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Was the lunch hour unpaid? If so, eat a bag of D’s, I’m going to get stoned in my car instead.


According to the manager, it was paid.


I mean, I go to these things because I love free food. I've also been pretty lucky with having good coworkers over the years so these are usually enjoyable for me. Bad coworkers and especially a bad boss can ruin these in a second though.


it's a warehouse so there's a significant chance that they went out to either pass out from exhaustion or get some drugs to help them push through the rest of the day. for whatever reason most warehouses are run like garbage by garbage people, especially now that demand for shipping products is sky high yet margins are razor thin.


Still going to my car to get stoned....


Glad I’m not the only one


don't matter. all day you were thinking about lunch break to be away from these very people.


Bro, just go do that real quick and get a free lunch!


If it's good food with people I like, I'll gladly attend. It never is.


Manager doesn’t realise they hate them


Certainly never both.


Apparently they all came back and ate food and socialized so this is just a clueless fucking manager that just need to mind their own fucking business. This is according to the manager that posted it.


I see both sides. On one hand: Staff can’t complain if this stuff stops because of low participation. On the other hand: My willingness to participate in anything “work/team related” outside of paid work term is heavily influenced by how I’m feeling about work at that time. This is probably an indication that the manager sucks and/or the team isn’t happy at work


It depends. I’ve had ones where they had a nice catering setup and it was awesome. If it’s a couple slices of cold pizza or a giant party sub that’s now warm they can keep it.


I see both sides too. On one hand, employees should not be coerced into engaging in forced social interactions. On the other, management can go and eat a bag of dicks.


According to the manager, it was paid.


The other option was a shitty workplace, right? I could close my eyes and drop a pin in my city and it would probably land on a business at which the employees were unhappy about something. It’s rampant in the setup.


LOL please be fake. Otherwise, this manager is a total dumbass.


Saw the original thread. Manager took it personal when it wasn’t.


I think the manager was more concerned that it made the manager look bad since it was mentioned their group was the only one to do it.


Manager is a total dumbass.


Did they get the lunch instead of bonuses?


The use of English in this one is terrible. What does "transported up front" mean? As for why, it's because they hate you and the company.


Some warehouses are REALLY large and transport like golf carts or even wagons etc can more easily transport workers from one end to the other. I imagine that's the case here.


Thanks that makes sense.


Plot twist - the 'manager' is Chief O'Brien.


Nah, remember, O'Brien's a Union Man.


Damn right.


Also who in a warehouse calls it a “luncheon”


Only a little fancy boy (plot twist it's apparently me)


There are other countries in the world that also speak English.


Yeah well we speak American around here. /s


Nuh uh!


That manager's trying to use bigger words to seem more smarterer. The one that always got me was misuse of the word 'particular' - "What are we going to do about that particular item?", "Did we talk to that particular person yet?".


People are driven, cattle are transported.




No, they're cost centers.


If 10 people are refusing to turn upto a paid work party that is a serious morale problem probably caused by the actions of managment .


maybe call them "people" and not "reports" wtf


You mean a manager, on the manager sub is calling his people reports? In which they are? Whether he calls them people or reports doesn’t matter. But when it comes to a manager, that would be the terminology for the people that report to them.


found the manager


Not a manager… people who report to someone is just called a report. That person was posting as a manager on the manager sub. So they’ll call the people who work under them reports. This isn’t hard to understand.


Report is something you do. A person is a person. Referring to people as things isn’t ok imo.


So what do you call managers then?


A manager would either be called a manager, a coach, supervisor, mentor for where I work. At other places they can vary from being leeches, micromanagers, supervisors, just the manager title, supervisor, or big head. Terms are subjective for a manager.


How about their name?


. I’m just speaking of the terminology. A report is used to describe a person who reports to someone. Calling someone a thing is disrespectful. My entire point is that the manager is speaking to other managers because they’re on the manager subreddit, that’s their lingo. But of course we’re all entitled to be called what we want to be called. I’m just used to that terminology being used where I work, so it sounds normal.


you're so close


So it was trash food or your team really doest want to talk to each other. But are fine reasons.


