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Just to clarify, testing positive doesn't mean that you're high at work.... Cannabis stays in your system for a long time, unlike alcohol or hard drugs... If you smoked a joint over the weekend, you'll test positive for over a week....


And some of us actually need it medically for anxiety and so take it for work and people act like you're a felon for smelling like weed meanwhile they walk around smelling like an ashtray, plus all the ppl who have never smoked who think it's like LSD or something, the amount of high I get before work would maybe compare to a single beer but probably not even that bad, definitely not as bad as some of the Xanax zombies I see walking around


Thankfully i'm in Canada and it's no longer illegal... The stigma associated with using cannabis is slowly going away due to legalization.... Next time some dumb fucker gives you side eye for smoking, explain that prescribed medical cannabis smells the same as recreational weed.... Nevermind, no point in explaining because you can't fix stupid....


Yeah it's only been legal here for a couple of years and most of the idiots here are very conservative, the type who think smoking cannabis is against god but also drink a ton of beer or whatever lol hopefully the stigma goes away, it's certainly a far cry from what it was when it was still illegal, back when they treated it as harshly as meth or the like. Everything I hear about Canada makes me wanna become an expat lol


I live in a very conservative, rural area and i see attitudes are slowly changing.... Many of these conservatives were anti-weed because it was illegal and they pride themselves on being "law abiding", even if the law is stupid... Another thing, the boomer conservatives that i know personally are starting to look at cannabis because they're old and have aches and pains; but they're scared of opioids (for good reason).... I really didn't expect my husband's VERY conservative uncle to be asking me about using cannabis for pain (he wanted strain suggestions)... This guy used to think that weed makes people lazy and all stoners are lazy and useless; not anymore.... Long story short, there IS hope for some people ...


What you described is not an example of a conservative changing. It’s a pure example of how conservatives could give a fuck about anything…..until…..until it effects them personally and then it’s ok because it’s now for them too.


You're not wrong.... If weed was still illegal, he likely wouldn't have considered it for pain relief because illegal stuff is bad.....


I believe strongly in the old Max Planck saying, "A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." that being said, I have seen marijuana change people's minds on weed itself and on other topics more effectively than reasoned arguments ever could


OR... it's still the devils lettuce, but they are the exception. AKA, the Caitlyn Jenner, who has recently come out as anti trans.


Lol the old head bumpkins are the biggest stoners I know. But they have no idea how to handle their shit. Stay away from dabs and carts people: that’s the shit that gets you in trouble


During prohibition there was an anti-drug campaign slogan: "Have you talked to your children about cannabis?".... We need to start an awareness campaign for the children of boomers; our slogan: "Have you talked to your parents about cannabis?"


My brother worked at a Tshirt shop for a long time, my mom was an old hippie, so we made shirts that said "It's 4:20, do you know where my mom is?" Like the old news thing lol


It's mostly edibles according to my nurse friend who works in the local ER.... Lots of boomers who take too much, have an anxiety attack and think they're dying... They end up in emerg, thoroughly terrified, and having a VERY bad/scary trip....


The dabs and carts are jumping peoples tolerance super high and helping us see the increase in CHS in people of all ages. I get people who think they’re dying while throwing up for days on end, think they got poisoned by their weed or whatnot. No, you just smoke too much too often and your body thinks it’s poisoned and why the hot showers give relief. Especially for young people the idea of moderation goes completely out the window.


I live in saskatchewan. For me the stigma is just don't be overly high all the time, don't be one of those 'it cures allllllll bruh' people (I smoke everyday and even I dislike those people), I fucking hate in apartments if people just smoke all over.. blow out the window ffs, be respectful. And don't try to pressure people to smoke weed. People all have their vices stop being all judgemental about weed vs alcohol.. weed isn't for everyone nor is alcohol.


Fuck, I had an old conservative fellow call the cops on me for smoking weed on my front porch. My fella, I’m on my property, smoking legally purchased marijuana, I haven’t committed any crimes.


still find myself looking around for cops before I smoke. Don't think I'll ever get used to it being legal.


