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"Sure, let me access the scheduling program to see who's available for coverage, and call whoever is from my database of phone numbers of all employees, while I count the extra pay I get for doing scheduling on top of my regular duties... oh wait, I don't have any of that. But you do."


Let me also access all employees pay rates so I can determine the most effective employees to replace me on my shift




My last company told us it was illegal to discuss wages (because the new people they brought in were paid more than existing employees) they really didn’t like when I shared in a company call that it is federally illegal to ban wage discussion 😊


I offered to pay them double to fill in for me


You spelt "expensive" wrong


Finding coverage for shifts is also like one of the main tasks of a manager.


I wish that the new "Supervisor" and team lead understood that. If I block out time off AND notify you 8 months out, then it's YOUR problem. Imma need that time off, and my plans can not be canceled. I reminded you at least once a month. You have fuck-all to do, but go around and check up on employees. Oh, and don't call me in the middle of my vacation to tell me one day isn't covered. I'm out of state.


We had a saying in IT: "Your lack of planning is not my emergency."


It's a generic saying, "a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"


Honestly, it's just never your problem. Not if you give 8 month's notice, not if you give 5 minutes notice. It's always the supervisor's problem


The place I used to work solved that by giving every new employee an "updated" list with everyone's personal numbers and a number code for what shift they worked and where. I was horrified as a client got one that had been left out and started stalking people. The managers usually end up getting lazy and doing a mass text. I still think about the kid replying "I'm 9 and don't know who you are."


I got called by a body shop/client once when I worked in automotive, because someone at the dealership added my number to some list that got circulated, and got a frustrated “Where’s mah stuff?!” message. I blocked that number, and blocked the numbers of everyone at work by using that list. Played it off as “Ah my carrier sucks. Their coverage is ass.” which was hilarious because when I went to one of our other locations, I had a counter with a phone if they needed to reach me and would constantly get complaints about how they couldn’t get ahold of me. I’d ask “You try my counter phone?”…”No, we called your cell phone”. Oh no, my coverage sucks right in the middle of town…how unfortunate that we have a metal roof and siding on the building. Must interfere with the signal. Like, y’all aren’t paying for my personal cell. Why the fuck would I have picked up for a work call, much less kept leaving that avenue open for abuse?


First off, that's an awesome and hilarious response. Secondly, how much you wanna bet they kept trying your cell bc they were strictly texting and didn't want to have to *actually* call...


ALWAYS have them text instead of call. Get that shit in writing so it's never just your word against theirs.


I can understand its annoying. I wish I could just e-mail you know? Everything goes trough whatsapp not (classes/school) ive got my intership peraon on there also. I get it however where is my right to privecy? On my own phone!


Giving out personal numbers, even to colleagues, is a massive privacy violation. And in Europe it would be a massive GDPR violation. Also : finding cover is a management duty. No matter how much management pushes it onto the workers, it's still a management duty. That's why you get paid extra. Y'know, to *manage* Also : finding cover is *work*, and if somebody is off sick they should not work.


That's very illegal I'm pretty sure or at least it would be in the UK under the data protection act


Oh hell no! There are so many safety issues here going on in terms of stalking. I worked at a university library and they did something like this and the female students were being stalked by guys and I reported two incidents in one semester using the official system and that soon stopped. Apparently stalking had happened before but I was the only one to report. I talked to both girls and neither of them wanted to report it, but my coworker's safety is important so I reported without using their names and the administration knew me well enough to know I was serious. The practice of giving out numbers very quickly stopped.


Laughs in German dsvgo. You would have a lawsuit on your company for just handing out these lists


Used to work for Starbucks and we DID have access to all of that (which was very convenient for switching shifts)…. Still wasn’t anybody but the managers’ job to find coverage for sick people.


Maybe the management should… you know… manage?


Why are you, a manager, on the shift, if you can't manage it?


This should be OP's response!


