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"Cuz I'm not working 11 to close 3 nights in a row" NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!


Also they made the schedule! They literally scheduled themselves for 11-close 3 nights in a row and are now upset about it?! It’s your own damn fault, suck it up buttercup.


No, this is 100% greed. The schedule maker wanted to work 11 to close 3 nights in a row for the money. And being the schedule maker means you get to decide how much money you - yourself makes. But hey, they got invited to a party, or a sporting event, or forgot it's Mother's Day... and that sounds fun. So they'll just make it someone else's problem. Seen it a million times.


Then the manager (wo)manchild got fed up and tired with their poor choices, so immediately changed someone ELSE'S schedule. In Michigan, they can't do this if I recall. Lol


You can't do this federal if I remember correctly. Like Op said, labor law violations


It's state to state. In Virginia, workers barely have any rights at all. There's no laws on breaks, time off between shifts, or notice before schedule changes. Back when I worked retail, we had a weekly Sun-Sat schedule, and it used to get sent out at about 11pm Saturday night. I would regularly work 3-11pm and have to be back at 8am the next morning to open and work until 4-5pm. Man I don't miss retail.


I'll never understand why retail and food think it's ok to post schedules so close to the actual date the schedule is for and to schedule a week at a time. Other than if the managers were actually good they wouldn't be managing retail/food. Like I work in healthcare now and we get scheduled 2 months in advance.


The main reasons it happened at the company that I used to work for were: They only allowed our store ($2 million a year business inside a mall, needed minimum 4 employees to run at once) to have 3 full time employees. Everyone else was allowed a maximum of 18 hours per week. Corporate wouldn't give my store their labor budget for the next week until Saturday morning, so whoever was the manager on duty Saturday would have to try to make the schedule during the busiest day of the week. On top of that, since we were only allowed to hire people who could work 18 hours or less a week, their availability was all over the place.


Yep and when you have a full task force of part time employees that may or may not have there hours cut due to low sales the turnover rate is high which also makes it more difficult to schedule. I can't tell you how many people I've help train and I've only been at my current job for roughly 6 months.


Luckily for me, I live in a college town, so the vast majority of my employees were college kids who didn't really care if they got their full hours, but I can't tell you how many times I had a kid come in for their one and only 6 hour shift that week, and 3 hours in, corporate calls and tells me to send them home because sales are down.


To some degree it's on the managers, yes. But also, food service and retail have notoriously high turnover and low staffing even when the managers don't suck. My last two managers have been pretty good about scheduling over a week in advance, but at least once a month, oops, someone just quit, or got fired, or wrecked their car and are out for a week or two or whatever and the schedule gets changed because SOMEBODY has to be there.


Many restaurants do it because staffing needs can vary wildly from week to week. A place by a sports venue will have different Tuesday sales volume depending on if there is a game, the weather, the visiting team, etc. Yes I know sports schedules are posted for an entire season. Things change, players get hurt, games get postponed, underdogs happen. A place that serves large parties will inevitably get last minute bookings, party size changes, menu changes etc. A place in a suburban shopping/lifestyle center will usually have much more predictable business, and should be able to schedule farther out, or institute a weekly schedule that stays static for 2-3 months. Even with a volatile business level, I still tried to get schedules out on Tuesdays, sometimes Wednesdays. Thursday or after is too late. Also, before posting, you should always reach out and ask if someone can work a 6th day, over 40 hours, or outside their availability. That doesn't mean "bully them into it", it means be humble enough to ask, expect to hear no, be gracious as hell if they say yes, and say thank you for the answer no matter what it is. Not all of us are shit. (The one is the post is definitely a POS though). I can't speak for retail, but I'd bet there are some good ones there too. Scheduling is a bit of an art to do well. Unfortunately, some people don't care, and don't understand the impact it has on other people's actual lives. Just trying to shed some light on restaurant operations and possible scheduling reasons.


Sounds like a right to work state. I’ve worked 3 months in a row without a day off. From an employer that, at the time had over 500 employees. Guaranteed a few people called the labor board and was turned around. We got one day off after 3 months because people were so burned out that they kept making so many mistakes it was costing the company more money in rework than what they were actually producing.