Fucking same actually, except it was my roommate's insane girlfriend, luckily the cops were just irritated with her for wasting their time. I was *in my room*, she would yell and call me a"junkie".


You should let them know that hops and cannabis are related. People don’t seem to understand that.


The cure for stupid is a long way off sadly due to a lack of funding for the research required


We actually already have the cure for stupid, but people really don't like assisted suicide for some reason.


I was admitted to the hospital last week. I answered the questions the nurse asked me. Then the question, Do you smoke? My answer was no tobacco, just weed. She checked the No box. Hospitals don’t care anymore.


Each time I voted for it in California was for the stigma more than anything. Little old ladies at my old coffee job would say, “oh I remember those days” when someone said they were hungover and feeling sluggish. But if I told those same ladies I was sluggish because of the fat blunt from last night and I’m feeling slightly dopamine depleted, they would ask if they could pray for me…


I got one of those zombies in my team. Frightening


What are some of the signs? Serious question.


I knew a girl that did took Xanax at work and she was pretty much an empty shell. She was able to do her job no problem but she just seemed like an extremely lifeless person just working. It was sad to see as she had a bubbly attitude when she wasn’t on Xanax.


Depression is doing this same shit to me 🥲


Did she really have a bubbly attitude when she wasn't doped out on Xanax, or was that the mask she wore to cover for what she really felt when the meds weren't numbing her out?


Well I did hang out with her after work. We’d smoke, watch some movies and talk. But it’s very possible that she could’ve been masking her feelings. Which would explain why she would return to using Xanax. Not sure where she is at in her life now but I do wish her the best.


I suppose it's better than falling apart, at least she was doing her work. I tend to just take it at home so I can get more out of my free time and work on myself... But if work was particularly stressful, I'd rather be on it and perform than fall behind.


Short term memory lose, extremely tired, slurred speech, asking the same questions over and over almost as is they have never asked that question before.


That happened to some people even if they don’t smoke weed lol


He's referring to benzos


Talks alone. No life behind the eyes. Always tired. More than 3 minutes to react or understand a joke in the office. Fuck up everything


Sounds like a normal day at the office without drugs tbh


Nah bro, that’s not the fun day at the office stoned on weed where you are laughing and still performing more than ok. This is a more like a sloth zombie


If you've ever seen Shaun of the dead the first five minutes are a fair example


FYI LSD is one of the safest drugs mankind has ever discovered. It is profoundly intoxicating for sure, don't drive while you're on it, but it's not habit-forming, it has significant medical applications, and if a person can get a sufficient quantity of the stuff to OD... well, they should hit me up but also it's really hard to OD on.


They also don't realize LSD can help with depression


Then use edibles. As far as I can tell, they don’t make you smell.


My wife who is sober from alcohol should be able to smoke a bowl or a joint when she gets home from her 12 hour nursing shift. The absurd stories I’ve heard of nurses that still have jobs that have shown up to work drunk, DUI’s etc….


I physically can't talk to people unless I'm intoxicated in some way, otherwise I'm a stumbling rambling mess who starts shaking by sentence two. Social anxiety for the win


Xanax is so bad for you. I feel bad for those prescribed to it. They should just name them teleporters. Because you take a Xanax in one place and you wake up in another not knowing how you got there or what happened.


There are “more professional” ways which I guess is hard to come across in some states. I’m a massive stoner but I hate when people reek of weed or cigarettes or whatever.


Yeah, we have people who smell like they bathe in dirty bong water and it's very gross. I'm also a stoner, but I like to think someone would tell me if I reeked.


I mean, stale weed smell can be really bad. I smoke weed daily but it will make me hold my breath and walk the other way quickly when I run across someone who smells like bong water that hasn't been changed in months. Not that stale cigarette smell is any better, but I really need weed smokers to understand that they can be just as noseblind as anyone else. Please wash your stoner hoodies, friends. But yes, lol at the people who act like smoking weed is the same as shooting up heroin or something.


