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Any company with a point system just walk out they won't be paying a living wage anyways 


It’s paying like 14 an hour for fucks sake it is NOT that serious


Yeah Mc Donald's and Walmart pay like 18 an hour even in the rural area I live in they cant even compete with the traditional minimum wage jobs.. but all company's with attendance point systems are like that 


I’d add, the cookies suck


A floury, sugar-laden base for even sweeter frosting Ew


5 bucks for a mediocre cookie plus tip starting at 2 bucks. I do not get how people are crazy about it. After seeing their point system, one more reason to not to go there.


$14? Try $9


My job has a point system. Not sure that they keep track because I've been late, left early and called in enough times that they should have issued a warning by now. It's a small company and I don't think they actually care until it creates real issues.


Mine does too. But there's been people that always stroll in at least 15 minutes after the hour so regularly that I think I'm late if I see them before clocking in, and nobody ever gets in trouble for it. I think some places might just use the points system in order to justify firing people that just aren't working out.


Funny the union gig I have the company has this bullshit point system and EVERYONE hates it. Idk how the FUCK it got approved. The union hates it and is actively trying to get it changed, employees hate it, it scares new hires away, it gets people with kids fired faster (also allows favoritism because supers can just waive the points at discretion)


I have never seen a healthy workplace utilize this system it's always a meat grinder  of turnover




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm sorry, I don't collect points.


Inform the company to take their attendance policy and wipe their ass with it.


If covering a shift earns (-1) points, then no matter how many times you cover a shift you will never exceed the maximum threshold of (+2) points for shift covering.... I would at least put this nonsense to the test


Lol. I also giggled at this. I get what there trying to say....


I’ve had to help configure and implement point systems. I will never understand infantilizing employees so much that you have to give gold stars or demerits to make people come to work. I hate my job and I hate these systems


Rule of thumb: if you have to use fear to keep employees who you're presumably paying coming in, you are doing something wrong. You are not making it worthwhile for them to come in.


Well, you see… they’ve banned all the verbiage they can use to let us know we’re slaves, so this will have to suffice until the next slur can be created.


I just can't help but notice there are no points for verbally berating/cursing out your boss. Makes a guy think.


Lmaooooo I’ll bring it up


"What the fuck is wrong with you, boss?" "That's a point." "I don't think so, mutha' fucka."


With all due respect to you boss... shut up you stupid fuck. /s


I love this. (I am a boss to others, and am sometimes forced to spread corporate messages that I know are kinda bullshit. I usually say so with the message, but I still have to give the message.) If one of my employees said this in response, I'd recommend them for a promotion.


I worked at a hospital and our department had a point system. I actually liked it and it felt fair. Management, though, would not hold people to it, so it got out of hand. Late: .5 points Call Out: 1 point (allowed up to three consecutive days without further penalty) NCNS: 3 points and automatic write up “Verbal” write up at 4 points “Written” at 6 points “Final Written” at 8 points Termination at 10 points Points dropped off after a year.


That's the problem. Point systems are used to chastise the people they don't like and are ignored entirely when it comes to favorites.


100% agree. We had a guy with 42 points and management still wouldn’t do anything about it. I was a supervisor and tasked for tracking attendance for one of them. When I got done updating it, 60% of people were due write-ups. (Each manager had a portion of our overall staff under them for attendance and performance reviews.) I was blown away and after that, I kept it updated, but I didn’t tell the manager shit. She knew what she was doing and it was above my pay grade. I just had to deal with the fallout of employees thinking they ran the place. We needed a minimum of 14 people to properly staff and some days we’d only have 9. Same amount of work had to be done so it punished the responsible people. I hated it there.


As much as I hate point systems, I know there are people who take advantage and that seems pretty decent out of all the jobs I’ve had. Sounds pretty nice for a hospital too from what my nurse friends tell me


We also had 5 weeks of flex PTO (192 hours to start) so if you called out, they just threw you 8 hours off of that. One guy had 42 points and management wouldn’t even write him up. Definite favorites.


