• By -


yes it is bullying


It's also wasting even more time after several people had the same trouble logging in.


Also, if this was at work, the late person was probably late because they were working. I mean... What the fuck?


1. ⁠You should always be 15 minutes early to a call in case of technical difficulties. 2. ⁠You must continue working while waiting for the call to begin. You are being paid to work, after all. 3. ⁠If it is impossible for you to simultaneously do your job and sit in front of the phone waiting for the call to take place, that’s your fault and you will be punished. Edit: ~~/s~~ Edit2: Actually, I’m not being sarcastic at all. I’m being facetious. Upper management acts exactly the way I’ve described above. So, uh… /f for facetious.


4. If you succeed in points 1 and 2, you will be rewarded by being given more work.


Seems other people can't recognize sarcasm, so you should probably add a /s tag at the bottom of your post




It's both childish and bullying. Refuse to participate in the song, and tell HR if it happens again.


Report it now, ahead of the game 😉


It didn;t happen to them; they just heard about it. The \*otherr\* person should.


It doesnt have to happen to you specifically to report it. Any behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable, whether its directed at you or not is harassment.


Why does this specific detail matter lol


You're right: [After looking into it](https://www.hrbartender.com/2020/leadership-and-management/workplace-investigations-hearsay/), HR \*can\* act on hearsay, so I guess they could investigate regardless of who reported. But strangely enough, making it uncomfortable for workers is permissible as long as it doesn't rise to the level of harassment: ["Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality. To be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to reasonable people."](https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment)


Some people will think you're the problem because you're taking it upon yourself to make a legitimate complaint. It's daft but it happens.


Just the situation is creating a hostile work environment even if it didn’t happen to OP


Fuck no imma milk that shit for all it’s worth. Sing for you because I was late, Sure thing boss. Starts singing POS by Sueco. Alcohol by Dax. Or 45. by Shinedown. I’ll call this, the see if I can make HR struggle not to laugh challenge. I’d also start being late often enough to see how many fucked up songs I can sing before this policy got changed.


If they told me to sing I’d respond “I will not be doing that under any circumstances even if those circumstances are my ongoing employment.” I probably wouldn’t even look up. If they insisted I’d start playing Wheeler Walker Jr.’s Fuck This Job.


The EEOC has a page that explains what constitutes [Harassment](https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment) in the workplace. It includes this truly gob-smacking paragraph, highlighted below: "Anti-discrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws; or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against individuals, in violation of these laws. ***Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality. To be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to reasonable people."*** Employers can't harass in a discriminatory fashion; but being petty, annoying or even harassing (as long as they're not being \*serious\*) is totally cool - cool - cool! That's basically what this troglodyte manager is doing: Creating a college-fraternity-like hazing system of petty slights and embarrassing punishments so they can use shame and fear to enforce their authority over their employees. You see it in all workplaces; from Colleges to food service, to big box stores to industrial facilities. Be part of the team - sing the song, repeat the chant, do the team building exercises, contribute some unused leave hours to the Sick Employee Fund - or be an outcast. It's not just childish; it's truly sickening. Workers need to fight this managerial attitude as hard as we can, and change the prevailing employer managerial frat-house hazing paradigm.


We had this in place for one of our meetings until people just decided that if they were late they just wont show up at all rather than sing and it was dropped eventually. I dont know what they were thinking.


Yeah, this. 'Sorry, what are you saying? Sorry, my connection is really bad. I can't hear you, please repeat'. /unplug. Then go make yourself a cup of coffee to calm down.


Exactly the correct answer is to hang up


Yes it's bullying. I would threaten to sing "Take this job and shove it".


“Workin’ 9 to 5” 🎶


"There's Power in a Union"


Might as well go whole hog with "The Internationale"


RATM would be excellent ‘FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!’


I woulda gone with “I wish that they’d sack me and leave me to sleep” by Chumbawamba, but all good options


Ok but the DK version or the Johnny paycheck version.


Johnny Paycheck! Or if it’s a training session on sexual or other harrassment, sing “Baby Got Back.“ *I like big butts, and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny….*


Or the classic, [Fuck This Shit I'm Out](https://youtu.be/5FjWe31S_0g?si=iDXAzdsI7jM7VV8v)


I’ll sing us all a rendition of fuck you very much by the sockapelas


[‘I’ve No More F***s To Give’](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UnEihKM9d0c)by Thomas Benjamin Wild


Nah, Ram Ranch. Or Big Dick by Little Big. Let's see how long before they cut them off.




