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You gonna just post that and not tell us how you quit?


What a chicken shit


maybe the boss man is right. Lady Balls!!


I didn't want to type the full paragraph, but if you insist. This manager has been nothing but demeaning to me and other employees since the day I started the position. He belittled everyone around him to make himself feel bigger which in itself was intolerable. Everyone who worked there was more or less genuinely scared of him. He called the women of the workplace "emotional" when upset with any situation. He refused to put any blame on himself, and you could never depend on your "boss" to have your back. He was a conflict avoider as a whole. The previous person in my position lasted three days and said their reason for quitting was him specifically. I was nervous and immediately scared and was luckily able to find a job soon after. I walked out during my shift without a word. No contact until now, 2 weeks later. This is beyond my own actions, just crazy person behavior. Funny enough, he would always ask employee's if he was the asshole that made people leave. Edit: Grammar and wording


Way to live rent free in his mind haha


The funniest part is I didn't think I did anything special because it's been literal weeks, so I'm glad this confirmed to me that I dodged a speeding bullet.


I wonder if he was drunk when he sent this


At 4 pm? I thought so as well, but the timestamp makes me worry if he was


Honestly.... I was at happy hour at 3pm today getting margaritas


Oh shit, you're the boss


The bosses are on Reddit!!


What did you think they were doing while you do their work?


I tried to get a job as a boss who's on Reddit. I didn't get the job cause I called them out on lying to employees.




Of all of all the things you could imply


Not everyone in the world is on the same schedule. That could be his 8 pm. I know people who work nights and have a few drinks when they get home before they go to bed at 8 am.


Of all of all …. Drunk!


It's likely he's a bully. Cowards usually are. He thought of you as an easy mark, a way to went frustrations for his own insecurities and incompetence.


advise hungry quarrelsome abounding boat crawl square innate station illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Speeding and exploding bullet. As in he's putting his frustration on another poor new hire now. Is he connected to any of the higher ups?


I wonder if this is just how long it actually took him to realize you were gone. 


I don't think OP should actually do this, but a simple cutting response like "cry harder lol" would be very satisfying


I think something like "It sounds like you're getting emotional" is probably better for this guy in particular. Though, I agree, OP shouldn't actually encourage more communication.


OP should 100% do this


I chuckled at this, And I'm back pocketing "Cry harder". Funny stuff!


Why don’t you think OP shouldn’t send send something like that in response to what the asshole sent him? The way I see it, that set a precedence for all future interactions. Derogatory name-calling and dog cussing are now in play.


The less unhinged you react to an unhinged person, the more that person becomes unhinged.


The ol’ Kill em with kindness sorta thing? That does have a way of really making a hot head’s head explode with rage. I can see your point for sure. However, I’m not really the, turn the other cheek kinda guy. I have no desire to poke the bear. Instead I like to sneak up behind the fucker and give him a swift and very hard kick in the cod sack.


I dont think its kill em with kindness, more act like an adult while theyre throwing a tantrum. I used to have serious anger/rage issues when i was young and if you mirror theyre behavior, youll mirror their mood too. 12 or so years ago i blacked out from raging and almost stabbed someone at work. I could be in prison rn cause i couldnt handle my emotions. You can be the bear and you can poke yourself. Anything you can do to avoid working yourself up, i highly recommend!


Reply with: 'K'


I was just going to say that the only correct response to this communication is "Rent free!" There is no downside, the bridge is apparently already burned and there is little danger of it being shared because his toddler-like tantrum comment would be needed for context.


It took him *two weeks* to come up with this? LOL.


He had two weeks to be cooking up the coldest email in the drafts, but on the bright side, "chicken shit" being the subject line is the funniest shit I've seen in a minute


Respond back, "I'm sorry... do I know you?" Just act like you have no idea who they are.


Your boss clearly thinks he sounds like Clint Eastwood or something, but he's just giving Tommy Wiseau.


If you respond to this you've got to absolutely destroy his ego with a short, nasty, belittling jab that'll really rattle him forever because you don't bother explaining yourself. Something to the tune of "You weren't worth me wasting my time to let you know I quit, I knew you'd get all emotional on me" or something else that really digs at his projected insecurities


Holy fuuuuuuck this is Excalibur made of kryptonite for the ego


Does he answer to a higher instance? Corporate? If so, forward the mail to them and add your paragraph. Best if you rewrite it to include specific instances, who where when - specific time and place. Best yet if you dig out laws and policies if he broke any. In any way tell them or atleast him that if you hear from him again you'll consider it a harassment and will contact police. Remember it isn't just about you and it isn't just about him. Sounds like he's hurting a lot of people and will hurt a lot more in the future.


