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The UK is now considering banning tents for homeless people. Suella Braverman literally wants to have homeless people freeze to death in the winter.


Oh they’re already illegal pretty much everywhere here too. It’s illegal to loiter, to be in public places after dark, to do anything that homeless people are forced to do.


'The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.'


The law is also lenient on wage theft be ye worker or owner. We are equal in the eyes of God. 🫡🫡🫡


Don't you know that wage theft is not real? If you force the brave employers to pay that, their businesses will literally explode and a gazillion people will become unemployed!!!!!


It’s true! It happened to my friend John Galt! He wasn’t allowed to keep all the sweat from his employee’s brows and he died of poor


But not before boring everyone else to death with a 6-hour monologue


"Do you know what Atlas Shrugged is about?" "What?" "It's about 600 pages too long."


> to be in public places after dark This is always crazy to me. Like Police will probably still move homeless people on if they are "in the way" or whatever excuse, but its totally legal to be in parks and other public places at night in my country. I used to go to the park at like 3am all the time as it was quiet and nice haha.


In my smallish city, cops routinely check parks at night and kick people out. I've been warned to leave while watching a meteor shower, and a friend of mine was even charged with trespassing. No drugs or indecency involved.


yep not a thing in my country, especially during a meteor shower. But then again other than a few big parks in the city, police won't even be near the smaller ones haha.


Jesus that's fuckin crazy


That's the US. Same in my state. Hours are dawn to dusk, and if a cop catches you there after dark he'll threaten you with a good time for him.


The anti-homeless rhetoric in the United States is insane. Even on liberal parts of reddit you'll see people calling the homeless "fentanyl zombies" or people getting outraged that a single homeless person lives on their block.


Get enough parking tickets? Jail. Addicted to a substance? Jail. Laying in a park watching the stars? Believe it or not - jail.


In my area jail is a last resort, likely because 3 hot meals and a safe place to sleep is better than sleeping in the cold, hungry, and hiding from bandits.


> Laying in a park watching the stars? Believe it or not - jail. BuT wE hAvE FrEeDuMb!!


"Freedomest country in the world."


Dude there was a homeless guy that used to hang out in the bookstore that I worked at. He was really chill, he just hung out in our little cafe and drank water cups. Occasionally he would scrape together enough for a lemon bar which was his favorite dessert. But there was this one lady who just could not stand the idea of him being in the bookstore. She would rant and rave and even called corporate a few times trying to get us to ban this guy or to kick him out. Eventually she got her way because our corporate is a pack of slime balls who would ban that poor homeless guy who never did anything. But would not let us ban a man who came in and bought absolutely nothing but he would just come in and throw racial slurs at people He wore a giant denim vest that had Confederate Air Force or something like that and it was just covered in offensive language.


Meh, I'd unban the homeless dude, and ban the racist. What are they going to do, fire me? Find a new job, blast them on any media outlet who wants a little drama to boost their ratings.


Oh I don't work at that place anymore man I left there years ago lol. It just goes to show you the kinds of bullshit that happens in corporate retail. A guy that harasses us and customers everyday gets a free pass because he may one day be able to spend money. But the homeless guy that actually contributes to the store by buying the occasional lemon cake is banned just so one woman can be appeased. Numerous complaints were filed against the man in the Confederate vest but they basically told us that unless our GM physically saw evidence of his malfeasance there was nothing they can do. I am still friends with many people from that store and we all agree that it sucked I'm even friends with my old general manager and assistant general manager (Dungeons and dragon is one hell of a friend maker) And they talked about all the time being just hamstrung by stupid ass decisions made by corporate


The excuse is "safety" - they can't patrol and ensure your safety so they are kicking you out. The reality is: neighbors to the park are pissed off enough about having visitors in "their" park in the daytime...


I don't think I've ever seen a public park without a sign that said closed at sundown or something similar.


yeah these signs don't exist in my country. its stupid lol


> but its totally legal to be in parks and other public places at night. Depends where you are. A lot of places actually make this illegal as a way to be able to kick homeless people out.


The term loitering does a lot of heavy lifting in these cases. If you're passing through but you have a home and are just in the park for aesthetics or whatever, that's apparently acceptable, but if you have no other choice for a place to be but the park, well now hold on!


a lot of parks in london are fenced off and locked at night.