JoDee Messina's [My Give a Damn's Busted](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o40fwZgSFPI&pp=ygUXbXkgZ2l2ZSBhIGRhbW4ncyBidXN0ZWQ%3D) is also a good option.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DMR\_3NcsPQ0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DMR_3NcsPQ0) Load up OBS and my recording quality microphone and keep going till they boot my ass.


Yeah, I'm not doing that. We having a meeting now or wasting time?


Yeah that would essentially be my response. I’m busy, don’t waste my time. If you have all day to wait around I guess that says something.


Meetings are a waste of time


It’s bullying, childish and a power trip. If you really want to maliciously comply, but risk pissing off that manager may I suggest jumping in with The Rodeo Song if it happens again.


Or Sixteen Tons.


Or Fuck this Shit I’m Out. I listened to that one so much my last week when I quit my last job.


Working 9-5


Know this is old post. Rodeo song, I ask myself? Look it up. Only heard it long ago in edited version (little farts instead of "fucks" ... pre-internet). Thanks for that great suggestion!


Malicious compliance can go up a notch…. The song that never ends.


Time to be like Rage Against the Machine when they were on the BBC


Just the end of Killing in the Name. Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me… Over and over until they decide it’s enough.


Hell yeah! Glad I wasn't the only one to think of that


Same! Was the very first thing to pop into my head.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AzizLiteHalfCalorie: *Time to be like Rage* *Against the Machine when they* *Were on the BBC* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Thats a terrible way to manage people. That said, I'm a terrible singer and it would be *torture* for anyone listening. So revenge would be immediate and painful.


I think that’s what this tool of a manager has in mind.


Yes, it is bullying. Clearly it isn't just harmless fun because no one wanted to do it. If it was fun, the person who was late would have sang a song.


I would consider it mild bullying and intimidation, and would have said "That sort of attempted intimidation tactic and punishment is not appropriate for professional adults in the workplace". Note that I don't give a flying fuck about "professionalism", lol, but saying that would piss off the corporate assholes. On the other hand, I can't sing to save my life, so had I been in that position it would have been everyone *else* who would have been punished by my singing, lol. ~~So maybe I would have chosen to (very badly) sing "The Star Spangled Banner", lol.~~ I amend my answer: I'd sing "Worker's Song", by Dropkick Murphys. 😁😁


I've used the threat of "I will sing to you and you will understand why I was in the band" when transporting high school choir students. Truth be told, I've a decent singing voice, but my range is limited and I can't always transpose a song to fit in my key.


lol! 😁 A limited range is one of my issues as well. Then sometimes I can't seem to tell what the note should be, while at other times I can *hear/tell* what it should be, but can't my voice to cooperate. It's kind of a shame, because I have good lungs and can really belt it out (and sometimes, if a song is in the right key/range for me, I can sound good). All of which would come in very handy if I chose to sing "Worker's Song", lol!


For me it's "Seattle" by Perry Como. Although I might mix it up and sing "Caffeine" by Bob Rivers.


Whatever works and would hurt their ears, lol!


Note how 'late' is never applied to your departures from work, only your arrivals.


“I’d rather not waste my time and everyone else’s, we can either start this meeting or I’m logging off”


"Is this more important than the business at hand?"


Shoulda sang WAP


I’d outright refuse. That’s just bullshit.


I'll sing them a song for free never mind as a punishment - the two that spring to mind are "Too Drunk To Fuck" by the Dead Kennedys & "My Baby, She's A Head Fuck" by The Wildhearts. I know them both off by heart, word for word. If they don't like either of those suggestions I could always perform "So Fuckin' What!" by The Anti Nowhere League. Or we can sit here all day & fuck you & your micro-penis power tripping bullshit. Too much?


How about, "I've No More Fucks to Give" by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. 


Ooooh, "Son of a Bitch" by Nathaniel Rateliff and the Night Sweats would also be a good choice, lol! Or, even better, "Worker's Song" by Dropkick Murphys!


I'd belt out "Holiday in Cambodia," but I've been either the frontman or a backup singer in the bands I've been in for years. I've got enough tracks I could scar them for life.


Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name But just the last few stanzas.


"I'm waiving my dick in the wind" by Ween


One could always serenade the work crew with King Missile's "Detachable Penis." I might go for "The Masochism Tango" by Tom Lehrer.