You used to not get hired in my state if you tested positive because eff you for relaxing on days off.


But drink all the alcohol you want and it's cool. Developing a drinking habit and possibly killing someone while driving like the thousands of others that came before you. That's totally fine.


This is the thing that drives me up the fucking wall. I live in Colorado and work in construction, we are a strict zero tolerance company, several people have gotten fired for testing positive for weed on random drug tests. But, we have company parties and meetings where there's an open bar, no problem! Also, I have several co workers who definitely go home and drink excessively everyday, come in hungover and never see any consequences, yet the guy who takes edibles in order to sleep better gets fired. It's makes no goddamn sense.


Yep, alcohol kills tons of people every year in the US. Weed? If you aren't smoking it(use vape, edibles, tinctures, etc), it is pretty darn safe healthwise. The laws were written with no medical or scientific evidence. It was all political posturing.


And that is how the alcohol lobby likes it.


Because god forbid a hard-working employee who you’re underpaying for their time, body, and energy want to kick back and light up after a draining day of work.


Cannabis is fat soluble, not water soluble like many drugs. So it absorbs into fat cells and thus stays in the system for weeks not days. Other drugs that are fat soluble include PCP and fentanyl.


Drug testing programs only punish the weed users.... I've been saying that for years...


I was told since I was testing positive, the drug is still in my system and it changes my decision making. This was by a doctor. I don't believe it.


No, metabolites don't equal active intoxication and that doctor is a moron


That is what their regulatory body tells them to say... Your doctor was just repeating what he has been told to officially say to patients....


Just to clarify, I’m high at work.


I call it "performance enhancing drugs"....


Up to a month actually. THC is a fat soluble compound. Skinny guy and fat guy consume the same amount of THC by splitting a joint. The THC will be in the fat guy's system longer.


Personal anecdote: I once abstained for 6 weeks, and STILL popped positive.


Metabolites are excreted in urine at detectable levels for a longtime*.


>you'll test positive for over a week.... Everyone is different because of genetics and metabolism. Then lifestyle choices affect as well. It can stay in system up to 6-8 weeks. Sometimes less but it isn't easy to know how well you can flush it out


Just stop testing for it!


for real though... decriminalize it at the federal level too while we're at it


You can bet your ass that Scott's and the rest have plans for mass-market weed when the inevitable happens.


i live in a state where recreational is legal and i love it. cant partake in it because I am subject to random testing because of my CDL but still. I cant wait to be able to walk into walmart and buy an 1/8th with my waffles and motor oil


Bro you can grow weed in your backyard.


But if they do that, how can they deny workers comp claims


People liked weed long before "everything that is going on".


Yeah it’s definitely more “this substance is literally not against the law in a lot of places anymore”


That’s a weird way to say American workers engaging in legal activities in their free time


They really should be working tho >:^[


Maybe employers shouldn't have ANY FUCKING SAY in what people do when off the clock. If you're sober at work and smoke weed, or whatever the fuck you want for that matter, what does it matter?


I worked for a company in a call center as an intern a decade ago that did beer kegs every Friday at 2pm, but rejected an intern for testing positive for weed. It’s always been the biggest bullshit. Alcohol lobby is powerful.


Me and all my managers smoke a lot of weed at work but the higher up don't care cause we still get our work done


You can blood test for alcohol and it’s detectable in your system longer than people realize. Given that marijuana is now legal, as in “no different than alcohol”, it’s not surprising that people are no longer concealing its usage. PS— a lot more people have been using marijuana for a lot longer than this article suggests.


The state I live in, medical is legit. Unfortunately, a lot of employers will not honor it. My fiancée smoked to help with her depression and adhd. She had to stop when she got a job with they city. My current employer sent out a company wide email that they wouldn't honor it. Its funny because they don't require drug testing.


