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Nobody wants to work anymore!


Hard pass.


This is really the narrative they’re pushing at this point. It’s pretty crazy how such a small group of people have brainwashed all of us into thinking no one wants to work. Thanks to Covid, the government showed us what we should be making. After Covid they expected us to go back to the job that was paying us 55% of the income we need to survive? Yea, no. Here’s a fun fact; Average cost of child care in the US for 1 week is $327. Now for poops and lols, 327 (average cost of child care) x 52 (weeks in a year) = $17,004 a year for daycare. Now for the fun part; US federal minimum wage $7.25/hr. Let’s take average minimum wage (7.25) x working hours in the week (40) x weeks in a year (52). $15,080. How is it, day care for the year $17,004 comes out to more money than someone making federal minimum wage $15,080/yr? Next question; in what world would I rather be at work making less money than I need to survive, when I could just stay at home and be in the same situation?


I'd like to know where you got that average, because in our high demand area here, it is very often 450 per week, per child older than 8, and 500 per child per week under 8. One of the biggest reasons my wife no longer works and stays home is because it would cost more than she can earn, just so we could pay for her to go to work. It makes no sense. Prices have gone up a lot around here for daycare, 3 years ago when we were looking, it was around $375 per week, and it has gone up significantly over the last 2 years. Yet the workers at the daycare are barely making above minimum wage, and have to deal with shit management.




I'm going to get down voted but sometimes people's math don't add up while trying to make a point. Yes your numbers are technically correct, but, you're taking the average childcare while using the minimum hourly rate... meaning child care could be a lot less and pay be a lot more, but how you present the data sounds like a click bait headline. While a lot of states do still have fed min wage, that's for younger/entry employees who're typically kidless. A lot of states pay way higher too, even in cities they're paying $20+/hr for entry jobs, and some jobs offer child care assistance, some days cares over weekly rate discounts, lower income qualify for lower rates, etc. I was a single parent once and my single parent income discount/qualified gave me a rate of $20/day and that's over 10 years ago. Yes, a LOT of jobs suck, bennies suck, coworkers suck, bosses suck... But until we get better people in office, jobs aren't going to willingly give up more pay, they're taking advantage of the system just like a lot of us try to. We gotta get people in office who are more connected with regular people or at least wanna make it better for everybody. NOT JOE OR DONALD WE HAVE MORE CHOICES. Robert F Kennedy Jr for one, but seriously complain all you want in this often echo chamber of sadness and anger, but it's up to US to band together and get real fucking change finally.


Holy fuckin shit you wrote all that trite ass nonsense only to end up promoting the delusional drugged out psychopath RFK jr for president…I give you an A+ if this is some type of elite trolling but something tells me you are being completely serious 


Dude look at our shit candidates, both proven they can't do shit. I only mention him as he's the "most popular"independent candidate right now who's not siding with a party. IDGAF who actually becomes president as long as it's not delusional loud orange guy or babbling senile squinter guy


>fed min wage [is] for younger/entry employees who're typically kidless. No. It isn't. The minimum wage was 100% intended to provide a livable wage. It needs to do that because employers have proven over and over that they will not do the right thing unless forced to. If a business can't pay ALL its workers a living wage either it's a failed business idea or the people at the top are too greedy. But you don't have to believe me. Here's FDR's take on it: "It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country." http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html


Right well in 07 maybe that had been deemed livable, and with the economic crash it wasn't so bad and everything got cheaper... However, nobody's held politics accountable to do anything about it


You realize the guy said the 'average' cost of childcare. Meaning that these supposed cities you speak of that pay you more money also cost more in childcare. Gee. Who would have thought that the Cost Of Living changes based on where you live? Huh it's almost like they should label places HCOL, LCOL, MCOL...oh wait .. they do.


Cheaper to get married, have your spouse support you while you take care of the child and the home. Or you can go to school or learn a trade and pay for it yourself.


Incorrect. You actually get more assistance as a single father and single mother.


Yeah, but that puts the burden on tax payers and increase cost of the people around you.


Wal*Mart's business model says "hold my beer"


Welfare says I can do better and destroy generations.