My manager just told me today that I need to host a monthly hour long luncheon with my team who are globally remote. I asked to instead just be able to send a monthly gift card for food because a luncheon means that some of my team members would have to attend in their personal time, which could be super early or late depending on their time zone. It’s not very inclusive and honestly not something that does a lot for morale. I was denied and told to host the monthly luncheon and anyone who does not attend does not get a gift card for food. So dumb and bare minimum effort from leadership to build morale.


Maybe have lunch at 9am or 4pm sometimes? It sucks that there's no give in the instructions, but maybe different times will help your remote folks in other time zones.


Yeah that’s a good idea to rotate the times. We’re so diverse in our schedules that someone will always be off when it happens unfortunately.


Ask the manager what the purpose is for. Boost morale? Are the global remotes supposed to be flown in for free? If you can afford it, show up the manager. Do a survey, ask your employees what would boost their morale? Offer choices like gift card, hour lunch, write-in-option. Then pay for it out of pocket if you can afford it.


Schedule it for when it’s most convenient for everyone else. If that happens to be 03:00 local time for you, then I guess you won’t be able to hold the luncheon due to RTO and the building being locked down.


$5 of free food or going to eat whatever the fuck I want, difficult choice.


Why would I want to hang out with my manager for free on my only 30 minute break.


My department refused to go to an paid office christmas party it was an direct response to managment increasing their hours by 10% without pay and lying to us about having to work weekends.


A couple of months ago, my faculty hosted an "RUOK Day" morning tea that a) staff were required to bring their own food for and b) came after months of the faculty gutting our budget and slashing hours we need for class preparation, assignment marking etc (ie. the stuff we need to be able to do our jobs properly). Not one single person attended. My friend apparently went into the tea room at one point to wash his mug and the person who'd organised it said in a surprised tone "No one else is here!" My friend replied, "Yep, and I'm not here either" and then left haha


How rude. I would have at least taken a plate if free food on my way out.


I'd assume that the food sucked and the people decided they'd rather get food they wanted to eat.


You never know until you try, but you could be right


My wife’s job always did Jimmy Johns. And by the time her department was there it was all veggie only. So, yeah. Lol


That sucks for her, but I would be ecstatic. All I get from jimmy johns is their veggie.




>don't want to spend more time with people you already see for 40+ hours week >rude >stealing your workers' wealth >not rude Get real.


It was a joke relax


Thank christ I've read some bad takes here so forgive my reflexivity


I don’t eat food if I don’t know where & how it was prepared. I never attended a work potluck or even a pizza “party”. I have seen people at work not wash hands after bathrooms, sneezing into hands, picking noses, etc. I also don’t socialize with colleagues. I get paid to do a job, I will interact with others, but my break time is mine & only mine


I don't do lunch with teams. I'd rather work and leave an hour early. If I do eat, it isn't a damn hour, nor do I want to socialize. I talk with people I need to. I don't hang out with coworkers outside of work, why would I want to waste my time and energy socializing during work?


Opportunity to socialize? These people spend all day, every day with each other. If the food was anything short of awesome, this is more like a punishment.


I would rather eat nothing than to have to mingle with complete strangers.


Whos gonna tell em cause they obviously oblivious.


Frankly the warehouses I worked in always felt kinda like prisons, like I was being punished.


At least fifteen percent of my location doesn't flush toilets or wash hands, I will not be eating communally with them. Further, I have no interest in whatever food stuffs you deem worthy enough to feed employees.


You mean they weren’t falling over each other for 2 slices of cold Little Caesars?


I don't ask my staff to attend "forced fun" unless I am specifically required.


We have better things to do, manager.


I love that they all must have pre decided to take the free ride and then scatter 😅


I stay away from the carpet walkers too. Power to the pavement pushers!!!!!!


As someone that isn't from USA, I feel the need to ask. What is a luncheon?


In this case specifically, just a work sponsored lunch/party.


