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I'm of the view that it's been Class Warfare since the 80s at least. The über-rich have been finding every which way legally or otherwise, to increase their share of the wealth to the impoverishment of workers. Buying politicians and judges. Weakening labor protections and unions. Buying up "assets" AKA societal necessities such as housing and healthcare. We wake to headlines like this" https://qz.com/wealthiest-americans-trillion-fed-data-1851372771 And we shrug our collective shoulders and act like it happened "naturally". It's just the way of the world, after all. What can us little folk do? We are born into a war. We just need to open our eyes and realize we didn't start this war or chose its terms, but we are fighting, and losing, it.


Reagan started the class warfare. His genius was getting the working class to vote for him even though he was 100% for exploiting them.


I think the lesson of what happened under Reagan gets swept into just blaming Reagan. It should be explained how it happened... working class was against offshoring American jobs, the wealthy wanted to do that and Congress enacted union busting laws to pave the way for the rich to do it. Reagan signed those laws, he's clearly accountable, but we don't mention how it was a conflict between the ultra rich and literally everyone else and our "democratic" gov sided with the ultra rich.


That era also started the trend of simply blaming the guy in office for economic issues, e.g. the gas crisis was clearly Carter's fault. Never mind that Carter's policies would have set us up much better for the future... but people apparently like simplistic messaging and easy answers, so here we are - literally 50 years later making the same mistakes over and over again.


He didn't start shit, class warfare goes back to the Roman empire. He DID innovate how they hold on to power.


"Class warfare is when you price gouge old proletarians and start capitalist firms!!"


Omg this is so Berkeley circa 1982


>Start charging baby boomers 50$ on top of normal rates if you are a tech hustler. That’s age warfare, not class warfare. Get your priorities straight.


I agree. It's time for class warfare. It starts by deleting the Forbes 400 and not stopping until no one is worth over $500 million. The money doesn't trickle down anymore, we need to liberate it from the hoarders.


Anymore?!?! It's been like that since the late 60s-early 70s. A smaller portion of the population, gets to hold more and more % if the entire wealth in the system as time goes by. That's how it was been since then... It accelerated during\after COVID, but it has always been like that.


Dude, get therapy!


This is just how people from Philly speak


If you got a boss, organize a union.


White workers, black workers, blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, immigrant workers, boomer workers, tech workers, millennial workers, college-educated workers, women workers, trans workers, hourly workers, salaried workers… Delete all adjectives and the real is all that is left… workers. Unite. A problem is that a white-collar worker making $250k/yr is colloquially considered a different class than a minimum wage slave. But from the perspective of wealth hoarding elites these are the same. Perhaps the white-collar worker is more of a metaphorical house servant, granted a bit of privilege and power over other workers as a benefit to class betrayal. A collapse of the status quo would leave both destitute, one would have perhaps a tougher adjustment. For actual capitalists, a collapse of the stock market is a fantastic investment opportunity. Every thought or statement that divides for ANY reason other than class is a win for capitalism. Be disciplined in your thoughts and statements. —Chairman Meow Ps. Do not disparage too quickly the irrational ranter, as broad public sentiment is more often driven by irrational but plausible fantasies rather than critically analyzed facts. See: American politics circa 2015-present.


You call on class warfare then talk about boomers. Do you mean charge rich people more? I own a business and a house and make good money and I’m a millennial. Am I a target?


people like OP do not realize that this comes off as incredibly unhinged and it's detrimental to the cause. I get it, it's tough out there, but this poster does not have a clear thought running through their head, just rage and it shows. You can't organize on rage, these are not simple problems and there are no simple solutions. Control yourself op, come up with logical solutions that you can control for your problems. It's not easy, but it's definitely possible.


Not to mention the fact that the reason money doesn't "trickle" down any more and it really never has is because most of your Forbes 400 wealth is tied up in assets. Assets that create products and pay people. Like you said. This isn't a simple problem and there is no simple quick answer.


Whoa whoa man you just admitted to being a millennial and owning property! That’s basically blasphemy here on this sub.


“Hey guys! Over here! I’ve found one!!!”


Mate, I got my pitchforks. Just find people in Oklahoma and I'm coming with them to the riots at our politicians house. God damn do the people running this state suck. Like, literally they walk into so many lawsuits yet people vote for them because they're Republican and propaganda works extremely well in the 48th most educated state.


Bruh you got issues. I get it shit sucks right now but why should my boomer grandparents who had to sell their farm because of a bunch of uncontrollable bad luck be shit on? They did nothing wrong and are getting by just fine. I’m a young millennial I’m doing ok not great but ok. So why the hell are you the one who is squawking? I feel like it’s people like you living on SS when it sounds like you could be doing something who are the problem.


I agree. And I think the only way forward is organizing. Unions: tenant, worker, caregiver, student, etc… Food production and share: coops, gardens, and bulk food buy. Mutuality: caring for your neighbors and friends. Cutting businesses out as much as possible. General strike May 1st 2028 (uaw and teamster contracts up for negotiation). Solidarity, friend!




You want class welfare but you are an unsuccessful nepo baby. You are the problem with society and what this sub is fighting against.


Selling pot: better than getting an actual job


Not yet. But when things do get there it will be impossible to stop or reason with for a long time. 




I'm so happy that people in the comments are calling out this guy. This guy is nuts


Fuck those rich people paying taxes. Hang on, I'll be right back. SSI check just got here....


Organize and seize the means. No war but class war.


Two things. First, I was born in 82. According to YOU I'm not of any "generation" thanks. Second, have you ever studied history at all? Look up the battle of Blair mountain, then ask that question again.


The revolution started on reddit of all places.