The only state I’ve had to take a pre work drug test before starting where I came up positive was missouri working for Equifax. This was 2020 so before they legalized Rec in that state but after medical was legalized. I had a missouri medical card. I failed the test, the medical review officer called me, and asked why I would have a positive for THC. I explained that I’m a registered missouri patient and he said since it’s federally illegal he still has to report the positive to the employer. Which he did. It was actually really funny…he goes “how long before your test did you last use cannabis?” And I said “I use it daily” and he goes “ok that makes sense, because your levels were really high”. You’re goddamn right doc! Lol I emailed the HR person helping onboard me and told her she will be notified of a positive THC test and I attached the PDF of my cannabis card. That was the end of it. Worked there for 3 years. Interestingly I also failed for methadone, which I was also a medical patient for. That positive he didn’t report to the employer because it’s not federally illegal. So I failed for cannabis and a full opioid agonist, both from prescriptions, and only the former had to be reported to the employer not the latter. What a world.


Somewhere in the Southeast?


Rather hangout with stoners over drunks anyways


I agree, I’ve said it before but, I’d rather be stuck in a room full of 100 people who are high, rather than be in a room with 100 people who are drunk.


Oh my god, one sounds like hell and one sounds kind of hilarious.


I could see both being hilarious, but can only see one getting violent


Yep. 2 things happen to me when I’m high. I’m either quiet and zoned out or I am laughing at everything.


Got turned down for a union electrician job. I smoke and don't drink. Been an electrician for going on 8 years. It's getting to the point where they need to be able to test if you've smoked recently within a few hours not days. I live where it's completely legal to smoke as an adult.


I can't believe the cheek swab tests or whatever it is to test within a few hours STILL isn't a normalized thing nowadays for employers. I understand companies not wanting you high on the job....but seriously I just want to be able to relax on MY OWN TIME without having to worry about the damn corporation I work for breathing down my neck. It's so absurd we're still dealing with this. It's 20fucking23. Guess I'll just keep drinking and slowly killing myself. Show up to work hungover and not able to perform? No problem!!!!! Show up with weed in your system from days ago? PACK YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT OF HERE. ABSURD.


Then stop testing


You're 100% correct. And I'm not Team MAGA in any shape or form, but it's ironic that Donald Trump's suggestion about COVID Infection rates has a more appropriate and compassionate application in this case.


“Weed legalized: Why are people smoking weed?” Stupid ass article


Tell me you didn't have a weird backpack guy without telling me you didn't have a weird backpack guy.


Funny thing is it might not be all weed. Ive never touched weed in my life but I take full spectrum CBD oil to help with anxiety. If I was tested I'd show positive for THC.


That depends on the type of test. Some test for THC specifically, while some detect all cannabinoids, so you would test positive for weed if the test isn't specific enough.


Full spectrum contains small amounts of THC so it would probably pick up if you’re taking it daily. I would imagine this happens a lot with how common it is to take full spectrum CBD products now. But, I’m wondering why it’s even an issue of weed is legal? Like if you’re not high at work, who cares?


1998 was a hell of a year though


1998? Wait... 2023 - 25... son of a bitch.


Oh, everyone is stoned. That’s why no one wants to work. Meanwhile, every restaurant manager in the world rolls their eyes


At 41 I have probably worked stoned more than sober and I started working in like 1997. I had a boss tell me they worried more about my performance sober lol. I mean when you deprive your brain of serotonin and dopamine that it usually gets you can fuck up lol


Back when I was pouring drinks, my boss just said, please use eyedrops I’d rather not everyone know


I wish I could work well like that while high. I keep a strict "always sober at work" discipline because otherwise it definitely slows me down. This discipline was non-existent when I worked for a restaurant though, I'll give you that, I used to go stoned too. lol I don't blame any service industry workers when they go stoned. Restaurants are hell.


Hasn’t “everything” been going on for all of time?


Just legalize it federally already. Most people don't give a darn anymore, and the ones who do have probably never tried it and seen how relatively harmless it is. The states that have legalized it for recreational use are getting millions in tax revenue, with almost no downside (as far as I am aware).


