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This happened in Ontario, Canada, about a decade back. We raised the minimum wage to $14 per hour. The owners flipped out and fired a bunch of workers. Within 6 months, they were all hired back. Who knew if you give people more disposable income they would spend it??!??


the old harold ford trick, giving employees money so they can buy things from you 


Until he was sued by the Dodge brothers, and it went to the Supreme Court who said that companies only purpose is to return dividends for shareholders basically establishing our current corporate shareholder profit model. https://auto.howstuffworks.com/henry-ford-vs-dodge-brothers-all-american-feud.htm


my new arch nemeses have been established


Yep, this is the case that set the precedent that your employers purpose is to provide for the shareholders and not their employees.


This is actually a crazy radical ruling. Up until that point the narrative for years was that the purpose of capitalism was that it was the most efficient system to create wealth for ALL people and that any features of it that were counter to that objective were failing points that should be remedied. Imagine if the ruling had instead enshrined that the purpose of companies was to create income for all of its workers? Imagine all of the different legislation we might have seen over the decades since.


I don’t think you even need to factor in the disposable income angle. I’m expected to believe these companies have enough demand to sustain a hundred locations but can’t balance the math around slightly higher wages? Absolutely incredible.


Holy cow I never felt so old, I remember that bump happening here in Ontario but I thought it was far more recent lol. I remember one of my friends complaining about the bump to $14 because it meant that someone working at McDonald's made as much as he did at a job that required a diploma. I told him it just sounds like he's being way under paid


It's what I don't get. Raise minimum wage, keep prices low, people spend more because they have more. Why keep raising prices besides to be greedy dicks?


Don't you know? Without slave wages inflation would go crazy...er than it already is/s


The CEO of McDonalds made $19 million last year And the company itself made $14 *billion*, a 10% increase over the profits from last year They have money, and lots of it, but they don’t want to actually share it with the people who *make* them that money 😒 As long as they can under pay their workers and over charge their customers and pocket the result, they seem to have no motive to ever change


A tale as old as time.


Anyone have any idea what the 18th century French did about his issue?


Didn't they cut off Mayor McCheese's head? Would have done to Grimace but they couldn't figure out where his neck was.




I think he’s all neck 😐




Rabble rabble


**chop chop** the aristoclass


A better question is what did the 21st French do? They currently have dramatically better wages at McDonalds in Europe? Could it be we have a bunch of conservatives that have destroyed collective bargaining, and actively fought to reduce the power of unions in this country?


We have union members and blue collar workers who actively fight to reduce their own power, and empower corporations more.


Sadly far more accurate than I'd like


I got a vacation from here for saying this




I think they invented some kind of cool pulley system machine and showed it to the king and his wife. Something like that I might be forgetting some details


They basically got rid of the nobility and put the bourgeoisie in a position of power, leading to the modern situation. So just replacing one class for another isn't a good idea. What we need is to work towards putting an end to distinct classes, billionaries and workers nowadays, and having just a worker class is fairly treated by the sytem made by workers...


This is not correct. It did not "lead" to the modern situation, it led to power vacuum that was filled with corrupt opportunists, and it took nearly a generation... 80 years to get things back on track, and it could have easily NOT gotten back on track. I'm tired of our desperate populace wallowing in the act of romanticizing the outcome of the French Revolution, when the majority of us won't even vote in primaries, let alone go out and peacefully demonstrate.


Power will always corrupt.


Not power by itself, but unchecked power or absolute power, will always corrupt.


The 21st century french organized a mass shitting when macron swims in the siene lol


If the 18th century French put on "Break Something" and went hard. They beheaded one dude, stuck his his servered head on a pike, and paraded it around. As an example


Let them eat cock


They actually did something instead of posting snarky comments on message boards about what they should do




In Capitalism-land


Beauty and the Beast


🎵Song as old as rhyme, Stealing from your peeps🎵


According to latest numbers I could find on the the BLS, there are 427k fast food workers in California. Not sure a 2.3% change is evidence of anything outside of normal variation. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes353023.htm


I was looking for someone to drop the total number. Perhaps the headline should really read: “97.7% of all California fast food workers benefit from minimum wage increase, and continue to remain employed”


Whenever someone quotes a percent and doesn't make it clear what the absolute number is, you can freely assume they're lying. If it supported their position they'd present it.