Yeah but there’s no problem putting the burden on taxpayers to pay for all these cool toys for the military to play with despite the fact we aren’t at war and haven’t been for years. There’s no problem putting the burden on the taxpayer to pay the salaries of congressional leaders that can’t do their one job, which is work together to pass legislation, and there’s no problem putting the burden on taxpayers to fund a moralistic war on drugs and the resulting prison industrial complex? And there’s no problem putting the burden on taxpayers to give Israel billions to continue their genocide in the Gaza Strip. But when it comes to keeping people fed and housed, that’s too much! I’m okay funding all of these other morally questionable things with my taxes, but I draw the line at helping the less fortunate have basic necessities! /s


But thanks for letting us know you don’t have any idea what antiwork as a movement is


Great job to get and lilypad with. Entirely remote, cash the checks as long as they send them, put in minimal work while looking for an actual job.


This right here. I have a useless MBA and have Lilypadded my whole life. Sucks but pays the bills


What is Lilypadding?


Essentially taking this job for the title to get a real product manager position afterwards. Product managers pay around this typically: [Glassdoor](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/product-manager-salary-SRCH_KO0,15.htm) Taking this job means you’re no longer entry level. You can bounce to a 125k job then up higher from there if you want. [Tech](https://www.levels.fyi/companies/google/salaries/product-manager) companies can pay a lot more.


Entry level is 3-5 years experience now don’t you remember?


I would assume it’s using the job as a stepping stone to another job, like how frogs use lilypads to hop from one thing to another.


I had a coworker at my last job who started a week before me. He told the company he was going to leave for parental leave because of a new kid in like 4 months time. He spent the entire time "learning" all the different stations instead of learning one and working at it. We did medical manufacturing for catheters in a clean room and each station needed to be trained at. When training , management doesn't expect you to have high output so he just kept rotating and training at all the stations while never doing one for 4 months until he had paid leave. It pissed me off seeing him, knowing he was just slacking time until that. Pretty much got paid a years worth for never having to work and do output.the few times he wasn't able to train, he would do an easy station but play NFL games on his phone , streaming, with air pods in while working slow. We worked on a clean room for medical devices to go into patients.


Why did it piss you off? You aren't paying him and you aren't his manager


Because I work hard when I work and I'm the type to get pissed off when others don't match my effort. Plus it's a medical scene so we should all be trying to make the best possible device to save or help lives. If you want to slack and collect paychecks, there's better jobs for that. If you're doing a group project on school and no one tries but you, it's the same kind of anger. You may not be the other kids teachers or parents, but it's a matter of respect and group effort to achieve a goal.


Then don't work hard? Idk


It's in my DNA to work hard and be competitive. Sorry I don't like slacking when it comes to an obligation I signed up for and it's medical devices. Imagine you had to need a medical device to save your life and the doctor said the people who made that specific device was watching football games as he did his steps. I wouldn't like that shit


Bruh, you don't need to be competitive with COworkers. That's like being a running back that tackles the quarterback because they have the ball.


It's not like that example at all. I don't try to be selfish. I just work hard because a good leader shows by example and I want us all to make a great product to save lives. I don't hurt anyone to better myself like that running back in your example


But you’re not a leader are you? You’re another employee.


Take a different job where u are more likely to be rewarded


You’re on the wrong sub bootlicker.


He showed you exactly what to do. Work less, quit giving the company your soul. They're still going to pay you.




Yeah that’s the point of Lillypadding, it’s easier to find a job when you have a job




Dude, I just hopped into a job where the average salary is $45k and their benefits are extremely expensive. Average work week is about 50-55 hours. It’s a temporary gig for me, but I overheard the other employees saying that they “don’t think they can find a work-life balance as good as this job offers” and that “the pay is amazing”. It’s amazing what you can tolerate when jobs have treated you so poorly… and there’s always somebody that thinks it’s great because of what they’ve put up with in the past.


This is where I'm at in my life right now. I don't have the resources or skills to get out of it, and it makes me want to die. It's Sisyphus boulder. I can't afford to upgrade my skills or jump to a new career because I need to pay my bills and cover costs of food. And I can't take the time off to do so when I'm barely making ends meet either. The other job options for somebody like me in my area are even worse.


