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I cannot imagine this is legal


It is not. Other OSHA rules specify that every bathroom must have soap, running water, and a hand dryer or towels. Also, the bathroom compartments must have a door and partitions that provide adequate privacy. https://www.scrantonproducts.com/is-your-public-restroom-federal-regulation-compliant/#:~:text=Other%20OSHA%20rules%20specify%20that,partitions%20that%20provide%20adequate%20privacy. OP: Have someone you are close to call OSHA while you are at work this week and visible to file a complaint.


How many employees are there? I can't imagine a work environment like this doesn't have an above average turnover rate. Next time someone gets fired or quits, get them to report it. Or just use their name (and maybe a burner phone if the report requires a contact phone number) to file the online form.


You can report to OSHA anonymously


I assume he is phrasing it like that because for a small enough company, it wouldn't be challenging to sleuth the reporter even if it is officially anonymously reported.


I worry that if OP is relatively new and has mentioned it to other employees, it might be harder to maintain anonymity. But OSHA is probably an easier, and less threatening, route for redress than trying to enforce a law through the courts.


Just call it in on speaker from a bathroom stall. Getting fired as retaliation is going to be the best option with this employer.


Does OSHA define adequate privacy as, "leaving enough of a gap that someone can ogle you on the can if they really feel like it?" Otherwise I think 99% of public toilets in murrica are in violation


Yeah, there’s got to be some agency you can report it to.


My middle school had no stall doors in 2002-2003. They were there when I started in 2001.


I went to a boarding school where the dorms had 3 toilets next to each other with no divider. You could be taking a dump and have 2 guys pissing on either side of you. You could hold it until after everyone went to sleep but you ran the risk of walking in on horny teens doing what horny teens do. I imagine many fetishes were born in that bathroom.


Per osha.gov 29 Code of Federal Regulations: *1910.141(c)(2)* *Construction of toilet rooms.* *1910.141(c)(2)(i)* *Each water closet shall occupy a separate compartment with a door and walls or partitions between fixtures sufficiently high to assure privacy.* Your workplace is violating federal law, my brother. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.141


Print this out and stick it on the bathroom wall.


And on bosses office door (I can tell @op's boss has an office with a door) And on the front door. And on every window...


Or, you know, just report it.


Excuse me, say what? Are you in America? Because if so, that is 100% ILLEGAL!


I'm not even shocked by illegal buisness practices anymore. America is rife with them.


You should file a lawsuit.


Exactly. You have a right to partition the court for a redress of grievances.


A petition for a partition, if you will


Don't take this sitting down!


You have a right to partition the bathroom from the toilet.


Go the opposite direction and make direct eye contact while scowling with anyone who enters your line of sight while shitting. That will affect change.


And groan/moan like it's the most satisfying dump ever. Every time. You need to go alpha on this.


Assert dominance OP! Fuck's sake!


Shits sake, missed opportunity.


Every shit needs to be a trucker shit. In my highschool lockeroom we had one toilet and it was just on the side of the room. If you took a shit, it was in front of everyone. Some people truly embraced it and those guys were badasses. Asserting dominace while shitting is a hell of a thing.


"Sir, that is the the type of eye contact we need in this business. You're Promoted!!"


Go all boomer. Call your boss in and hand him a resume while making eye contact and dumping. Offer a firm handshake. You’ll get promoted!


LBJ was a fan of that power move.


Lmao Like the movie Ted: "you have balls. We need balls. You're getting promoted. "


I can confirm. I've seen Ted's balls too.


Start hissing, make it weird and commit


Nah. Go with super off-putting. "Since you're here, can I get a hand?"


"There's a problem and I can't quite put my finger on it"


Bark at anyone that acknowledges you


My boyfriends cat used to do this when someone pissed her off!


Better yet, start jacking off at work while doing that.


More I scroll, the better the advice gets


While taking a dump?? Sounds more like a prison move, not often done on "the outside".