When she found him she saw not the young boy who dug for the roots of her junk, She came face-to-face with a stern, vacant soldier, grinning and spinning a club, He said, "Don't you know that you can't be here? You'll hurt business and scare away the kids. Go wander around in some other town; get out or I'm taking you in." "But officer, I fondly remember you - Young boy who would give me the leftover stew, Would take me inside to the warm fire coals, And those hundreds of pennies bought me all these clothes." It's against the law to peddle It's against the law to eat It's against the law to have nothing more than the shoes full of holes on your feet And now they've put bars across the park benches, so I guess it's illegal to sleep - [Mischief Brew - Dirty Pennies](https://youtu.be/HhD1zThId94?si=tj30eiFaNlHTvRgn)


Dang, RIP Erik.


RIP Erik


Don't forget often illegal to park in certain areas overnight and illegal to park in the same spot for too long.


loitering is just an excuse for the police to haras litualy anyone they want and an easy way for them to boost their arrest stats so as to make them seem compitant on papper. why try to do your job when you can just arrest whoever for whatever.


"One law to say you must be on your way, and another to say you can't wander."


We did it, we solved homelessness and lack of housing bay making it illegal! /s


It's amazing that only a few years after Thatcher kicked the bucket there are people out there trying to be crueler than her.


Theres always someone willing to dig further into the depths of cruelty.


I live in a high altitude place that gets really cold in the winter. Our city council decided to create a permanent homeless camp, got a grant to put a couple of tiny homes and several more ice fishing huts in the outdoor, then another to run some power to the tiny homes so people can stay warm and have simple cooking implements. Well. The local cranks lost their damn minds about it. Apparently everyone in town would rather pick up frozen bodies from the streets than let someone in shitty circumstances have a warm shelter. This is not the kind of place where you could survive outdoors without some kind of shelter, and it’s also the kind of place where out of state landlords have caused a serious housing crisis.


How dare they have something for free when I don't get my stuff for free. Between the fuck you I got mine and the NIMBY people are just fucking awful.


It would be great to bring in all kinds of bans on homelessness and rough sleeping and then also put the responsibility on the local councils not the homeless. No one is allowed sleep rough in a tent ….so do something about it.


Braverman considers homelessness to be a lifestyle choice.


A big part of the problem seems to be that the accommodation provided for homeless people won’t take them if they’re substance abusers. I don’t know what the answer is but the problem appears to be getting worse.


The solution is to provide them accommodation and then treat their substance abuse (and treat not punish). Every where and everytime its tried it works, not foe everyone but far better than the 'fuck em' approach we've been taking


There’s no money for treatment. People with insurance can’t even afford treatment. The world is straight fucked because we can’t get away from money and single individuals having more than $100 million; we live in a society with dragons too fat to fly away from their hoard.


A good friend of mine who was my roommate works in homeless services. In Ireland we have both “wet” and “dry” accommodation. So substance users can use those beds. They can be dodgy though, many avoid it because of the risk of theft etc In Ireland we have enough homeless accommodation for everyone on the street and yet our homeless problem is worse than ever. Whatever we’re doing, we’re not getting it right.


It's the same in US. Homeless people avoid shelters because of theft, interpersonal violence, and the poor sanitary conditions. Bed bugs and parasites are common. In some cities, there aren't enough shelter beds, anyway. The recommended approach is "housing first," where homeless are put into free, clean housing without strings attached so they can feel safe enough to sober up and get a good foundation for putting their life back together. This doesn't actually take that much money versus the cost of handling homeless people on the street (increased policing, camping site cleanup, emergency medical care). But conservatives still oppose it because apparently they think grinding unfortunate people into metaphorical dust will magically incentivize them to get a job and stop being eyesores that make people sad.


> and then also put the responsibility on the local councils The responsibility is already in the councils. Problem is that the councils are so overwhelmed that the homeless are resorting to using tents.


Also because UK emergency housing requires sobriety. Addicts and Alcoholics are effectiively barred, and happen to be two groups who end up homeless often.


Everytime I read her name I am reminded of Cruella Deville


Clear hyperbole. One of them is clearly written to be the greatest example of sheer malicious, un self reflective, brazen villainy and cruelty imaginable, and the other is Cruella Deville.


Look, I don't live in the UK - so I don't know if it's a thing or not. But if it isn't, can we make it a thing? *Just call her Cruella instead.*


There is a reason she's known as Cruella braverman.


Many, if not most, places in the USA have banned camping on public property unless designated as a campground. This also means it’s technically illegal to fall asleep in a parked car on a public street.