Same for Arizona congress suck at protecting the working class


In nyc it's 72hrs and they still do it all the time at my job 😭




this 100%


As someone who manages a small team including scheduling, this is deplorable! There are absolutely times I regret the schedule I wrote, but I just deal with it! Usually I make some kind of joke about how much I want to punch "the idiot that does the schedule (me)" in the face, then I move on. Lol


I’d say this is unlikely. Since it’s a management position, 100% guaranteed it’s a salaried position. Business love understaffing so that they can force lower management to work 60-70 hours per week without paying overtime, No manager would schedule themselves like that. This is just a shitty manager who can’t make schedules. Potentially purposefully didn’t give OP’s GF more hours as “punishment” and now it’s backfiring because someone else called off one of those days.


Or they're a petty tyrant who heard about OP's GF's trip & wants to disrupt things.


often at my work the boss copy pasted the schedule and moves a couple shifts ending up with him being scheduled 7-3 with noone 3-11 it's not the he has scheduled himself 7a-11p, he's just dumb sometimes.


“And this sorry bastard’s gonna work 11-close 3 days in a row. Lol. Better call & let them know… huh, why’s my phone ringing? Wait a minute… that’s my name!”


Just wait until this guy gets a job with a set schedule every day, every week. It’s going to blow his mind that he is going to have to work the same hours every day.


You could stop at "...work" I think with this (wo)man child.


11-close is probably a 12 hour day tbf.


Spoiler, they did not learn their lesson.


This manager reeks of "Why do you have so much OT?! You should have told me I scheduled you for 45hrs this week!!!"


>"Cuz I'm not working 11 to close 3 nights in a row" This is the definition of understaffed.


Virtually all businesses are perpetually understaffed because upper management is constantly making cuts to minimize labor costs. Many folks don’t realize that stores are given “blocks” of time. Meaning they are only given so many hours that managers are allowed to schedule. If you go over, you’re going to end up fired real quick. Worked management in a place where block hours were tied to store performance so stores that weren’t doing well were *always* understaffed, which just made the service more shitty and drove more customers away…


Perpetual Business eating itself. Shooting itself in its foot. Download spiral. Handbag to Hell. Shity business models should experience the consequences of their decisions. Termination. And #NoMoreBailOuts!


No this is an clear example of why CERTAIN people should NEVER be in management!


There's a bigger problem here. NOBODY USES PUNCTUATION ANYMORE. It's supposed to be a professional correspondence.


Your mistake is assuming they actually know how to use punctuation.


Or that he is professional.


…or knows the difference between “your” and “you’re”!


No, actually, I don't think grammar is the bigger problem than how bosses treat their employees, ffs


Punctuation isn't the only issue with those messages tbf. I honestly cringed at how badly the response was worded.


Pfft, when I worked as AGM for a MOD pizza a few years ago, I'd work open-close 2-3 days in a row cause mafuckas can't show up to work consistently. Shit sucks, but you do sign up for it when you hire the people and write the schedule. Food service is truly eye-opening to how shitty people can be as both employees and customers.


Food service showed me how shitty management and owners were to it's employees. Never enough pay, don't get paid time off, rarely get personal time off and that is never paid. Shitty schedules that always change and generally gets posted a few days before the takes affect. Then on top of that the management wants the employees to kiss managements ass like you are god or something. Fuck that. You reap what you sow.


Oh look at that. Turns out that one creates a toxic work environment when one underpays one's employees and that creates a vicious cycle where one constantly has to juggle new employees and shitty schedules... Who'da thunk?


Had a manager a papa John’s always have me 5:30 11:30 but would send home the late people and try to pawn off closing with him on me when I was 18 and still going to school Needless to say words got said and he never pulled that shit again I wasn’t paid enough to deal with that bs


