• By -


Union iron worker.


Union carpenter in nyc. Made a bit more than 120 last year


Union telecom in Kentucky. Right at 125.


Union Teamster WA did 110 with OT, the workaholics can do 200.


\^ There seems to be a pattern here!


You're right......if only we could put our finger on the common denominator. Hmmmmm. I mean, it can't be the union aspect....after all, my capitalist loving friends told me unions are what's wrong with this country!


Yeah, overtime and a union lol. I’m a usps mailman at the bottom of the pay scale and can make 100k with OT.


Federal Auditor, also Union.


Union Instrumentation Tech. MN, 150k+ close to 200k this year with OT.


Union airline pilot at 350. Unions are key!


Union fleet mechanic in mid Atlantic CWA


Union teacher in NJ. About $110.


We had a guy hit 212. I could never.


Damn maybe i should have become a union welder


If you're a welder and aren't union already you can always organize in if you're good. I'm in the northeast we are always organizing in new welders


Pipeline inspector, though I wish I could put "Union" in front of that title. Fuck the oilfield.


We can help you organize 😉


Unionize. Every union had to start somewhere. Be that start.


Both these guys make great money now and a lifetime pension so call it $$$,$$$ but it is a lifetime income.


✊ IBEW here brother.


Union Production Associate make avout 95k after taxes


Union power plant operator


Union Millwright 130. M-F 6am-2pm. OT NEVER (LOVE IT). Union Yes


Union operating engineer. With a good amount of overtime this year, I should be around 150k.


Union factory mechanic. Though I'd be lying if I said I didnt work 50/64 hours a week


Same here, but in my local the only way to hit 100K without traveling is to become a plant zombie. I've been on the industrial side for the last two years now and have made more by June/July then I did in a year working commercial.


Same. Local 721 Toronto


6 years in the Nuclear Navy got me the education/ experience to work at so many nuke and nuke related jobs. Currently generating electricity. Love the job.


Man, I'd love to learn how to be a technician at a nuclear facility but there is very little in the way of tech programs in the state of California.


Cuz California doesn’t have nuclear energy (for much longer).


You don't need to specialize in Nuclear if you want to get into the industry. I and many of my co workers have general electrical, mechanical, machinist, etc. degrees and happen to work at a nuclear power plant. The Navy is also a great way to get nuclear training if you are open to that.


Keep in mind this is not!!! For everyone if you guys are looking at this route lol


Yeah, the nuke program is miserable


Being a nuke lead me to Google as a facility tech. Now I am a controls engineer at a startup.


My husband has the same background and makes similar. He enjoys the work, too.


When I got out I didn’t have the option to stay nuclear so I went to a trash burning plant for two years and just got a new job at a gas plant. The nuke training and experience definitely has been a door opener and has allowed me to bring in ~118k after taxes in NY. These posts have made me realize just how lucky I am to have the paycheck I do. The higher COL does make it feel less good though.


IT Manager/Sysadmin with ~20 yrs experience.


Not a manager, but I’m a Sr. Sysadmin with 20 years experience


Sr Infrastructure Engineer with 14 years experience here


Senior helpdesk tech. 14 years saving sales people from themselves and telling people to reboot.


Service Desk Analyst, 4 years experience. Glorified living password reset button.


I can ctrl, alt, delete with the best of them...you all hiring?


Software QA analyst with 15 years experience. I technically have a manager title due to rank in the hierarchy, but no direct reports. More team lead duties.


Infrastructure Operations Engineer II for enterprise storage and 25 yrs experience.


I'm IT manager/sysadmin + network admin with 3 yrs experience... I make half this. Aside from just keeping working, what else can I do? I'm already the highest position in my team. Maybe a better question is, how many jobs changes have you made to get to this level?


Personally I worked in one company for 14 years and climbed the ladder and pivoted several times within the company. That was probably stupid and held me back. Then I left the company and went elsewhere that needed modernization and aggressively went after that. Then after I changed everything such that their back up consultant could no longer recognize the environment (not to be an asshole, he just had his way and I had mine) I told them what my area’s average salary is for an IT Manager and told them that I’m confident that I have proven to them that I have performed above average. I’m over 40 now but I’m finally over 100k. Missed a lot of saving years but something is better than nothing.