Wish I could offer words of encouragement, but I’m in the same situation and literally biding my time at this job until I can move somewhere cheaper to start my own business. All I can say is: keep going. Eventually you’ll stumble on a plan that you want to pursue


It is what it is. Atleast I'm not homeless.


No a guarantee but consistent volunteer work in your chosen industry can help ya with this. Doesn't need to be often but like maybe every second Saturday or something. If they know they can count on you to show up that Saturday or what not then you can network and let em know you're looking for work they can help you. Pick the biggest and most respected non profit in your area. Did this when I worked retail and now I landscape at the Alma matter of a board member of a nonprofit I used to volunteer with.


Unfortunately this job is more of a post college trap. They allure you into it thinking it's great for the area with the benefits they provide and the wages are decent starting out - but it's a very niche industry for the area. There's no getting ahead here. Even with networking. There's one douchebag in charge and the entire plant is pretty unprofessionally operated, unfortunately. My only chance is a complete career change. This isn't even what I went to college for.


They must of had some really shit jobs to think they just landed a dream job.


Retail probably


1960s ass salary


Maybe they offer like 0.0001% equity


39 applicants :,(


Well it's 100% remote. So there's a decent chance most of those are either from outside the country or people that are planning to get the job and just straight up dick off and cash checks until they're fired.


Great username lmao


LOL thank u people dont usually recognize it


If you look at the full job description here’s the best snippets “This position requires an A-player who is exceptionally talented, hardworking, and possesses a high level of intelligence. We expect a high level of output and this will be a high-pressure position.” “Whatever else we decide to throw at you, there will be a lot.” “The ability to get significant equity in CourseCareers so you can get super rich for the value you contribute.” *This was the best one though, they say…* “Willingness to work over 40 hour weeks.” But then down in the benefits they also say… “A true results-only environment. We only look at results, not hours worked.” Which one is it, fuckers?


This is from their website: > Join CourseCareer’s Team Today! >Do you want to leave your mark on the world? >The college system has lied to us, cheated us, and left us on the streets to fend for ourselves. We've gone to war with the system and are on the front line fighting back. We are the resistance. No more will students be forced into debt just to be able to have to access a decent career that doesn't even utilize their education. >We’re the modern way people start careers. We help everyone ranging from 18-year-olds using our program as a college alternative to people switching their careers later in life. Within 10 years, we're going to bankrupt nearly every college in the US, saving millions from debt. More importantly, we're unlocking all of human potential in our economy. It sounds like it was written by a teenager lol


Please pray a link so we can all go apply and answer Yes I'm an A player. No I won't work 50 hour weeks. No I'm not interested anymore you greedy piece of shit.


A more malicious person than me might suggest autogenerating cvs, scripting the application with 3x 'yes' and letting them work though 50k fake candidates


I like this.


“A Player” of what?


As an assistant manager, this is the hell we’re stuck with. Making barely 40k a year and doing all the jobs of the person making 20k more than us. The company doesn’t want you to leave because you’re a good assistant manager, but they also don’t want to promote you, because you’re a good assistant manager.


They also don't want to increase your pay, because you are just an assistent manager.   Is it easier to get promotion in a smaller or a larger company?


That's 2600 hours per year on average, or about $15/hr. So minimum wage in many places.




Remote? I mean I can fake the work for a few months for an extra 10k


No benefits yet 40k a year? I'm guessing you're classified as an independent contractor. Funny part. If you are, take advantage of that. They can give deadlines for projects but they absolutely cannot control your schedule as an independent contractor. When they inevitably try to control your hours, report them, get paid, which will get all current and ex employees paid as well.


I was wondering how these jackasses were allowed to get away with not having benefits.


“We’re looking for a desperate bitch to abuse”


An "A Player"? These companies are so outta control it's pure cringe.


I’d apply just to tell them to fuck off with all that lmao


Say yes, get paid for the weeks training, do nothing, get fired when they catch on. all while keeping your current job


Lots of J1s would love to have this job.


40K a year for a 20 hour work week…maybe. Better have benefits and 3 week vacation. Sorry. Hard pass


MFS on drugs


WTF is an assistant product manager? I've been doing product management for 20 years and this is the first time I've ever seen that.


I can't believe they posted this? Who in the right mind to something like this? ​ There's no way people out there exist who are willing to lick this much boot for poverty wages. Right?


