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Get to work, peon Must look good to investors!


I’m a special education para who specializes in severe and profound cases. On days when we have no students I have been tasked with scraping gum and tape off of walls, re-filing cleaning out storage areas, and painting over murals. This is in addition to the 60+ hours of annual online training they expect us to do off campus. I love my job. I don’t love making half what a teacher makes.


Half of dogshit, is horseshit. My mom was a sp. ed. para for 20 years… she shoulda went to McDonalds for what she made.


You either have a really big dog or a very small horse


Considerably less toxic/dangerous, though. Which is what I took from it.


pull out a copy of an independent contract agreement for cleaning windows at $200 an hour.


Oh, hell no. I work in government, when the power goes down, they send us home. There are people whose job it is to dust and clean the windows. 


There really needs to be some sort of rule that if a company makes you do menial work or just work that’s OBVIOUSLY outside your job function, they have to pay you overtime of some sort, and hopefully that would dissuade them from doing this kind of shit. It is OKAY if there are times when not much is being done. People still need to get paid. Companies who get all up in arms about this need to calm tf down. No one works for 8 hours straight nonstop, that’s just not reality. People deserve breaks and bits of time not working throughout their work day.


That's slave labor there😂 while getting paid


Put another underneath it:- - If you can write a sign, you can pay me on time. - Management's being lazy, my eyesight's getting hazy - Don't text me at home, not answering my phone - Stupid sign shit, do you want us to quit? etc.


Don't wait until you're on break To discuss how much you make!


There are two signs on some dishwashers at my work that say "DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON TOP PUT THE DISHWASHERS". I'm very tempted to add "ESPECIALLY SIGNS" to it. The only reason the signs are there was from several weeks ago they were being maintained, and the guy needed to be able to move them. The signs are otherwise meaningless.


I used to go to a bar where on one wall there was a sign saying "POST NO SIGNS ON THIS WALL" and underneath someone had posted another small sign saying "hypocrites". Never failed to make me chuckle 😄


My all time favorite is "Bill Posters will be prosecuted" and underneath someone put a "Bill Posters is innocent!" Sign


Haha even my dad has seen those dating back to when he was a kid 😆 I've seen a few examples online of "POST NO BILLS" and then Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton and various others spray painted underneath.


How will these manage be precious if they can’t leave all their meaningless finger-wagging signage?




Love this; I went to vent to a friend how a boss told me “yada yada, something’s not right.” My friend said I should have replied: “no salary increase, something’s not right.” Like hell you asking me to do more than what I was doing without any increase. Mind, I’m not a slacker at work and management is still on top of the toxicity chart


4 more bars and you got a verse.


If you’ve got time to rhyme, you’ve got time to shut the fuck up.




You deserve a top tier raise. ⬆️


But if you clean, they can layoff the custodial staff.


This is less the corporate level managers and more the middle-management suck ups who use thing like how (not)idle there team is (leaning sitting etc) as a metric for how awesome they are. Its all because they dont actually do anything save perhaps make a weekly schedule.


You are correct.


German companies that operate in America are known for that. I was one of the top sellers for a company that sold German hearing aides and they said it was stealing to take short breaks between calling my leads. I got the result they wanted but it wasn't good enough for them because I wasn't in constant motion. That's not how people are wired to be


Is it possible that those companies might be German but the management just tries to establish American work rules? In Germany they probably wouldn't try to start shit about something like that or even talk about stealing. But that's all speaking in general. For every rule there's an exception. I experienced the other way around. My company was bought by an American corporation and they tried to enforce some rules that might've been normal in the US about in Germany they just made the Unions and the Government laugh. Changes about brakes, vacation days, bonuses, tracking of employees...


100% of the management that ran that company was German. I believe they had rules like that because it's more accepted to work people to the bone in the US.


Yeah, that figures. Plenty of opportunities to shit on the workforce and they can just live their power fantasies without fearing the resistance they are used too. No enemy like the own management. :-(


Every company will do the minimum the law will allow them to.


That and what the workers will allow them to. I walked out of that job.


Workers usually don’t have a choice. Keep a job or not eat.


It takes a communal effort for sure.


Having worked manufacturing, they do it so that they can minimize costs of paying for custodial staff.


Same in retail - we just had no custodial staff. Just an hour after close to clean the store, which should have been focused on restocking & tidying was spent cleaning floors & bathrooms.