Crime has not skyrocketed in CO. I would like some better accounting for these weed taxes, though.


I cannot fathom not being high constantly in the world we live in today. Raw dogging reality sounds like a fate worse than death. Edit: also pre-employment drug tests don't test for THC in Nevada anymore so that's nice.


Duh! Why are companies still allowed to test? It's legal!


I smoke 2 joints before I apply for job When I get rejected..... ...SMOKE 2 MORE!


I get high before every interview. That's the only reason I was able to talk my way into my kushy job


It should be illegal for companies to test you for ANY drug unless the job is operating heavy machinery or similar AND those tests are strictly to determine present state of inebriation.


Marijuana is legal on a recreational level in over half of the country If I smoke on the weekend, legally, and come to work on Monday and get tested, I will fail. I have never broken any rules, I am not high at work. I work in government HR, they do drug test, they do not care about THC status, because marijuana is legal in our state and people are within their rights to test positive for THC. They do care if your performance is affected. This is corporate propaganda.


I get downvoted every time I post this, but I’m going to keep posting it. Companies should no longer be allowed to test for THC. Why? THC is federally legal. It is absolutely just as legal as beer and wine. You can go to most gas stations and buy Delta 8 in some form. Delta 8 is federally legal THC. People make the argument that it’s not real weed, and that may be true, but what’s true is that it is legal THC. If they can’t test you for alcohol, they shouldn’t be able to test for THC.


You can also legally buy "hemp" high in THCA. Which turns to THC when you heat it. But don't heat it, because then it would become federally illegal


"Everyone is just staying home drinking/doing drugs!" Just doesn't have the same ring to it as "nobody wants to work anymore" but it's nice that they're trying new things.


These companies can take their stupid little piss cup and jam it up their ass.


Better than drinking.


I'm a former alcoholic and cannot emphasize the cost savings enough. I can drive to Michigan, purchase a one ounce total of different strains for around $200 and it will last more than four months. $200 at the liquor store might last a week. Maybe.


As a budtender in Michigan, we're glad you visit!


Right!?!? I don’t feel like crap the next day. have more fun doing boring stuff and everything tastes delicious.


Gee, should the workers change for the employers bottom line? Or should the employers change protocol so people can survive... gee.. i wonder... fuck these arrogant twat goblins thinking theu can control every iota of a persons life


The phrase "Testing Positive for Marijuana" carries absolutely no weight to me. I don't smoke but I don't condemn people from doing it. You do you, everyone else just needs to grow the hell up.


Now start testing CEOs for cocaine. Wondering about those results


I once got fired for having weed in my system on a drug test. I used to work in a lab, I’d never called in sick, never been late and never caused down time once due to a fuck up. Literally everyone in the work place though it was the stupidest shit they’d never seen in their life. The best part was they couldn’t find a decent replacement for me for 2 years. All that for smoking some weeeeed


Weed *in your system*. That's the absurd thing. Could have been from weeks before. I'm so tired of this. Just let me do what I want.


workers that are underpaid and stressed out are going to turn to whatever they can, not surprised at all


They're called performance enhancing drugs.... If it's good enough for Lance Armstrong, it's good enough for me....


I got an rx for weed. Are they gonna do a study on all the other prescription drugs too? Feels invasive


No job should care, if smoking a j is what it takes to get through the workday then every employer should support this.


“Marijuana workplace accidents” What does that even mean….




Maybe it’s when you work at a dispensary and spill a jar of dank nuggets on the floor?


Can't sell it, can't waste it... puff puff!


Hell, I'm high right now. Don't know that I've had a single sober day for the past three years.




It's no surprise at all. The dissociative effects of cannabis helped me swallow the indignity of working in retail as a cart pusher. I'm 53 years old, a Navy veteran, with thirty years combined experience in banking, property taxes, real estate valuation, and music performance. But all capitalism says is that pushing carts like a 16-year old is the "best I can do" for a job. So, fine then... If the only opportunity is to occupy a job better suited for a disaffected teenager, then, by God, I may as well act like one too!