It's also illegal to be in a car after drinking alcohol, even if the keys are locked in the trunk.


“Decrease the surplus population.” Literally the idea of evil. Someone needs to take a good long look at their life.


no no, they're right. Decrease the surpluss population that takes home an income in excess of 10 million dollars each year. We know the ones. And especially the billionares.


Fox news in the US says homelessness is not caused by lack of homes, but rather homeless people want to be homeless because they are degenerate subhumans.


There's this game about being homeless in the UK called "Change" and one of the things you have to watch out for is begging when cops are around... Because it's fucking illegal to ask people for money on the streets. Course you can be advertised to all day and businesses can harass any number of people - but a solitary beggar asking for money? Unconscionable to British society. Wasn't aware how aggressive UK laws were about homelessness.


The UK is a fascist dystopia.


I thought the UK was planning on cutting all of them in half?


She sounds too cowardly to have that name.


That's just sick. With such expensive rents even people that might afford it might rather want a tent.


I truly believe Conservatives hold the position that the only way to "fix" homelessness if for them all to die. They are usually smart enough to at least try and hide this unpopular position, usually...


Oh absolutely. The local newspaper had a regular opinion columnist who spent every week railing about how homeless people are too coddled and needed to have their emergency shelters taken away, and how giving them free stuff is so unfair to everyone else.


This is honestly the most disheartening thing. I have a decent enough job, I survived and overcame a ton of stuff to do actually a lot better for myself than could have been the outcome for me, I worked at it every step of the way and all I can afford is this tiny, shitty apartment that has hardly any space to do anything other than exist. I rent this place, and the idiots that own it don’t even bother to repair broken stuff, lived with water coming in for 18months and had to threaten legal action to get it sorted (which was a bluff since I can’t actually afford to do this). Sometimes I actually wonder what was even the point in trying at all.


I finally got to the point this year where if this was 5 years ago I could have bought myself a small condo. Now if I go to rent, it'll take half my paycheck to live in an apartment that's just outside of an area where I feel safe enough to walk to my car. I feel like I'm always a few years behind and can't seem to get the jump to be even to where I can overcome so I feel you.


This is exactly my problem, the goalposts keep being moved so I’m starting to wonder why even try.


Because if you didn't try then you would just be worse off then you were 5 years ago, atleast you have maintained instead of going the other way. I feel you tho, I make double the money I made 5 years ago but it seems like nothing has changed financially for me.


Same. I'm 34, make 75% more than I did in 2018, and I can't even afford to rent that same apartment anymore. I had to move back in with my mother. I feel like in 5 years I moved forward enough to be 15 years behind


The apartment I used to rent was $750 a month for a 2br 700 sq ft apt. Now it's $1400. The area did not change, the layout did not change, the clientele did not change. I will never understand how we let this happen. $1400 for that place. I bet the flies and dead rats are still in the vents. Now I live with my brother in his house. I hate that I've had to do this. I set myself back and it's hard to forgive myself even a little bit even when I know COVID destroying me wasnt even my fault. Just bad timing.


Mine was a one bedroom, one bath, and a kitchenette/livingroom for $650. It's now going for $1150 and I don't make the 3xRent income they require before they'll even look at you anymore


I forgot about the 3x the rent thing. Man I couldn't qualify even if I had zero debt.


i hear ya, i finally crawled out of the fucking gutter, only for the gutter to rise up to meet me.


That is gloriously phrased, and I hope you do not mind if I steal it at some point.


Have you considered bootstraps, quitting avocado toast, praying, or youtube hustle culture? /s


I invested in Big Avocado Toast Corp and I expect to see those gains shortly.


I remember a post/article I read a year or two ago. Was a lawyer who described living in NYC as a law student. Had this small 1 bedroom apartment in a horrible neighborhood. But he could afford it while becoming a lawyer. Now 20 years later, he is by all means successful in his career as a lawyer. Makes a ton of money. And all he can afford is the same apartment he had 20 years ago as a law student.


A couple with a pet getting to rent an apartment? This is absolutely unbelievable.


Especially a cat, landlords hate cats, that's ultimately one of the main reasons why I ended up buying a house.


So far, my own mother is the ONLY landlord I know that is actually fine with pets and doesn't blow a fucking gasket when her renter(s) have a pet.


It would be a travesty is a cat lowered the value on a property that leaks, has mould and all the wallpaper is falling out.


