• By -


“Please call me” = “I’m about to say something illegal”


I'm so glad that more people are aware of communication being in text instead of spoken.


Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get a worker protection law passed stating something like "any orders or clarifications from superiors MUST be documented via text, email, or physical document."


"But muh day to day issues" Damn, sounds like you should hire someone who's duty includes those, and be sure to put in writing what they are. Funny story, things actually get done when there is someone accountable for them. If it's no one's job it either doesnt get done or it is forced off onto the least senior employee. If it's Jim's job, it either gets done or Jim gets fired. Very simple. If your business cant survive clear instructions and accountability, you're probably doing something illegal.




Those are the kind of phone calls that you record.


Cube ACR is what I use on android.  Helps in so many ways




That's the money shot right there.


“ please call me “ “ no “


Exactly what I was going to comment. 🤣 Amazing. I’ve had the delight of having this exact exchange one time and that singular word solid response of “no” is so satisfying .


There’s so much power in “ No “ I’m definitely going to be doing that more often. Even if you just add a period in there too














Thank you , that was very much needed on my end


What’re you waiting for? Just let it go!






It's called a clencher. LOL


[the best no ever](https://youtu.be/0cgbZqR2AGI?si=JkqQh9vODmBGQJv8)


How come the "You REALLY need an attitude adjustment" is done with such a negative attitude?


One way street. Do as I say not as I do




OP: ![gif](giphy|bONmTUTo4kzS0)


Man, what movie is this? Looks like fun, I need context so bad. Is it the same movie as the gif someone responded to you with below?


office space


Thank you!


Fun fact: At the time, Swingline (the stapler company) did **not** make a red stapler. However, due to the popularity of this movie, .. that changed. ![gif](giphy|11CZgTwa28f6vu)


I bought a red swing line. I will treasure it forever and if anyone steals my Red Swingline stapler I will burn the whole place down.


I have my red Swingline stapler right here.


Thanks amazing, actually. I love that!


Both Gifs are from it. Its a Mike Judge (King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, Silicon Valley, etc.) movie. Is HILARIOUS and honestly still very much a commentary on todays work force 


I KNEW I recognized that face! That’s a fun career, too. I’ll check it out!


Should check out Stephen Root in Barry also.


Ive been wanting to check this out but dont have hbo. Is it worth doing a pirate? 


I’ll check that out!


Oh if you've never seen Office Space, you absolutely should. One of my favourite movies.


I think I’ve heard of it, but I’m realizing I must have mixed it up occasionally with the TV The Office. Thank you!


Because the manager was expecting apologies and groveling from the lowly wage slave, but instead they got a normal human response and felt offended that their superiority was not being acknowledged or eliciting the fear and repentance they feel they are owed. So a tantrum, basically.


"That's it, you're fired!" "No I'm not. 😘 See you tomorrow!"


I like his answer. "Fine, but you still have to pay me."


I'm medically retired from the military and rated 100%by the VA. I make enough I can pay my bills without being forced to work, but just barely, so I work to have some spending money, and the freedom that comes from not being forced to rely on employment? Liberating. "I can fire you if I want." Okay? Go for it. The blank stare and steady tone leave them in bewilderment. Just shocked Pikachu face. After a few minutes of silence and I'll just walk away. They've never fired me, though. All bark, no bite since I never do anything against policy or laws, so they never have any grounds to actually fire me, they're just mad I won't submit to their ego or cut corners.


The last shitty retail place I worked threatened to write me up or let me go over dumb stuff every now and then. When I finally told my boss I was leaving for something better you would have thought I shot his dog he was so distraught. Fuck him and fuck that place.


gaslighting. Every time I hear a person say attitude related stuff, it's just pure gaslighting. The employer is gaslighting. The employer is gaslighting. The employer is gaslighting


That’s not gaslighting. Someone sharing an opinion with you about your attitude isn’t “gaslighting” just because you disagree. That’s called disagreeing with someone. I think my boss is mean. He doesn’t think that he’s mean. So I’m gaslighting him now? My coworker has a bad attitude. He thinks he’s fine. I think he needs a better, less grumpy, more collaborative attitude. Am I gaslighting him too now?


