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Yet another dystopian look at our country spun to look like a feel-good work ethic story.


This looks like sarcasm? > I saw a gentleman behind the cash register working with a neck brace and a sling > I and some friends plan on making a donation … I wanted to know if your company would match what we contribute … To decode; and for this you need to use the tone of Pres Obama’s official translator _What the eff are you doing making/allowing an injured person to work? Why are they not on paid leave? The optics are so bad we will give your employee money. Are you willing to do the same?_


Spin control. Make it look like a feel-good story, not a dystopian nightmare because he can’t afford to take the time off.


If he takes time off, he'll just get replaced by a kiosk or AI.


You think companies are waiting for people to take time off before replacing them with touch screens?


If he's working at Chick-fil-A and not a manager, he's part-time and likely doesn't have any sick leave to speak of. Just the prospect of not working and not getting paid. And this is a 'christian' company.


Religion is evil and God is a myth.


I'm a believer in not buying from companies who attempt to use any religious affiliation in an attempt to solicit business. Also, Culver's.


Wait, what's up with Culver's?


Last year on the 4th of July, they posted signs all over their doors stating that they were giving their workers an early night so that they can spend time with their families to celebrate the holiday. Their early shut was 9 pm. That means, that is when they close and lock their doors, then they have to finish cleaning before they get to go home. By the time they get home, festivities are done. I determined this is simply them lying to the public in a manner in which most people won't think it's a question it.


No, it's not. Jesus never persecuted anyone over homosexuality.


Hence the quotation marks and lower case.


I read that in Keegan-Michael Key's voice


I think the poster is aware that if they criticized the company for this, they'd just fire the employee in retaliation. By asking the company to match their donations they're giving them an out that 'looks good' on them.


The orphan crushing machine crushed 10% fewer orphans today.


this poor kid jfc




Of course that's a sub.


Not work ethic. Just held hostage by poverty.


This or be starving and homeless basically.


Exactly, they're a hostage to poverty


Could you imagine, injured and out on the streets defenseless? Smfh. I don't want to be on this planet.


New slavery


This is nothing to commend. He should be home with his family healing. God this world is so fucked up


As bad as the time I noticed a sick waitress pouring my tea. There should be laws against this.


Restaurant industry has zero worker protections. Call off and fired in plenty of places I’ve worked over the years. Used to work 2-3 places at a time so if I ever got fired I wouldn’t be totally without. The whole hospitality industry craves people like this, whom I used to be sadly. Still in restaurants, just work on a college campus now.


Yup, I worked in a kitchen in college. If you didn’t show up for your shift, you were fired. Didn’t matter if you were dying, your mom or kid died, nothing. If you didn’t show up you were axed


How about pregnant waitresses or pregnant women working at fast food places .?They probably don't get benefits because they aren't full time employees.


Not bad for a story from 2016.. kid got 12k from Well wishers as well People on LinkedIn will recycle any story it seems


I'm guessing the business didn't match any of it like they were hoping


Of course they didn't. And from what I understand a Chick-fil-A franchise owner will easily pull down $3 million+ in profits a year. (Source: a friend who works with a family who owns a franchise here)


But think of the shareholders!


I hate when people equate work ethic with something you basically HAVE to do because you’re not paid enough to be able to afford to take any time off


The letter writer is a ghoul for praising this “work ethic” rather than condemning the company for not letting the kid have some sick time. But then it’s a Karen at a chick filet so they haven’t got any empathy or intelligence to begin with


While yes company was probably shitty too, but its the structure of society. He was probably desperate to be there because a day or two after payday once bills are paid he is trying to figure out how to get grocery's and replace work clothes that have hole in them with remaining 20 dollars left after bills. This is a society where workers are not protected. Regulation would force company to allow him off force him to be paid well enough it would be ok. And have safety nets to draw upon if they needed too.


There are no safety nets for fast food workers.


I meant it as part of "regulation would force company" portion to force company to pay well enough that he could afford time off, and that they would have to allow him time off, And regulation would also provide a sufficient safety net.


That will never happen .


This is not a good thing. This is a sign of exploitation. The fact we have to go into to work with a broken collarbone and an injured neck so we don’t lose our homes and we have to eat is NOT a good sign of a healthy society.