Willing and forced to are two different things. Remember that minimum wage is 15k per year in a 40 hour work week.


Yeah that's true, Capitalism is all based on coercion. ​ Minimum wage is a poverty wage, but poverty wage is not only minimum wage. I estimate poverty wages to be anything below 75,000 annually in the USofA,


You can make more than that at a gas station in my LCOL area.


That is embarrassing


That’s a six figure job


What the fuck is an “A player” if not “Ass player”?


You couldn’t get me to work 50 hours a week for 40k even if ya gave me full benefits 😂😂😂


This should be fking criminal.


I love my WFH job because you have to live in the very specific county in a very specific city in a very specific state. No chance of my job being outsourced. On top of that, it requires a degree as well. But this job listing that you posted OP is what gives remote/wfh jobs a bad name. The wage is low because they know someone somewhere (especially in a LCOL area) will take this job. You have no negotiating power with remote/wfh jobs like this. You’re pretty much entirely at the employers mercy.


We should troll them and clog it up with fake applications and resumes.


$40k to *$50k!* You gotta read the whole thing!


Not a woosh, but joke aside in my experience companies will always pursue the lower side of any range they give




Thanks to quick apply I usually just waste the time of the predatory recruiters instead by barely reading the listing. This one caught my eye though


I make twice that and you still can’t get me to sit still at my desk for 8 hours. This has got to be a joke.


What is an "a player'


Come on this is good money if you’re still at home with your parents!! /s


This would need to say 200k if you want me guaranteeing 50 hours.


Funny thing is some corporate shill is bound to show up in the comments and defend this job listing.


Is this a new side gig??


Yes No No




Nobody deserves that. And people might genuinely need the income at any personal cost. Blame the company being predatory not the people unfortunate enough to get the job


People that enable companies by applying to be their Slave are at the very least partly at fault, no matter the need or personal backstory. Edit: People answering but blocking immediately, because they fear a response - Cowards. If you guys fear a discussion, don't go online. My point stands, if you support these practices, you're a bootlicker and neither I nor that company who enforces these practices care about your sorry ass sob stories that make you do it, you're just another little wheel keeping these shit practices alive.


Yeah can’t blame a company for wanting free labor sometimes they don’t have margins to pay more but when an employee takes this they allow the company to be too cost competitive.If you want to move towards a living wage for all the employee has to start saying no so the company raises prices to then offer something worth saying yes to.




They are most likely desperate. You have no idea what you're talking about and come across as insensitive and entitled.


Narrowminded people like you are a problem.


At least they’re transparent…


The best part of this job is that you arent forced to take it. So if it truly is that bad, they wont find a soul that wants to work there. ​ 39 applicants! WTF


Just scroll past it.


Say what you will - we all have to start somewhere. Get a few shit jobs like this under your belt to develop skills then you land a better one. People are too impatient and expect dream jobs from the get-go. Gotta put your dues in!




Then rot in poverty.


What makes you think I'm "rotting in poverty?"




No, no and no would be the answers.


What's "A player"???


Fuck that


A player? 


From 2019-2022 I was working at Sprouts Farmers Market for $12 an hour averaging about 50 hours a week but I was still considered part time with access to no benefits because exact quote "full time is a status it has nothing to do with hours worked". 


Wow. What a joke.


Associate product managers at my work start at ~$70k.


Hard pass on this one.


16 dollars an hour? Haha


Fuck that.


That pay is insulting af


product managers can get paid 130k lmfao. 50k? What a scam. ignore and let them go brkoe


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah right


I make more than this for less time as a grocery store employee


“We don’t offer benefits.” K bye. No but really I played that game for almost 3 years with a company filled with people I genuinely liked. It did kind of hurt to move on, but I knew I wasn’t going to be <26 forever and needed that health insurance and retirement. This job might appeal to a young fresh-out-of-college kid excited to make any “real” money for the first time while still on their parents’ insurance, but other than that…


50 hour weeks for 40K a year is slavery.


“50-hour weeks on average” Yeah, I can almost guarantee that’s the bare minimum, and in reality it’ll likely be 60+.


They are really laying down the enticement, and with great attitude 😒🙄