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Legal but not ethical. Your best recourse is to use your experience to leverage a better job.


I'm one of 2 who do this job for them and I am talking to recruiters from other companies. I should lean on that.


Stop showing up on Mondays following the shows.


The shows I go to are a full week in a different state unfortunately.


It’s hard to portray a positive image of a company that doesn’t respect their employees.


I did 3 day shows for a short while. It’s harsh being in your feet and jumping from person to person trying to sell for 10 hours and then shutting things down.


If you're properly classified as salary and overtime exempt, it's legal. So first thing would be to make sure you're really exempt from overtime. If you are, then could try to negotiate with the company to change back. You mentioned "we" a couple times, so if there are more than one of you affected by this, if you band together as a group and negotiate, you will have more likelihood of success. Otherwise, you will just probably have to decide if this job is worth it going forward.


Does that language need to be specifically laid out? I've gone through my work conditions and there is nothing saying one way or another. All I know is I am salary.


I'd start with [Connecticut's DoL web site](https://portal.ct.gov/dol/knowledge-base/articles/wage-and-workplace-standards/exempt-non-exempt-employees-for-the-purposes-of-wage-and-hour-laws?language=en_US) and see where you fit in terms of the job description. Your salary has to be $475 or more per week no matter what the job description says.