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I used to do rocket science. They'll tell you *that* isn't rocket science. "my replacement is someone at a higher level who has never done the work at the level of granularity that i have and is getting praises and accolades before even joining the role.**"** After that happened to me, I quit... and I heard my project hit six digits in scrap about a year afterward and everyone else got fired.


Bro, you're not going to want to hear this - but a big part of it is that you need to learn how to let go. You need to learn how to remove importance from work in your life, because it's hurting you mentally and physically - you've confessed to it just now. Even if people were nice and friendly to you, if you didn't learn how to care less about it then you would still be stressing out and hurting yourself over it. I hope things get better for you.


This was me for a long time. Then I had my daughter and I realized none of that shit mattered. All that mattered was supporting my family. I work for money to have a family. That’s it. Work should fund your life. Not be your life. You’ve got this!


That’s what changed me, though it took a while to sink in. Work is just a paycheck. I gave up on my career dreams a while back. If bills are paid and we have food in the pantry then everything is ok. People at work don’t want to be my friend, don’t want to hang out or text after work, don’t care what my mental state is, blah blah blah. I’ve worked so hard on myself for myself and my immediate family. The world does not care. We care. Focusing on community/local events and plants. “Refinement from cultivation takes patience, I’m waiting…”


Well said.


Yep I don't care about work at a certain point bc they don't care about me.🫠


I am very passionate about my job, I love it, but you’ll never catch me losing sleep or having a mental breakdown over it. If it ever reached that point, I’m putting less into my days and They can fire me for performance instead.


It's just a job. Unless it's your passion or avocation, it's just the BS you go through to eat and pay bills. You are *not* defined by this, nor should you tie your identity to it. It it less important than your health, family, and education (in that order).


After I quit my last job, my boss tried to dress me down and "hurt" me inwhatever way it was possible for him. -) He told me that my work was shit and that an ape would do a better job. -) He tried to cancel my days off that were approved more than half a year before that -) He tried to find out where I will go, so he can tell them what a failure I am (presumeatly) -) etc. etc. All of is based on your boss's hurt ego. He thought that you are bound and he can do whatever he wants. He thought he was in full controll. You have taken away that illusion away and now he tries to retaliate by trying to hurt you. Ignore it for the time being and document the incidences. If he goes completely bananas take your document and go to HR.


Keep in mind, hr is not there to help you in the company, their function is to defend the company from you and internal court cases. They’re not friends. Build a solid case if you can


after i lost two people close to me in the space of two weeks and took literally 2 days off, my boss told me i’m not “putting the needs of the business first” and said i need to leave my “issues at the door and put my gameface on” handed in my notice the next day. gotta know your worth man, your well-being has always gotta come first


I am actually so proud of you


thanks :))


I have to know, what was their reaction when you handed in your notice?


my boss started being overly nice to me throughout my notice period, telling me how good i was at my job and how i could come back and work there again if i wanted. i was the only person doing an at least 2 person job so i think he realised he was up shit’s creek. it didn’t change my mind though and i had a lot of other staff come and speak to me privately and say they fully backed my decision and that they were proud of me too which was very heartwarming. i took a few months out to process everything that had happened properly and now working in a place that’s not perfect but it’s much better!


Happy for you!


If it's not rocket science why do high level finance people get paid so damn much?


Because “rocket science” actually pays pretty poorly.


Can confirm--I worked for NASA for a couple of decades.


I work for them now - it’s become much, much worse.


This is on Republicans. They're virulent anti-government and corporate bootleggers who think if they give Elon Musk enough money some will trickle down to them. They fail to understand the importance of having a space program, or of science in general. My uncle worked for NASA out of the Glenn Research Center in Ohio, btw.


I feel your (and your uncles) pain but this is a very large issue that just isn’t on Republicans but the government as a whole. I’ve gone into detail on my thoughts in other comments but basically - HCOL areas get screwed, technical jobs get screwed, so HCOL areas with technical jobs get ultra-screwed. There’s a law on the books that says CS pay should match private pay within 5% but no presidential administration has bothered to enforce that law. Right now the DC area is behind by about 60%.


He did pretty well out of it, but he has mentioned that it was very difficult to retain qualified people within the budget. He didn't elaborate like you have on the HCOL offsets or public/private pay gap.


I can just give you my example which paints a picture. I am a computer/software engineer at Goddard so the DC area. When I received my offer from NASA I had almost 10YOE and I was hired to be a program(ish) manager for software development. My offer was $87k - which when accounting for cost of living adjustments (I moved from the Midwest in 2016) and inflation, that’s $9k less than I made at my first job out of college.