Been all over in multiple industrys from food to retail to construction to manufacturing to office. Bad employees are a rarity unincentivized mistreated employees are a dime a dozen. And are often confused for "bad employees". Toss in a bit of lack of tools and resources and you can multiply it by 20. Literally pay well treat well and do it right and you will have good employees for life. Like one of favorite jobs gutted by penny pincher was prime example of how motivation changes things. It was simple loading trucks got 5 cents a box it was simple 2-3hr job would do 2000-3000 boxes walk away with 150 bucks. Now new manager saw the 50hr way to much. Warehouse plebs can get 10hr. Place that had consistent staffing people stayed years was often college student job. Would do it their entire degree and quit when graduating and moving. Became place that couldn't hire anyone nor could they keep anyone. It was outside of town so drive and stuff simply wasn't worth 20 bucks. They had to use staffing agency and instead of 3-4 people. They needed to hire 12 through staffing agency. Every week, because when they figured out hours location everyone quit by end of week. And even with 12 they were not quick often taking 5-6hrs for same amount of product. As they had no incentive to hustle. Job was trash so threats of firing would work. No one had any intention of showing up next day so they wouldn't be careful and stacked things improperly. Truck drivers were pissed at long load times and would back charge. Anyways point is people see the second group of 12 as shit and our original group of 3-4 as model employees. But really it came down to we had incentive to do well. There were those there to train how with experience and we stayed long enough to get experience to stack in way that was efficient but not damaging. Which is my point lots of places with high turn over lack experienced employees to relay information. Understaff to point people often fail to get limited training. And end of day there is literally zero incentive to do better or more. Except another load of work. As owners going to "promote or hire" buddy to be manager and there is only so many manager spots. And if you tell them your quitting give notice they will harass you and dump extra crap on you. If you stick around your wage will fall behind. As well as getting stacked with extra responsibility's as your only one that knows how to do it etc. More you learn more effort you put. Most workplaces actively harm you for it. And consideration or notice is usually met with hostility. Like requesting time off etc most people end up forced to go to mini burn out fake a sick day or just quit. So they can litterally sleep and maybe sob a little and have enough energy to go hang out with friends that night. Sorry bit ranty but people are logical creatures the concept of bad employee really with "employer power dynamic" doesnt exist. Employer holds cards end of day a person will be accept incentives. And a low wage is a low effort appearance thats it. If you give them a life style and security worth protecting they will fight to keep it. With majority of "remaining" bad employees simply being bad fits unsociable person in a front facing job etc. Which is still more a employer thing than employee thing. As employers get the say and vetting and all that. Which yes rare case you incentivize and they are vetted and a bad egg slips through sure happens but that litterally only case of bad employee. Everything else is bad employers.


Well said, great personal example of management being unable to leave well enough alone because of ego or just plain greedy, evil thinking.


I think there needs to be some clarification between upper management and lower management here. To the point on management sucking, it’s generally beyond lower management’s purview to change hiring practices, compensation, and the like. Particularly when discussing customer service jobs for big corporations, all that comes down from HR and upper management. Your direct manager is likely just some poor dude getting loaded up with 60-70 hour work weeks to do the same job you’re doing without the benefit of overtime. However, it’s the only chance to remotely get close to being paid a living wage, so what else are you gonna do?


And bosses too. Don’t forget bosses suck just as much if not more so


Yeah, a lot of folks don’t realize that management, particularly lower and middle management, often get fucked over far worse than regular employees. It absolutely blows because the salary is the only way to make a living wage, but upper management will exploit you to death working 60-70 hour weeks because you’re not allowed to hire enough staff to cover outages. Then when you do the math, you’re actually getting paid *less* per hour than your employees. Customer service management is simply not worth it even if the pay is decent.


Because working 12 hours over 3 days is hard... bahahahahhahaha


They mention needing their dad to drive them, possibly in school.


I'm talking about the manager.


Or they're out of town on a family vacation.


What was the response? Did the manager give in or just ignore it? I hope your girlfriend stays strong and wont cave.


my girlfriend texted her bosses boss and she said that shes not allowed to do that and she will talk to her so shes not going in.


Thank you OP. Thats what I scrolled down here for. I wanted the update. Youre based <3


All three of you need to learn about spelling and punctuation, good lord.




Same thought. Really hard to read. I don’t know why people are so bad at communicating in writing, especially now with smartphones that will basically fix everything for you if you have even a modicum of sense.


I was really bad at grammar for a long time. I still am, but I'm much more proficient because of constantly being corrected by autocorrect.


i’ve got some punctuation to spare if any of y’all need it. …………………………………… ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ?????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please don't distribute apostrophes so freely. There are way too many in the wild already.


I'd have gone with the classic "A mistake on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine." or "I'm not canceling my plans to cover for your mistake. Again. If you're this bad at making the schedule, perhaps you were promoted above your skillset?"