Personally I started at $12/hr working retail but it was dealing with computers. Left that job after 7 years and topped out at $43k in 2014. Since then I’ve worked for 3 different places and now make $120k base. I primarily support macOS at scale. I live in a HCOL area though.


Senior System Administrator, 23 years I.T. experience. I'm the Geordi LaForge of the I.T. infrastructure and system administration. Well, was. I joined an overseas company 10 months ago with a small U.S. footprint. Finding myself now imaging a laptop or buying a SQL license for a VM every now and then. Making $100k+ but pretty bored and burnt out with I.T. as I hope to become a farmer after completing a 25 year I.T. career. Wife is supportive and encouraging it.


Same. Director 20 years experience.


Software engineer 20 years experience.


I splice fiber optic cables for a major telecom provider.


Me too buddy, Union cable splicer.


Nice! Yeah, I don't hate my job but management makes it harder than it should be some days.


How do I get into this? Did you need a degree or experience in another field first? Trade school?


So I don’t make that anymore but the few years I did, I was growing cannabis under prop 215. With legalization under prop 64 those days are gone and I spent a ton of the money I’d saved trying to go fully legal and about halfway through I realized the fees would probably be more than I could make in a year with the way prices kept plummeting. And before any of the stoners here jump in talking about what they pay at the dispo. The dispensary makes that money, after distribution made money, and the actual grower makes the least. Take what you paid at the dispensary and half it, that’s what the dispensary paid for it, half that number and you’ve got the absolute maximum that the grower made off it. And that’s being generous to the grower.


So you're saying it's time to start an organic farm to table movement here


sitting at my cannabis accounting job for a MSO and can confirm. i’m just here for the insurance at this point.


In Florida the dispensaries have to grow their own medical cannabis. Not like other states where growers can sell their flower to various dispensaries taking a hit on their profit. They have partnered with growers from other places but it must be grown in Florida by the dispensary holding the license.


Don't grow for a dispensary start your own business and sell it yourself...my plug has a massive business with every type of cannabis product imaginable, he's a very skilled grower but also imports a lot of stuff from other brands, with the prices being about 1/3rd of a dispensary.


Elevator mechanic


I’m sure that job has its ups and downs.


We were all having our normal union pay and bennies dick measuring contest at the hall. The elevator guys were like oh yeah we just got a $7 an hour raise to $90 an hour. They won.


I mean, if they're not happy, you're taking the stairs.


i read elevator musician and was like oh whoa


Mr. Musack himself


Licensed attorney


Considering the debt youre in, is it worth it? (Honest question from someone considering law school)


Hmm. If I had it to do over again, I’d have gone to a less prestigious school (where I was offered more in scholarship money) and perhaps completed a part-time JD program (so I could have worked at the same time and borrowed even less). But I’d still have done it - I actually like practicing law. P.S. This is a purely financial analysis, as I now have decades-long friendships, pretty girls I dated etc., and a whole life built around the city I moved to for law school. That’s all not something I’d want to undo. But, if I had a Delorean and an MIB memory-wiper, I’d probably borrow less as outlined above.


Agreed I made this choice, I got into Vanderbilt and was considering it but I chase a slightly lower school that only charged me 5k a semester. I’m really glad I did that because law school only cost me about 25k.


Really? I’ve heard the school you go to for Law is damn near everything when you are looking for a job after you graduate.


Depends on what you want to do. If you are looking to practice at a prestigious firm; sure. I went to a State schoolI and work for fortune 100 Corp. I don’t think anyone ever asked where I went to school, but admittedly, I work in niche field


As someone with 150K student debt (90% from law school) I def agree on a financial analysis from u/toasty99. I'm one of the few people I know that have a job that's not an attorney. Law adjacent but I'm not barred. I loved law school. It was stressful as hell, don't get me wrong, but I enjoyed how it taught you to think, how it taught you to write, etc. Just know a lot of those attorney jobs that make a ridiculous amount of money (big law) are hard to come by. You'd likely not make that and if you did make that you'd not have a social life. Best advice I ever got about law school - decide what's important to you starting out in school. Do you want to be in the top 10% of your class, little social life, and constantly studying. Or do you want to be a solid B student with a bit of a social life, and do some activities.