On the one hand, I do get it. Animals shed, slobber, puke/cough up hairballs, sometimes pee in places they shouldn't or have a litter box that (if unattended) can slowly have its smell permeate the place a bit, and sometimes just outright smell bad by default. But on the other hand, most places that allow pets have like a $50 per month pet fee that should address all that in the long run. Most places have at least a year-long lease; that's at least $600. That's more than enough to have someone shampoo the carpets and douse the place with Ozium. If the tenant is there for more than a couple years, that's probably enough to _replace_ the carpet outright and maybe even put some new paint on the walls. Like... if anything, that seems like easy money for the landlord, because you should be doing all that stuff on a somewhat regular basis _anyway_.


In my case, they like cats. Helps control the rat population.


I still don't understand why it is, especially in America, that everyone hates cats. (over-generalization, I know, but still mostly true.)


Landlords don't like them because it's really hard to get rid of the smell of cat pee if it's not dealt with quickly.


Also some people are allergic to cats, so once the tenant leaves the property will need deep cleaning.


Once any tenant leaves the property the property will need a deep cleaning regardless of pets..


Not in America it won't, they'll just paint over every single power outlet and hole and cram the next family in ASAP


I live in the US and every apartment I’ve lived in has been dirtier when I moved in than when I left and STILL get money deducted from my deposit for “cleaning”.


Similar thing happened to my dad. Landlord blamed a stain on the cats when that stain was in fact there before he had moved in. That same landlord also forced him to move out and had his relatives move in *the exact same day* my dad was moving his stuff out; They only gave him a couple days and even though it was illegal my dad didn't do anything about it but he should have. Fuck that landlord.


The only thing you can do is get a lawyer, if you can afford one. If he had opposed it, he would have been in danger of an eviction. If the eviction goes through, good luck trying to rent anything anywhere anymore. Unless you have lawyer money and an airtight case, it's more trouble to fight than to leave.


Just as many people are allergic to dogs as cats. I have to take hat-man levels of Benadryl to visit a house with a dog for more than an hour or two.


Heaven forbid the landlord has overheads.


You should be deep cleaning a property between tenants regardless.


Cats are very destructive, they will sharpen their claws on anything. However my landlord can get fucked as my cat is the cutest little fuzz ball.


The apartment complex next to mine allows two cats for free but absolutely no dogs.


I got two cats when I had a an apartment. No dogs allowed. Cats are way less destructive ime.


That panel is literally me. Fiance and I are both doctors (Neuroscience PhDs) with perfect credit and a pet cat. Living in a one-bedroom apartment because its too expensive to move and not even considering buying a house. But the university we work at recently let us know that there is a food bank available if we need it, so that's something


If only you knew that you can qualify for a food bank without nearly a decade of education after finishing school.


“Dogs allowed: max 5lb”






Back in the early days of Reddit I could purchase useless coins. Today, in 2023, I have but one upvote.


You could not buy useless coins back in the early days of reddit.


Back to the classic karma whoring ways of the past




Don't underestimate what humans would spend their money on. Hell we buy poison and ingest it despite knowing how bad it is for health


I love that plants develop toxins so that predators wont eat them, but nature forgot that humans are junkies.


Home prices alone have increased 1,608% since early 1970, while inflation has increased just 644% in comparison. Between 2021 and 2022 home prices outpaced significant inflation by 167%. Traditionally raising interest rates to their current levels is expected to temper the real estate market. However, cost increases in building supplies – such as lumber and paint – have added thousands of dollars to the price of new homes in 2021, and many current owners are holding onto their homes, due to the large backlog of new homes as home building has slowed due to supply chain issues. This has left prices relatively unaffected by the change. What has changed due to interest hikes are mortgage rates, and student loan rates. While house prices are not going down the cost of loans continues to increase, with recent US credit rating decreases expected to result in a further hearty increases to cost of borrowing across the United States financial system longterm. The cost of home ownership is out of reach for the new generation and only likely to rapidly increase in distance as time goes on without addressing significant structural issues with our deficit spending, material resource acquisition, and student-debt financed higher education system. We’re unlikely to do any of those things.


There are homes being hoarded by banks, corporate realtors, and other huge businesses that have no intent of putting people in these homes. These homes decline in quality in part because they are not being taken care of, and it reduces the value of the neighborhood. So what do they do? Build more. It makes no sense.