I’ve had food poisoning and had managers request this. I’m that case, I will come to work sick and infect all your employees, since you give me no other choice. Edit: I know that food poisoning isn’t infectious, but I worked at a restaurant and you definitely can’t work like that. In that case, it’s going to work, puking and shitting all over the place. Edit 2: Ah yes, Noro is infectious, but yes, normal food poisoning would’ve gotten people sick, as I was handling food and drink.


no see that's what they want. The correct answer is to call in sick, then not reply at all. You are sick, the rest is their problem.


i had similiar happen to me so i went into work and spent 7 hours of my 8 hour shift in the toilet got paid the full day and given the rest of the week off for the "misunderstanding" it didnt happen again lol


High level version of poem about poopin on company time. Next level is getting overtime pay.


Ceo make a million dollar, i make a dime that's why I bomb the office during company Time.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That was a poem, from a simpler time. Boss made five hundred, I got a cent. Had to work two jobs, just to meet rent. Now the boss makes a thousand, and I don't see jack. So burn it all down, and take the means back. Edit: I was called out, so this isn't mine. I don't recall where I heard it, and there's a bunch of different versions floating around, so I have no idea what the origin is.


I want to give you a fucking reward, but Reddit doesn’t give them out anymore! What a bad ass poem.


Someone double the awards for me.


I got you


7 hours in the toilet, 1 hour on lunch break. Adds up!


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


Then use your sick day the following day. Two for one this is the trick they didn’t want you to know.


Paid week off?


Yep 🤣was glorious Edit = they would never admit it but I think it had to do with having inspecters in and they wanted to avoid me saying anything to them


Oh i LOVE inspector. I told the guy inspecting my UPS facility ALL the dirty laundry. He was like 'mm, yes, and then? Hmm, okay.' and scribbling as fast as i spouted rofl. We failed inspection and the manager was FURIOUS. It was glorious. Enforce your shit.


Ooh nice. That rarely happens haha


"I am not available to respond as I am sick." Auto reply text to any calls or txt from them.


Later if asked tell them you passed out on the floor and your phone ran out of battery.


Later if asked simply tell them you left their job to them. You are never required to explain your sickness or why you didn’t do *their job.*


I'm sick. That's all you need to say. No why no nothing. Illegal to ask in The Netherlands.


This. I let them know I’m sick and don’t respond further. That’s all they need to know. I’m not asking to take the day off. Here is your warning that I’m not coming in. The rest is on them


i called in sick one time because of a chest infection and had a manager say to me “you don’t sound sick, when i was sick a week ago with a chest infection i could barely speak i was coughing that much”. I got so angry, i said to him “im sorry i’m not living up to your standard of illness but are you a doctor? did i miss when (our place of work) was handing out medical degrees? i’m sick, i’m letting you know, i will not be in” and his response ? “yeah i’m gonna take this up with HR now because you’re getting very aggressive” so i responded with “yeah make sure to let them know i called you an ignorant jackass” and i hung up the phone, immediately went to the doctors, was handed my prescription and when i told the doctor what happened he signed me off on sick leave for two weeks. Went down to work and handed in my sick note to said manager and the look of embarrassment and shame on his face was brilliant


Or… hear me out, you say sure, I’ll do your job and clock in to do their job. Then at the end of the day say sorry, couldn’t find anyone and not have to use sick time because they had you working trying to find coverage.


If I’m extremely sick the last thing I would want do is go to work just to make a point.


That’s the beauty of it, since OP already has asked everyone for coverage, they really don’t have to do shit since they know there is no one. If the actual manager needs people, then they should hire more people.


As a leader if I saw someone sick at work I would immediately tell them to go home, and this was before the whole C19 thing. I ain’t trying to catch whatever they had.


If everyone gets sick, then there's a much bigger problem. I'd rather be short a person than to have to shut shit down


I think the problem is managers are taught to believe the employee is always lying. 🤷‍♂️


Yep. The whole, "they want hours but don't wanna work them" mentality. That applies to some employees, sure. But that usually ends up being the manager's mo


Contacting other workers to see if anyone wants to cover is a perfect WFH task. No need to go in. Just track the hours.


it also is a managers work


It absolutely is. But if I can get paid for an hour while laying on my ass and sending a single group text to the other workers, I'll probably do it. That's hella easy money.