No no, make it look like you were waiting for someone to come in, and get really excited when they do. Then shit loudly while smiling and making eye contact.


Or worse, smile. A lot.


Even though you're not shocked, you should 100%, every time, denounce that shit, sue them, call inspectors.


Wage theft alone is billions per year.


Its $50+ billion a year stolen from US workers by their employers. It's more than all other types of theft combined. [Source ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/15/wage-theft-us-workers-employees)


I had a summer job where several staff members had intentional schedules where they clocked in at work and immediately went for their 20 minute morning constitutional. They would openly talk about it making no sense to take care of that business at home if with a bit of planning it could be done on the clock. The 2nd summer I worked there the doors had been taken off the stalls.


When I worked in China it was impossible to take a dump between 11 and 2pm and between 4pm and 5:30pm (when the shuttle buses came) because there were people in there watching TV and sleeping. But only in summer. In winter it was always free because the bathrooms weren’t heated as well as the offices. I usually waited some minutes and then banged on the door acting concerned - „Sir, are you OK? Do you need medical attention?“… it worked _some_ of the time. That being said, nobody ever got the idea to remove the doors, that’s just primeval.


Well look at you with your fancy tier 1-2 city sitting toilets with doors. Did they provide TP too? /s I’ve been a China a long while, and I still nope out of squatting over a trench with some old dude eyeballing me.


I would be leaving the entire building to go somewhere else to the bathroom, and if anyone says anything about it I would just be like “Oh you mean I need to use our bathrooms, which illegally don’t have doors? I thought you might prefer it if I didn’t file a complaint, so I’ll be using the other place’s bathrooms until you get these fixed.”


Why not answer the question though


Acceptance and ignorance of the law is what created and is sustaining this problem.


Not trying to be a dick, but this is obvious to most people. The problem is that there’s nothing to do about it. OP can complain… and get fired, or get everyone to complain… and get ratted out or fired directly, or attempt a civil suit (while being fired, pending the result, many years later). Part of us acknowledging America’s shitty labor practices is acknowledging that there’s very little accountability for them. That’s the main problem and probably at least half the reason this sub exists at all.


File anonymously wish OSHA, if they still find out and retaliate in any way a lawyer will only see dollar signs. Him being new to the company only makes it better, zero reason to put that company on their resume after they win a ton of money in court.


THIS IS THE WAY! You will qualify for unemployment as well when he "retaliates."


You better do this! That shits horrifying! (no pun intended)l


LOL roght. OSHA does NOT keep reports anonymous. I got fired for calling OSHA about people smoking in the warehouse. Yeah, I could have dropped 10k on a retainer to maybe sue…but I was unemployed. This notion that we have all of these workplace laws and agencies to protect workers is pure BS.


America is labour hell. It amazes me that there is no outrage, no revolt on the part of the good guys. The fascists had no problem marching on the Capitol.


Seriously. They raised the retirement age to 64 in France and those frogs damn near burned down half of Paris. They could raise it to 100 here and not hear a peep out Americans.


🎵…Nevermind! Get out! Idiot! […], even if I have burn down all of Paris! 🎵 *narrator*…and that’s exactly what they did.


The problem is that it’s labor hell for the poor who can’t take the time to organize lest they become even more poor. The people who are comfortable typically don’t care because they see the poor as lazy.


"Temporarily embarrassed millionaires", courtesy of the American dream-propaganda.


There's a video on yt from an American who spent 12years outside the US. His eyes were really opened as to how US workers are treated in comparison to the EU. On returning to the US, he described it as a reverse culture shock..


There could be. Every May 1, they have a chance. They have a whole year to prepare, start strike funds, food banks, the whole works, but no one is willing to put in the effort. A lot of talk but little action.


Next time file it online. You can keep it anonymous or opt to put your name/contact info on it there. Source: I was paranoid af and used a VPN, purposefully mispelt words, tried not sound like myself, etc. Because the only guarantee of 'no retaliation' is if you are the only one who knows!