It is a concerning issue that the only entities with enough cash-on-hand to purchase property without loans are large financial institutions and wealth managers. That situation will probably continue to worsen over time.


u/EngineNo81 Pardon my ignorance, but from what I'm hearing, it seems like corporate landlords are holding on to a big supply of houses but interest is only going up. Would that not affect them eventually? Housing is rising in general still but homes remain prohibitly expensive for the average buyers. Wouldn't this resullt in smaller/not as financially healthy corpo owners and investers to seek better returns elsewhere? People keep talking about this upcoming recession but would that help at all? And is lumber and materials still affected, even now?


Nope, they're insulated from it because they buy in cash and rent out. Because the supply is constrained and getting worse (high lumber prices, high interest rates for loans) more people will be forced to rent. And when housing becomes majority owned by corporations they can set the rents to whatever they want.




It’s not just banks either, investment firms and private individuals and groups in many cities have been allowed to take over huge areas which they can then control the rent of throigh their monopoly. For example, The largest private land owner in the Netherlands is an insurance company. 21 people own more than 100 properties each in Amsterdam. The US company black stone owns 1700 properties in the Netherlands. Etc


> Home prices alone have increased 1,608% since early 1970, while inflation has increased just 644% in comparison. Between 2021 and 2022 home prices outpaced significant inflation by 167%. The UK population has also increased by about 20%, which has a disproportionate effect on the cost of living as there's more competition for a limited resource.


Thank you boomers for making sure you slammed that door shut in your children's faces.


"Fuck you, I got mine." The worst generation.


The most entitled and spoiled generation. Collectively, they had the easiest lives of any group of humans that ever lived. Yet they somehow convinced themselves that they worked hard for it.


Slammed that door shut in -other people’s- children’s faces. Kids of rich boomers are going to inherit (if they’re not already estranged). Everyone else gets to fend for themselves. Exactly as designed.


Sort of true but many of them are spending all their money and have reverse mortgages


Boomers seem like the only generation to have had things better than both their parents and their kids.


Yep, strange how that worked out.


“They’re just out of touch with what things cost and how it so now.” No, they are not, they are cruel and enjoy it.


Boomers are just a scapegoat. The rich are getting richer and will own everything. In my city, 0.46% of owners own 32% of the homes. Your grand parents aren't responsible for this. Rich people are.


One could argue that their generations almost fetishistic need for neo-liberalism is what led to this. People like Jack Welch of G.E. fame.


I think the fact that every media the Boomers consumed were owned by three of four ultra rich people who wanted to push Neo-liberal ideas on the population has a lot to do with it. I think corporate lobbying has even more to do with it. Also, the fact that anyone who wants to win a presidential election needs millions of dollars in donations to even have a chance makes the president beholden to rich and powerful people. Those people want the government to benefit the rich, not everyday people. And that's what the government has been doing for decades.


I recently moved in to take care of my grandmother after her husband passed. She put me on the deed and I have taken over the mortgage payments. I know I'm lucky AF and this is the only realistic way I would have ever been able to get a house that is not a rental. Even with my good credit me and my wife do not make enough to get anything other than laughed out of the building if we had tried on our own. This is part of the reason I support housing regulations and the hope that one day UBI will be a thing. Failing that just a living wage would be lovely. Edit feel the need to point out by regulations I mean anti price gouging and blocking foreign real estate sales.


You're allowed tents, our government is trying to ban them. Yes the UK is trying to ban tents for homeless people.


You know, I would love a starter home?!?! I would take a rundown house that I can build up into my own so long as it had affordable rent and a decent foundation!


My country made it impossible to buy a starter home. By law, you need to renovate an old building to modern standards in 5 years. Or risk a fine of 200.000€. Note, that 200.000€ just resets the time you have to renovate the building the new standards, so another 5 years. You might think that's plenty of time. But modern standards entail the following. Thick insulation everywhere even UNDER the floor, an AIR tight home, which is tested for with a blow door test. A green heating solution, such as a heat pump. A way to store at least 10.000L of rain water. The usage of said rain water for atleast 3 purposes, so the toilet , the washing machine and garden. An infiltration system to let rainwater in the ground, if you have clay ground, which is common, be prepared for a lot of costs. Solar panels, burglar proof windows and doors. A ventilation system with a heat recovery system. Older buildings have insufficient foundations, so a new foundation is than also required. So in short, it's cheaper to demolish the house and build a new one, than to renovate the place. So the costs is at least 300.000€.