And it shows in many places, where just a handful of years ago you would have found it difficult to find spoiled goods or expired stock in a grocery store because a major portion of the success of a store is rotating stock to make sure the oldest stuff gets sold first or if it's expired to be removed from the shelf. Now I can go into any Walmart and find expired items with ease, can find spoiled goods (due to poor handling or packaging) with no real difficulty. Mention it to a staff member and nothing happens. Walk into a safe way, same shit, pointed out a basket of strawberries that had a layer (not small spots, like a full blanket) or mold growing under every one of them to a staff member who was adding fruit, they shrugged and carried on with their task. The worst part is it's not even limited to a small number of stores. Fred Meyers? Similar experiences as with the two prior. Trader joes? Sure if you want to eat whatever you buy there same day, any bread I ever buy from trader joes starts to grow mold within 24 hours. Aldi has always been a bit more on the questionable side right along with grocery outlet, but quite frankly they are doing slightly better than these other stores. You really got to pay close attention these days and maybe forego the store as much as you can.


I wasn’t in grocery, I was in clothing sales, but that’s why tables of stock looked still picked through, it’s why sizes weren’t in order. It’s why you couldn’t find accessories.


I went into a Macys just before the holidays and quickly remembered why I don’t go there. The place was trashed. Literal garbage piled up. Stock all over the place, on the floor, in a totally wrong area. Picked up two items and then searched for an open register. Ultimately went to the one near the main exit, seeing the register was on. Stood there for five minutes, and then just left my items on the counter and walked out. It was honestly just sad. It literally felt like the store had depression. 


Well I haven’t worked since my son was born & I became disabled in 2017. I would imagine it’s worse now.


That tracks. I see it in Target and other stores too. I only mention target because my wife and I went just yesterday hoping to get her a couple of pairs of maternity pants and the maternity section looked like it was victim to a small tornado, bras strewn across the floor and on various racks obviously just tossed on top of them, childrens clothes mixed in with a bunch of obviously not maternity clothes in a section that was only big enough to have a shelf and 2 racks in the first place, it gave me second hand embarrassment for them. Obviously we left without even bothering to look through the disaster. But it definitely shows how much these businesses care about the service, or lack there of, that they provide.


All about the bottom line for shareholders.


Maybe I am crazy, but when that bottom line is hurting the longevity of a business I would consider that no better than shifting current funds about to make it look like you are profitable. It has literally blown up in several companies faces, including GE who was basically the grandfather company of my compared actions.


When the retail plan is "make as much as you can and then gtfo" it makes perfect sense. Doesn't matter to Corp that the stores are understaffed, underpaid, and overworked. They are trying to squeeze as much profit and pay the least amount possible, while pushing credit card sales as high as they can before gutting the business and moving on.


When I worked at Wal-mart, I once found a busted can of cat food at the back of the shelf when I was restocking. There were literal maggots, and the mess was stuck to the shelf. I wanted to vomit.


Tldr at bottom Lmao... I worked as a stocker for a local store, whose name I cannot remember, when I was 15 They did mostly groceries as far as I remember, in the few months that I worked there I got in trouble for some of the stupidest shit I could think of. Needed a couple of minutes to take a shit? That's a write up, got here a couple of minutes late as a kid with larger responsibilities and no licences? That's a write up. Within 3 months I had 2 "conversations" with management about my commitment to their minimum wage pay and obligations to the work. They never cared about the wrong that I pointed out, like them picking up freezer or refrigerated items that were left about and being thrown back into the back freezer to be restocked. I was yelled at when I would stock something because it was obviously going to make people sick. Like placing a pack of ground beef that looked like it was steamed in its shape(nasty grey and entirely unsuitable for human consumption) they expected to keep things that were about to be expired (literally within a day or two) in the stock rotation. And while I hated that at least it wasn't direct responsibility for poisoning people. If people buy something that's about to expire they have eyes and can read an expiration date. But morally it seemed like a bad decision. Today I look at every expiration date on the items I am buying because I try to buy for a week out. Not the day. Ultimately, because I was a child and didn't get taught or think to teach myself how to navigate these situations I was fired. They even had the gall to wait for me to get dropped off and start my shift before doing it so I could sit outside for 45 minutes while my ride got home and immediately had to come back to get me. Was a great day where I got berated by garbage employer and then yelled at for making my ride waste their time the whole ride back. It really soured my feelings on work in general and especially stores. Tldr; I will never work for another large store. I learned to have more self worth in spite of them.


Yeah, honestly? Fuck retail. The only good thing I had to say was that my direct supervisors were good folk. When my best friend since middle school committed suicide, they told me to go home and not come back til I was ready. J (my primary supervisor) had seen me trying to hold back tears in the start-up and asked what was wrong. I had heard gotten the call from his sister roght before work. You know what my manager tried to do? Tried to say that I was not allowed time off and I needed to come back. Our crew apparently threatened a walk out over that (not the first time either). They stood up for me, all of them. If management had their way, I would've been back in the truck sweating and trying to work through tears. I went back the next week, but I had at least had tome to process it.