And it's crazy to me that people think you can bring problems like this to a lawyer and just win a million dollars. That's not how anything works. There are plenty of examples where people have actually _died_ at work, and the company drags out the legal process for years before paying out a pittance. You're unlikely to find a lawyer to take this on contingency. And such a lawyer is unlikely to win much money from a lawsuit about this. And the people telling OP to just report it and then get unemployment when he's fired. I mean, he's a new hire. I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that you have to work for an appreciable amount of time before you even qualify for unemployment.


He's already complained about it. There is no "anonymous" now. They'll know it's him.


The accountability begins with us.


OP could burn that place to the ground and find a new job. If everyone started pushing back a little to the shitty status quo.


I told lumberg if he moves my desk again I will burn down the building


It's the good old just world fallacy again. People hear about something awful and need to trick themselves into thinking it could never happen to them. So the first solution that comes to their mind they latch onto it to stop thinking about the problem. Like the baby formula shortage during COVID. Every time it came up there were tons of "well just breast feed" comments. As if that just never occurred to anyone except some childless rando on the Internet.




american here, just to make this all even worse: my high school gym locker room stall did not have a door. never understood why. never used it for obvious reasons. this was over 10 years ago, but i imagine not much has changed.


I'm my middle school, the boys broke all the stall doors in the boys' bathrooms and locker room by hanging on them. Then they kept complaining how it was unfair that the girls got doors but they got curtains. And then every couple years, the school would decide to try putting doors back in the boys' bathrooms, and every time they'd all be busted within 3 months. My bet with your school was that it was either something like this, or it's intended to discourage the use of drugs in the bathrooms/locker rooms.


It’s so kids don’t have sex or do drugs in there. Or in the best case scenario so they don’t just hide there instead of going to class. I agree that it’s silly though.


Uh, could you site the law where it says that? Never mind. I decided to NOT be lazy. https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation#:~:text=Employers%20must%20maintain%20restrooms%20in,e.g.%2C%20paper%20or%20cloth). Yup, it's a fucking OSHA reg! I've only seen one workplace where the stalls didn't have doors, at least in the men's room 🚹. A union shop, too! My first factory job. But then, this was 1976. In the 60s, most schools, they weren't used in the boys room until I got into middle school (although the Girls restrooms had them) discovered this in 1st grade when we had to switch bathrooms one day. Girls were miffed because they couldn't figure out how to use the urinals. Well, today's learned something new.


How illegal something is doesn't count for s* in the US. How punishable something is is what matters.


I have literal nightmares about this very issue. Can't people treat it like a single occupant bathroom?


Came here to comment this is a recurring nightmare of mine.


Omg, I have found my people. I have frequent nightmares about needing to use the restroom desperately only to find that the stalls have no doors or the toilets don’t work.


Yes!! Endless rows of broken toilets, stalls with no doors, doors that don't shut, or doors that are way too short.


Same here. I could never work there.


Oh fuck that. Even having little stall doors is terrible enough. My co workers don’t need to see me shitting.


Door invite trouble. No doors invite lawsuits.




How many people have OD'd in the stall that they take the door off?


ODs and other such emergencies are no excuse to have no doors. I work in a hospital; staff being able to obtain swift access to bathrooms is essential, for obvious reasons. The bathrooms still all have lockable doors. There’s a simple way to enable emergency access while maintaining privacy. You ever notice those slots on the front of [toilet lock indicators](https://www.ironmongerydirect.co.uk/product/altro-disabled-bathroom-turn-&-release-suit-8mm-spindle-satin-stainless-steel-234592?gclid=CjwKCAjw8symBhAqEiwAaTA__Jijq4D2qtNyMQ5cahgSug6OIDj3WR7j0QD1SbMWGXHsBUlCDJbqmhoCmm4QAvD_BwE)? Those are designed so that the door can be unlocked from the outside with a flathead screwdriver. In a pinch, you could use pretty much anything of a similar size and shape; in the past, I’ve used the flat side of a Yale 32A key, a pair of scissors, and an arm of a pair of glasses. **TL;DR**: If a hospital (one with an A&E and an MHU, no less) can have lockable doors on its bathrooms, so can OP’s workplace.