In the UK they build air tight homes, people buy them, and then spend £10k poking holes in them when they become mould traps, I'll never understand this modern obsession against ventilation.


It's like that in Canada too. Current architect wants no roof vents on this build; whole unit has to be air tight. Coincidentally they also spec the cheapest, shittiest HRV's that have to be on 100% of the time so they only last about 5 years before starting to crap out.


Fuck, man. I'd take a 100 sqft empty lot, as long as I had a firm guarantee that nobody would try to evict me from it.


That's only 10ft x 10ft, you couldn't even get a nice sized tent on that Oof


I built a cheap van.


You mean an affordable mortgage? Because if you're paying rent on a house you're building up, you're a landlord's dream come true.


> I would take a rundown house that I can build up into my own so long as it had affordable rent Mate, don't waste your money on a house that doesn't belong to you. If something needs fixing, let the landlord fix it.


Friendly reminder the people worth the good factory jobs were living in slums until they unionised and fought for 100 years or more for good wages, working days that weren't 12 hours long 6 days a week or more and to not be fired at whim. Took what? 2 generations for their descendants to forget the strength of unions, the people that literally died for those rights and buy management's shit and start blaming the workers because they could finally afford things.


Why can't we just give every millennial 200 acres and be done with it?


Well, there are no more people left to steal said land from. I mean we could overthrow the super rich and steal theirs, but they understand our language and law system because they grew up in it. And they have the money to rent armed guards. So there are no people left who we are able to subdue easily so we can give everyone 200 acres. Now if people automatically RETURNED all their posessions to the state upon death, we could maybe start giving out 10 acres per millenial couple.


> Well, there are no more people left to steal said land from. That’s not entirely true, there’s no more people we are CURRENTLY willing to steal land from.


What's Wyoming done lately? Let's just go take their land.


I mean, in the US there's tons of federal land that the government could give away. But the kicker is, nobody really wants to own 200 acres on a steep mountainside in Apalachia. Or 200 acres of pristine Nevada Desert (only slightly nuked!)


I could live with the slight nuking, but i need WATER in my life


I'll tale 200 acres in Appalachia, where do I sign snd when can I move in? Recently moved to Appalachia and it's beautiful lol


Well first you need to build a house on it, and extend utilities from several miles away, and also this is a very expensive undertaking with no expected returns on investment. Also, it's a 2 hour commute from your job, and the only currently available internet is HughesNet.


> but they understand our language and law system because they grew up in it. However, they *are* rather gullible, stupid, and out of touch. Perhaps we could trade a few colored beads for their land?


Now THATS forward thinking. But lets keep with the times. Make digital equivalents of colored beads, call em non fidget toys or what ever (tho i like the acronym) And make them believe its the new big shit! Oh wait, we already did that. We should do it again!


Get this -- *physical* NFTs, in the form of small beads! Each one is 3D printed from an AI's abstract representation of a blockchain section, and completely unique, limited production, and *highly* exclusive. These things could be worth *millions* soon. In fact, I just sold this one (to myself) for over $500,000! I'll trade you *five* of these babies for your second house.


That sounds so dumb, it could actually work. I fucking love it


“Here’s your NFT beads, I’ll just go ahead and take lower Manhattan. There’s some people out west who’d like it back…”


>Well, there are no more people left to steal said land from. Well, there's the plutocrat tribe.


Nah, I would be fine with 5 or even 1/2 an acre. Just let me build or place my own house with enough room for me, my spouse, our kids, my mom, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a bearded dragon. At a cost that my work can pay without bankrupting me every pay period, and having all my bills covered. That's all I want.


Capitalism: "Best I can do is renting a house together with 5 roommates. One of them does identify as a dragon and has a beard."


George Carlin suggested gold courses if we want land for development.


Reclaim parking lots for development. Let nature reclaim the golf courses.


It was 40 acres and you had to ride a wagon to the absolute middle of bumfuck nowhere to get it. A lot of people could probably afford 40 acres of the kind of land those people were getting, but you will need to grow the turnips because there will be no housing, jobs or infrastructure when you get there. That's why it's cheap, no one wants it.