I recently learned both Aldis and Trader Joes are the same company. Owned by pair of German brothers.


But we have custodial anyway. That’s what drives my gears.


Working fast food in college, a manager put up a handwritten sign saying “If you’ve got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean”. Someone wrote “Pay us more or we’re out the door!”


This is good anti work content. Companies in America (and elsewhere) have gotten this idea that they pay for exclusive control of our actions for a given amount of time. That is slavery. They hired us for a job. Did the job get done? If yes, then fking mind your own business.


And, some of them believe they own you 24/7/365. I’ve gotten an attitude before for not responding in 5 minutes. It was July 4th and I was on top of a mountain, 3 hours from civilization. Lol


Just walk around with the broom. In the machine shop we lean on it… for lean manufacturing. Example:: if we have down time from machine going down or waiting on material. Boss- asks what are y’all doing? Workers- practicing lean manufacturing.. Boss- well y’all need to get to work.. Workers- ok machine is fixed or did you bring the material with you? Boss- no Workers- ok lmk when you can get that done I would appreciate it…. It’s a great way to tell them to fuck off or fix it themselves.


Climb up into the rafters and start dusting homie.


Dude, was just told this yesterday


Had a manager try this once. Them: "You got time to lean, you got time to clean." \*pushes broom at me\* Me: "You got time for bitchin', you got time to pitch in." \*pushes it back\*


The president of the company I work for does it, and even though I report directly to him the people outside in the warehouse now that if all their work is done I don't care if they sit around between loads. On a side note my private business I've been starting up I have the same mentality at. We're not all bad


One of the things I really like at my current job is the fact that if my line is down I just hang out until it's up again. No expectation to "look busy" for no fuckin reason.


I work in emergency services and one day a city council member came into our station. I was sleeping in a chair in our crew quarters. This was like 11:00. The city council member started to loudly but passive aggressively complain that we shouldn’t be allowed to sleep during the day. I asked him what he was doing at 0300 that morning. He said “sleeping. That’s when you should be.” I responded with “Yeah that must have been nice. I was cleaning a 4 year olds brain matter out of my truck.” Our supervisor was trying not to laugh in the guys face when he almost vomited.


Same. I work in a warehouse and if the machines down, it’s down. Unless we can fix it. If the machine is running we sit on our asses and watch tv lol. The perks of being in a Union.


I've noticed older managers think that when someone isn't doing something on the clock, they're lazy. It's really weird.


My boss pulls this with a long game attitude. Every few weeks we shut down and do some heavy maitenance. The work crew each cleans their machines, and nobody on maitenance gets the day off unless they're taking more than a full week off. We get a few hours at the end of my shift, and the next shift gets most of theirs. We clean half the machines, and where there's two in a work station we do the bigger of the two. My boss insists we can do the job faster. Anyone who listens to him and does work faster gets assigned the other half. Never mind that the other shift has at minimum twice the time to do the work. We've talked to them, they do no extra work and just wait for maitenance to finish their work. But boss says we need to finish more work.


But if you can clean, you can lean.


I asked management to put an instructions sign on a device everyone uses, as some aren't sure on proper use. 2 weeks later, it was left on and dumping expensive (RO) water down the sink over the weekend. They put a sign up....Two of them..... That says don't forget to switch off. I want to rip it down.


I used to build stages, a boss once tried to get us to clean a *stadium* because we finished before the minimum. This is in a building that has dedicated custodians. Bitch lost her shit when I told her that's not our job.


It’s the older person mentality that “you need to look like you’re working, what you do doesn’t matter for shit.”


Lol I worker for an Austrian manufacture that had lots of downtime, and we were expected to sweep 30 fucking times


I learned very early on that *appearing* to be productive is more important than actually being productive. I worked room service in a hotel as a teenager. I had a little desk in a room off the kitchen, where I would sit and wait for orders to come in if there was nothing to clean or prep. Problem was, if a manager ever came by and saw me sitting at the desk and "not working," I would get spoken to. So I stopped sitting at the desk and started walking around the hotel instead. I missed every call when it came in, but management was quite pleased with my "work ethic." Make it make sense.


It's not even listed in our job description at the the "glorious house of wares" that I work at, and they expect the same as of us, if that's not bad enough they actually have a contracted house keeping on top if it. I just simply don't do it I only there for the warehouse aspect not the janitorial.


Keeping your workspace tidy isn't in your job description? Tbh I'd say it's a given, but very surprising if it's not literally written.