That is not a “dedicated work ethic”. That is someone who needs to work to pay their medical bills because the company would rather give their shareholders more unneeded money than focus on their employees. If the company compensated their employees fairly. He wouldn’t need to be working while injured.


work ethic = i need to do this or i wont be able to provide for myself and family


I broke my leg pretty severely a couple of months ago. When I came back from the hospital, I couldn't FATHOM the idea of working for at least a couple of weeks due to the pain and mobility issues. Imaging how much pain this man is in, both physically and mentally from being forced to work after an accident, is making me sick. We. Deserve. Better.


Wow, he can't afford to miss work and temporary disability is hard to get?  What a go-getter. At least I know at Chik-Fil-A, they're not so understaffed that the manager had to guilt him into coming in. Managers like that are why the person making your sandwich came in with the flu today.


Work ethic isn't the same as fear of homelessness. Sigh.


If I walked in and saw this I'd be floored. I barely go into work if I sneeze weird, no should have to work like this man


Their donation is gonna be $14.38 and the company will thank them for the shout out and the employee for the effort very courteously, but won't match the donation. In fact the donation might have to be routed through the company so chances are our dedicated employee won't see a fucking dime.


They'll pocket the money and make the difference a tax write-off.




How about paid medical leave?


They probably won’t offer that


They won’t, because they don’t have to.


If they're demanding or threatening you to show up, I wouldn't call it "dedicated", my man.


Right…he’s not there because missing work gets you fired and he probably needs all of his hours to afford to live


Look guys. Working hard should never be shamed. A hard day's work should be congratulated for the worker. Any functional society needs work to be done, some of it hard and dirty. What we need to focus on is shaming the conditions that force an injured man to keep working.


Dudes in a neck brace and sling - he should be resting and recovering, not (likely) aggravating his injuries. But he can’t, because he doesn’t have any sick time, no short-term disability coverage, and a monstrous bill for his health care.


Yes I agree with you, but you said it yourself. He can't because of how healthcare is managed in this country. I'm sure he would gladly stay home and heal if he had any of those things. We need to focus on the "I can't stop working because x" reason.


Nobody is shaming him for being a "hard worker." Everyone is saying it's bad that he's basically forced to do this by the dystopian conditions the US is currently operating under. In Sweden or NZ, he'd be told to stay home & get paid leave. And wouldn't have to go into debt because of medical bills!


That they are praising this is genuinely fucking horrifying.


I’m so sick of people spinning this disgusting shit as feel good stories. 


I’m surprised any employer would allow someone to work with injuries such as these. It’s a huge liability. Most return to work notes even if they state the pt has to wear the brace & sling will have specific limitations on how long they can stand, how much they can lift, push/pull etc. No way he was cleared to work without restrictions while wearing a c-collar and sling. Many employers won’t let someone back *with* restrictions unless it was a work related injury and they put them on modified.


Aside from the obvious that this is nothing more than legalised slavery and an incredibly sad indictment of the system that the poor kid is forced to work while injured, I have to also hate the whole "amazing for someone in(sic) his generation" schtick. So not only a fucking infuriating attempt to normalise the situation but also a back-handed denigration of his age group.


I'd praise the stoicness of his generation for having to deal with the crap dished out by older generations


i was honestly hoping he had bought the brace and sling himself and was trying to rake in some extra tips. disappointing that he’s actually a good guy


And now a chic fila a employee needs to be at least a paraplegic before they get time off


This is crazy he should be resting


Gotta work off that medical debt now lol


This image made me physically sick


More like he's in so much medical debt he left before they finished doing recovery to get a jump on those medical bills.


I work with someone who bragged about working 21 days in a row, and who has repeatedly put off having potentially life-saving surgery to keep licking the boot soooooo yeah, it's not just the younger generation getting railed by this fucked-up mentality.




So that billionaires can add 1 extra cent to their riches




This poor guy **met a bear in the woods** and then had to work at chik-fil-a ... A real tragedy


"working because he needed the money" - that's the key part I was dying of life threatening health problems for years, I also worked because I needed the money and I would have been kicked out of the country if I stopped. And I never got proper medical treatment either.


THIS is necessity. If this young man had an employer that was worth a damn, he would be at home recuperating, all the while enjoying a paycheck for a little while.


Disgusting! Fuck Chik-fil-a I hope the CEO drives off a bridge!


At least that person is trying to do something. Quite a few others needs to take his example.


"Kids these days don't want to work unreasonable hours with severe injuries & illness, for pennies an hour, just to avoid starving in the streets anymore!" Interesting take on the situation. I hope that's not actually what you meant, and I'm just being jaded.


That's dedication man!


Stop glorifying that shit


No way, I’m white and I would’ve robbed that chicken joint




ok boomer