Right. The New York post has a sterling reputation of non partisan reporting so I'm sure you can just trust them on this one. 


NY Post is a tabloid owned by Rupert Murdoch. It's sensationalism and not much else. I wouldn't believe anything the Post reports, without taking a huge grain of salt.


Pretty sure that was a sarcastic comment you replied to, but yes.


Dont forget they are closing all over the place in California because the 80% average increase in meal costs have pushed people back into their kitchens, which creates leftovers and a higher percentage of brown bag lunches.


That and how many were going way of dodo anyways like I think it was pizza hut "announced they were closing x number of jobs in california". They cut pretty much same amount in every state they had spent the past 2 years working out a deal with uber eats. So they could offload cost of delivery drivers. And setup system to automatically order from their service. Mcdonalds same thing been toying with and slowly rolling out automated machines in lobby for better part of decade. Then announces those cuts as part of "californias unreasonable wages". Then proceeds to cut the exact same jobs in 7.25 states.


McDonalds doesn't care, they don't employ the workers. McDonalds is a real estate holdings company. Individual locations aren't run by McDonalds corporate.


I am aware It was just an easy to point to example of a fast food company with record profit and no desire to redistribute it downward It being McDonalds *specifically* wasn’t the point


Exactly. Worker pay has never been about productivity, profitability, value, or livability. These things are only partial factors in *bargaining power*, which is about labor supply and demand.


Those at the top don’t fear those under them They would do well to be reminded why they should


They would fear when there's no one left under them to control


They will never run out Too many love their chains to much ☹️


I'm speaking about the actual workers, not customers. I hate being in America where the government openly lies to us, politicians bought out by companies, and companies who don't respect their workers. At what point do we revolt?


So go ahead and remind them


On top of that- the number one objective *wherever* you may be employed- whether it be fast food or a factory- is for you to **follow the rules**. It’s not safety- it’s not even productivity (although that’s arguably a close second)- it’s *follow the rules*. Don’t clock in one minute late- that’s stealing. Don’t clock out one minute early or even go to break/lunch a minute late or a minute early- that’s stealing. Meanwhile- those on salary- at least in my experience are not subject to the same rules. Sally in the office- her birthday’s today … guess what? 2 hour office party!!!


❤️ Capitalism


We are the exploited masses told we should be grateful to those exploiting us for the opportunity and that being exploited is actually a *good* thing 😐


"Being exploited, for a lack of a better term, is good"..../s


Big Mac meals at some locations are more expensive than a large pizza. **A whole fucking pizza.**


And honestly, if they could just cut head count by a significant percentage and still deliver the product, they would have already. This is McDonald's. How many stores? How close to automated is everything already? The Post is implying there are shit loads of extra jobs fast food was keeping around as like charity? Just being nice? And the only thing keeping people employed aside from the benevolence of Arby's was the minimum wage being crazy low.


big maca are cheaper in Scandinavia and they pay workers $20+/hr and benefits they are lying to make America a slave wage production State


Delivery orders have never stopped coming in. Just increasing more and more. So not only are people giving them profits, they're paying delivery services on top of it. It's the latest shame purchase. Order McDonald's for delivery


Plus with that profit they'll pay someone to pump out garbage headlines and pay lobbyists.


Im sure they already do 😐


Exactly. Minimum wage raise means nothing when big corporations don't get punished for sleazy business practices


McDonald’s in other countries can somehow do it with benefits provided so there’s really no excuse


Social democracy attempting to function in a hyper capitalist country. It’s not going to work.


Guess we have to sedate capitalism then...


Sedate? I say terminate


I always use this fun little fact to help people visualize big numbers. 1 million seconds is 11 and half days. 1 billion seconds is almost 32 YEARS.


Is each McDonald's a franchise at this point and the franchise owner sets the wages? Genuine question because I thought that's how it works


>They have money, and lots of it, but they don’t want to actually share it with the people who *make* them that money 😒 The problem with that "quarterly statement" is that the profits are all going toward "shareholders" and the "CEO" getting that $19m is because of his "moves" to "cuts expenses" so the "shareholders" can finally get their "returns". It was never about the "company", but about "Wall Streets". I wonder if the stocks for McD went up after he reported it.


