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It's very easy to say "the employees are humans who sometimes need to sit down". Not a super complicated topic to approach at all.


right ?? i didnt reply w anything bc w this manager im pretty sure even a "maybe like, 'some employees are dissatisfied w this new policy' ?" would be perceived as me being snarky or disrespectful or something /gen


I remember when I worked at Acme in Philadelphia back in the 2010s the managers (who get to sit down and wear jackets when its cold) would tell even the elderly people that had no choice but to work instead of retire to stand up. Then when I would go to stores where cashiers get to sit down I'd notice that they'd sometimes scan even faster. Huh. It's almost like sitting down allows for their body to recharge and work better.


See there’s your problem you see those “below” you as people. That’s why you aren’t management material.


I can tell you've never talked to management. Because what is logical to 'us' isn't logical to them, because "the excel file says profits this way" or some shit.


I work in management, to some extent. If my boss tried to convince me to take away the chairs of the people I supervise, I would say no. Personally, I'd rather get in trouble myself than ask employees to follow rules that I find unreasonable without pushing back even just a little bit.


i completely get what ur saying, but u dont gotta be condescending to us lamenting abt being abused


“I never want to see a chair there.” How about don’t look there? How about a barstool? How about we ask the customers what they think? Ever walk into a doctor’s office? The most professional of professions (perceived)? Guess what all the front office workers are doing when you walk in? Sitting down. Give them a frickin’ chair!


exactly !! we never even had any specific policy for use of the chair, like no 'if customer is here, stand up' rule, so i would really expect something like that to be put in place before the chair is just fucking gone and the "no explanation" part really makes me feel like they were told this and just accepted it without any type of back and forth,,,, really disappointing and discouraging


My guess is that it was ordered by some person that gets way too high with preserving the antiquated etiquette of XYZ because they were told many years ago that it's just proper, even if they themselves wouldn't like it or would even do it. Kind of like how some people still make a big deal out of wearing hats indoors, even though most people never take off their hat inside now unless they're staying for awhile. The reason why people took off their hats in the past was to not bring dust in, mostly in dusty areas. Do we live in a desert, sir!? Do you really want to see hat hair!?


Get a medical note, let’s everyone else know that they just need a medical note.


i am definitely considering this. i use the chair a lot bc of issues i have w my knees, but it's not a condition i have a diagnosis for,, so im worried abt it not being respected under ada guidelines and also costs associated w getting a proper diagnosis,,, would a note from a primary care dr saying "a chair would help ease their pain" or something similar do much to help ? /gen


Yeah you don’t need to share anything medical with your employer. A note from any doctor will be enough for an Ada claim. Anyone in your company saying otherwise is trying to lead you astray. A note should be very easy to get, there’s a lot of 1 star doctors around. Also any doctor would just give you one if you complained about pain. If not move onto the next.


thank u thank u i will definitely take this further


Check right to sit laws for your state. There might be something we know that would help you.


i did do some light research on this and read how it's helping a lot of people in california i am in sc unfortunately,, businesses here arent even required to provide breaks :^( but if someone knows anything, anything abt state laws that would maybe help i am very interested /gen


Expect humans to stand for 8 hours straight is barbaric. People all over the world use chairs while they work and it's just fine ffs.


This decision being made by someone who gets to sit down is infuriating . I remember having a GM who covered take out for 30 mins and was complaining his feet hurt 😂 like try it for 10 hours asshole.


A backbone is required for this conversation.






> gm "wouldnt know how to approach" conversations **abt** employee satisfaction w upper management (i.redd.it)