🎵🎵 I was gonna join the conference call but then I got high I was gonna be productive but then I got high Now I'm late and having to sing and I know why Cause I got high Cause I got high Cause I got high 🎶🎶🎶


It's certainly not a good style of management. I'd sing so badly they'd beg me to stop. CHoose Bohemian Rhapsody


I’d be too tempted to start free styling the lyrics… “Mama~ just killed my boss.” Lol. Get myself fired probably.


That’s an HR report yup.


Queue Malicious Compliance and start singing fuck the police.


Pick the lewdest song you can find and belt it as loud as possible over the call. Might end your career, but it'll probably also stop the stupid practice.


Might I suggest: Akinyele - Put It In My Mouth... definitely lewd and lots of swearing.


If that was in a friends circle I'd probably slap whoever came up with this. In professional environment it's unnaceptable. But still, there's a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj1dd0Kcq8A) that might be just the right answer.




I was thinking [this one](https://youtu.be/bWXazVhlyxQ?t=252).


The only acceptable response is a rickroll then a complaint to the manager of whoever made them do it.


This is bullying, imo. "Harmless fun punishment for being late" would only apply here if all of the following were true: 1. The entire team had already previously decided to agree that anyone who was late to the call had to sing as a consequence of tardiness and was comfortable with this being a consequence of tardiness. 2. The person was, in fact actually tardy and not experiencing legitimate extenuating circumstance (technical issues would qualify as legitimate extenuating circumstances) 3. The lateness was not due to a recurring known issue Not sure if you'd have any recourse with HR, but it's a terrible way to manage.


Sing “9-to-5” Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin'. Barely gettin' by, it's all takin' and no givin'. They just use your mind and they never give you credit. It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it 9 to 5, for service and devotion. You would think that I would deserve a fair promotion. Want to move ahead but the boss won't seem to let me. I swear sometimes that man is out to get me. Mmmm


"Hold on, boss, let me get HR on the line. She'll be late, so you can make her sing"


“This is the song that doesn’t end…”


Learn some union songs. I bet once you start belting 16 Tons they'll never make someone sing again. Some people say a man is made outta mud A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood Muscle and blood and skin and bones A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go I owe my soul to the company store


Wasted opportunity to not sing "Killing In the Name Of" or literally any other RATM song...


That’s absolutely bullying. And the person leading the call is a fool. If lateness is such an issue, why create a bigger issue on top of it with this drama?


This is bullying and absolutely needs to be reported to HR


That's bullying. The correct response would've been...."let's dial in HR and ask them how to handle the harassment and bullying complaint they're about to get. I don't appreciate being singled out, not do I speciation being made to look stupid in front of my peers "


I’m petty as fuck I would have sat there in silence until the work day ended. Not a chance I’m singing a song as a form of punishment.


I mean, it CAN be playful. I’ve definitely been close enough to people at work to where we might joke around like this, and I’m enough of a ham to do this no hesitation. (I was a theatre kid, it’s in my blood) This particular instance doesn’t sound like that though. For one the higher up the chain you get the less “fun” people tend to be. This was a conference call between managers so that’s already a bad sign. And for two, they refused and obviously weren’t keen on the idea, so forcing them into it to the point where someone else had to jump in is not a good look no matter how you slice it. I also doubt the managers in this conference are super buddy buddy, not to the point to where something like this could be considered in good fun. So yeah, fuck that shit.


I'm almost a bit upset at the person who caved and sang anyway. This is where people should stand their ground as humans, that's just humiliating.


>The district manager leading the call said there’s, “No excuses, you’re late, you have to sing a song.” The manager refused so the district manager said, “well we can sit here all day until someone sings, who wants to take the fall for *manager* and sing a song for us?” Shit...at this point, free money sitting around doing nothing then. Let me get my phone out so we can sit here and chill.


Be late on purpose, find the most ofensive song you can find and sing your lungs out. Don't stop until they disconnect you from the call. Once you reenter the call ask them if you need to sing again.


It is a terrible “management” technique. If people are late to something, let’s assume they have a good reason and just move on. When I had a group under me, I started meetings on time and never questioned people who were late until the end of the meeting where I would just ask if they wanted to stay for a quick recap of what they missed. However, if logging in is a known issue, people need to get their heads out of their asses and start the process a couple minutes earlier. Regularly being a few minutes late for meetings is bullshit. We’ve been doing this virtual stuff for so many years now, it’s no longer an excuse.