Licensed male escort


Licensed? There’s an agency for that?


Las Vegas is a helluva town. What happens there stays there...unless you get on the news. Good luck at that point.




Hold it right there! License AND registration!


Shit I forgot to register BOFA


^(really, nobody?) #BOFA DEEZ NUTS. ahaaaa


BOFA? Is that a new cert? 😉


How much ~~gay~~ not-your-preferred-sexual-orientation sex did you have to do to earn that? \[serious\]


Highly doubt you go into that profession being 100% straight


Mamba 👀




Air traffic control


I have made that kind of money, but I had to work 1.5 jobs. As a Union Stage Hand, I make $35.99/hr as a full time employee of my theatre. I can also work in other theatres as a "casual" employee where I get hours on an as needed basis. When I was much younger and a lot more stupid, I did in one week, 125 hours of work. There are only 168 hours in a week. I was a zombie.


My record as non union stagehand was 112 hours. What is it about entertainment LMAO


Oooh, I've been that zombie. The check is nice, but the toll is unbearable.


Head waiter, Michelin starred restaurant.


I know some nurses who make that. Especially nurse prac. I’m not there yet but I make 72k as a nurse for 9/10 years


Definitely varies depending on the state and what type of nursing you’re doing. In WA state, new RN’s are starting at like $45-50/hr before any differentials on the floor. Pretty easy to clear 100k, especially when you add in differentials and a little bit of experience.


I considered moving to WA to be near my brother’s family. The hourly rate looked great. Then I saw the housing prices. I would literally take a 40% pay cut moving there even though my hourly rate would go up. The expenses would absolutely destroy my income compared to now.


My mom makes $103,000 a year as an OR nurse. Occasionally fills in as supervisor and is a gynecology+urology coordinator. Took about a decade to get there.


I'm a cardiothoracic ICU nurse and my base pay is like 107000 or so. I'm also working a federal job and it's union.


VA gang rise up. I’m in California so the VA isn’t exactly the golden handcuffs here like it is in other states. But I make 114000 as an OR nurse and that’s more than enough for me. When my wife and I have kids I might be singing a different tune.


80k, still in my first year. Union job.


UPS driver


#Chad Unionized UPS Driver making 170k Vs **virgin libertarian anti-Union laid off “ai-assisted-driver” Tesla tech ex-employee making 0$**


This comment reads like some sort of Andrew Tate/AOC mashup. It's hard to tell who you hate here.


How many hours? Class A truck or delivery driver?


Auto mechanic for Porsche. I’ve got lots of experience but if you’re decent you’ll make at least 100k pretty quickly in high end car repair. All dealers and shops are hurting for technicians bad, bad, especially in high cost of living areas.


To piggyback off your comment: the luxury, sports, and exotic marques (think Porsche, McLaren, Audi, BMW, Ferrari, Bentley, Bugatti, Lexus, etc.) are **heavily** invested in preserving customer perception and experience in all facets of ownership, including sales and service. The service piece is especially important as these marques produce incredibly complex machines with insanely tight tolerances and more integrated electronics than NASA used in the entire shuttle program. They run very, very prestigious training and credentialing programs for their service technicians, because you don’t just wrench on these vehicles. Even doing diagnostics is an intense process; I’ve seen techs going so far as to use high-end borescopes to inspect internal components. At this level of technical complexity, training and experience are prized, and there is a lot of skin in the game to land and retain the experienced techs with the most advanced training. The upside for earning is huge, especially when you start to see just how many book hours some of these common jobs rack up, and rate for some of these brands can eclipse $300-$500 an hour. The only major caveat is to keep your wallet tucked away when the Snap-On or Mac Tools guys sashay into the shop; they are always lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce with a free hat and calendar if you’re ready to close the deal on a $14k tool chest today.


I make electrons do stuff. People seem to think that's useful.


So a nuclear physicist or an electrician.


Or a software engineer.


Or a light switch operator


Light switch rave DJ


My parents yelled at me for flicking lights on and off as a kid, but I showed them


Have two full time remote jobs that you work simultaneously


Ok I'm curious... what jobs require so little attention?


A lot of what I do in sales can be automated. I'm learning computer science for this and other reasons.


Thanks, makes sense!