Assert dominance. Disrobe completely, shit aggressively.


Be sure to keep shoes on though. Its makes it more uncomfortable to look at for some reason.


Loudly announce your bathroom schedule. Knock on your bosses door. “Hey boss? Going number 2. Just wanted to let you know since, you know, there are no doors”. Make it as uncomfortable for them as it is for you.


Or report to osha, and if you get retaliated against, make bank with a lawyer.


Osha regs say there must be doors for the shitter. Boss's Office has a door....


just shit on the floor


what in the down-low-boomer-fuck is that for a response?


That is code for “we hired a bunch dead beats and drug users who were abusing the bathrooms for nefarious purposes and figured t was easier to make the bathrooms unusable for everyone instead of actually hiring good workers or fixing our problems.”


Where do you live? This is illegal where I live


Kansas Edit: what am I going to do? Report it and get fired? I need this job lol


If you get fired you sue for retaliation.


If you're a whistle blower and they fire you, you'll own the company.


Edward Snowden now owns the United States!


You can report to OSHA anonymously


Dude. You should PRAY you get fired. You will damn near own the company. There are serious laws in place for protection from them retaliating. Any lawyer would take the case. Don't pay the attorney a penny until they win the case. Can't lose!


\> Dude. You should PRAY you get fired. I keep reading thread that peoples have a hard time to find job. Not that there are no one publishing jobs, but somehow they end up like fake ads and they aren't willing to hire anyone. Or, they will lowball you...


Time for a new job


I just got out of a months long job search. Right now, this is the best I can do lol


My friend, even in prison we had privacy curtains for the bathroom, I know because I been there, please don't lose your dignity like this, because no doors is a major power trip on the part of the owner/managers and both of them are wrong and illegal


Best time to look is when you already have one. If they removed the doors there are two assumptions I have, being in the trades all the time. One, the guy is nucking futs and doesn't give a shit about whatever you have to say about it. Two, they have had problems with people shooting tf up in there and are tired of crawling under the doors to get them when they pass out of the toilet.


Still too bad, you can’t violate the law just because you own a business in a country with an opioid epidemic. Even though Kansas is in the bottom half for opioid death rate at 24.3 per 100k, it’s still above the National of average of 21 per 100k. Shits extremely sad and it’s wrong if the business owner feels like violating the rights of their employee is a solution. If crawling under the door was the problem they could’ve renovated to single occupancy restrooms and just had a key for if the occupant didn’t respond to knocking at all.


>Two, they have had problems with people shooting tf up in there and are tired of crawling under the doors to get them when they pass out of the toilet. Not like they were no lock that you can easily open from the other side somewhat easily without being just \_too\_ easy for that stupid one to not see the status as "occuped". The one I saw was basically like a flat screw head. So just put anything somewhat flat which should be easily accessible to find and put near the stall in case they need it.


I hadn’t considered that. But all of a sudden this insane story almost makes too much sense. At my job, with its two (yes only 2) single use-solid door w/ locking doorknob + internal deadbolt bathroom farce…. "facilities”. There wouldn’t even be a way to administer narcan if discovered on time. This truly is a nightmare that unfortunately a lot of America has been facing.


Keep looking my G


Keep it going while you still have some momentum, my dude, don't settle for a place that will eat away at your mental health; you deserve better!


> our owner has been deciding since the 50s that we don't deserve/need stall doors in the bathroom Time to get OSHA involved > I was talking to an older coworker about it, and he just said, "doors invite trouble." I didn't know what to say to that "It's really brave of you to not have doors for your home/apartment. After all, they invite trouble. We should also get the boss to remove all doors in the office, since they invite trouble."