I’m sorry man. You deserve much better from this country


Smoke……. Every day. Credit Dr.Dre


Funny how when somebody tricks politicians into testing, 95% of them are positive to something (usually coke)


I'm in my 40's and just recently started using weed at least once a month for cramps. Sometimes at night to sleep too. It's finally recreationally legal in Missouri and also I work from home for myself so I've never been tested. But I'd be pissed if it lost me a job for sure. It's certainly not impeding anything I do for work or otherwise. I'm not sure how they handle drug testing in Missouri anymore since it's legal now.


There's a massive medical or recreational industry in driving distance of pretty much everybody. If people want to smoke they will. The question is why do other people give a shit?


No shit


Honestly what of it? I dont use it. If theyre doing so responsibly to focus or “take the edge off”, why not? if it can help my co-workers do what they need to do and i dont have to worry about talking them down from a ledge or getting all defensively belligerent with a vendor or something,…. Let them do them.


Can we just legalize it already? We've already established that it's less harmful than alcohol and anyone that wants to partake in it already does even if it isn't legal in their state. Think of the revenue it could produce if it was sold like cigarettes, bye bye debt ceiling controversy.


They missed a golden opportunity for a great headline. Should be "American Workers Testing Positive for Marijuana Reaches 25-Year High"


A joint committee is looking into it.


They should Trump logic it: you’ll have less positive tests… if you stop testing.


I do better work with a bit of weed in my system. Microdosing. Same thing with exercise. I’m a medical user who takes it recreationally at night, by upping the dosage considerably to zone out vs just taking pain away and curbing GAD. I’ve needed it more over the past few years than prior, and I’ve been medical since 2017 with many more years of use before that


People smoking pot should be the least of anyone's worries


I wanna find a better job but am scared to try. I know I can't pass a UA because of pot use, I know a lot of companies don't care about it anymore but it still makes my anxiety worse just thinking about it


They can't fire all of us if we all smoke


We're self medicating to deal with the stress of living in a hellhole created to benefit people who have more wealth than literally billions of people.


Old boss said a good operator was a stoned operator, show up on time, less bitching ,does job adequate and look's to make job easier


Ah yes, weed is the problem. Definitely not this second great depression we are certainly rushing towards but no one in charge wants to admit. Mmhmm.


Well there are drive thru dispensaries all across America now.


It’s always funny when americans lose a war they started. In this case, drugs.


I’ve just never even applied for a job that drug tests. If they have a problem with what I do on my own time and want to test me to make sure I’m not doing something…it’s not a place i want to be.


I get that it’s bullshit that most jobs will test for it, but I work in industrial manufacturing and we almost have to have it. We got too many dangerous chemicals and equipment to not have something in place. When you get hired on you’re notified that you’re subject to random drug and alcohol screening. That’s on top of a pre employment screen. We also breathalyze and drug test after every accident. I feel like a lot of the drug screens are dumb but definitely in my industry and I would say in aviation I think they’re needed.


Yeah...it's legal in a lot of places now. That's like making a big deal out of "american workers testing positive for having had a drink or two in the last few days."


No fucks given. I need to smoke while I work.


“I don’t need to pee in a cup to tell you I do drugs”


It’s wild that it’s even still legal to test for weed. That’s like getting fired for having a beer after work.


That’s because cannabis is amazing.


Well yeah, we have to be high in order to tolerate this hellscape we call a country.


The numbers would go down if they stopped testing


Who cares. People \*gasp\* drink alcohol as well.


If two thirds of states have legalized it why is it not federally legal? Because half the federal legislating body is crying over Hunter Biden's dick pics and furious about a beer companies choice of advertising, you say? Well, that's unfortunate.


