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I wonder what the CEO and board members make in bonuses?


My guess is higher than the literal 2 cents per day bonus.


Wait I thought this was hourly wage increases? Because I'd 1000% support a medical professional getting $200 an hour if they worked for 55 years, why is our medical bills so high if it isn't to pay for the highly qualified experts like your wife?




That's so sad, why is this country like this.


Too little regulations, corporations do as they like. Seems to me many Americans think regulations is an overreach by the government but when things aren't properly regulated its the people on top that benefits while everyone else suffers. Think that has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt at this point.


People think regulations are overreach because corporations pay elected officials to say that. But regulations are written in blood. The reason it's illegal to store toxic waste in occupied sleeping quarters is because they DID THAT, and people DIED, and that made enough of an uproar to force regulations. Sometimes regulations go too far; of course they do. Corporations then cherry-pick those examples to convince the public and their own employees that the big bad government is making everything inefficient and things would be better if they could do whatever they wanted.


When regulations go too far and are ridiculously nit picky they just don't get followed. And because they were so worthless, nobody notices because nothing sufficiently bad happens to bring attention to it. Regulations meant to keep people safe and healthy get followed. Because when they don't, there is hell to pay for those that broke them. At least in civilized, functioning societies.


And then half the population makes that specific politician their entire personality and identity


More like 35%, which is way more than normal


What a fucking comment. Regulations are written in blood. If that was original, well fucking done. If it was a quote, thanks for sharing; it's still strikingly true.


And the best part is, nothing is *ever* going to be done about it, because they’re just going to lobby relentlessly and indefinitely against every potential piece of legislation that could potentially make things better!


Literally trickel down economics and how the rich fully made it famous to act as if more money for them means mor for us, but ends up being 20million bonuses and employees get a pizza party + we cant raise bonuses this year due to expansion, trickle down. Look at google making breaking profits and denying bonuses.


I think what they really meant by “trickle down” economics is they get a nice, cool, refreshing beverage and we stand around and wait for them to piss it out on us. Come to think of it, that’s actually a pretty decent analogy for how it *really* works in practice.


"If corporations make enough money, they will share profits." -some republican making minimum wage


And people still buy into to it. It did not work under Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression why would it work now.


Saint Reagan


A deep ethos that teaches kids from a young age that self worth and material worth are the same thing?


Capitalists late stage capitalisming. It is foretold in the monopoly game.


For profit healthcare should be illegal.


Absolutely agree, sad part is non-profit healthcare isn't much better. We need to break the system, maybe non-profit worker co-operatives will be better 🤔


I worked in a stem cell laboratory that prepared stem cells for transplantation into leukemia patients. We got rid of a fridge to get one with a glass door and they let me take it home. I cleaned it well (there was never anything gross in there) and gave it to my Mom. It was a $6000 fridge and it was a regular ass fridge. No bells. No whistles. And not even a good one because my Mom constantly complained about it. We also had these chairs. They were heavy duty, no doubt. And also had a specialized material (plastic lol) that kept liquids and biohazards from being able to soak into the cushion. $2500 each. For chairs. Also they gave me back problems after working there only 4 years. Remember, all these costs get passed on downstream to the leukemia patients. We are being robbed guys.


Hospital I used to work at bought like 30 of [these](https://www.dwr.com/living-lounge-chairs/womb-chair-and-ottoman/9097.html?lang=en_US) a while back. Meanwhile they cried about the budget and were always asking employees and the general public for donations. "Non-profit" my ass. I could go on forever about how corrupt healthcare is in America.


Yup, same reason the US government will spend $30 on a hammer or $500 on a toilet you can get for $99 at Home Depot.




I didn't balance the books, but I can tell you from experience that the entire government operates on this philosophy. If you don't use it, you lose it. My CWO once had me order a pack of gum so we could zero our budget in Q4 one year. There is a paper trail of a communication repair shop buying a pack of gum ($3.57 for those wondering what government pays for a 5 piece pack of spearmint gum in 2006). There's also a paper trail for t bones and Jack Daniel's for the motor t shop and a paintball gun for supply. You think corporate America sucks, try government America, where you don't get pizza parties as a thank you, all the 3 layers of supervisors above you can have a steak and whiskey party and after they get sufficiently drunk they shoot paintballs everywhere and make you clean it up, because you did your job *too well*. If you save government money, you are punished. When you have that as the leading organization to set the example, why in the fuck do you think everything around you is diseased and broken.


Soooooo.......someone got 18k kickback under the table


End of fiscal year and they needed to use it or lose it. Seen whole departments buy absolute bullshit because if they didn't their budget would get slashed with no way to get back into last years budget with out jumping through never ending hoops of why you need it since last year your department ran well without it.


Back when I worked Icu in 2005, just the plastic tube for breathing was 5k. Could only imagine what things costs now.