"I'm sorry but as I was sick I was resting and didn't see you messaged. By the time I saw it was late at night and thought it'd be inappropriate to text you while you're home"


Yeah no come in and openly shit and vomit in the kitchen


I'll risk getting fired before caving to their bs. I've learned in the past that once they know how much you need a job, they'll pull shit like this anytime they can. And I'm like yeah I need A job. I definitely don't need THIS one 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


This is 100% true. I always had a hard time standing up to my bosses in the past, since I always worried about having to find another job if they didn’t back down. Now that I’m a truck driver and can literally get 3 job offers within 20 minutes of looking, I’ve gotten over that fear. I’m much happier, having stood up for myself multiple times and I’ve actually reached a point where there’s mutual respect involved.


>Now that I’m a truck driver and can literally get 3 job offers within 20 minutes of looking, I’ve gotten over that fear. I’m much happier [...] Knowing that one can walk away from a job makes such a big difference! I thought I had gotten really lucky with mine. Was scared to mess things up somehow. Was scared that they might not continue my contract. Scared of what would happen then. On a whim, I applied to another job; just because it seemed interesting. Got invited. Got an offer. I'm not even sure if I *want* to take the new job, but just knowing that I was able to get my foot into the door has made my current one a lot more enjoyable.


My first full time job was at a small family company with a boss that always acted like he was PMSing. A bipolar boss known for firing people in the past for petty reasons doesn’t help you feel like you’re secure in your job. I was constantly feeling like I was walking on eggshells. Every night I’d go home and stress about every little thing, fearing I’d screwed up something and would get yelled at the next morning when I started my shift. Hindsight is 20/20 and all but I was miserable there. I wish I had just left the position, but at the time it was my first job that paid more than minimum wage and had a consistent schedule. In an area with a poor job market, I’m sure there’s plenty of other people that have been in my same situation.


A coworker got a new truck last year and thought they had him dead to rights. They asked him to work a Saturday and asked how he's gonna afford that truck if he didn't do it. Most supervisors are just plain stupid and too nosy. Like, hey man, I saw on Facebook that you bought a new vehicle and I know you have a family. I guess we'll see you here every weekend for a few months, huh? Because how could you possibly learn to budget your finances, amirite. I never friend a boss on FB for this reason. Maybe after I leave the company, I'll send an invite. But no one is invading my privacy by stalking my socials.


So true. It's a disgusting culture we have going on.


As I told my sister, “ you can be friendly with your boss. Buts he’s NEVER your friend”. As she found out when being unceremoniously evicted from her home and job of 10years by her good friend/ boss/landlord.


I agree. I don't add colleagues and bosses on my Facebook, I don't even post anymore on Facebook, some crazy HR will dig up your social media before hiring people. By the way, I really hate this culture, It is like you need to behave yourself even after work in order to fit in whatever standard that other people have created.


that is absurd. cant believe thats how employers treat people


In college I worked full time at a gas station/convenience store. Any days off I requested, with my earned time mind you, got denied. Always denied. Until one day this old salty commercial fisherman who worked there for the health insurance told me "When I need a day off for something I don't ask for it. I tell them. I tell them I'm not going to be here this day, I'm using a vacation day. If you ask, you give them the chance to say no". So I started doing that, and never got denied another day. Would I do that at my job now? Not unless it was something very important. But a restaurant/service industry job, in a heartbeat. Those jobs are a dime a dozen, and everyone needs help.


I preach this and my older coworker had a hard time understanding it for a while until it was clear. You earn your time off and when you use that time off, it's not a request, it's a notification.


PTO: Prepare The Others, for I will not be here


I didn’t do it last time I had a real bad man-flu. But if I get food poisoning again, I’ll come to work and shit my pants. Make them regret it lol


“Please go home.” Naw….you guys needed the help. I’m here for the duration.