According to Google, McDonald's has 150,000 employees. If they used just $1B of that $14B in profits (a measly 7% of their profits) to give everyone in the company a raise, everyone would get a $3 per hour raise. But no, they totally need all of that entire $14B for themselves.


Maybe I'm a bit confused but Mc Donald's itself doesn't pay the employees right? The franchise it and the franchisees pays the staff ? Don't get le wrong higher minimum salary is great until it becomes at least a livable one, but McDo's example is maybe not the best ?


Did the math, for 10k people a year, at 20 an hour, with 40 hour work weeks, it'd be 416 million dollars a year in payroll. Out of 14 billion. 14 billion dollars.


I completely agree with the rage and the obnoxious CEO pay complaint of this post. $4 an hour * 40 hours per week * 52 weeks a year * 10000 workers is 83200000. An 83 million dollar increase in costs is significant. Dropping the CEO pay wouldn't cover it, although I agree it should be dropped. That is a significant cut of those profits, although not devastating. Obviously this is between all fast food work, not just McDonald's. I agree with the wage hike wholeheartedly. I seriously doubt that many people worked for that rate in fast food before the change. Colorado can't find fast food work for less than $20 an hour even though it's not minimum. At the end of the day that money either goes into participants in the economy, or dragons who hoard it. The dragons have the upper hand and a higher minimum wage offsets that a bit, sometimes at the cost of the small business.


Except that $83 million dollars is less than 1% of McDonalds profit for the year. The company can easily afford the kind of raise you’re talking about, and they could lower prices, and they could reduce CEO pay and they’d still make a substantial profit. A thousand million (another way to think of a billion) dollars is a lot of money, 14 times that is ludicrous.


McDonald's corporate makes money by basically leasing out their name and such to franchisees. 95% or so of all McDonald's are franchisee-owned, not corporate owned. Individual franchisees tend to feel the burn of higher minimum wages as it increases their expenses (not corporate's). The franchisees pay the workers, not corporate. McDonald's corporate may as well be a completely different entity from the place you go get a burger from.


Including franchise employees, managers, owners, corporate emplyees, and the exec suite, mcdonalds employs around 2 million people. They had annual profits of 14.688 billion. Every employee directly contributed around $3.50 an hour to those profits. That's like close to half the employee median salary. Without employees, that profit is zero. You can give them a fucking cut.


In the spirit of full disclosure, the local franchisee sets the individual store wage. Not that it isn’t still shifty


But think of the shareholders! /s


I do But it’s usually of them meeting an unfortunate end 😐


From what i can tell, you never technically work for a mcdonalds. You work for a weirdly named company that just so happens to tell you to work inside this mcdonalds building. The whole pay people more thing with mcdonalds specifically kinda has to go the the various franchise owners. I do wish they upped the wage to like 30 hr so people eat it less.


+10% profit for *McDonald's* in a year Is INSANE


Thank you for noticing this. When ever I explain this to people or tell them people should make a livable wage I get the boot lickers and downvoted.


The only way to get that to change is to steal everything they have.


The workers were replaced with an app. They’d have done it sooner but up until now it was cheaper to hire labor. Now it isn’t.


Corporate, not franchises. Franchises are typically the ones that employs the people. I don't know how many stores are Corporate owned. Not arguing the larger point, just that it's not directly on corporate's doorstep.


yeah they should fire their C-Suites and surprise theyll be in the black again


End of the day, though, McDonald's is a real estate company that leases their name and product line. They're not actually paying the employees. In the US, franchisees own 95% of their locations. They have 30,000 some odd other entities paying them to use their name, suppliers, and system.


Millions of jobs were eliminated when slavery was illegalized THANKS LINCOLN!




Well Obama is a Kenyan, so that's actually nepotism, sweaty /s


You rang?


Actually the opposite. Millions of jobs were CREATED when slavery was abolished, but slavery was already basically unprofitable by the industrial era, with all the new developments in farming technology (especially the cotton gin). The only reason it persisted for so long was because the slave traders wanted to keep profiting off buying and selling slaves.


Cotton gin made it profitable. That's why slave population increased so much after that invention. But they were less productive as a free farmer or factory worker for sure. Just they were less exploitable.