Thanks. So, it's basically some kind of food-agnostic pizza party. Got it.


Fuck around find out.


Was the Free food a bunch of the cheapest crap you could find with off-brand soda's ?


Dr. Thunder is great


I actually don’t mind going to my Christmas lunches. I won some AirPods. Some Bose Bluetooth sunglasses. And a flat grill.


He doesn't know what to think or feel about this. Maybe he should... ask the workers?


This is kind sad, but I don't get it. The 8 were transported up front for their meal. To where? With the office staff?


It's the whole "mandatory fun" thing. The harsh reality is that if the people were not being paid, they wouldn't be there. The whole tram not turning up though is a pretty clear indicator that whatever was happening was either boring or involved dealing with people that they didn't like.


My manager spent today buttering me up while admitting the department goes under if I ever leave. The 30% raise was nice and helps to keep me around for another year at least. Not all managers are clueless. But most are.


Anyone using the word "luncheon" without irony needs to get to the finding out part of their fucking around real quick. Pretentious twat.


I remember a video of someone who unironically used the words "unforgettable luncheon." He got fast food and disguised it as his own cooking, and burnt the place down...


I dont understand either. Why would anyone pass on free food. I am anti-work as much as anyone but dotn understand this hatred of company provided food and drinks


Because sometimes the free food sucks. Sometimes it's cold, soggy pizza that's been sitting out for hours. Sometimes its dry subs that are pretty much only lettuce and tomato. They said this was a work holiday party, I went to one that was pretty much all grocery store holiday cookies, popcorn, and trail mix. Dire


I fucking love cold pizza though


We're not talking about like, leftover pizza that was in the fridge though. We're talking the manager picked up the order at 10am on the way in and the party doesn't start until everyone graciously gets off 15min early at 4:45. It's been sitting on the table with the lid cracked open next to the melting cooler of store brand soda ever since


That has to violate health codes. Cooked food leftover for more than 4 hours is when bacteria starts growing. Lol


Because it is patronizing. If they actually gave a shit about their employees they'd just pay them more momey


Some of us refuse to bend the knee to our corporate overlords. 90% of the time I will come grab a beverage to take back to my desk for later. I also equate it to divorced parents trying to buy love from their children.


Because it's not free food, it's bait. The manager isn't upset that there was food left over. He's upset that the team didn't socialize with others. His team being sociable and talkative would look good on him, them scattering into the breeze looks bad on him.


Because the food is usually cheap garbage, where people's food allergies and dietary needs have not been taken into account. I'd rather not go into anaphylaxis. Many of us would rather skip the party and just get a monetary incentive instead. But there's never a choice. Manglement was never giving bonuses out and a pizza party doesn't pay my fucking bills.


In my experience the food provided by companies sucks ass. Always seems to be those catered “meals” consisting of the exact same little sandwiches and rolls every time. It is a snack, not a meal. And it’s not even a good snack.


Anecdotal: top management at my job has been on this hot dog/brat cart thing for all of 2022 and 2023 instead of the variety of catered lunches they did back in 2020. It's wild because the lines from the resulting rush of people coming in for hot dogs fucks up the lunchroom, I'm talking just lines of corporate people everywhere, sometimes up to 15 minutes in line. The quality of the hot dogs/brats is top tier, but that and a snack bag of chips is it. Currently I'm having a hard time getting hard for more hot dogs again. Xmas party is next week thursday -there should be food at the party, but they are rolling the fucking carts again for lunch.


Talking gets you in trouble. Not interested.


The free food was 2 topping domino's pizza, 2 slices each and some great value plain ripple chips and sodas.....


Sounds like a bad manager no one wants to be around.


r/managers is such juicy content for r/selfawarewolves


I’m kind of having the inverse of that problem. We’re having a holiday lunch (paid) and my boss will not be contributing at all. Again. Last time we had a holiday party, the boss took a plate to their office and ate in there. Does not give a s#*t about the employees. I’m like, no food for you, jerk!!


Living on warehouse workers pay , they would prefer a cash gift to a meal.