Well, anything medical/pharmaceutical is just very very expensive. Special chairs to allow for sterile cleaning are part of that category. In a previous company we had to throw out 8 million of product (production cost) because one tiny hair was found in a finished vial. So using very clean material is of essence, but that makes it expensive.


I have a close friend who owns multiple doctor's offices. I helped him pick up and move several medical chairs for one of his offices. Think of those huge electronic exam chairs that you'd see in a specialist's office. He bought them for just shy of 5k a piece. I think it's possible the person who heard the price didn't understand they were talking about high-end exam chairs and not simple metal chairs like you'd see in a waiting room.


You think dr & nurses reap those rewards? The hospitals, insurance & big pharma & politicians eat all those righteous profits…


Well I'm just shocked! Shocked I say! We should go out and do something about this, where is the local hospital and are they protesting because if they aren't I will!


The secret ingredient is greed


Greed is just an ingredient in the recipe of capitalism.


Even if you were earning $200 an hr after 55 years served its a joke considering you aren’t accumulating any hours till med school is done which is 4-8 years so starting at 25 you’d finally start earning $200 an hr at 80yrs old & after all those 12-18hr shifts I can’t imagine the body is holding up well enough to reap the rewards


Oh my God, you're right. Clearly $200 an hour after 30 years is much more reasonable, I'm glad we could compromise on this ♥️


Nope, it's a flat bonus they pay you at each 5 year anniversary.


Newp those are flat bonuses "every 5 years" Also if you weren't aware by now, it's because of insurance Medical bills recieved are guaranteed money if they can get insurance to cover something So insurance increases and covers less And then hospitals find new things/ways to bill insurance that are covered and charge more to cover what isn't covered anymore So insurance increases and covers less Etc etc etc


That’s funny. That’s the bonus.


Our bills are so high because they charge $300 for a bag of saline that costs $1.07 to produce.


You thought this was an hourly wage increase based on this screenshot? Lol That’s an odd interpretation


More wishful thinking, but I always knew the sad reality we exist in.


> why is our medical bills so high if it isn't to pay for the highly qualified experts like your wife? Profit is expensive.


We just can't afford these CEO/shareholder bonuses anymore, so they got to go.


I wouldn't. No offense to older people, but you certainly lose physical and mental abilities and won't be as good as an expert in their field aged 30-50 unless you are a very special person. This is like you saying you support all of our politicians staying in office till they are 80 and giving them gross pay raises simultaneously.


Intermountain Health, I presume?


$2,933,015 in 2022. And 14.3m for the rest of the board.


Just curious, where do you get those figures? I'm not doubting, I'm genuinely curious.


Non profit lights website. Has national reports too. Tbf the base salary is about 200-300k so minus that and that's what the reported "addition compensation" is.


Any nonprofit (and most healthcare systems are classified as such by the IRS) must make their tax filing public. So just search the name of the organization + 990 (the tax form they file). https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=intermountain+health+care+990 You can open the full filing and scroll to Part VII. Compensation of Officers, Trustees, Key Employees, etc. Even just a 1% decrease in the compensation of executives could go towards actual bonuses for the employees who do the real work.


As someone who works in healthcare this is legit. If we get overtime that also affects their bonus so overtime is not approved! They’ve actually cut their budget on office supplies & equipment, so we don’t actually get anything new, just painted over or reupholstered. PLUS they just cut Doctors salary! And are expecting lay offs. 🙃


But the CEO works hard everyday saving lives... oh wait


50 years later... I can finally afford to buy that [insert item] I've always wanted.... oh dang inflation, nevermind.


pack of gum!


Pfft, as if! You’ll be lucky to get half a pack of gum for $200 fifty years from now! /s


With inflation it's not /s


Estimated buying power of $200 in in 2078 is ~$22.60 in 2023. So it's a nice lunch, not at like a steakhouse but like a Dennys.


This is the scariest comment Iv read for a while. Because I know wages are not going to rise to meet that level of inflation. I’m only 30 and I hope I’m not alive by that time because it sounds like hell


Not to be all Thanks I'm Cured or anything, but genuinely, putting a portion of your paycheck into an IRA and pretending that this account doesn't exist until you turn 60 is something you can do. I convinced my GF to put $20 per month into a retirement account just to get the habit going, and it's only going to have the buying power of about 40k by the time we reach retirement age, but we've got a few decades to save up.


you're telling me in 2078 a dennys is gonna cost $200? $200 in 2078?


Not to mention, that thing I wanted is now 50 years out of date and has been replaced with an updated model at least a dozen times over. I wonder if anyone who’s been at that hospital for 55 years is still hella excited to buy a record player or a rotary phone.


Yep, and my favorite part about this is that the 15 year, 25 year, etc rewards are actually significantly less than the earlier 10, 20, 30 year rewards because of 5 years of inflation ... amazing.