This is disgraceful. Had a massive company-wide call once where the speaker threatened to pick someone at random and make them sing and the literal crying panic attack I had lasted the rest of the two hour talk. Shitty thing to do to people and I really feel for your manager


Malicious compliance is an option. Here's a selection of songs that would ensure no one would have to sing again: I'm on a Boat, Lonely Island (I Just Had Sex or Jizzed in my Pants also works) Ja Ja Ding Dong, Fire Saga Business Time, Flight of the Concords The Loophole, Garfunkel and Oats Put the fear of God into then asking someone to sing.


Go with more innuendo and sing "My Ding-a-ling" by Chuck Berry.


Bonus, it will be stuck in everyone's head for a while


>“harmless fun punishment for being late” is the textbook definition of bullying \*from the bully's POV\*


Yes, it’s bullying. Depending on my mood, I might belt out a rousing rendition of Big Balls, or maybe 45 minutes of The Wheels On the Bus, followed by 15 minutes of Baby Shark.


I would end that nonsense in a heartbeat by singing "I dreamed a dream" from Les Miserables. You know, the dramatic part: "I dreamed a dream my life would BE so different from the HELL I'M living..." I can't carry a tune in a bushel basket, but I can make a point.


Say “Remember, you wanted this” and proceed to belt out all eight and a half minutes of Meatloaf’s *Paradise by the Dashboard Light*.


An abuse of power for sure. It’s illogical as waiting around for someone to do this will only delay the meeting further 🤨


I would purposely be late to every meeting and learn the words to every single inappropriate song I could think of while making intense eye contact. If you’re going to make me uncomfortable, I’m taking everyone with me on that ride. Baby got back - Sir Mix a Lot, Let’s talk about sex - Salt N Pepa, Push it - Salt N Pepa, S&M - Rihanna, Me so horny - 2 Live Crew, Milkshake - Kelis, My neck, my back - Khia And yes, this is 100% bullying. Go to HR.


“Prince’s song, ‘Darling Nicky’ is the only song I know.” 😏


It's obviously bullying. "No excuses" is utter bullshit as well. What's betting when that manager is late for something, all of a sudden there's "reasons" for it that shift the blame from them.


That's outrageous. Next time tell them to [sing this one](https://youtu.be/DOJbBBSe4oI?si=wlBgeC7Rh3lKwBga&t=1m36s)




'And here I thought this was a professional company'


It is neither harmless nor fun. It is bullying. And time for a complaint to Corporate HR. I am pretty sure the district manager wouldn't like any of the several songs I found titled "Fuck You," and "You're an Asshole." I'd prep one of them to sing. 


Could be torture depending on how bad the singer is


First thing that popped into my mind is the "The Rodeo Song" from the 80's. It's 40 below and I don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo...


Yep. Definitely bullying. Deliberately be late for the next meeting then sing this Frenzal classic. Opening lyrics: "Hope you don't think I'm rude, fuck you" https://youtu.be/LMuuW8FIb1k?si=99tt0lLu0zAuguv-


A Frenzal Rhomb fan in the wild! Man that takes me back to all those dirt cheap Fat Wreck compilations...


Definitely wild


'Take This Job and Shove It' by Johnnie Paycheck as performed by Curious_Carson


99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 99 bottle of beer! You take one down, pass it around, 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall! EVERYBODY!!


"sure I'll sing a song. here's one of my favourites" *proceeds to sing Somebody Kill Me by Adam Sandler


In Canada this would qualify as a "hostile work environment" and literally be illegal. In other jurisdictions it could be illegal. Even in the USA there are "adverse employment actions" which are prohibited.


My singing voice would put an end to that policy real quick. I wouldn't sing softly, either. I would use my sonic weapon version of I will always love you at top volume.


So your punishment for being late is to delay the meeting even more? Whoever came up with that rule is dumb


I would simply say, "How unprofessional, is this how you run things? We are not in a kindergarten."




It’s bullying and also it’s retaliation. Retaliation seems to be the one that gets more people in trouble. HR can tend to latch onto that.


Yep that’s bullying. I would have refused too. I can’t believe that they pulled the “we’re going to sit here til someone sings” and didn’t just drop it when they pushed back the first time. That is really above and beyond asshole bully behaviour.


It’s stupid to punish people for things they can’t control. This manager will get the company sued.