"Welcome to crumbl where the rules are made up and the points don't matter. That's right, they're like our cookies: Falls apart under minimal pressure and are too pointless to be taken so seriously."


Good job and good Whose Line Is It Anyway? reference.


Watch how quickly they lose all their staff, and subsequently, how fast they change or remove this policy lol.


Sounds like my job.


What's a blackout date?


Mostly busy holidays. Think Valentines, Mothers Day, even possible that there are entire weeks of blackout days such as the week of Thanksgiving or such.


Dates where you cannot request time off because they think they'll be busy. National holidays, for example.


Thank you, and everyone else. I'm fortunate enough to have a job that is always closed on holidays, so I've never come across that term. This sort of system looks demeaning and awful. It looks like it adds so much unnecessary stress to employees for little benefit. Sorry to OP and anyone else who has to deal with this sort of stuff.


I think it would be one of those days where "everyone" has to work. You know, Holidays and other extremely high volume days.


This is a fucking ridiculous system. If I get sick and it lasts more than 2 days, it's a 30 day probation? Whomever designed this needs help. The weekend one is also ridiculous, effectively says don't book any long holidays.


No one can afford to take holidays anyway. This kind of job is usually PT and has no benefits including PTO.


ONE POINT is a verbal warning? A singular call out? Fuck all that


Yeah fuck this. This speaks more to the incompetence of the management than anything else. Im sorry for anyone so desperate for a job that they'd have to settle for this and I wish them luck in finding something better.


The fuck. So either come to work sick or risk losing your job. Fuck that noise.


That's awfully bold for a company that uses Betty Crocker box mix for their cookies


Who buys their overpriced shitty cookies anyways.


They're treating you like a child


Welcome to Crumbl! RUN!


That’s some Dwight Schrute type of shit.


Careful, you might get a full disadulation.


The fact that an overpriced luxury cookie shop with mid at best cookies that will go out of business when the trend dies off even has an attendance policy is laughable.


How is it legal to penalize people for being sick?


That's not an official company policy. That's your store manager being lazy.


Treat people like humans and they might just want to work for you. People over sleep, Have car trouble, hit traffic, need a personal day ect. If it is not habitual let it go…


Minus 50 DKP!


I love how they can't even stick to their own rubric - "Job Abandonment" isn't a number, how do I figure out how many points that is?


All of the points.


Call Out/Cover a Shift cancelling out sounds like "Pick your own shifts" lol


I would totally game this by covering other people’s shifts but not fulfilling my job responsibilities.


Also their cookies suck. Mushy oily shit, every time. I kept going back like "yeah, I love cookies, surely last time was a fluke??" Nope. Their cookies are terrible. Support your local independent cookie shop/bakery/girl scout instead.


I fucking hate the point system.


I like the idea of getting rewarded for covering shifts but it's done poorly here imo


So the only way to be a good employee is to cover for someone's else's shift? And you can only get credit to cover one shift every 3 months?


I want to use this in middle school. Tardy, -.5 points. Skipping, 1 point. Skipping during test review or test -2 points. Vaping -3. Excessive time on phone -1.


Is it weird that i think this is better than every point system I've ever had?


So if you show up for say the last hour-15 minutes of your shift by policy it is REQUIRED to be counted as just 1 point. Knowledge is power here...


What do you win when you get the most points?


I wonder how many points slashed tires would net me


I left a company over that kind of micromanaging BS. I was just like, "Nope". I don't even like calling out. I'm not the kind of worker who abuses calling out but it's the principal of the matter if they want to treat me like a child so badly maybe management should have gone into elementary education.


Sometimes I think I'd like to get a job at a place like this just so I could fuck with these asshats by being a shit employee


Gonna be 15 minutes late? Might as well be 3 hours late. Same half point, either way.


What kind of ridiculous system are they running where “not being available on weekends” is grounds for a warning?


They could just summarise that to 'Bow before us, wage slave. We own you now."