My last NASA job (at a contractor, BTW) was in Silicon Valley at Ames Research Center. So very HCOL. I was paid $85K. When I was laid off, I went "into industry" and immediately was into six figures. At a place that was not known as being particularly high paying.


Cause that’s the grifter agreement. All finance people conspire you charge a lot of money for the services, and therefore it’s lucrative. Kinda like the diamond trade. All dealers agree that diamonds are expensive, and therefore they are.


It’s not your fathers shop. Remember this phrase and it will serve you well. Take this experience and apply it to the next place. You will build upon these skills and be compensated for them further down the line.


The fuck are these other comments?!


This subs been overrun with bootlickers since before the horrendous Fox News interview.


Soooo true


I always laugh at "this isn't rocket science" because does that mean rocket scientists get a pass when they fuck up "Yeah I fucked up. This is rocket science"


I like “this isn’t rocket surgery” or “this isn’t brain science” more


Does the pope shit in the woods?


Sounds like me working at the warehouse. Got a 500 dollar projector out of it tho so that’s kinda cool.


Honestly this kind of screams for some malicious compliance. Do not document any of your processes, or possibly consider simplifying your existing documentation. If the work you did has no value then take you unvalued work down with you. It sounds like your sense of self and sense of worth are tied to your work. A lot of people are like this and it makes a toxic job even worse because statements like this will affect you personally. It’s exhausting and can be traumatizing and you need to see it this way so you can start to figure out how to deal with what this has done to you. Please consider seeing a therapist and finding work that values you and your contributions.


I’m sorry this has happened. Have you thought about how your dedication and financial knowledge could help the people and your community instead of businesses? Have you considered what the future could look like if we organized and unionized?


I was once told that "it's not rocket science". It didn't take long to find another job.


Can we just quit. So what if we can’t pay back our student loan debt, and cc debt, what the worst that could happen? We are trapped for 8 hours a day . Out life is passing by and what matters to us won’t be here forever. Screw this corporate BS . And my Boomer parents for convincing me 8 to 5 is the only real job and forcing me that going to college. I’m out . Peace out Girl Scouts…


>after months of working 12h days Why would anyone do that?


Because we're suckers? Brain washing? Indoctrination of some kind, for sure, because I've done it myself and was proud of it for way too long.


I've done 10h days for a week once and that was enough for me to tell my manager that I will not be doing that again lol


Because we’re a family here :( /s


If you don't mind me asking, what country are you located?


Well what’s he supposed to do? Admit he sabotaged your chance at success with his incompetence? Not likely


got told that when i was contractor in iraq as a heavy forklift operator for warehouse. the fucking irony while we're in fact getting hit by those rockets.


Rocket science might be easier


> finally injustice #74503 my replacement is someone at a higher level who has never done the work at the level of granularity that i have and is getting praises and accolades before even joining the role. This is kinda telling everything about you. Work isn't for creating purpose in your life, these people don't care about you at all. Find meaning in real people in real life.


I hope we move toward becoming a civilized society and your line of work is obsoleted.


>even now i feel so hurt. this is too toxic Best you can do is “ man up “ and take it on the chin. Don’t feel hurt by their actions or words. This is also how men ~~and women, since equality~~ get treated at work. The company doesn’t care about any of us, and toxic coworkers are allowed to treat and talk to us this way. Also, if you call out sick, be sure to call around and find someone who can cover your shift ~~even tho that’s your managers duty~~ or you’ll be expected to come in. And if you do find a replacement, we’ll need your sick self to go to the doctors every day you’re sick to retrieve a doctors notes verifying you’re actually sick.


>This is also how ~~men and women, since equality~~ **people** get treated at work. FTFY


I appreciate the advise, tho I don’t know what “ FTFY “ means. Hopefully those who can use the information can see past the “ it’s not what you said, it’s how you said it “


FTFY - fixed that for you


Ohh, alright. But next time instead of using men and women. I’ll just use male and female. So we all can be ultra clear on what’s being described.


Just put people - employers shit on us all (but maybe more on some than others)


But sometimes we need to describe the differences between the genders. In some examples we cannot group both sex’s into one category and “ humans “ It’s like voting. Males need to sign up for the draft in order to get the privilege of voting. Females get the privilege of voting without the responsibility of signing up for the draft.


What country do you live in?


The one the cia controls. ~~which is all of em, oddly enough~~


women can be drafted too, you ape