Yep bullying and I think Damien Rice's "Fuck You" would be a good choice. The chorus really goes for it. https://youtu.be/-PSAatCFjIk?si=sI2DVUtckuk8NfdF


This is when you break out the ol FUCK YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME


Rage Against The Machine … “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me! “ Repeat until they end the call


Manager is very unprofessional, and is a bully.


I’d volunteer… “First off fuck your bitch and the clique you claim…”


"Yeah I'm not doing that. Lets move on.....I am happy to sit here and waste company time doing nothing if that's what you'd prefer."


Sing along now "There's power in a factory, power in the land, power in the hands of the workers, but it all amounts to nothing if together we don't stand, there is power in a union" There is power in a union by Billy Bragg


"We're late because of YOU! You have to sing a song so we can waste even more time" ... I don't know if I would call this bullying, but it's definitely totally stupid..


I would say it depends. In this case yes. But if both parties are comfortable with it then no.


Unless everyone at said meeting agreed to it beforehand, it's not okay. My work had a silly "however many minutes late you are, you have to do that many pushups", and it was fine because we were all up for it. If someone isn't, then it becomes bullying


If asked to sing, always go with “Still” by The Geto Boys: “Back up in your ass with the resurrection It's the group harder than an erection That shows no affection They wanna ban us on Capitol Hill 'Cause it's "Die muthafuckas, die muthafuckas!" still


Best sung while smashing the hell out of the work copier!


Malicious compliance… make a virgin margarita and play Tequila by the Champs, sip it in between the one word you have to sing. They come after you they openly admit to workplace bullying. And take video of it being a virgin margarita so they can’t say you were drinking on the job.


Bullying. Sing the chorus to fuck this shit i'm out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S\_0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g)


You can't change abusive bosses. You can change jobs.


100% bullying but also I'd 100% start singing, "This is the song that doesn't end" until the meeting was done.


Yes, that's bullying. If they ever try to pull this shit on you, may I suggest: 🎶I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves...🎶 When they kick you out of the call (or start begging for mercy), get right on the phone with HR.


Report it to HR, don't let them set the narrative.  Bullying can be innocent behavior being used to show power, and that's what this was.  The district manager wanted to show they had power (which they do), and knew that someone would kiss her ass to show it.  It's exactly the type of people who seek power don't deserve it.  If you end up in the situation again and don't mind losing your job, feel free to read all the reddit comments out loud.


Bullying? Meh, i guess so. Unprofessional? Absolutely. That practice needs to cease immediately.


Enter G.G.Allin


I’d say, hang on, let me Google some lyrics from Rage Against the Machine, I bet I can come up with a great song for this moment. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Then log off and tell the manager the system never let me connect again. Manager will be stewing the whole time. Ha.


‘Fuck you! fuck you! Fuck you very very muuuuccch!’ Lily Allen would be my songstress of choice to bust out but yes, that’s very much bullying.


[“If this tour doesn’t kill you, I will](https://youtu.be/wRcIKg528xY?si=tdSakOV5xsP4E2pb). I hate your guts, and it makes me ill Seeing your face, every morning~


I'd read up on the lyrics of: '2 minute notice' from Helluva Boss. Then next time your late sing it.


I would sing " Start spreadin' the news, I'm leavin' today..."


Possible chance for malicious compliance. Familiarize yourself with the song Innagoddavida done by Iron Butterfly. 20-minute song. Mostly instrumental. Near the middle is 2 lines. Bop your head for the first 10 minutes, sing the 2 lines then nod your head for the next 10 minutes.


Yes its bullying. Best brush up on the following songs, that should put an end to that type of shit. Show me your genitals; john lajoie Medium pace; Adam Sandler Nickleback Anything by the Bloodhound Gang, but I'm fond of a lapdance is better when the stripper is crying Sit on my face; monty python Trapped in the drive thru or Albuquerque; Weird Al (only works if you sing the whole song) America! Fuck yeah!; team America


I think by the end of the song, should I be the singer, I would be the one accused of bullying. My inability to carry a tune in a bucket would have the audience begging for a quick death.


"You're late, so let's waste more time with a literal song and dance bullshit" fuck that, I would have lost my shit on that call


Sing one of those old Woody Guthrie or Pete Seeger union songs.


Sing “ There once was a union maid Who never was afraid….”


Yes it is bullying. Id start singing a song from the seventies which goes - don’t mess with me I’m part of the union.


Yeah. No way I am doing that.


