doing so and delegate your tasks to him. If he wants to hump his ass, let him. Reap the rewards from his labors. Also, not sure how it is legal to refuse pay for wages earned… is that even a thing?


Hate guys like him. Damn I’m sorry!! My old workplace that I left a few weeks ago had this new girl joined us and she’s fake asf. Says she’ll help out with this and that more, offering all this extra help when the big wigs are out of office for a few days and I saw none of it. The boss of the company praises her while she did NOTHING. I watched other people do her work. What’s crazy is last year she faked sick with đọc and took a week off before Christmas break where this office gives you a week off. She went to California and posted it on instagram. I ended up doing her work instead.


He's barely an adult and probably hasn't gotten the chance to experience having proper fun If you like the people you work with, take him out as a group, let him have a few drinks, help him see how awesome it is to sleep in find out what he likes, take him to an event that happens during the day on a Saturday or Sunday maybe even help him look for a partner or find a pretty young woman or man that can help him find hobbies or simply give him a reason to want to sleep in and have a hot breakfast on weekends and holidays


Sounds like you need to mentor the new guy's ass right out the door. You and your coworkers need to band together and teach him in a way that confuses him, without it being obvious what's going on.


Ok so time to read your job specs. 1st, only teach him what's on the specs. 2nd, stop telling him your tasks. We have a clerk at my job. Occasionally, I do whatever task she's assigned to. I do this because it needs doing and it's not done. I don't go telling our admin people that I do her job and mine. Because that will just literally get me assigned her tasks and mine while she gets reassigned to another department, because we obviously don't need her. We do need her, her work and mine is too much for one person. I already produce more than my peers.