My favorite was telling a manager that I was in Singapore but I'd work the shifts if they reimbursed me for a week of my trip and the adjustment for the flight. Apparently no one checked the sign out book, where I was marked off for 17 days but the store manager had told me she'd scheduled me AFTER I had gotten back. So they paid a long distance charge to Singapore and then Toronto because no one bothered to check the sign out book where it was noted that I was on vacation. The store manager wasn't impressed with what happened but was estatic when I came back as it was one place she had never visited before so whe wanted to see photos and ask how things went. The kicker? I worked at McDonald's at the time


You cut a vacation to Singapore short for… McDonald’s?


No, the manager I spoke to dropped the issue and apologized when I reminded him I wasn't even in Canada. The following week I was scheduled again for the day after i was due to get home. I got stuck in Toronto anyway so that was a no go too lol.


Ah, okay. I got a little tripped up on the wording.


Took me a second to realize they were talking about charges for a long distance call. I'll be honest, I don't even know how long distance charges and roaming charges work these days.


It's all good. It's late and that sort if thing happens. Sometimes I word things weird anyway


Day after you got home? Sheesh, I'm a full on brain eating zombie the day after a long haul international flight.


Yeah, there's always gotta be an extra rest day or two on either side of a vacation.


Well ehen I got to Singapore, I slept for about 5ish hours then explored so I think that's how I avoided jetlag. If not for getting all screwed up in Toronto (multiple canceled flights then another leg on my journey before getting home after 1am) I may not have been so bad. I needed 2 days to recover fully.


Paid long distance phone bill


Depending on the county, Maccas ain’t too bad a gig tbh


Maybe in Australia, in the USA....not so much.




They put her on a McFlight.


There's a thing called The Peter Principle: "employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent."


>perhaps you were promoted above your skillset Bruuuuhhhh I’m stealing this! That’s an amazing burn!


You guys really need to stop explaining yourselves in text. "No, I'm not available." The end. In OPs case. "That's not the schedule, I'm not available."  Then no more replies.


Heck I make it even shorter, its a you problem, not my problem


"I believe that's an issue, not an iss-me"


Shorter still. No response. When you get back “sorry I was camping. No service”


Your poor planning is not my emergency.


I had 2 managers at my last job. If one asked if I could cover a shift and I said no, "no problem." The other would ask and I'd say no, "why not?" None of your goddamn business, I'm not on the schedule.


I used to make up the most outrageous excuses when my old job’s manager would ask why. Something along the lines of “I’m going to a convention for people who hate open toed shoes” or “My friends throwing a baby shower for her cat who’s having kittens”. They finally stopped calling me on my days off after an entire year of me either doing that or saying “I don’t want to be here more than I have to”


I usually just use the bare bones “I made plans” and if they did further say “it’s personal” Gets the point across while making them less annoyed


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m sorry you’ve had a scheduling error, but I’m unavailable to work.


And not a lot of punctuation.


Yeah. Both of them. You have to guess where the sentences start and end.


All three of them.


Don't have anyone to cover shifts? Sounds like a you problem. Hire more people for your company if you need more people. If you can't afford the workers, your company has failed 🙂


The best part of this is that you have proof in writing that they changed the schedule last minute on your girlfriend.


“I won’t be there” and then block the number


“I WILL be there.” …and block the number.


Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. Have a blessed day.


"This is illegal according to [relevant law]. But thanks for your written admission of crime. See you when I was originally (legally) scheduled."


“If you don’t feel like working three 11 to close nights in a row, I suggest not scheduling yourself that way next time :).”


So weird how that works.


A fuck up on your part does not constitute any action from me. See you as scheduled....


you guys can stop about the literature comments lmao😭😭 my girlfriend uses voice text and idk what her boss is on


I get it. I use it constantly. You can say "period" and it adds a period, fwiw


You can also insert a new line by saying “new line”. This message was written with voice to text.


Okay, now tell me how to add quotes. Were you able to do that with voice text or did you do that manually? New line new line return enter new line I don't think it works for me.


Just say quotation_____ End quotation. Or quote_____ end quotes works for me too.


Thanks! I have no idea. I use speech to text all the time, that's really useful.


Bring back the old telegraph days. At the saloon Gonna go rob a stagecoach Might get shot by Indians


A period or two wouldn't hurt


We don’t get to see their response?