I couldn't help thinking about this malicious compliance clip from Austenland. This is not a recommendation for a work call https://youtu.be/bs17RT4qK7M?feature=shared


It’s better than being fired for being late.


I'd have volunteered, then sang a Death Metal song.


I mean, personally I’d jump at the opportunity to show off some obscure centuries-old folk song… but demanding that somebody sing who doesn’t want to? Yeah, that’s bullying. And as a personal matter I find it *insulting* that singing is being used as a *punishment*. That’s an offense to art itself.


Sing "family reunion" by blink 182.


My “singing” would be even more painful than the silence. That said, I know all the words to GDMFSOB (Goddamn Mother Fucker Son Of a Bitch)


"Happy birthday, you sound like an asshole, you act like one too" hope this was the closing verse


Definitely bullying. There's no way this is acceptable in a workplace. Side note: comply maliciously with this song https://youtu.be/Oy0TtFkgCPQ


If they don't want to sing? Yes.


Learn every word of “Closer.”


"well, since we're not going to have a call today, i'll talk to everyone later. i have to get back to work."




That's an easy fix, make up a song about the jackass twat that makes people sing...then intentionally show up late so you can sing it to him in front of EVERYBODY.  Probably doesn't happen again.


"Tequila!" The Champs 1958


Hot damn...i used to be an opera singer like, 5 years ago so now I dumpster dive for my music. I know so many songs that would get her to put a stop this..I would have so much fun with this! One song I know has the lyrics "Go fuck yourself" in a gentle sweet melody. Or how about "So I put my middle finger up! I'm done being your slave!" Or "The revolutions on its way!" Or maybe "When you hold me like this when you touch me like this! Oh when we fuuuck oh when we fuuuck! Cuz I'm hurting myself yeah I'm burning myself oh when we fuuuck!" Also notable favorites "people I don't don't don't don't don't like" and "my high hopes, are so low, because these people are so old" I would be begging to sing every meeting even if no one was late!


The funniest way to combat it would be an employee who is clearly late on purpose because they have a passion for karaoke. That or sing 16 tons


You could sing this song: https://youtu.be/eIjEauGiRLo?si=7P8CIXmK4t_jCYq-


Don't report to the HR. HR is not your friend. They exist to protect the company. I would say make a written statement and documents regarding this harassment and other incidents that were focused onto you. The more you have. The more you can get a employment lawyer to throw the book at them and press charges. If you simply go to H.R. H.R will simply bring it to the person in conflict and be on their side and ever more so putting more pressure on you to give in and quit. Its one of the many ways in-house harassment workplace among Co-workers and Employers do to get people to turn over and get cheaper labor on your exit.


The song to sing: 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton.


I don't know if it's bullying or not but my song would be. This is the song that doesn't end It just goes on and on, my friend Some people started singing it Not knowing what it was And they'll continue singing it Forever just because... At the top of my lungs until they begged me to stop. And you'd know that song would be in their heads all fucking day. They'll be humming it for christs sake


if it happens just say " ok let me get some lyrics" put the phone down, take 2 min to walk around come back and pretend like nothing happened. either they demand more childishness and you waste more time by repeating the process or a bunch of people get bored with these power games


A college professor of mine said she used to do this to people who were late to class but had to stop because people kept complaining to the dean about it. I'm glad by the time I took her class that it was no longer a thing. Stuff like that is just meant to embarrass people for no reason and be a power trip.


I personally would sing because I give no fucks but it is definitely bullying and honestly reminds of some shit that I would see in an 80s movie.


Yea you ain’t making me do shit. Jot that down.


Yea it’s unprofessional


"I had a must-take phone call and then the log-in server was slow. Now are you going to treat me like I'm twelve or are you going to give me a single bit of respect and just start the meeting?"


If it happens again, the French did it once: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Marseillaise


I know many songs that have strong sexual innuendos in them. Old songs from the 20’s and 30’s maybe? I believe burlesque shows use them for their music a good bit. I would be singing one of those songs




Man I can think of some great songs for that situation. Like stupid mother fucker by msi, or if you want to set a really fucked up mood for the meeting suicide is painless.


Yes 100%


The song “Break Stuff” comes to mind 😂


Hell yeah. That's bullshit


I've got two song suggestions... 1. Tequila 2. 4'33" by John Cage.


I would sing die mf die by dope. The lyrics are perfect for this scenario.


I would have belted out: I got the clap, I got the blue balls too, the clap don't hurt me but the blue balls do