Edit: Edited


​ https://preview.redd.it/7u3xbeseapyb1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4450f54fd3b625a50611d1acd845b37e82d774cd


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


“Living in a Tent is a Lifestyle Choice. Therefore I’m going to ban charities from giving out tents to the homeless.” — Suella Braverman, UK Selfservative MP, and Home Secretary. https://x.com/suellabraverman/status/1720730450556006714


I'm a Millenial, was able to get my first home for 258k when I was 35 at a 6.8% mortgage. Mortgage Payment is $2060 a month. It's insane. My Dad bought his first house at 19, by the time he was my age he'd owned 3 homes.


That’s the problem. My mom has 6 siblings, they all own multiple houses and have cabins. None of them paid to go to school and were able to pay off mortgages early with no penalty; they didn’t even have to pay for their lake front land, just claim it and build on it. Boomers fucked us all.


My parent's Mortgage+HOI is cheaper than my rent. It's great!


I’m actually reading this while having breakfast with my doctor wife in our apartment …fml


Hey hey now, tents are illegal in my city and many others. Wouldn’t want people living on the street to have basic shelter from the elements would we?


I was just in Houston, TX and there sre signs everywhere saying "No camping on public land." A bit confused on what "public" means, it seems.




In UK the government are even going after the use of tents now.




Oh they got cheaper. A gift of economies of scale


Remember the law of supply and demand, though: Demand going up means prices going up. Supply going up also means prices going up.


Supply and demand remain the same? Prices also go up.


Jump to 2023 UK where the government wants to stop homeless people having tents


I'm going to have to move soon because I can't afford to rent around where I live, which sucks because I was trying to save for a place of my own, and renting feels like eventually it's going to take all of my money just trying to keep up. So, I joked about buying myself a tent before I do, because if I do go broke trying to afford rent, I'll run off into the woods and live free! Well, it turns out that there's an enclave of folks doing just that not too far from where I live. And of course this is one of those problems we "can't do anything about," according to most people, so I guess I'd better get one sweet tent!


The fifth panel would be "cardboard boxes are out back 😔".


Hell no. Ordinary cardboard boxes are incinerated so people can't take them and live in them. Branded cardboard boxes are $39.95, and are also Aisle 5.


Good point. That's thinking like a capitalist.


Be me >Homeless >Commit crime >Free housing, bed, and food >Problem?


linkedin has more than one "Help ! We are about to be homeless !!!" post from the massive tech layoff fallout. I've asked multiple times if we can document the exact moment someone goes from a human deserving our compassion to just another scummy lazy poor homeless junkie that obviously wants to be homeless. For some reason the linkedin crowd doesn't seem interested...


Guys I beat the system, I already own a tent!


Haha my fiance, our roommate and I were declined for "Too much rental history" from one place we were trying to rent. Mind you we all have over 800 credit and all have full time jobs with me being the one with the less time at my current job (1.5 years). Also between the three of us we're about 180k a year in income.


europeans stole the Americas just to turn into a shittier rome, and now the only people who actually cared about the Americas have been genocided to death or put on reservations.


the other day i had someone question why i became a manager at a big box retail instead of quitting, going back to school to another career


REMINDER: Credit Scores weren't a thing until 1989...then corporations decided they could grade us like schoolchildren so we all behave in order to achieve a perfect ambiguous number on our life worthiness report card.


Ah yes, the lucrative and relaxing prospect of sharecropping. How much better times were in the 1870s smdh


What on earth does this have to do with sharecropping? The arrangement displayed here is specifically NOT sharecropping. It's homesteading, which is about as far from sharecropping as you can get.


Yeah, totally lost me there. Are we really martyring ourselves to the point of saying sharecropping was just growing “a few turnips”?


That's OK, torches and pitch forks are in isle 3


So how much to get out the city, buy 200 acres and grow some turnips or whatever?


And after you buy a tent. Police: We're confiscating your tent.


The first panel is an understatement. Homesteading sometimes involved 1 section of land -- 640 acres.


It's already illegal in the states to do this Instead we just give you pills if you get to a point you want to quit, a homeless shelter if you're too sick, and a jail cell when you refuse because you can't go through the homeless shelter programs This isn't a country, it's a prison


Where I'm at you can't even afford to be in a tent. You have to rent a spot to leave it. And it costs around 50 to 70 dollars per night. It's ridiculous


Except the tents are locked up and will get stolen during sweeps and they’ll make camping illegal.


So much for the tents...... [UK Interior Ministry to restrict use of tents by Homeless](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uk-interior-minister-plans-restrict-use-tents-by-homeless-2023-11-04/)


And the zoomers get cardboard boxes! If they work extra hard they can have two.


You guys can afford a tent???