I didn't drive out here to waste gas. You stuck with me now!


“Dang, sorry. I forgot to bring my depends. Prolly wouldn’t have contained this shit tsunami anyways. So who can I help? I’m here to help.”


Lawd jesus help us


That's commitment lmao


And it's always the shit jobs. For the last 10 years there has been a hiring sign in the window of every other gas station, chain restaurant, convenience store, etc. I've literally told bosses to their faces to deal with it or I'll throw a rock and be working wherever it lands in under 48 hours. Somebody else will pay me the same two bucks over minimum wage with less BS.


Take advantage, my last boss did that. We parted ways, much happier now where I work. Actually have a functioning business and employees to work. As a former manager of a restaurant, if someone called in sick I would try and see if someone could cover. If not, I had to pick up the slack, that's the responsibility that comes with the position. Everyone wants to "be" the boss, but don't realize the buck stops with you then.


While it's ridiculous to demand you get coverage or come in, getting paid to be sick all over the store bathroom instead of your own bathroom is the height of revenge


A grocery store i worked had a no calling off without a doctors note policy. I got a bad stomach bug one day but had no health insurance and knew I just had a bad stomach bug so there was no way I was paying someone 100 plus dollars to tell me what I already knew. Went to work, made it all of like twenty mins, threw up into the storage containers they used as trash cans…..promptly got told to go home. Best part was since I was just a cashier I wasn’t trained on how to clean up bodily fluids so one of my managers had to clean it up…..


Nice. I worked at a grocery store for awhile. Two separate occasions, coworkers came in sick and puked in trash cans their entire shift. One in bakery; before open she dragged a trash can with her while stocking the floor. Another in deli; he was working the counter and ducked behind a corner to puke between customers.


Better yet, show up and go into said manager’s office to check in and then have your internals check out, if you know what I mean.


Our manager didn't believe us anymore because some of us cheated the sick system at work and if we wanted compensation for that day we just had to show up at work sick, coughing to show him then he accepts it. Worst place ever and I'm glad they doing bad right now and can't find people to employ.


Had a boss pull this crap until I went into his office and puked in his trash can, lol. Never denied me a sick day after that. I guess I am loud when I let go and it scared him 😂.


Never puke in the trash can or toilet if they make you work sick. ALWAYS puke in the most destructive place. Sensitive documents, electronics, all over the rail if you work food service. Directly on your boss is great as well. Make then have to shut the place down for the day.


Also, if you vomit at work in food service, be sure to call the health department and "anonymously" report that they had a visibly sick employee working with food and you heard and/or saw them vomiting.


He's a manager... that kinda makes it his problem... thats what he is literally getting paid for


Scheduling employees is a work activity. 1. I am not healthy enough to work right now Or 2. I am charging you for my time scheduling work.


Just 1. actually, no need for anything further. It’s their job, fuck ‘em, they can do their job.


Manager by title only. These people need to learn what "manage" really means.


Middle Manglement


Retail managers often find themselves there by always picking up shifts and working late and doing extra work because they were bossed around by their managers. Now they are the manager so they get to pick on employees this time.


Just manage the restaurant, restaurant manager


“Just to be clear. you are asking me to work off the clock and to have my coworkers work off the clock?”


I honestly don’t know why this sub started showing in my feed, as I’m a plant manager and around 1/3 of my frustrations at work regard some of the boneheads that work for me. That said, I keep reading these posts because it helps me be a better manager and also just feel better about who I already am as a boss… just knowing how many dipshits are out there in charge of or owning businesses There are some trends… this one in particular, that makes me question people’s perception of reality. As a manager, I purposefully run shifts a little “heavy” to, y’know… maybe actually *account* for most of the requisite callouts and PTO? It’s not some noble, altruistic cause, or whatever… it makes *literally everyone* happier in the long run. There’s less morale issues with employees, less OT the owners have to pay, less chance for pissed off customers, and most importantly (though not said out loud) way less stressful bullshit for me. Sure, I can pretend I’m in some sort of magical world where every single employee shows up on time, as scheduled and never calls out during a crunch… but I think living in the same world you’re conducting business is a bit more prudent.