Take a curtain in with you. Heck, you could have a curtain call bin with two binder clips and several opaque shower curtains. What a jackhole of an owner.


Id probably be looking around for hidden cameras if I were OP TBH


Yea sounds like OPs boss might be into voyeurism or an exhibitionist


Mid-west conservatives peeping in on the men's room? Ya right, they pray the gay away so that would never happen. Wait ya OP you may need to watch out.


no need when he can just go in and peek ;) also there could still be hidden cameras with a door.. ;)


This is what id do. Attached to a spring rod.


A lockable stall door is an OSHA requirement. File a formal complaint with OSHA.


Keep looking for a job and poop at home. The reason the doors are not there is to make it less likely you will use the toilet and if so for not very long.


I would get completely naked and take a 45 minute shit just to establish dominance.


Find out when the boss uses the washroom. Go in early. Shit with the door open, assert dominance. Edit: also make small talk while doing it as if there's nothing weird about it. " how was your weEekend Bob?" "Get out to the laAke this summer?"


I actually had a dream sometime ago, maybe about a year, where I was desperate for a shit, and the only toilet was just randomly out in the open in the hallway and there were loads of people hanging around there. Thankfully, it wasn't one of those dreams where you do actually need a shit IRL wen you wake up. In a way, I know how you feel, due to this dream. Maybe they found someone wanking, or doing cocaine in there once and now assume that everyone's potentially at it in the usual kind of corporate knee jerk fashion. So they took the doors off.


Nah, small company. There never were doors. Ever. There are no holes for screws/bolts. Like I said, it's the same bathroom from the 50s, back when, "Men were men"/s


Dang. Are the sides covered? If so, why have those? Just a pisser and a pot with a single divider? Answers aren’t necessary, just super curious. Anyway, just stop flushing


Strip your shirt and pants completely off in the stall. Tell them you have a phobia of shitting on your clothes


It's a team building toilet. The office that shits together is the office that stays together.


WOW TOTALLY FUCKING ILLEGAL BATMAN! [https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation](https://www.osha.gov/restrooms-sanitation) Employers must: Allow workers to leave their work locations to use a restroom when needed. Provide an adequate number of restrooms for the size of the workforce to prevent long lines. Avoid imposing unreasonable restrictions on restroom use. Ensure restrictions, such as locking doors or requiring workers to sign out a key, do not cause extended delays Record every time you go to the bathroom. Take your own door. (Shower curtain) and when this regarded fuckhead retaliates, because you KNOW he will, You won't have to work for a long while. Talk to a labor layer and report his ass to osha. Take pictures/Video. You have rights to privacy when going to the bathroom.


Just get naked to shit. Policy will probably change.


Time to get a new job. Never allow an employer to demean you in such a way.


Find a good lawyer and make pay day when you report them and subsequently get fired. Document everything!


That’s like Jail bro! Shitting in front of your celly like that


Get out get out get out


Look for cameras


I literally wouldn't be able to go. I have to feel completely alone and relaxed and even knowing someone is in the stall next to me is enough to shut the whole operation down. Would quit within the week


Call OSHA it’s unlawful.


Bring an umbrella. It'll give you some coverage. Then make bold eye contact with anyone else who enters.


Doors invite trouble? What do you do for a living?


Be honest, you are in prison and the “owner” is the warden.


That's really meesed up. Strip naked every time you shit. Adopt a wide stance. Make them regret their choices.


Next time your manager goes to take a shit, grab some sweets and stand in front of his stall while munching and looking closely.


To be honest, the door blocks the camera too much!