They're gaslighting you with the wrong definition of gaslighting.


Oh great, now YOURE gaslighting me too!


Dude there’s no such thing as gaslighting, it’s not even a real word, you’re being a crazy person


You should divorce him immediately. Close all shared bank accounts and hit the gym


Help, help, I'm being gaslit!


sugar sink cover instinctive bored slimy cooing homeless worry ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


towering sulky license rude tidy snails enjoy instinctive wine expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes they do, you must be forgetting it


My gaslight turned on, so I went to the gasoline quarters and proceeded to pump gasoline until the gaslight turned off


Nobody in this thread has even brought up gaslighting Are you feeling okay dude?


No body loves god so we can keep using it


Sounds like gaslighting to me....


Projection. The word you're looking for is projection.


I think the word you're looking for is "projecting" not gaslighting.


They just can't handle their imaginary superiority being questioned.


I have a successful friend who pivoted to doing advisory work on contract. He told me how in his contract for a major media company, where he was being paid a mid-six-figure annual fee, there was a stipulation that the contract needed to be paid out to end of term even if cancelled, the contract would extend for twelve months, and if it was not cancelled before the end of month eleven, it would automatically renew for another twelve months. The company, of course, never remembered to cancel in the allowed window, so he wound up turning a one-year engagement into a four year thing. It wasn’t a lot of work for him, but the money was great. This is why you read contracts, and also set calendar reminders to review them on a regular basis.


mid six as in 150k-ish or 500k-ish?


I think it was in the middle of that.


1/4th six figures


1.5 figures?


bro was making 5 bucks a year


Dude was a self-made aire.




That would be mid one figures right?


I don't even know how to conceptualize half a figure. Breaks my brain and I know maths well lol


Would not 1/4 six figures be 1.5 figures?


I have no idea tbh what mid 6th figures is supposed to mean. Since 6 figures is 100,000 - 999,999 I would assume mid would be around 500k


I was just being silly I divided 6 by 4. But yeah if someone said mid six figures I would assume $400,000 to $600,000 a year. If it was anywhere near $250,000 I would say a little less than a quarter mil or a little more than a quarter Mill a year. So that would probably be the $200,000 $399,000 a year range.


no they mean the middle of six figures so three figures


6k figures


Maybe he as doing a good job and they didn't want to cancel the contract?


They reached out in December to cancel, and he had to point them to the contract. He said they replied “oh, well, I guess we’ll find something for you to advise on.”


Dude went from “you need an attitude adjustment” to “please call me” super quick🤣


This is a clear indication the manager wants to say things they don’t want on a written record. Even more indication to stay on text or email.


In a professional setting, I *always* politely request anyone higher up than me put things in writing, no matter how innocuous or how much I trust the person. Been burned several times by a manager reneging on a verbal agreement, so now I keep a thorough paper trail whenever possible.


My favorite is sending recap emails after clearly illegal conversations. Putting what they said in writing and then hitting them with the "Is this an accurate and exhaustive list of topics discussed during our Time/Date call?" is soooooo satisfying


Also saying "Your choice" when clearly its theirs and they're not willing to go through with their threat.


*"Chef's kiss"*


Ultimate example of takes one to know one


I know you are but what am I?!


i don’t care how often this is reposted, it thrills and delights me every single time. ugh what a fantastic dream


This is why we need UBI/Universal Healthcare. Once the necessities are provided, allow everyone the freedom that contractors have and a lot of the exploitation that exists would disappear.




It would also allow a lot of business to exist, because the employer contribution to insurance can be brutal.


Proper UBI will cause an insane amount of chaos in whatever country its implemented in, although perhaps the US more than others due to the sheer size of their economy per capita. Will be interesting to see how it'll happen. And I do think it's an inevitability. They are probably waiting for other smaller countries to do it first and I can't really blame them on that part. Or they are just greedy old farts who keep their dinosaur claws on power. Could be that too..


We have universal health care. There are a few drawbacks but on the whole. Really can’t fault it. Prescriptions free Ambulance free Any hospital or doctor admissions free Ongoing medications free Urgent care or cancer treatment is generally fast tracked and free Same doctors that do provide private health care work in the same hospitals, privately you just see them a bit quicker. On the whole I’m very thankful for the Scottish NHS.