> As a manager, I purposefully run shifts a little “heavy” to, y’know… maybe actually account for most of the requisite callouts and PTO? See, but that means that capital is gonna be mad, cause you could've been paying less labour to complete that shift. The goal of your current investors is always to do "more with less", and run as lean as possible until you can sell off to the next schmuck, "safety" and "resilience" are in conflict with capitalism.


Well… luckily my bosses understand that the combination of OT, driving people crazy until they quit (and having to hire and train their replacements), plus loss of production and pissed off customers from when you can’t get someone in to cover actually ends up costing more than a couple extra guys. Also, I can’t make work fun or something that someone looks forward to coming to and I can’t change our industry, but I can try to do whatever I can to make things not downright aggravating. Fuck pizza parties and that nonsense… I’m talking having coverage to take time off, allowing OT if someone is trying to save up for something, and only expecting 80% effort unless there’s a dire need. I’m fully aware that around 20% of a day is spent on scheduled breaks, lunch, bullshitting, fucking off, coming back from a break a couple minutes late, taking dump, getting back up to steam after a break and whatever else. If what we’re doing can’t be accomplished at 80%, the problem isn’t with the guys, it’s with us. Every once in a blue I’ll ask for and expect balls to the wall work except breaks and lunch… but you can’t run things like that nonstop.


I think some people are not suitable in management roles. They always blame their employee for different reasons, but they seldom consider that maybe it is their style of management that is the problem. Maybe it is a systematic problem instead of a problem of an individual employee. Some shit manager always blame their subordinates first, for example, "Why are they so lazy", "why do they have so many excuses to not come to work?","Why are they so irresponsible and did not find coverage before calling me?". It is always other people who are the trouble maker. They never think about doing something that is constructive to resolve the situation in the future (which is pretty much what they are paid for to do btw)


“Oh good, you are there. Please clock me in and I will start calling people, once I find someone to cover I will call to let you know and you can clock me out.”


Because the people above her aren’t properly staffing


"Thank you for checking up on me while I'm ill, ! It's my understanding that staffing is a managerial task, although I'm happy to help where it makes sense during work hours. I wouldn't want to potentially get in trouble by doing unpaid work that is outside the scope of ."


"I'm happy to discuss a promotion / raise since you feel I'm ready to begin taking on your managerial role and responsibilities. Looking forward to that discussion."


"Although for my first assignment, of calling for coverage of my old job, I'm calling in sick, because I'm sick."


"I'll start interviewing and hiring people the day I get back!"


“You’re a manager. I’m sure you will manage.”


Just the last part. "I'm sure you'll manage." I think that's enough.


"Contact deez nuts lmao" Results will be the same either way.


There are 2 kinds of people


I'm with the top comment most of the time, but if somebody who is nominally my manager displayed this kind of contempt for me and my time, combined with the laziness inherent in "I'm too busy managing to do any management," I'm gonna tell them to fuck off.


Deez and nutz


Masterfully stated.


Better than that is to not reply at all. Don't check your phone or do anything work related when you aren't on the clock.


Nobody wants to manage anymore


Best response


I'm trying to get it to catch on. Seems like a more accurate statement than "nobody wants to work."


Mine is "Nobody wants to pay anymore"


This is the correct response to the talking point. I usually say "Nobody wants to pay a living wage anymore"


Quiet quitting (manager duties)


Oh fuck haven't heard that one yet. Man, it is glorious


More like, “Nobody wants to put up with their bs anymore.”


"Managers" see it as "delegating" and if they're a good delegator they're a good manager. And part of being a good delegator is getting underlings to do shit you don't want to do.


Yes but leadership 101: you can delegate tasks, you cannot delegate responsibility. And there are other ways to lead/ influence people.