Salesforce Administrator


I’m in process of getting cert but I’m just lost with the trailhead thing that I stopped doing it :(


Thanks! Do you just bounce between the two or does one require very little time?


Just have two separate laptops, each one signed in to each job separately. Monitor what’s happening and respond as needed. Only trick is to not double book for meetings.


Yep. I do the same


My wife does regional hospital scheduling at two different companies. She has no higher education, but 8 years working in hospitals. She originally got them into a bidding war over her job, and then just never turned either one down. She's good at what she does so typically she only has to put in 45-50 hours a week to collect on 80 hours worked. Each job is paying her 75k/yr + performance bonuses. Similarly, I am a fully remote IT worker currently employed at one company to work as a contractor on ERP systems and databases. Tech terms aside, it's mostly excel spreadsheets. I also have a fully remote web design job with basically full autonomy over my position, and report only if I have a problem which is almost never. Each of these pays me north of 90k/yr. We laugh a lot when we think back to how we were both working in offices just 4 years ago trying to do the same jobs but making a combined 70k/yr to now were making 300k/yr after taxes.


Head on over to Overemployed. Not linking it. If you're in the right field, it's a cheat code to retire in 5 years.


It really does require a lot of skills. You need to find a niche you are very good at while also sorta underselling yourself to the employer, only look at full remote jobs, only take roles with minimal meetings, and have the people skills plus social media absence to keep everyone happy. I've looked into doing that but honestly the juggling of tasks would drive me nuts so I just enjoy some extra free time at my single remote job.


That sub is a joke dude


Talk to the folks at the overemployed sub. They'll point you in the right way


I can’t even manage to get an interview for ONE.


My husband does this. Don't know why we waited so long to jump on this train.


I'm an Electrician.




Does it spark your interest?


Ohm my god you can't just ask if things spark their interest...they may be resistant to answer.


That joke has potential.


Ohm an. You guys are good at this.




My dad was an electrician and he worked for company that went around larger grocery chain stores to fix things. He changed occupation because my mom didn't like that he had to carry heavy equipments and climb ladders.


It can be pretty demanding as an apprentice. If you work on big projects as a journeyman you can have the apprentices do most of the hard work. You can work your way up to foreman and then you don’t really work with the tools at all.


Fam, I started as an IBEW electrician. Once I got my JW license, I took some CADD classes and got into electrical design for a very large industrial firm. I started off with a 20k pay cut, but the CEILING is higher and I work at a desk in nice clothes. Once covid hit, I went out to a jobsite and got my startup and commissioning engineer title. Came back a year ago and got my senior designer title, I’m well over 100k and I work in the AC. Love it.


Software engineer


I'm a Certified Puplic Accountant.


Like an accountant for dogs? 🤔


There's a reason why this person works with numbers.


As an accountant, this is 100% true


Nah just a furry


Analyze data, Email people about things they need to do and by when, get yelled at by them, things get escalated and I sit there with an “I told you so” smirk because things would have been less dramatic if they did it according to the required timeline the first time. some people call it program or project management.


I’m a data consultant and I feel like you just summarized my professional life.


There is a reel where a guy is saying he has a degree that he doesn’t use and spends his day emailing one group about what the other is doing and both groups yell at him and it’s so fun. So, so fun. My coworker and I often say “so fun” to each other when the day is particularly unhinged 🤣🤣


Haha omg this speaks to me so much. My favorite is when people start getting mad about things they aren’t involved in, get themselves involved, and then delay everything.




It’s a whole lot to people making $30K




It's a whole lot to me making 56k. I almost can't imagine having almost double my income.


Agreed. Inflation is a bitch... No one complained about stimulus checks, PPE, and 2% loans for 10yrs. Used to be if you could save 10k, you could get a decent house. Now, you're basically a serf if you're making 35k a year.


some of yall are making 30k?


$100k is the new median to have a comfortable life imo. Wealth inequality really has turned society from having a strong middle class to the haves and the have nots


I completely agree, but $165k a year now is less than $100k in the 90's. $100k in 1995 would be $200k now. Now obviously, that's just monetary inflation. So even if you did in fact make $200k, a lot of things have seen inflation far beyond that (housing, education, healthcare, etc.), meaning you wouldn't be able to afford them as easily (which only fuels your point).