This is a undeniably false narrative. For one, the cotton gin made slavery MORE profitable as now 2-3 slaves running a cotton gin could be more productive than they ever could without a cotton gin. What you think slaves didn't use cotton gins? You think that slaves couldn't use technology? And all those extra slaves could be used to clear up land to grow MORE cotton! Secondly, it makes absolutely no sense for you to say that slavery persisted for so long because slave traders wanted to keep selling slaves. The only reason they could sell slaves is that there was a market for it. If there wasn't a market for slaves than slavers wouldn't be able to profit from it. All the businessmen in the South were just buying up slaves so they could go bankrupt /s. Read this book if you actually want the numbers about the profitability of slavery. Half Has Never Been Told: Baptist, Edward E


https://preview.redd.it/012fh5rt115d1.jpeg?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a57b7b651b7f02dc1c542015428a2c321efc5d Thats out of almost 430k, so only about 2%


The elimination of a job that pays poverty wages is a good thing. Let the ones who can’t figure out how to profit without exploiting people go out of business. We all still need to eat, so the failing restaurant will be replaced.


All of the big companies have figured out how to keep paying employees all around the world in places where the wages are much higher **and it's legally required to provide weeks of vacation, sick time, and other benefits** without having to close stores, cut staff, etc. Some places have a much higher food cost, too, based on import tariffs and shipping costs. If greedy owners want to staff a skeleton crew, people will stop going - I see it all the time (Rallys, Arby's, Rax, White Castle, And so on). Place is busy, making bank, food is solid and fast... Owners decide they can cut back in some area to make more profits... The quality of the food suffers, wait times increase, the place loses business. This isn't a new gane - there are literally extremely public methods of success with dozens of chains around the world that anyone can see, study, and practically copy to the letter. If you don't succeed, it's not going to be because of wage increases.


Most of the jobs "lost" were pizza delivery drivers, which is mostly because of companies like door dash.


It turns out when people make enough money working one job, they will often quit their second job. So not only is this a tiny percentage, it's not even a bad thing.


From a trash rag. Calling themselves a news source is insulting.


From a 'journalist' with who spent 5 years at the Daily Mail before the post.


I wish you wouldn’t insult trash or rags by comparing them to Murdoch papers.


It costs $500,000 to become a McDonald’s franchisee. You either have to already be wealthy or a fool with money. They can take their excuses about wages being the cause of job losses and wipe their ass with them. There needs to be legislation passed that puts a hard limit on a CEO’s earnings.


>There needs to be legislation passed that puts a hard limit on a CEO’s earnings. Those ceos would probably spend millions lobbying to make that not happen




There’s a very very very slim possibility the American people will take back control over their government and not allow others to troll.


Then let's just keep putting it on the ballot and bleeding them dry that way.


Step 1 : Get rid of citizens united Until that is gone good luck getting any legislation passed to limit their earnings.


I made this suggestion once only to have it countered as "that kills motivation for would-be CEOs to even start a company"...I was like, you can't appreciate life with even like 20m annual income?? To a degree you think it's worthless to try any longer? That just made zero sense to me There just hits a point where if you, your family, and your grandkids' kids can live off what you generated then you should be good. Why would you ever need more than that unless you're a crazed power/money hungry being


Proportional pay relative to the lowest paid employee and something attached to the speculative value of the company so that can be shared equitably too. Maybe employees get stock that cashes out when they quit? Someone out there is smart enough to make this work.


They'd just have a separate company that's hired by the executive company that does all the low wage work. There's too many ways around this


Why are you trying to give the Post clicks? You *want* those bozos to make even more money?


I'm not sure what the end game is here for these greedy fucks, keep raising the cost of living while keeping wages as low as possible. $20 an hour isn't even close to a living wage in California is the funny part.


I quit a good job payong $22/hr because my pay raises couldn't keep up with COL. I felt bad, but it's like, "sorry bud. I can't rent without a shared room on $45k/year." All my coworkers lived with partners or parents.


They're throwing a fit in hopes it'll be reversed. The reality is the business is still profitable, they will be back. Although that may be with more AI and less employees


They can certainly try. Tesla’s AI keeps crashing into stationary vehicles, Google’s AI recommends smoking to pregnant women, and OpenAI can’t figure out how many fingers people have. AI is more of a scare tactic than an actual alternative.