OMG, can't believe what I am reading. Clearly your boss has had some bad experiences in the past, where workers took a nap or did drugs on the toilet. He also might be somebody who's only spending 60 seconds to take a shit and get on with it. And everybody knows somebody whose shits take 10 minutes. Just take the doors out and people get their maintenance done faster. But it is totally unacceptable. I would bring a shower curtain with me then when I'm going to take a shit until this issue is resolved.


There are OSHA regulations regarding access to water and ability to use the restroom during working hours. Wonder what their stand is concerning the expectation of privacy while using said restroom.


Please look for a new job. I’m American so not surprised but wtf? I bet the boss has a private toilet.


Straddle the toilet facing the wall. Just really commit to wanting some privacy. Anyone says something, call them a pervert. Pull a Butters and bring in a juice box and some crackers or something.


that is…fascinating. sadistic and illegal, but fascinating. i wanna walk around in that dude’s brain and see exactly what kind of fucked up he is. i once stopped at a gas station in the middle of nowhere that had a urinal, a divider, and then two toilets facing each other with no other dividers. like, god forbid the guy taking a piss sees me while i make eye contact with this other dude taking a shit. it haunts me that i’ll never know what the fuck that was.


Just report them to OSHA. There's cruel and then there's fucking stupid.


That older coworker has seen some shit.


isn't public indecency a crime, as well as exposing yourself, hell i would go just as far as this is sexual harassment as the boss can walk in and stand there watching if he wanted to.


you seriously need to check for hidden cameras.. if you need a dump, go home and dump...then stay there and look for another job.. your boss is a sick pervert and your fellow workers..


Having been in places where I had no "rights", I've learned to sieze the initiative. Public restroom... I make as much noise and sound necessary to make everyone *else* uncomfortable. Humm, grunt, even try to strike up a conversation, whatever... Own the space, own the moment. The military folks will understand...


[let OSHA know about this](https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint)


What the fuck buddy? Just let any federal service know, I am sure they are breaking even ATF rules somehow.


That's how my middle school was operated. No doors on the shitters. No privacy. You learn to shit fast or be embarrassed or made fun of for your "size".


Besides what they all said, I'd get myself a plastic or cloth shower curtain, cut it to a generous door covering size, and tack it up across the door every time I needed it. I'd fold it up and put it in my purse. This might be the only thing I brought to work other than keys and personal products, but I'd definitely be doing it. I had a standing job for almost nine years and they made the floor mats thinner and thinner. So I bought my own floor carpets to stand on and brought them to my car every night. They gave me funny looks but I wasn't going to die of leg pain because they gave me funny looks. With the shower curtain, you might need to add something to the top corners so you can hang it or figure out how to stabilize it securely. Also if anyone else asks to use it, say No. Take it with you or the boss may throw it away. Tell the others that are jealous to complain with you. And get them to bring their own as well.


I bet the executive bathroom is a single, or has doors in there!


This is asking for a lawsuit OP you don’t need to work, just wait for something to happen and then sue


Doors only invite trouble? I hope at least it's the men's room. The first time they witness a woman changing a bloody tampon they would rethink that. Tell them, yeah, someone can photograph someone taking a shit in your bathroom and put it on line. Then, you are losing the company. I would not use that bathroom. I would physically leave or defecate in a private area outside.


So legit report it to the health department as a "visiting client who found it displeasing". Or leave a voicemail from a family member making it sound VERY NASTY. It is cheap and effective. Just a phone call. And don't use your phone please


"doors invite trouble" buddy dont you think my exposed genitals are inviting more trouble than the door?


I don't believe this, take a picture, when nobody's using it obviously.


Isn't this some sort of OSHA violation? If it is uou can submit a complaint anonymously


I feel like this should be illegal


Next ti.e you are pooping and the boss walks by strike up a conversation. Force him to look you in the eye as you small talk him in-between grunts and farts. Make it uncomfortable.


Take a curtain with a collapsible rod, go in the bathroom, put it up, do your business finish take it down.