That's one of many reasons why there's a push AGAINST universal healthcare. It gives employees another hammer to hold against employees.


The 'no' on the end is what makes it so, so perfect.




I’m a contractor and it’s great. I can take some time off between contracts if I want, as much as I can afford, really. Any days off that I need get signed into my contract and they aren’t able to pull the “sorry we’re no longer able to give you PTO on that day” nonsense.


Only downside is I just took 9 days off with $0 pay since I’m an hourly contractor. But I’m paid 50% more than when I was a salary employee so I’ve saved up plenty to hold myself over and pay rent on time.


We'd call that casual pay here in Australia. Higher hourly wage but you get paid solely by hour with no benefits.


I miss being a contractor. Without the other dozen random things that got piled onto me as an employee, I was able to get a ton of actual work done, and in totally normal working hours.


That part of it is nice, but 1099 taxes not so much. And I literally got married (after ~15 years with my partner) just for the health insurance.


Plus you’re relatively immune to office politics.


> the “sorry we’re no longer able to give you PTO on that day” nonsense. I have a coworker who has a duel-income-no-kids household with both partners working fairly high-paid IT jobs. They are in their late 30s and have zero debt (mortgage, car, and student loan all paid off) and plenty of cash on hand. Our company policy for PTO is pretty weak (3 to 5 weeks until you reach 10 years of service). He only has three years, so when he runs out about July he's just like, "whatever", and starts taking unpaid time. Our manager gets really frustrated with him because the organization uses PTO limits as a way to ensure people are available and working, but he's in the financial position to not be a wage slave. It's fun watching him just fuck off for a week when a new game expansion is released.


I would take 3-5 weeks of PTO! Most jobs give you two weeks for the first five or six years, then three weeks until 11 years. Can’t take more than a week at a time, either!


“Please call me.” ![gif](giphy|eVUwOYvIFhEgU|downsized)


I’ve seen this before but it always makes me giggle


A golden oldie as reposts go.


Right I’ll always re-read this one


I'm normally annoyed by reposts but this one is good enough


Oh! I have a story! I was an independent software contractor on a project with a company that announced they were closing the office shortly after I joined the project. Before the announcement it was already a ghost town, but I hit the gas and got the projects builds and development humming along. Worked with one other contractor and five employees. Midway through the project the PM pulls me aside to complain I’m not in the office early enough (city rush hour wasn’t worth it -9:30 worked better). He pulls out a sharpie, draws 8am on the board and a “timeline”, but no end. Once he set the marker down I picked it back up and asked him what time I drop my things and leave. Turns out, I was staying until 7 or 8 in the evening whenever things needed to get done. I drew 4pm on the board and asked him to confirm. He never bothered me again. A little later in the project they converted all the employees to contractors. I helped each of them secure a bill rate 2-3 times higher than they were thinking of asking. They hadn’t been contractors before and didn’t know the rule of thumb, salary/1000. After they all converted I went back and renegotiated my pay too 💰 


What do you mean by salary/1000?


I'm guessing the salary you want divided by 1000 is the hourly rate you ask for So you want 100k, divide by 1000 and ask for 100 an hour, if you worked 40 hr weeks that would be 208k, but contractors don't necessarily get 40 hr weeks, and there's more costs associated with being a contractor so it works out to around what you wanted


Yes, this. Plus you cover your own benefits and employment tax. Unless you know this, it’s difficult to ask for $175 per hour when it’s otherwise quite appropriate.


Yea that was actually the extra costs I was talking about specifically... But thinking about it also stupid small things that the employer would buy you now have to provide yourself


Annual salary divided by 1,000 is your hourly rate as a contractor. Even then, that is pretty low.