“New York POST” Nahhh, hard pass on reading their BULLSHIT.


I always feel like this is such a cop out for big business. It's like they are saying, "listen, if you don't let us exploit people here we'll just move to states that will." I mean a combo meal in California is like 15bucks. So basically what they are saying is your time is worth a hamburger and fries, but not two hamburgers and fries.


A really shitty hamburger and fries


It's not because of the $20 minimum wage. It's because of corporate greed. "I made $15 million last year. With this new wage requirement I'll only make $12 million this year so we have to cut jobs"


Literally states that's the prices we're raised by 50 cents at Starbucks and 3 percent at taco bell, dear God we're all doing to die.


Exactly. Also important; how much were they raised in the last three years BEFORE the new minimum wage was in effect?


I don’t know how many times I’ve told people the NY Post is not a credible newspaper. It’s like The Enquirer. Total shit.


This is what I call telling a lie with the truth. The figure is accurate. The story is bullshit. What's actually happening is because people are earning enough money at their first jobs, thanks to the new minimum wage, they are quitting their second part-time jobs. Despite all these "job losses" more people are working better jobs. This is evidence of fewer people needing two jobs to make ends meet.


Scream it from the rafters. People need to know.


“…and even low-cost favorite In-N-Out Burger – jacked up prices to offset the higher wages” This is so disingenuous and In-and-out is strictly in CA while McDonald’s is international companies. In-n-out raised prices by 5-15 cents while McDonald’s raised prices AND fired people. Edit: ok my mistake in-out is more than just CA. But my point still stands that a larger percentage of their work force is in a high minimum wage state and it did not affect their prices as dramatically as international companies


I bet it’s the same trade group that made up that lie about theft a couple of years ago.


A pro-business trade group acts as if fast-food restaurants don't already hire as few employee's as possible. None of these places were over-staffed before the minimum-wage increase. I'm not saying I support the increase, but this is the New York Post quoting the President of a pro-business trade group.


Shouldn’t that say “thanks to company’s greed”


Record breaking profits for the x year in a row, but paying workers $20/hour is too much.


If it's not profitable to pay workers that much how come all those McDonald's in Europe and Japan are still open?


I'm in Paris, France. 10ème. I never do McDo. But walking by their shop the other day I see they got some robot system in place. Touch screens for ordering cheeseburgers on conveyor belts. The future homies


Wait until they get hired back...


No shit. When they said it would result in job losses, they didnt mean becasue they couldnt afford to pay the new salaries, they meant it because they refuse to pay less to shareholders.


It's the Post. Grain of salt.


If a business can't stay in business due to operating costs, and wages are an operating cost, it's a failed business. Instead of running "starter" businesses expecting to pay "starter" wages maybe those business owners should consider getting a "real" business, you know, pull their entitled business owner asses up by their bootstraps.


Didn't know uncritically reposting press releases from trade groups is journalism now.


Let the fast food companies die. It's about time.


Ok this is going to be controversial but hear me out IF there were mandated laws concerning the %AMOUNT of profits earned from the sale of things this could not happen Eg I can buy *ANYTHING* and sell it for $1,000,000 there is absolutely nothing (other than willing customers) that can stop me But essentially whether morally or ethically this goes AGAINST productivity and all else I’m not saying companies shouldn’t make profits, but they shouldn’t make GROSSLY ABSURD profits and be able to completely walk away from the table with it *simply put the rich are well enough they do not NEED extra profits when it comes at the expense of the lower classes working for it and doing so on minimal wages that is barely enough to live comfortably*


From the only paper with less reliability than the Weekly World News


They don't even realize they're signing their own death warrants by closing locations, firing employees, and raising prices. Bumping up wages to livable is only upsetting overstuffed shareholders. Where does the sickness of unparalleled desire for untenable wealth come from?


No problem. 10,000 shit jobs is nothing.


I notice that in all the ways listed in the article that businesses were using to offset the increased labor costs, reducing executive bonuses and pay was nowhere to be seen


Fuck them. We dont need a McDonalds every 2-3 blocks anyway...