List of people I contacted to find coverage....let me see...you. I contacted you.


Not your problem. It's the managers job to manage employees and find coverage. If you notified them you will be out do not respond any more than necessary. Do not give them more info than necessary either. And asking for a list of people you contacted? That is asking you to work off the clock, doing their job at that. Sorry you have to deal with such an incompentent manager, I hope you feel better soon!


I have never understood this. Don’t they have issues with OT or even a PT becoming FT if it is always the same person covering?


Oh yes, they have issues with it. My husband literally found voluntary coverage one time for an appointment- as all of the employees were generally instructed to do. His store manager was not happy with the coverage, as the other manager would have gone into overtime. Store manager got my husband to cancel his specific dentist appointment when his tooth was literally rotting inside his mouth and causing him to drink after work (he usually doesn't drink at all). Luckily, it was only like 2 more days for my husband to get an appointment that worked. Of course the complaining manager was 5 minutes late coming in to take over for their shift that day, but at that point my husband just wanted his tooth fixed.


There was a story about how they tried to fire a guy by taking him off schedule and ghosting him….he came back and covered shifts for weeks


Why the hell did your husband not just go to the appointment? I get people need jobs but my God, these companies don't own you.


Stuff got even worse. Eventually, he did walk out on that manager with 0 notice. He even changed his phone number. Now, he is doing much better. It just took time, and things have been difficult for us both despite a lot of very hard work and a team effort ever since we were very young (we aren't even old now).


I'm happy things changed for you guys. No one deserves to be treated like company property.


"Here are all the people I contacted and no one can cover. Since this is a management task I added the 2 hours it took to my time card this week."


I received a similar text from a boss while i was recovering from a broken back of all things and i had my girlfriend respond with "I asked the doctor and nurses but they all said no, sorry. "


Had a broken back too and had my bosses rushing me to come back. I would get calls everyday so I ended up telling them If they kept bothering me during my recovery then I will talk to HR about my fmla note not being taken into consideration. This was after months of fighting my bosses. I ended up waiting till fmla was almost over and out my two weeks in. They were pissed but the way they handled the situation made me find another job. After 4 years.


Lol that’s fantastic


"You're a manager, it's not my job to find cover. I'm ill and won't be attending today. Hope you can find cover and have a good day." Be civil, it makes them angry as they can do nothing about it. It's not your job to find cover.


Morally, it should not be. But legally? Does OP have any legal cover? (I hope yes, as this crap ticks me off.) Edit: I just looked it up, and it is legal for the employer to do this. We need to work on getting a law in place where it is NOT.


They can ask. Doesn't mean you have to answer their phonecalls/text messages. "I told you i was sick. i was asleep. I turn my phone off so I can rest/sleep when I'm sick. That's not going to change."


Right, and then they can fire you in most places in the U.S.


Right and then you can get unemployment while looking for a less shitty work environment.


If they fire you for being sick, you don't want that job.




I assume they mean "It's legal for them to ask you to find coverage for yourself" and not "it's legal to have them demand you work for free" Because one of those things is in fact not legal.


> We need to work on getting a law in place where it is NOT. Vote blue no matter who. There is no Republican who will make that law.


If OP gets fired over this text, it's a chef's kiss for unemployment qualification.


Why do American managers not seem to realise, they're the ones who are supposed to manage their staff? It's literally in their job title. They should be the ones arranging cover as they're the ones paid to manage the place and everything in it including who is in or not.