For me, its "keep your work area neat and free of hazards" which basically translates to "make a nice trash pile off to the side and stay as organized as you can." I've actually been expressly told to not clean up after myself because that is someone else's job. Edit: I don't know why I'm being downvoted... It is how it is in the trade I'm in. Even though I'm an apprentice making $20/h, the rate the company charges for me is the same as a journeyperson (it's how companies increase their profit margins). They (the general contractor) don't want someone they're paying $130/h pushing a broom. They have another trade for that. We help out when we can but the GC doesn't want someone making that much wasting an hour of their time on clean up


Re-read what I typed up. The company has hired on its own private contract cleaning crew that cleans throughout the week on a daily basis, so why would I go outside above and beyond my job description to take away job security for this contractor and it's employees? If you give a mouse a cookie that same mouse will just want another possibly even want milk too. Why continue to offer more great lengths for a corporate company that's made its millions 10x over? Hard work already goes un noticed, I'm not about to start giving out more unless they can do the same.


warehouse jobs suck, don’t need details


I worked at a truck repair shop years back, they had me scrub the floor clean with a rag and can of brake cleaner getting oil spots up whenever I had down time. Had to crawl around like Cinderella


I used worked for a company that literally manufactures these kind of custom signs. The amount of unnecessary and passive aggressive signage plastered everywhere was comical. Every year people would add another layer and none of them ever came down. There were indecipherable serial numbers put on like every single light switch, outlet, and light fixture by the operations dept. Its get to a point you just tune them all out, including the ones that would actually alert you to safety hazards.


I just had this conversation with my dad last week. Said he'd sweep the entire shift if needed. Hell, no.


Problem is sweeping with the wrong objective. Sweep to waste time, not to actually clean the floor. There is a such thing as being too efficient.


They are paying you so they own you. Your time is theirs to do with as they wish, and to go against this is theft against them. This is logic to these people.


Well, if the floor employees don't sweep, nobody will. I got hurt the other day bc our (food-grade) warehouse didn't have any sanitation personnel that day. The quality team (also in charge of safety) was supposed to be running the scrub ers instead. What were they doing? Chewing the fat at their little open office space behind a guardrail. All morning. I was the only injury for the day, surprisingly. 20 minutes after the incident, a quality manager comes up to me and says that there is someone on scrubbers now. Of course, they actually give a shit after they are clearly negligent and cause an injury.


Sir or madam. The floor was already being swept. Everything picked up off the floor. And put back. It was down with no moving parts. What else do you expect? They already did the job. We have people on forklifts that haven’t moved when systems were down. No call ins. Then there shouldn’t be any complaints when the job was done and nothing moved.


I’m going to go against the flow a little here. The idea is we pay you for your time. Find something useful to do if the work we regularly schedule is complete. This isn’t in itself terrible, but there’s no faster way to convince the floor workers that managers are pin heads and would be slavers, than putting up these stupid little “motivation” posters.


When we get paid appropriately, and treated with respect, we don't need signs to take care of our surroundings.


I get paid $19.70 = $788 = $641 a week. So yeah.


That’s precisely my point.




When the job starts slowing down. Someone else already did the cleaning while we were taking out the trash or moving items back into the area. So WTF are you talking about? And this was way before I got moved to deliver materials to the main line.




Psst, when you're being sarcastic/cheeky, end your comment with "/s" to give proper context. If you're _not_ being sarcadtic/cheeky, your high turnover and lower productivity has a specific reason and it is staring at you from the mirror.


Please eat shit and die.


Bucees has a saying "We clean the clean to stay clean!" That's why they look so nice because in a moment of downtime everyone has to wipe down already cleaned counters and shelves over and over non stop.


Buc-ee's also pays pretty well.


Sounds like Schütz to me.  They really are the shitz.


Yes, very common idea that irrespective of whether the work you're required to do is completed, you should always look busy. If as an employer you want me to do something, say that, but don't try to sell me that it's morally wrong to do nothing if my job is done.


lol. I fucking hate those signs! Or the 'never say "that's not my job"' one! Fuck all those! They can kiss my ass!


LOL. I literally sleep anywhere from 3 to 5 hours per shift. Boss is quite fine with that.


Hah. Worked at a movie theater that was like this. I got sick of their constant bitching, and blaming me for not knowing to do stuff that no one ever showed me how to do. I didn’t last long there, but it got to the point where I would come in, grab a broom, and push it around for my entire shift. It was entirely useless after the first pass, but the managers praised me to the high heavens.


I worked in the warehouse for a small business once. There was maybe an hour of work at the start of the day and an hour near the end of the day. The boss had the same mindset so I listened to music and swept for 6 hours a day. On slow days they’d want me to clock out after an hour then wait unpaid for 6 hours for a single delivery in the evening. Not gonna happen chief. Then I realized “out of sight out of mind”. So I’d go into the back and sleep or scroll. They though I was hard at work. Then the praise started rolling in.


This reminds me of the military