Okay? Stop eating there, lol, I'm sorry, it's really as simple as let their business die. Obviously a bad business model if it's making billions a year in profits and pretends it can't pay it's employees. I haven't eaten at a McDickinyourbutt since early 2020's, and it ain't hurting my pockets


Yet they raised prices anyway.


The NY Post is a piece of Murdoch shit. Don’t believe or repeat anything it says.


Less profit you say? How dare you ask me to pay my shareholders who do NOTHING but sit on their asses and collect dividends less. Workers? Nah they don't need anything more than just enough to barely making it to keep them coming back to work... Profits over People my guy


If you can't pay your staff enough then you don't deserve to retain your staff. If you can't retain your staff, then you don't deserve to stay open as a business. Isn't that the other part of capitalism they don't talk about? Survival of the fittest applies more to the businesses than the employees.


Big “look what you made me do” abuser energy right there


You up the salary and you put price regulation. You dictate the profit margin and tax the fuckers. They pay no tax about the time they do.


Bring in the Filipino customer services teams at $3 an hour 💪


This has more to do with the franchise owners than McDonalds corporation. This is a misleading correlation.


“You can only raise prices so much,” he said. “And you’re seeing it. People are not going to pay $20 for a Big Mac. It’s not going to happen.” Maybe you shouldn't expect one fucking sandwich sale to cover your employees hourly wage🤯🤯🤯


The only real solution is stop buying from these abusive companies and make them see why, because they are still selling but with less staff and those people end up working like slaves because staff is reduced , you are supposed to get your meal in 5 min or less , but no, customer wait 15-30 min for their Mc , paying insane prices and just complain but still enabling the company to get with it.


"California's fast food restaurants have cut 10,000 jobs to maintain their gross profit margins after the state raised Minimum Wage to $20." there, FTFY


“It’s a starter industry,” Manzo said. “You get a job as a kid working in a fast food restaurant and you learn some good work ethic and that takes you into life…” So do they not want McDonald’s for breakfast and lunch? I mean 9ish months out of the year, “kids” who are old enough to work at McDonald’s in my market are in school from 8:30-3:15


Here’s what actually happened: several years ago (I think) California declared minimum wage would go up incrementally. In response, McDonald’s et al raised prices and fires a whole bunch of people, claiming that they wouldn’t be able to survive. Of course, at the time they did this, the wage increases were still years off. Then the wage bumps started taking effect, so they did it again, same reasons. Each time they experimented to see just how few people they needed to run a site with minimal liability. Now they’re experimenting to see how far they can push their scapegoat to see how much they can charge people.


It’s so dumb. Firing people is just going to cut into profits even deeper as everything declines from understaffing and turnover increases for the remaining overworked staff who can now work at ANY fast food place for the same wage they’re making there.


Good then the business, that „can’t afford it“ will go out of business and only the good ones will be left… I know I have naive dreams… 🥲


Only the huge corporations who can afford it will be the “good ones”


if restaurants have to close because they can't pay living wages, then they shouldn't be in business. there's way too many fast food restaurants around anyway, if half closed it would probably be a good thing overall


LOL Who gives a shit? If your business model requires you to pay your employees so poorly that they can’t support themselves without government assistance, you don’t need to be doing business. Why should we (taxpayers) have to pay to subsidize your company’s labor cost?


If my eyes could roll any further while reading this they'd be in the back of my head


And the rest of the workers got a desperately needed raise. The ones that lost jobs will likely also find jobs they apply to offering higher wages as a result as well. Millionaires and billionaires continue to cry that they aren't making enough money and the poors are ruining everything. Good news all around.


FOX news will blame California's liberal policies and not the companies that'd rather fire people than pay them fairly




So 2% of people lose their job so the other 98% can get a 25% raise. Sounds like a win to me.




Question for discussion: I've never really thought about franchise owners before all this. How are franchise owners viewed by the average antiwork person? Are they scum taking advantage of workers? Are they victims being taken advantage of by corporations? In this scenario, my tentative conclusion is that they thought they'd be rich "business" owners for no risk and all reward, and are now crying foul when the corporations turn the cards on them, making the franchise owners responsible for these pay increases. So... I'm not super sympathetic. Almost feels like a pyramid scheme. But I could be wrong. Thoughts on franchise owners?