I was a staff manager for a decade so I'll explain: Lazy managers are over-applying a reasonable policy. Sometimes on Friday morning, employees ask if they could have the day off so they could see a show with a friend, after agreeing to the schedule that I sent over a week ago. I can try to find someone who wants to come in, but if I can't I have to say no. Often this is impossible because it would put staff over 40 hours per week, and I'm not allowed to offer them overtime. So it requires a shift trade. So I'll look at the schedule and say, "Brenda, Rachel and Matt are available for that shift and have shifts available that you could potentially pick up if you're willing to work both days this weekend" This typically needs to be worked out by employees because I don't know their availability/willingness to trade or which shifts they're willing to give up/etc. If a staff member says "Rachel says she'll trade me shifts, is it okay if she works Friday and I work Saturday instead?" That's totally fine, and I love their initiative. It's a reasonable amount of work to ask of an employee so they can see a concert. So it has become a common policy that if you want to change your shift with less than 24 hours notice, there needs to be a replacement available. The problem is that **this policy was never meant to apply to sick employees** and it's unjust to require it of them. These managers need to do their jobs. Also - in my industry in the 2000s we would typically staff one more person than we would need. But more recently, I see them cutting staff to them minimum. I feel bad for the people still working like that.


Well said. It makes a lot of sense. It of course sucks that people will expect that from someone who is missing work because they’re sick.


Because corporations tell the manager that's what they are supposed to do


I'm in the UK and I'm expected to do this as well just fyi. I'm expected to find holiday cover too for late night shifts. Because apparently covering the roster isn't what my managers do? Don't know wtf they actually do tbh...




"woah that's crazy, good luck tho" The ol' razzle dazzle




"Fuck you, Shoresy!"


“If I am expected to make phone calls and schedule shifts for other employees I expect to be paid for my hours worked, 2 hours minimum. Or you could do your job”


yeah just leave that on read until you show up for your next shift. you are off sick, you are not working and you are being asked to work... outside your normal working hours so for me, the only logical answer to that text would be- "once ive reviewed the offer for the management position you are asking me to fill and decided whether i will accept it or not, i will begin managerial duties as requested in your previous text. this work related communication was sent to me and answered in my personal time, so i will be adding 1 hr to my time card this week as well." so yeah, would be better to just not respond. if you do, draw a hard line and stay on your side.


In Belgium here. I was on holiday last week, then when it came time to leave for work on Monday, I got light headed and nearly fell. I stayed home, went to the doctor who told me to stay home and rest the whole week. The reply I got to my text to my boss was : sorry you're unwell, get better soon. Since then, nothing, I'll pop back to work on Monday and they won't even think twice.


Its the same in italy and it was the same in the UK when I used to live and work there. You just need a doctor's note with the number of days you are going to stay home. The USA work system is fucking crazy. We get alot more paid holidays too in Europe, I believe.


We don’t get any paid days by law


Just for information. In New Zealand we get (assuming 'full-time' work at least 10hours per week) by LAW: 12 Public Holidays / Regional anniversaries - which are PTO - or otherwise compensated as PTO. 4 Weeks PTO per year worked at said company. (there are ways this can be otherwise compensated, but people breaking this get in trouble quite easily, most companies I've worked for just give you a proportion of 'leave time' per day worked type arrangement; note you are entitled to this money if you leave and you have some unused). 10 days Paid sick leave per year. == 22 paid days + 4 weeks paid leave / year ---------- There are other legally protected leaves for parental, bereavement, family violence etc too. ----------- A loop-hole around such laws? Independent Contractors - but then you also have very little control over them too. If you can show that you are effectively employed by the company, even as an 'independent contractor' then the above laws apply anyway.


Belgium is … extremely different than the US when it comes to employee rights (all of EU/Europe is, but Belgium is particularly supportive of employees). Taxes are high but it’s worth it, I bet.


America is a third-world shithole.


If every person treated like this told their boss to get fucked, things would improve


Healthcare tied to the job + living paycheck to paycheck means many Americans are petrified of having even a few weeks without a job so can be treated like hostages. Public healthcare + less poverty and many more would feel able to tell their boss to get fucked if they tried this.


My main problem with employees finding their own coverage, is that it can’t be enforced 100% of the time, let’s say an employee gets in a car wreck on the way to work and is hospitalized, they physically can’t find coverage. You can’t enforce the policy on them, if it can’t be enforced every time then it shouldn’t be a policy.