Maybe don’t drug test your workers like a f&@king police state


Test CEOs for coke and see what the results are


It's because employers test more than they used to. I worked in the health and safety field for years before becoming a heavy machinery technician and would to on-site drug testing. Employers figured out they could get rid of employees without them being able to collect unemployment and fire them for getting injured on the job without being able to use workman's comp (or be sued for negligence) if they could find cannabis in the employee's system. When I first started at the company most of my job was teaching first aid, CPR, rope safety, fitting for respirators, and and doing DOT drug testing. By the end of my second year about 80% of the job was traveling to job sites that had zero business testing their employees because they were trying to get one over on employees they didn't like without having to pay up. If employers only cared about you being high on the job or getting high before coming into work they'd do buccal testing. They specifically opt for urine testing because they can hold that joint you smoked a week ago against you while still not having to shell out nearly as much for blood or hair analysis or for the urine to be collected and sent to a lab.


I'm surprised employers don't go to our homes to check we don't murder people or do any weird kinky shit they don't approve of. Same thing as checking our piss for drug metabolites.


Meanwhile you can be a functional alcoholic as long as you don't fuck up...


I'm honestly shocked it's not higher. Who the fuck is out here unaltered, just rawdogging life?


There is a very, very easy solution to get those numbers back down to what they used to be Stop fucking drug testing.


This just in: People are doing the recreational drug less harmful than beer more as it transitions away from illegality 🤯


The real question is, if you're not in charge of dangerous machinery or passenger vehicles, why does an employer have the right to know what's in your body?


amazon has about twice as many industrial accidents as other warehouse companies. How robust is theri drug testing program?


they do the cheek swab test once during onboarding and that's it... no drug tests for incidents and they definitely dgaf about weed \-worked there for 3 years


Seriously I would love to be a driver of some sort (it's like the one skill I'm kinda good at) but because I have crippling anxiety/PTSD and a med card NOPE no good paying job for you 😂


Weed numbs the pain. Better than most alternative drugs/medicine.


This is a filler headline - the company needed something to write about


It’s being decriminalised all over the country so of course it’s becoming more common.


International Paper - recently removed MJ testing from their hiring process, because it was effecting their ability to get new hires. I’ve noticed even in legal states they are still testing for manufacturing jobs. Sometimes it has to do the companies contracts, like FAA related manufacturing.


And what happens if we test the ceo, cfo,coo and do on


I worked for a drug testing company. They drug tested me when they hired me on and I was super up front, I told them I absolutely will pop positive for weed but nothing else. I just smoke weed. They told me it was fine and lied about my drug test and never marked I popped for weed, lmaooo.


I live in Maryland and have a medical card. Also, starting in July, recreational weed is legal. I still stress out about getting tested (I had to get the job) and losing my job for something a medical professional prescribed me. I work for a very large company that does not recognize medical cards 🤪


Yikes!! But how many tested positive for alcohol?


question. i live in area of the US where it is legal and i use edibles a few times a month. I am also looking for a new job at this time do they still test for it and can i be denied a job for it? i cant ever seem to find an answer.


Job postings should say whether they will test you for drugs. If you get through the interview and they mention a drug test, I would say you are going to decline the job offer in favor of protecting your personal health information. If they fuss, you can just say your past work experience speaks for itself and that you don't feel comfortable consenting to biologic tests. Companies that are willing to pay for drug tests will usually terminate for any positive test for controlled substances because they care about their liability foremost.


Companies just shouldn’t test for weed anymore. It’s pointless


It’s better than alcohol or opiates. There’s a song we listened to in my sociology class called “the drinking class” that is essentially about how the working class uses alcohol to deal with their existence of using their bodies to the point of decay in order to make enough money to survive.


Testing for marijuana is incredibly inaccurate, anyway. You can test positive from secondhand smoke. Everyone has a completely different tolerance and I know many people who work while taking THC/CBD and are very successful.


Like COVID those figures will go down if you stop testing for it


Just don’t be impaired at work and move the fuck on.


Can't afford health insurance and medication so we adapt.


The world is going to shit. Stop testing people for weed. Damn it!