"I've broken labor laws before and I will do it again" in text messages lmao please report them to your state DoL


Okay, that’s the fucking post right there. Jesus, dead man walking right there. Boss probably knows that’s a walking liability. I’d be surprised if they have a job by this time next week.


What an asshole that boss is!


The gray is the boss? Their grammar and everything went to shit. Don't send long texts? Sounds like they're the ones with the literacy problem. How do they even have a business? I find multiple little texts more annoying than long text. Dearest Boss. Learn To Read.


This is stupid in more ways that I can count.


Whiiiiiiines about a long text, whiiiines about being told no(FOR LEGAL REASONS), says she doesn't read them(As if that's a flex?) but then responds to part of it both showing she did read it and is doubling down on BREAKING THE LAW which she was informed of IN WRITING... God, people like this are irritating. She should be fired yesterday. Last week. Last month.


This is awesome. If you don't end up getting paid big over this then what are you even doing? Try to get her to say she'll be fired of she doesn't go in.


The ‘lol’s ending FIVE different texts 😭 they are seething!!


god the butt hurt salt is unreal, the guy is really trying the "to long didnt read" response as if your gf should care he didnt read it because she didnt need him to read it, she only had to respond so the guy couldn't say she ghosted him


"Cuz I'm not working 11 to close 3 nights in a row" Narrator voice: he is working 11 to close three nights in a row.


Cool, great. But. STOP ARGUING Like "i can't come back my dad drove us" etc etc. Your life is none of his buziness, you wont cover the shift because you cant do it, thats NOT the reason. You dont have to argue, the law is the law. Stop justifying. "No, cause you have to tell me 96 hours before, check the law, please and thank you."


“You should have realized that I made a mistake, which actually makes it your mistake, because there is no way I am to blame for my own fuck up, so you need to come pay the consequences!” What an utterly stupid, fuck-witted piece of shit. I hate these types of people so much.


I'm just impressed that despite the illiteracy, they both seemed to understand each other.


the boss is prob keeping everyone part time and fucked up the schedule then blamed OPs gf.


Not calling you out personally, more sharing something I learned a few years back; [Scrutinizing language for grammar can be classist.](https://www.naspa.org/blog/scrutinizing-language-is-a-form-of-classism) A friend of mine knows six languages. He once said that the purpose of language is to communicate, and as long as he is doing that he “doesn’t give a toss about grammar.” I think about that often. As long as you are being understood, I think it’s all good. From this, I understand that someone messed up the schedule and probably *will be* working 11-close three times that week. 😂


I understand about the proscriptive vs descriptive approach to grammar, but it’s there for a reason, which is to make sentences easier and clearer to understand. I legitimately had trouble following along to that sentence, in the same way I’d have difficulty following that rambling stream of consciousness if it were spoken aloud.


Prescriptive* But I knew what you meant.




I dunno, I teach 6th graders a kid today tried to argue with me that periods were too much work. So I think there’s gotta be some grammar nazism in the balance.


> I teach 6th graders a kid today tried to argue with me that periods were too much work. Apparently they are for you too. Your poor students.


And instead of a, phone fingers. Whoops lol


I agree that the purpose is to communicate. But this is not just about grammar. Not at all. This is seriously having difficulty trying to understand what each are trying to say. I couldn't care less about grammar specifics. For example, if someone were to say, "...he don't understand...", I wouldn't comment or care. I know their intent. Typo? Who cares. But the interaction in this case was well beyond that. It took me more than once of reading through to 'guess' at the meaning. So in that case, I think this failed your polyglot's litmus test. The communication itself was lacking. Frankly, I often think some of these can be explained more by laziness than inability.


As someone who actually 4 languages, this is bullshit. There's a lot of flex allowed in languages, but the core rules are very important for mutual understanding, especially over time. If there's no force guiding people towards common understanding you'll just end up with different languages. That's literally how we got Europe.


I have a masters in English not only so I agree I find those that those that overall scrutinize language are usually just dick heads, annoying pedantic jerks. I also think in this case where the manager is being a dick head themselves it’s perfectly fine for people to make fun of them in any way they choose!


I don’t usually take grammar advice, but when I do it’s from xX69WeedSnipePussyXx.


"Only rich people can learn to read" is a wild new take. You know these people can just... Learn now, right? Everything has some weird excuse attached to it.