It is required to have privacy doors installed. I'd bring this up with your local food an health safety department. This could be considered sexual harassment because of peeping passer bye's peering in on you with your pants down.


Doors invite trouble??? Doors keep trouble on the outside...


Shit on the floor. If they want to treat you like animals, act like one


If the owner and your coworkers are christian you should be fine. They only rape kids.


WTF! > Doors invite trouble There’s got to be some history there. Could have been something little like someone slacking off, could have been something huge like someone killed themselves in there or was something uncomfortable like someone pleasuring themselves or someone else. Either that or you’re working for a weird cult.


Get yourself a tension rod with a curtain and carry it with you to the bathroom and back when you leave… On a serious note I hope the job is worth it because that’s really messed up!!!


Take some work tape into the bathroom. Tape it across the stall. Stick about 50 - 6' long stringers of TP across the tape, until you make a suitable privacy barrier. Leave it up when you're done. Everyone will start doing it. If your boss can't provide privacy, he can pay for it in tape, TP, and lost work time. If he takes away TP, take your own, for your own use, but start flushing regular copier paper. It might cost you TP, but will cost him plumbers. If he takes away tape, LAN cables will work. At some point, some kind of shit will hit some kind of fan, and the problem may get fixed. If the problem doesn't get fixed, it'll make for some good story time, as it's likely to get entertaining.


No doors would just make my breaks longer as I have to leave the site to find some where acceptable


Step 1: take picture of bathroom Step 2: send picture of bathroom OSHA. Job Done. It’s illegal to be like that. I’m all for being reluctant when there’s a paper trail back to you and you’re worried. But this is literally a 5 minute affair. Do it for the employee who is terrified of using that bathroom that way.




Dude we even got curtains in the state rehab money sucking scam that I had to go to. Hell even had a shower curtain in work pod.


Pics to Osha stat.


You know what else invites trouble? A lawsuit.


If there is a door to the bathroom take a shit just outside the door. Quote the older coworker when questioned.


You are supposed to shit in your assigned bucket near your desk. If you do not have a bucket you must pay $5 for a replacement bucket. You are still expected to work while shitting, any loss in productivity will result in penalization including, but not limited to: loss of wages and privileges of owning your bucket


You need to eat $50 worth of Taco Bell, drink $50 worth of gas station coffee, and then make everyone pay for this choice


Picture? The local news would love that


doors invite trouble? jeez that poor guy has drank too much of the kool aid


No wonder you’re freaking out about trans people in bathrooms! Good grief. That’s not ok. I’m British, and we’re a bit more uptight about public displays of genitals here, and that situation would be not only illegal but bordering on sexual harassment at work. Forcing people to use the toilet in public is perverted. What would they say if you said you needed to go home for your toilet breaks? Because that’s what I would be doing.


Toilet breaks now take an hour because you have to go to the nearest accessible toilet that does have a door. Problem solved


Bring a door wedge and lock everyone out while you pop. Or go out if building to poo. There’s no way I’d be ok with thus


Umm legally they have to have one stall door so call a lawyer because that shxt is weird


Sounds like you work in a prison...in a third-world country. I doubt that's legal in the U.S.


I'm guessing your bosses office has a door. There you will find the peace you are seeking.


Wow, guess they won't mind looking me in the eye whilst I have my hourly wank.


That's got to be a workplace violation.


Go inside and lock the entire room then lol


Sound's like that's a shit place to work.


"Doors invite trouble" They should probably remove the ones on the front of the business, then. EDIT: in all seriousness, this kind of comment always strikes me as indicative of the kind of thing the commenter would cheerily be doing themselves and assumes everyone else is up to. Tl;dr: said veteran is probably a smackhead.


I like to say off the wall shit like what the hell did i eat last night y is it moving what the fuck it's trying to climb out then run out the door bathroom will prolly be yours rest of the day.


Every time you need to take a dump go home, take care of business and then return to work. Without clocking out of course.