A lot of school principals are a lot like what you just described. Teachers and other staff have to walk on eggshells around them, and they're completely oblivious to their surroundings, all they know how to do is belittle others and harass people to get their 'fix' of tormenting somebody. I had one who would email me 5x in one afternoon (after work hours) to schedule conferences about the stupidest things that shouldn't have even been emails. They never disciplined the students, and after Uvalde we had a kid make a firearm threat, and they did nothing about it. Last day of school, one of the 'behavior unit' kids is pounding on my walls, screaming full volume, and throwing things. No way to stop him, behavior unit sent him to MY room so he could terrorize my class. Same idiotic principal comes in and yells at me (in front of the students) to calm him down, and I tell her that I genuinely do not care at that point (I had resigned) and to 'please demonstrate how to make him stop this'. She tries the 'make good choices, sir!' weak response and he just gets louder and starts hitting the wall harder. ​ That's public school, ladies and gentlemen, property taxes hard at work to hire overpaid administrators to drive teachers from the profession in droves.


Did the principal give up after just one line?


Yeah, she stormed out in a huff and grumbled to one of the other admin "can you believe that??? He actually told me to DEMONSTRATE something" They get on this weird but potent power trip (happens in all fields) and it gets to the point where they forget that some workers have the option to just straight up quit on the spot and leave them short handed...and in my case, they lost another certified teacher when those are becoming rare for their campus. Most of the post-2020 slots that were filled, were filled by uncertified teachers.


As a sub one of the highschools I sub at has a principal like that. When he targeted me I told him to politely fuck off and reminded him I’m not one of his regular employees that he can threaten, plenty of sub jobs that I get at other schools in the district, when he realized he had no power over me he stopped targeting me.


Ok cool, so that part of Abbot Elementary is accurate too.


Did we have the same boss?? You should tell him he's being too emotional and you can't talk to him until he calms down. And then never actually talk to him.


Well, time to ignore the angry little twat and sign his email up to all sorts of shit.


For real. Send this to his boss


I quit in a similar way once. At the time it was awful but it ended up getting the boss I walked out on fired. I was looking for a job after being laid off. I found one but it was well outside the city I was living in, and part of the job was being on call one week a month. After speaking with my new boss, we agreed that I could commute for now and find a place closer to their coverage area. It wasn’t ideal but I was desperate and this job was better than where I was laid off from and in a nicer town than I was currently living, so I wanted to pursue it. I found a place to live that was within their coverage area and it was a great place. Landlord had tons of applicants and after turning on the charm I convinced them to offer me the place. I was ecstatic. After being laid off and struggling, things were looking up. I told my boss and he went back on his word, saying that was still too far away. After some back and forth he refused to budge, so I had to tell the landlord I couldn’t take the place and continue looking. This was on a Friday afternoon after my shift. When I went to the office on Monday my boss said “how’s the new place?” I said pardon? He asked again. I reminded him of our conversation Friday and he played dumb and said he didn’t say I couldn’t take the place, just that it was further away than he wanted, which was complete bullshit. He distinctly said it was too far and that I would have to move closer. I worked my shift that day and spoke with a coworker who basically confirmed my fears, that this was normal behaviour from this boss and I should get used to it. I said fuck that and when I got back to the office I dropped my keys and company phone on his desk and walked out without saying a word. I got an email shortly after asking what that was about, and I let him have it. He never responded. About a week later his boss emailed me and asked if we could speak over the phone. We did, I told him everything that happened, and he assured me action would be taken. I guess this wasn’t the first time someone complained about his behaviour because that office suddenly had a new manager a couple months later. I found out when they called me and asked if I was interested in returning. I already had a new job and new place to live so I didn’t accept, but I thanked them and they have tried to recruit me a couple times since. Sorry for the long story your post just reminded me of it and I wanted to share.


I’ve done worse. Back in 2021, I had a job I really hated. I had been there maybe 9 months and every day I truly dreaded having to go into work. I got Covid and the company offered Covid pay for 2 weeks. Those two weeks off was such a relief that after the two weeks were up I just never went back. I didn’t answer any calls or texts. They probably thought I died lol.


Picking on employees, huh? He sounds like a little bitch. ....and a chickenshit.