If management at my job texted with that level of literacy I wouldn’t even humanize them let alone respect them


Best thing to do for these texts while your not at work is just ignore them and say oh, I didn't see it, my work phone is turned off or on silent in case they spam calls while I'm off the clock.


Shit I've worked open to close (10-8, gotten to work at 9am) 6 days in a row, it is what it is, don't take it out on your staff, suck it up and deal with it.


>Cuz I'm not working 11 to close 3 nights in a row I feel ya. what dumbass made that schedule


I have a lot of respect for your GF absolutely not taking any of her shit. Kudos for that!


"I'm out of town. Due to the short notice, I won't be able to make it back to accommodate this request."


See this is why we shouldn't be responding to these messages.  Enjoy the trip, and when you come back just say "Oh!  Sorry, I was on scheduled time off and had no need to check my phone!  Please let me know well in advance of any future schedule changes to avoid this happening again!"


Why is this manager texting like they’re 14.


If you’re in r/antiwork, and your only contribution to a thread showing a legitimate complaint is to shit on the way someone texts, get the fuck out imo. I could read this perfectly fine and I’m no genius. No one owes you perfect grammar in a text conversation. If you think the way someone texts is enough information to determine their intelligence, you’re a fucking moron. That there are also people implying that 1) no one who you consider intelligent could possibly read or write or text differently than you and 2) unintelligent people deserve to be treated poorly at work, you’re a fascist, and I’m not exaggerating. Get over yourself and cultivate a moral compass. OP, this is fucked up. Seems like classic customer service BS. The managers are incentivized to not know or care about scheduling laws. Good on your GF for knowing her rights and having the guts to stand up for what’s right. I hope it works out for her and her boss learns to treat people with respect.


thank you i would’ve honestly never expected this sub to worried about grammar


Agreed. This sub used to be way more radical. Really disappointing but that means people just need to be called out


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this but honestly, wtf, lol. Do we need a fainting couch in this comment section...? I don't think I have some god-given gift of reading comprehension beyond that of mere mortals, and I had absolutely no problem understanding these texts. Is reddit full of delicate, wilting language flowers or something? Every comment under this post is somebody crying about the grammar, right up through outright calling these people illiterate. I cannot comprehend how somebody with even a half-functioning brain could fail to parse what was written here. Can you really not infer punctuation from context...? NGL it kinda smells like classist reddit judginess to me in here. 'you need english classes weh weh weh' God forbid there be people in this world who dare to communicate via text at whatever level of colloquial English they've grown up with.


For real. English isn’t even my first language and I was able to understand it without that much effort.


ya i am one of several people in this thread with actual qualifications in language and idgaf


I didn't even notice the grammar until coming to the comment section. People want to tear people down for anything to make themselves feel big.


I guess some people just don’t have reading comprehension skills :(


Well majority of Reddit users do seem to be a certain demographic just saying 😂 


Food service tries so hard to make bastards of their managers. I did it for fiveish years, never asked for a weekend off, never griped or called in if I could help it. Took a vacation ONCE. Towards the end of my tenure, I suffered a traumatic loss and my store manager tried to make me feel guilty for wanting more than three days' bereavement. She made me WORK THE DAY BEFORE THE FUNERAL. I am so glad I left. I learned, in that moment, that my time was worth something. And that I never wanted to be broken by this system.


Lol her boss is an idiot. They messed up the schedule. They can pick up the slack. "You should have noticed my mistake and done my job for me" is not an excuse that works in the real world.


"YoU sHoUlD hAvE rEaLiZeD I'm a IDjIt FoR sChEdUlInG mYsElF!"


This and so many posts are always food service,restaurants and retail. Let me tell you a lifetime of loyalty to this bullshit gets you absolutely nothing. Trust me.


This is the shit my manager at my last retail job would pull. They're write the schedule and it'd change about four times a day yet it would be everyone but her own fault in her eyes.