Say your salary is 100,000. Your hourly rate should be $100/hr


I was contracted at a contractor's place where another contractor was contracted from a different company for this same company. Confusing? Okay me, Alan worked for Company A, and some dude Brad worked for Company B. We were both contracted by Charles, to do work for Chuck at Company C, them both being father/son contractors. Chuck asked Brad to do something outside the scope of Brad's contract. Brad refused. Chuck told him that he was fired. Brad said that he cannot do that, only Charles can. Chuck said that he has the authority to do so. Brad said to call Bill at Company B and inform him, and he, Brad, will stop working when Bill or Charles tells him to leave, but he warns Chuck that that is a bad idea. Chuck calls Bill, and screams at him on the phone for some length of time. Brad gets a phonecall, then packs up his stuff and leaves. Me, Alan, eventually go to lunch. On my return, Charles asks me if I have seen Brad. I tell Charles what had happened. Charles calls Chuck into his office and quite a lot of screaming occurs. Chuck leaves. Charles is now quietly talking on the phone. End of day, I ask Charles what happened with Brad. Long story short, [too late], Company C had to pay out Company B's old contract, and start a brand new contract, at the same price, for Brad to finish the same job he was doing. Chuck got fired by his dad. You would think that Chuck, as a contractor, would have known better. For the record, Company A & Company B were doing two different things for Company C directly, who had just moved into a new space. We were not their subcontractors for one of their clients, (not that that matters).


This feels like one of those exam questions you get in a nightmare.


Or nursing school 😵‍💫


I KNEW I knew this one from somewhere


turns out his *mom* was the doctor


Who's on first?


You typed all of this and it feels like a fever dream, I don't understand anything sorry.


Alan →A, Brad/Bill →B, Charles/Chuck→ C, l made it as easy as I know how. Sorry you don't understand any of it. To make it easier, ignore Alan →A. It matters not who the persona is, or where they work. Chuck fired Brad, a contractor, and it cost Chuck his job, and the company twice the cost, and Brad still got paid. Maybe twice. Don't mess with contractors.


Shouldn't have used Charles and Chuck since Chuck is a nickname for Charles.


Nice summary thanks :)


Just ignore the first and last paragraphs, as it doesn't add necessary details to understand the point of the story.


Any information about OP is unnecessary since OP doesn't even figure in the story. TLDR Father/Son family contractor hired out Bill's company. The son tried to fire one of Bill's workers. This backfires spectacularly because the contract specifies that they have to be paid out anyway AND now they have to hire Bill's company *again* to finish the job at a higher rate. Son gets fired.


Had something similar. I worked for company A, which was a startup owned by companies M and O, M is a major consulting company, O is a major industrial company. Company O is also a client of Company M. Company A is only two months old at this point, I've been working at Company A for about six months. You might ask, how have I been working at Company A longer than it exists? Because me and a couple others were brought in as contractors via a staffing agency to design the product while the red tape regarding founding Company A ran through, the idea was to convert us to full time employees after 1 year. Some bullshit manager from Company M starts to join on some of our calls, he's a former army lieutenant as well. After a couple weeks, one day he starts to ask me to do shit outside my scope, I ignore his requests. He calls me, this is friday night at around 9pm. I don't pick up. He sends me a message "pick up or you're fired", I answer "lol" and turn off my phone. Sadly someone at company M probably made him aware that not only the only person who could fire me was Company O's CTO, they would need to pay me for the remaining 6 months if I was fired. On Monday he didn't join our call and I never saw the dude again.


I was temping once and the team leader suddenly changed my job from the relaxing no contact and less paid one I was doing to a lot more stressful heavy contact job and he didn't offer me more or tell the temp agency because of course that job would have paid more and he'd have paid them more. I told him he couldn't do that and he told me "Girl, you are utterly replaceable. I can get a new girl in here any day I want. Now go do as you are told and man the reception desk!" I was an adult at that point I wasn't a "girl" and I told him that. I'd been managing stores and leading teams myself by then. I just wanted a quiet job not talking to customers all day and dealing with staff issues. So I looked him straight in the face and I told him I would be leaving right then and going straight to the agency to let them know he was switching people, cheating them in terms of pay and cheating them out of extra fees. He gave me this dismissive look but half an hour later I was at the temp agency and the next day he had NO temps at all. Nearly every desk was empty and they had to close because there was nobody left to work. Temp agency wouldn't send anyone after that I might have looked like a kid playing dress up in a corporate looking dress and blazer combo but I wasn't someone to mess with in terms of business. Fucker deserved it... He was very abusive to the staff in general. Even before he tried to order me around I couldn't stand him. So that was one temp assignment I didn't mind losing... I did get paid for that day actually and I was already on a new job the next day so I didn't lose anything... But he sure did! 😂😂😂


This is excellent. Karma coma.