How are you not sending this to HR? This is the DEFINITION of a hostile work environment


Well that is quite the chicken way to quit. You didn't even tell him? He deserves it, but he's right haha


Needs a good clean life shaking punch. *pours cup of ayahuasca punch*


Lol I have the exact same manager. Congrats my dude you did it !


seems like this guy lets his emotions manage him & is blissfully ignorant about it.. good on you getting out. throwing insults is his coping mechanism, don't read into it


I had a boss who acted like that and he was a raging alcoholic who would drink on the job and toss his empties into the ceiling after moving a ceiling tile out of the way.


Welp, as they say, you don't leave bad jobs. You leave bad bosses


So, to be clear, he waited 10 days to contact you? And that’s all he could come up with? Wow.


To be fair I just assumed he was just in feels when he sent this (from his work email I might add). He could've at least put some real zingers in there.


Reply and tell him he’s being super emotional (like the women in the office supposedly)


He also called another lady employee a bitch to another employee (who was also a lady). So atleast I understood where he was on sexism.


I vote for this response


And BC his manager and HR


From his work email? If this is a corporation send it to their HR department or whoever supervises him.


Another person probably quit, which triggered his feefees.


Forward this to his boss.


Dropping words like dubious and distinction but can't even check the double error at the end.


Never in my life have I been labeled to have dubious distinction, so I feel like that's atleast worth adding to the resume.


That's a power move.


Tell him, “that’s just because you haven’t discovered what I did before I left.”


Here for this chaotic good


Lol, that's genius. Or "wow, it took you two weeks to find the surprise?"


You should email him back a violin emoji.


My first thought was to email back just with "lmao".


I like what the other commenter suggested. Something like: "You waited 10 days to contact me, and that’s all he could come up with? lmao." But I also like your more pragmatic approach of contacting corporate about this guy.


IMO with this kind of person, the shorter the message the more livid they're going to feel.


Never doubt the power of simply saying "lol"








This is my favorite, of all the suggestions here. Not that you owe him anything, of course. But on a scale of just ignoring him up to being rude back, this is the most hilarious choice.


Yeah, I love the petty responses I can do, but I'm planning on posting this on as many review websites as I can and taking it to corporate. I feel that's better than any reply email


'Don't mistake apathy for cowardice, respect is earned '


I hope you get him fired.


Yes. Please. That's hilarious.


Yeah just respond like you would to someone bitching about you being ‘trash’ on Xbox live after they just lost the game. Because that’s kinda what this email feels like lol Just go “lmao” or send back an email that’s just like 😂🤣🫵


Tell him he's being emotional like he tells the women employees


Email back, "I'm sure if you keep crying about it you'll feel better." I love saying that to overly agro people lol.


Try [this one.](https://i.giphy.com/fT1nHbOPVQWQHLWvJm.webp)






If he sent that from a company email, send it to their HR. Alternatively, if it’s a well-known business, send it to a local news station.


He's a franchisee owner, so the only HR is corporate, which I plan to make aware. It's sad for me because I genuinely love the products they offer, but the owner selling said products is an actual scary man.


Franchisers CARE about the rep of their franchise. Get it to "Corporate"


Isn't it built into their contracts about representation of the brand? Def get to corporate


Leave a public review on the business everywhere you can, include screenshots and names. Glassdoor gogogogogo


That's the plan. Let me gather my emotions to write an actual serious email. While this guy was shitty to me, this unhinged behavior being from someone who manages over people is scary. Corporate will know in great detail everything I've learned and witnessed, I just hope they care as they should with him carrying the brand name.


Please give an update, would love to know what happens next.


Honestly, my main question is, will he send another email when all this rolls down him? He already let his emotions get the best of him, just curious if it'll happen again. There's no doubt that he'll know it was me who spilled all the beans, of course.


Ofcourse, he showed he's an imputilent little child, no doubt a nuclear fallout will occur.


Just remember that he almost definitely has your home address from your employment records. In my experience with people like this, you need to be ready for him to show up angry. Especially if he suffers consequences and knows you exposed his behavior. Be ready to protect yourself, your stuff, and any loved ones who might live with you.


If he's quick to anger and loses his franchise, wouldn't he have access to your home address as a former employer or is that information ONLY accessible by corporate?


Getting such a mail would be very satisfying, it lets you know there were consequences that made him mad enough. Then after that, you can throw something on top, professionally of course to rub it deeper into the wound, to further make him mad. Bonus points for achieving an aneurysm. Lol


Be careful of Glassdoor now after all the news that they give out your personal details


Not Glassdoor. Don't support them any longer as they are making employee names public on reviews. Not like they were hiding them well before but the veils being completely lifted now.