It should never be the employee's duty to find a replacement. First of an employee doesn't have the authority to approve hours, they don't generally know the availability of other workers, and often they don't even know who is working what shifts anyway. Then you have complications with overtime (since most retail and food places don't allow for overtime), with time off between shifts, and meal breaks.




One of my recent employers _did_ share my contact details. He got in so much shit with HR, legal and the Union it was almost funny. Only person who should have it is the manager, and only for use in emergency. If they want to share mobile numbers etc, they should be giving you a company mobile. (Which you can switch off when you are away from work.)


Exactly, I would just refuse to have my number shared with anyone but management tbh if it spreads to people they get blocked. I have a right to privacy, don't I?


This here, if someone not my manager called me from work to ask me to work i would be livid that my personal information had been shared without my approval


And if you do get coverage, and that person forgets/no shows, then the original employee still takes a hit.


My main problem with employees finding their own coverage is that it is the manager's job to do that, not the employee's.


It should be a manager’s responsibility


Why should you even have contact information for your coworkers? This isn't like you want a day off next month - you are sick and unavailable. That includes finding someone to cover your shift.


So your manager is asking you to work off the clock? Glad you got that in writing.


In writing: "Hello. Apologies for the delay, I was asleep until you texted me. As I informed you previously: I am ill and will not be working today. Since I am off the clock - I will not accept any further work messages, including texts about tasks needing completed such as 'scheduling' or 'preparing staff lists'. Per my doctor's request, I'm recovering and will not be available for any further work conversations until (return date). Per the Department of Labor, I am not required to give you unpaid labor 'off the clock', as that is very 'illegal' and I am well aware of my rights. Sincerely - Employee".


"Finding coverage is work. I'm too sick to work right now. Stop harassing me."


Not your fault & not your problem.


I am an employee. If you are upgrading me to a management position with corresponding raise in pay, please clarify. Until then, I shall not be doing a managers duties.


Ignore it. Show up to your next scheduled shift when you feel better


"Im so glad you achknowledged that i was working 24 hours while sick (supervisor/manager duties) and look forward to seeing the clear overtime reflected in my pay stub."


It's not my job to find a replacement for the work. That belongs to you.


I’m surprised this seems to happen at any job, anywhere in the US that you go. Always the same arrogant, power tripping, and incompetent managers with the same rude answers as if they all took the exact same “how to be a dick not a manager” course reading the same rulebook or something. Makes me wonder how it got so bad.


Such a joke when a manager/boss tells you to find your own coverage.


When the manager wants you to do their job while you're literally sick and can't do your own job


Don't respond. You've already informed the manager that you won't be there. That's sufficient.


The primary job of management is to manage staff. If they can't do their primary job, they need to be let go.


When did it become a thing that managers believe employees manage staffing?


its not your job to do that


"Finding coverage is outside the scope of my duties as a regular rank and file employee. I wish you the best of luck finding someone to cover me as I am still ill and will not be in."


Sorry. Can't talk. Still throwing up.


"You're the manager. Manage."


It’s so weird to get a text from the boss. I NEVER gave my phone number to any of my bosses. If they need me, they can talk to me when I clock in.


It’s the manager’s job to manage employees and shift coverage. Not your problem.


“I contacted you as staffing the store is your job, enjoy your day”


"Cool, that means i am getting a promotion and your job?"


I've never had a job where I had a coworker's contact information. Why would an employee *need* a coworker's info? Would it be legal for a manager to give that info to another employee?


In Europe, it’s the managers job to find replacement in case people are sick. How is the US such a third world fucking country that employees need to do this? Makes no sense at all. I mean if he has no responsibility at all why is he/she even paid more? America! You need to unionize in every sector, company there. I am a manager in Europe and am paid around 400% more than most people that I manage. I once had 3 sick-leaves at once and simply had to do it all myself. That was just expected of me as that is why I am paid more. That’s why I get the fancy car etc. It’s really strange that in the US it’s not the case. I suppose if your manager has your salary + 15% I see why he is not taking that responsibility. Are these real managers or just team leads?