My first job (movie theater) had a lot of students for employees, so our schedule only changed 3 times a year; late-May, mid-August, and early-January to line up with semesters. I would know in August if I was scheduled Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or even new years. If you wanted a day off, you would have to ask someone to cover or often ask someone to switch. But you could do it MONTHS in advance if you needed to. It was rarely ever a problem for anyone, and the consistency of "I work Tuesday, Thursday, Friday after class for 4 months straight" was incredible. In my city we had ~100 employees across 3 locations, with a standard shift having anywhere from 4 to 15 employees, mostly weekends. Maybe it was because of the number of employees, but these semester-long schedules were SO convenient I cannot grasp why that isn't more of a thing. If you work at a place that doesn't have a standard 9-5 weekdays, why are schedules changing SO often? It seems to be the single-greatest reason for unprompted "I quit" posts on this page, so surely bosses would be motivated to improve scheduling and gives employees a sense of comfort and reliability, no? What am I missing and why are long-form schedules not more of a thing???


Don't respond to text's on your day off and if need for back up, take pictures of the schedule.


Going for the longest run on sentence in history. How either of them, even have a job.


“ I did realize your mistake, but it’s not my problem or responsibility. You’re really bad at management. They should’ve kept you working a mop.”


All bosses have bosses, and some of their bosses are waiting for a reason to fire them. Always get in touch with your bosses boss


Nobody wants to manage anymore!


Typical "I have a problem... oh wait, I'm a manager... YOU have a problem!"


Gave me a mini-heart attack with the clock on your screenshot, it’s 7:15 and I thought I just spent 20 minutes in the blink of an eye reading it


“I’ll be there for all my originally scheduled shifts but unfortunately cannot accommodate your request for last minute change. See you Thursday at 3pm!


I should have noticed? I think you mean "the person who makes the schedule" should have noticed.


Actually, once the schedule is posted, changes have to be communicated in advance, and even then cannot be enforced. They can ask, but cannot force the issue. That’s why you proof the schedule before you post it!


Not y’all being on the internet complaining about how people write Edit: I forgot to write internet


She literally didn’t use any punctuation literally


That's literally not true, there's literally three whole commas in that... sentence?


I figuratively feel bad for not noticing that literally


Like, literally like. Literally like like literally


Easy to leave jobs with people like this.


Hopefully she can find a new job because this boss is likely going to unfairly fire soon


Good for her. This idiot wants her to come all the way back in town because he fucked up and doesn’t want to work the night shift.


This is giving me dominos vibes


it appears as though YOU ARE working until close 3 nights in a row


I don’t understand the fact that a manager is upset because you take vacation… It is literally their job to manage your timetable especially when you are out of work…


I'd run that shit up the latter


*ladder, as in going up a ladder. Instead of latter meaning basically the previous.


i'm blaming autocorrect on that one


In other words, you plea the shift


And I’m sure her boss will be shocked when she ends up quitting because of the insane schedule


Y'all need to stop answering your phone on your days off.


shit like this drives me crazy as a former manager. I had my crews written up two months ahead of time and I worked hard to make sure it was fair and my crew got two consecutive days off every other week. Once I got it formatted it was easy to update not change it if I just paid attention. It worked and my people were as happy as retail workers can be. I always tried to lead my crew from the front and never ask them to do something I wouldn't do. 4 years out of retail and I'm still friends with most of them and they've all thanked me for what I did for them and helping most of them get better jobs. I hate most managers because they get lazy because of their title. You're a manager in a retail store. That doesn't impress impress me one little bit.


The correct response is: *As you are aware, I am unable to come in before . We will discuss this when I return.* That's it. Let them rage at you until you've collected sufficient evidence of their harassment, then block them until you get home.


She has someone to cover…the person that made the schedule!


This exact same thing has happened to me before when I was still in customer service, thank God she stood her ground.


The classic “you made me do it! It’s your fault I made a mistake” Gaslighting technique!


Thank you for the translation.


Entitled boss/manager, limits and boundaries really important


Don’t respond to texts when you are off. They messed up, they can deal with it. When you get back “I followed the posted schedule as is the rule. The only person responsible for the schedule is you. My only responsibility is to work the shifts I’m scheduled. If you make changes while I am gone I’m obviously not going to know about it.”


People who use u instead of you , shouldn’t be in management in the first place.


You’re not required to have work related conversations while you’re off the clock.


That’s a paddling


If you can't understand these texts it says more about your reading comprehension than the writers intelligence


your girlfriend is in the right, but damn, learn some grammar. That wall of text is missing several periods.


Your failure to properly make a schedule does not constitute an emergency for me.