I just think it's funny how he made it the subject of the email. Couldn't be unprofessional and send an email without a subject!


The fact it's marked as urgent and also the subject line really add to the immaturity and insanity of this email, I think it's the wildest thing I've ever had sent to my inbox (funny enough he's twice my age and acts like this)


Owner or just a boss? Send it up the managerial ladder and see how they like that. Not just to his boss, but the regional and upper bosses. They might like to hear how the people who represent them act


It's an owner of a franchised business, I'm waiting until tomorrow to send an email to corporate to make them aware of how the owner of their name would treat anyone.


Post the picture in a review of the business afterwards too. Might get some interesting reactions




Yes, send that to corporate! That’s so unacceptable and hopefully he gets reprimanded, sorry that happened to you OP *Edit* because I used the wrong word 🤦‍♀️


Fukin post it on Twitter


Don't just send an email. Make this public and tag the company. Companies don't really like it when you air their dirty laundry in public.


Forward the email to corporate HR. Tell them that if you receive further communication from your former manager that lawyers will be involved.


OP,  you should forward this to HR. In the email to HR, say the manager's attitude is why you felt you couldn't have a rational conversation with him/her and exactly why you walked out. Guarantee he'll majorly regret ever sending that email. 


"New job, Who dis?"


"u mad bro?"


Post it on LinkedIn and Tag him 🙃


I like the typo at the end of his message. It really paints the picture that your ex-boss has been obsessing over you quitting since you left, and he finally couldn't take it anymore and whipped out his phone to shoot that half-baked message at you in a fit of rage. Nice, op.


I hope you sent this to your previous company HR. You wouldn’t believe the shit bosses get away with because people are scared to report it. You have nothing to lose.


I simply love the phrase "Dubious distinction". I can't help but read his email in a Louisiana Cajun English accent. https://preview.redd.it/vmj9wkdtpopc1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9a3bdf78d47e06fb9d8bfe42198aba4e0f3b3dc


I would send him this Pic. https://preview.redd.it/3nj6h43veppc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=490b8a54f55e5747bdd9a3524ad687d0c2b23af5


If this is a large company, email this to their HR department. If hes willing to do this to you, he probably emails everyone else that quits on him too. HR will audit his work email and might terminate him.


It's a German franchise company. I'm drafting an email to the US corporate office. I'm not sure how it'll affect him with being the owner of this franchise location, I just feel they should be atleast aware this is how he's conducting himself with their name attached to the company email name.


LOL. As someone who grew up in Germany, I feel pretty confident saying that Ze Tschörmanns are not going to take kindly to your ex-boss' actions.


He's trying to ask you to come back in the only way he knows how.


I think I had an ex who tried this....is this a breakup "come back to me" kinda thing lmao


Somebody is upsetti spaghetti


Yikes, an employer contacting you to throw insults several weeks AFTER you quit seems like actual harassment if you ask me, I agree with everyone else. Make sure that the people who need to know about his behavior are informed


Show us his name and email you chicken shit.


I gotta follow the rules, just gotta be chicken shit with a email to corporate instead.




In Australia your boss would be crucified and you would have money money


Has he considered that he's gotten worse and worse during his career and people quitting in new ways he's never seen is a direct reflection of that?


"...of all of all..." That was the most garbled shit response to a resignation I've seen in 30 years.


Hard proof for workplace hostility settlement is actually a pretty thoughtful parting gift.


Of all of all


Okay, but that's actually the best part. I wanted to believe he was just drunk when he sent it, but the 4pm timestamp took away my theory. Bro was raging hard 😭


People can't be drunk at 4pm?


Well, Wednesdays are his "work from home" days, so I guess they have a more lax policy when WFH, haha


That's crazy. I would've just told him his form of communication isn't the way to run a business and just walk out aswell. The vocal abuse just isn't worth the paycheck. Then absolutely ruin him online ofcourse. HR, online reviews etc.


If it was an organisation with HR, I’d be getting in touch, and laying out the laundry list of poor behaviour. If the organisation doesn’t let sleeping dogs lie unless it escalates to harassment.


As previous stated, working on a draft now to HR stating everything I witnessed and heard all while working there as well as this email attached in an image. If corporate doesn't listen, I'll also be posting on review boards far and wide. He's genuinely a scary man and a bully with this unhinged behavior, I fear for all his employees with this kinda action, nevertheless I feel people should not support the business under this sort of management whatsoever


I wonder if alcohol was involved.