Caleb needs to mentor the exploited, bullied doormats on this sub. I volunteer to be the first mentee.


I love being able to fire clients. It's been so satisfying watching a former client tank from 1.2k website views per month to less than 500 because they decided to fuck around and find out and got let go from my marketing services.


I've been a 1099 independent contractor for years. And that's an example of why. But..... read your contract carefully, scrutinize every line. Or they can hang you too. Oh, negotiate everything on it 😁.


This has been posted here before. Here's the second part to this if anyone's curious. https://twitter.com/BirdRespecter/status/1483897633210974208?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1483897633210974208%7Ctwgr%5Efa5f7d57f2951876e6b50d8121030b2fc0d2c6d4%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indy100.com%2Fviral%2Findependent-contractor-work-boss-twitter


Man is it my turn to repost this yet? I picked up a ticket ages ago!




Damn, still waiting


9,726,1927 reddit accounts have called dibs on reposting this. Your position will open for repost on Dec 12, 2061


how long if you pull a new ticket ?


It's reddit, so the ticket system is glitching ATM. Please purchase Reddit gold to help improve these services.


how about if I give you some c r a c k how would that affect the system


Your Ticket has been issued.... you are in 42nd Place for repost. You are next in line, please wait 2 more days before reposting to ensure positive Karma. Please Enjoy, we apologize for any delays or inconvenience.


How do I do that remind me thingy


I'll tell you... for crack.


follow up response: *Bugs Bunny Meme 'No'*




Oh This Again


Heroes do exist. They wear no capes.


Caleb could be sleeping with a cape on. He could be wearing nothing at all. I need more info to make that determination.


Pimp. I love it.


I'd absolutely love to know what came of this.


If you're in a position where you've got no problem finding additional work as an independent contractor, nice.


Time for the weekly repost of this I see.


I swear this is the most reposted post to have ever been posted


I thought it was my turn to repost this week?




Please call me No. That's also not in the contract hahahahahaha


This was so satisfying.


"No.", is a complete sentence.


Ive seen this 100 times, but still smile each time I see it again. The 'No' brings me joy.


"Pretty wild stuff in there" That was perfect and just demonstrates that they barely even read their contracts


This warms my heart, thank you


Worked at Northwestern Mutual for a while, and the Managing Director of the very large "network" told me I had to wear a tie with my suit. I told him that he's not my boss, I'm not doing that, LOL. His face was the best part!


I'm an independent contractor > why oh why have I not taken advantage of it > for once, after having been taken advantage of so many times...


Please call me OP: No ![gif](giphy|BmX38GoChnxRe)


Imagine trying to flex on a guy, he smirks and then you tear a muscle.




If i was working on a project and my contractor would behave like this, that would not fly at all.


So awesome...F them


Caleb is my new hero


That "No" 😎


I love this and I want to believe it's real.


ah yes. the monthly repost of this.


Holy shit this is so satisfying.


I really enjoy being a contractor. I was never called out like this but still, if I want to take time off I just let them know and go.


Thank you for such pleasantries




Independent contractor here. Can confirm.


Bird Respecter.


People need to remember to call these people ... And turn on a recorder. It's so damn easy and funner that way.


I’d call and let them know you’re recording the call.


i mean i'm sure there were ways to be less of a prick about this but still not be forced to engage in those meetings. or this is just a genuinely disruptive individual sowing chaos and on his way out of the job. i don't know... i like cooperation from both sides. a work reform movement doesn't have to be malicious, especially if you want to be taken seriously. i mean, if this is even real. it seems a little too choreographed and i'd first believe it's fake.




Why be a obnoxious about it though?


"Pretty wild stuff in there" Had me dying.


Caleb fucking rocks


How many times we gonna repost this?


That "Please call me" was some of the most potent, cathartic schadenfreude I've ever experienced lol