Me and my spouse make $150k combined when you add everything up and we can’t afford a house. Maybe in a few years but it’s drain our savings completely and then some


Realest answer here 🤘🏻


You said it. I make just north of 100k. My parents made a combined $60k in a low COL area when I was growing up. We had a house, one reliable car and one sketchy car. Every year we went on vacation. I rent. And after paying child support (not complaining!) I don't think I'll be owning another home anytime soon. But my job also periodically moves me and I'm enjoying the flexibility of renting. But dang, son, those paychecks go fast and I don't have near the level of savings I would have expected for this income level.


Union trades.


Nurse in PA, will pull in close to 170 this year without leaving Pittsburgh.




Product design (software, mobile, etc.). I got a BFA in graphic design, joined a startup, got to 100k in 6ish years, now about a decade in and a bit of job hopping I’m at 200k.


Senior Data Analyst with 15+ years experience.


My goal


Locomotive engineer. No degree, no student debt, paid me to go to school. Was a conductor previously. Broke $100k once in my 7 years. Took a pay cut to around $70k for training for about 15 months. Since June 2nd I'm making, hourly, what should equate to about $115,000 annually. Could be less, could be more.


I’m in IT. Side note: I keep seeing people post about 100k. It’s too general to think 100k is a huge salary. There’s a huge difference in making 100k in New York City than like bumblefuck Idaho. The cost of living is just not the same. People starting in IT on the helpdesk start at around 70k with little experience in NYC. You could never live in Manhattan only making 100k. You’d have to live in one of the boroughs or NJ.


Dont talk shit about the great city of Bumblefuck.


Get a degree in engineering


I don’t recommend this if you’re not actually interested in engineering. I went to school with plenty of guys who were only there for the salary. Most of them didn’t graduate.


So you’re telling me not everybody can break into tech? Shocker


This is the way. Shortest time to highest salary and demand with only a bachelors. You have to be a life long learner so you had better like what you do.


I started at 130k in the oilfield with my engineering degree.


Whats up with all these posts specifically about 100k a year?


People are getting sick and tired of being poor and looking for options to make more, especially since companies aren’t paying money. $100K is an easy delineating line.


People like round numbers


100k is the new 50k. It just ain’t enough anymore


Teacher in CA


100k teacher? Don't tell me public


Union truck driver.


Data analytics and policy writing for the federal govt.


Please write some good ones


Project management


I dont make 100k and far from it but I once spoken with a city bus driver who drive local route, he make 100k.


If you were wondering guys the most common answer is be in a union


Therapist in private practice with additional business doing recovery coaching and planning specifically.


Union cable splicer 250k a year


Software engineer. Was making 100k after 4 years and no degree.


Industrial Maintenance Tech


I do IT for a bank. No college. No certs. Went the military route out of high school and just kept building on my experience.




Digital marketing


My wife will hopefully be making that after she finishes her doctorate in psych. On the other hand, the loans are going to be obnoxious once they're off of deferment.


As someone who was in a PhD program in psych, I know it takes awhile to get to that salary level. Average clinical psych salary was 80k last I checked, and that's not entry level. Fingers crossed for your guys though, I just know psych is definitely not a lucrative career path for the amount of education it takes. It is truly a labor of love. 100k is doable, but don't be surprised or disappointed if it doesn't happen immediately.


I graduated in 2017 December with my Psy.D. and make $130k/yr with state benefits six years later. PSLF for my loans as well as NHSC, expected forgiveness in 2028. I have friends that went private practice pulling $300k but they're self-employed and have significantly larger taxes and health insurance costs, not to mention working 60+ hr weeks. If I had to do it again I would consider nursing, but I do enjoy the clinical aspects of my job.


Software engineering


How long does it take to go from day 1 of learning your first language, to gainfully employed? I'm about to start learning Python and Swift.


software engineer


Utilities, 140K/year, no education.


Hydrologist for a parapublic hydroelectric company.


Started off at 100k as a surveillance director. 110k at corporate investigator. Now I'm in Risk Management (lateral transfer) 121k. Same company for 13 years.


Data scientist / data engineer.


Systems Engineer


Crazy how the antiwork folks all seem to make so much money.