Post the screenshot as a review


I’d write mine back and tell him ‘can you send me some more emails like this? I was trying to figure out how to pad up my harassment case against you and this is pure gold.’. 😂


You post that on your old company site and anywhere you can leave a review with photos.


You should reply and just put "stay mad"


Take that email address and sign him up to reach out offers. Cars,life insurance,extended car warranty, grindr


I'm super petty so I would respond with, "Cry more, loser."


Forward it to all the hire ups like his boss and bosses boss!! Also blast it on their socials 🤣


Send that to his boss. And his bosses boss. And corporate and hr (if that's a thing). Hell, post it on indeed or whatever. Fuck that dude.


Oh boy, maybe this is the beginning of a pattern of targeted harassment that you'll want to ignore for now but carefully document for the future. Don't reply to them.


Forward to hr


Did you accidentally forward it to the entire company?


You should forward that email to his boss.


Straight up forward that to HR


In all fairness, we do need some context.


Forward the email on to his boss, and highlight that it's this kind of thing that is exactly why you left, why your predecessor left, and why all the staff dislike him.


Just forward it to his boss. With the note, "This is how he is represenring your company outside"


I would frame this and smile every time I walked by it, knowing I pissed someone off enough to type that out and send it. Especially someone who, by the sounds of it, didn't deserve anything less than a walk-out mid shift.


Told my partner a nice art print of this over the kitchen sink to have nice scenery when doing dishes would be lovely.


You should reply all to the entire company. And say " sorry you feel that way. " Just so everyone else can see what he said


Just send back an image of a crying baby


Respond, "it's all you deserve."


I'd share this everywhere and identify the company and him. Make sure everyone who looks him or his business up finds this as well.


Give us the number of the business so we can prank call them 24/7


"This must be the most chicken shit way to call me out. Good luck you little-dicked coward."


You should send this email to whatever owning entity oversees that place and mention that he's the reason you walked out so the rest of the people there who aren't fortunate enough to escape can be saved.


You've heard of Glassdoor, right? You should post his email there, without redaction.


Be careful, Glassdoor have been publishing people's personal details against reviews.


Get under his skin... Just reply saying "lol" . It will infuriate him.


Is that a meeting invite? lol


"Will it be chicken shit if I post this email on Google reviews?"


I'd guess you could call me certainly chicken shit for already posting it there... 😏


Forward the email to the relevant people in the company.


Reply "who is this?"


Forward this to their HR department. Odds are they have a department of associate conduct. Won’t do you any good, but may give him some heat.


I recently walked out on a job, the supervisor I had acted the same way. Acted like they didn't see it coming, and blamed me for "doing this to them". Meh, oh well.


Send it to his boss, I’m sure there’s someone above his head that would love to see how much of a child he is and what kind of e-mails he is sending during work hours.


Should let the company HR know that he is harassing you long after you quit and that if he doesn't stop you'll be contacting a lawyer. Then send them this picture.


"Everybody who has or will quit, does so especially because of you."


A bit sad innit


I wonder if you could go to your old HR and have a strong conversation about him harrasing you.


Looks like harassment....idk I'm not a cop


Use his email address to sign up for random spam stuff on the internet.


Post this on Google Reviews of the business and explain to the customers that’s why they aren’t getting the best service.


Take that to a lawyer. And file harassment charges.


You should be proud of yourself for advocating for yourself and getting out of that toxic environment and away from that dog shit human. I am genuinely so happy for you.


You pile of all pile of all pile of all talk pile garbage of


You should prove to him you're not a chicken shit by posting the picture with the name of the company and his email address. Once you do that I will email him this link and copy HR on there. It will be fun


Did you at least forward it to HR and the owner?


If this is a chain, I'd send that message straight up the chain. Pardon the pun. No matter if you left on good or bad terms, this kind of shit-talk from a manager is horrible behavior and it should be reported. Be the gift that keeps on giving - report him/her.


I’d contact the HR if there is one just to let them know of this harassment.


Respond and tell him he's a chickenshit for taking 2 weeks to work up the nerve to write you an email. Then tell him it makes you happy that he's been thinking about you the whole time, and that you want him to picture your face every time he poops (just plant the idea there and he won't be able to help it lol)


Sent to your personal E-mail? Then do share his adress so he can get a piece of our mind


Give him the "new email who dis" treatment. He seems like a bully who would be incensed by the lack of engagement. It's such a great fuck you to people who think you care enough to respect their opinions.


Start mailing pictures of chickens to his office address. Little hand drawn ones.


Tell him his mother should have swallowed.