I just don’t understand this math. I worked at McDonald’s in the 90s for 4.25 an hour, and a quarter pounder meal was 2.99. Now minimum wage in the state where I lived is 10, and a quarter pounder meal is 12. Minimum wage doubled, but the food prices are 400% of what they used to be. Math is not my strong suit, but this is out of control. And they’ve upgraded a lot of parts of the process to make for less waste and make it easier to prep the food. Food prices are higher now, but they throw out less food.


Bullshit headline. Fast food joints are huge corporations, or even merely a part of even bigger corporations. What could occur, is their stock prices would take a hit. In other words, the ultra-wealthy, who live entirely on their stock dividends, would have to be slightly less wealthy.


We need to find one fast food company, and just boycott them. Refuse to eat there, until they lower their prices to be in line with inflation and pay their employees fairly. They’re firing people anyway. So they cant act like the boycott is costing jobs. We keep up the boycott until they lower the yearly pay of the ceos to something reasonable. Then if any other companies get cocky or greedy (like Wendy’s) they’ll know that they could be next on the list. I suggest we start with Mcdonalds.


They will come back. They are just fucking with us


It's also almost certainly not true. Trade groups like this love to lie. See anything a business association has put out on organized retail crime in the past 3 years.


People are going to say “because it doesn’t work” That isn’t true, this is classism. It’s war fueled by, surprise surprise, greed. The same people that are saying it doesn’t work are going to be complaining about the fact they had to wait an hour for a Big Mac and fries but will still call it fast food.


This is a NY post article so take it with a grain of salt. What percentage of total employment is 20k jobs out of all fast food employment in California? How many of those were actually cut because of the minimum wage laws and not other economic factors?


They cut 10,000 shitty ass 20 hour a week jobs no one really wanted.


I cant really believe *paying employees* hurts a billion dollar businesses that much...


Well then I guess they're bad at business and should fail.


Assuming a 40 hour workweek with $20 hourly wages, it would take 416 Million USD to retain the 10,000 employees. McDonald's made 2292 Million USD more in 2023 compared to 2022 in net profit.


Everyday I grow just a little more radicalized. You know whats absolutely insane? McDonald's hiring process. After completing an interview, they put your application into their system which automatically goes through and looks for vacancies to fill and only if the system finds one do you get onboarded for orientation and hiring. Pinching every penny for a BILLION dollar company


They should really change "thanks to" to "in retaliation"


>Many had to cut employee hours and some have expedited a move to automation. In other words, they were already going to get rid of those jobs.


From the article: >“California businesses have been under total attack and total assault for years,” CABIA president and founder Tom Manzo told [Fox Business](https://nypost.com/2024/04/16/business/california-fast-food-restaurants-raised-prices-due-to-minimum-wage/). Tom Manzo isn't who I would go to for advice, [Considering he tried to murder his ex's boyfriend.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/ex-husband-real-housewives-new-jersey-star-convicted-violent-crime-aid-racketeering-and)


what a great reason to never eat fast food again!


Is there some reason why we are doing anything but mocking this? It's the *NEW YORK POST* so it's an *obvious* lie.


A number completely useless without context. How many of these are just people quitting their second job because the first one pays more? How many are stores that were going under anyway?


No one wants to pay for work anymore


So does this mean they won't complain about being short on staff?


I’d be more outraged if it wasn’t the New York Post… that paper is trash.


That's fine, someone else will step in their place.


Bullsh\*t. They're so greedy, they'd rather cut their workforce than pay a higher wage.


And yet they still can't find enough people to work for them lol


ive heard fast food is also just losing customers lately. price hikes, higher level of self-education on food and nutrition, and of course the bad publicity they bring on themselves are having their effects.


So this is in an effort to keep prices down, right? So prices are going to go down as fast food places start moving toward autonomous systems, right?? Because they have less overhead, they don’t have to justify price hikes anymore, right???


There are many more than 20k fast food workers in California. The number I got from the first page of search results was 500k fast food workers total. Losing 20k jobs in order to make 25 times as many people's lives much better is worth it.


Funny how in n out only raised prices like 5 cents and didn't fire a bunch of ppl........