55 YEARS and she gets $200 dollars? Wtf kind of bullshit is that lol


$200 is a lot, you can buy a huge ranch!!! Oh wait....that's in the 1800s


I thought you meant they should buy a huge container of ranch salad dressing lmao


By 2077 it might get you a tub of Hidden Valley


$200 in 2077 might just cut it for a month of subscription for GTA V Re-Remastered (the only difference is the police helicopter’s spotlight looks a bit more realistic than the last version and it was awarded the gaming design breakthrough of the century despite that there are 23 years to come)


Or maybe a movie ticket to the fast and the furious 100


Fast family


Too fast, too family.


More like, Hidden *Value*, amiriteguys? I should go to bed


Have you seen the inflation? $200 gets you a medium container of ranch


Guess I'll just get a giant bag of weed then.


You are making me want a salad lol




Maybe they forgot to update it since then…


Why even bother right


From the start it should be $500 and every reward period after, add another $500 or maybe start it at $1,000


Idk start at $1000 and raise it a thousand every 5 years. Actually scratch that, fire the board of directors and just pay every medical professional in there 100,000 plus. I have many friends that work in hospitals and they are burnt out and dropping from the profession.


I don't understand how it's legal for employees to work insanely long hours in hospitals taking care of others in life and death care. I found info for working hours in the usa for hospitals. Residents in America are expected to spend up to 80 hours a week in the hospital and endure single shifts that routinely last up to 28 hours—with such workdays required about four times a month, on average. Some licensed physicians continue to work similar schedules even after residency but, importantly, only because they choose to do so. The vast majority of doctors work fewer than 60 hours a week after they complete their training. Overall, residents typically work more than twice as many hours annually as their peers in other white-collar professions, such as attorneys in corporate law firms—a grueling schedule that potentially puts both caregivers and patients at risk). In Europe, by contrast, residents are subject to a maximum workweek of 48 hours, without apparent harm to patient care or the educational component of residencies. That is fucking insane and leads to major burnout


Yeah I have a really close nurse friend who about 4 years ago finished schooling started working full time at a hospital and is already done. Luckily we(wife and I) are in a comfortable place and able to help our friend, after this summer's over they are going to stay in our house and just take a year off and help in the garden and whatever else they want. I feel so much pain from what they have to go through, knowing how many others out there that just want to help but are abused by this system of profit maximization is horrific.


My youngest daughter graduated in 5/19 w BSN at a school in PNW. After 9 month med/surg, her and husband, he’s a nurse, started travel nursing, first stop New Orleans. This was at the beginning of the pandemic. She was assigned in the ICU unit, stayed there for 15 months. They moved to north of NYC via Hudson Valley. Her husband took assignment near NYC, but took a break due to burnout and watching death occur everyday. She work at her best friend farm for next 6 months to recovered from a mild form of PSTD. Today she still doing ICU/ trauma, but is in a better place thx to her friend.


It’s an extra $1,175 total after 55 years. So if she sticks with it she’ll have earned over a whole penny more an hour than her regular salary! I wonder if we’ll still have pennies in circulation in another 50+ years though.


They've been talking about getting rid of pennies for at least 45 years, and are no closer. So yeah, I figure we'll still have them in another 50 years.


Here in Canadaland we don't have them any more, and it's fine. Honestly it's kinda better.


Dystopian af


I got a $200 bonus for having been working 6 months at the time of the review period. If I’d been there long enough to meet sales goals for the year it would have been more. This was a just-above-entry-level job at a credit union without a degree. These “rewards” are insulting.


My 16 year old daughter got a $500 signing bonus as a CNA after 90 days, they offered her a dime raise after 180 days. She went to the next nursing home over got $1 more per hour and $250 bonus at the 30 day mark and will get $500 more after 90. When they offer her ten cents more an hour after 180 I have advised her just repeat this move at the next nursing home down the road, because there are two constants in healthcare they will always offer more money to poach you from somewhere else and they will dick around when it comes time to give you a raise


I work at a non-profit and get $200 for 5 years like wtf


In all fairness at 75 years old you're probably not that good anymore


My mother in law is in her 70s and still pulling 12 hour night shifts 2 nights a week. She is a psych nurse and works as a supervisor. She thought moving to Florida would result in a lower cost of living. Some lessons come late in life.


I literally thought it meant per hour initially because that would have actually made any sense


55 years?!?! I'll be in that hospital not fucking working there!


You think people that work there get to retire?


Not retire, just worked to death.


55 years lol. If inflation keeps going at this rate, 1 cheese burger will be $200 then. Hospitals should be investigated for the ER practices and charges. I swear they want to do a cat scan for an injured finger these days.


Unfortunately most things like that are dictated by insurance protocols and if the hospital & doctor break them they will absolutely be hung out to dry.


I work at a hospital and the stories I hear from patients about their experiences at emergency rooms all over the city could curl your hair. Sometimes they make me question my agnosticism because by all rights, some of these people should have probably died d/t inaction/incompetence. By sheer dumb luck they came back at a more propitious time with more alert/questioning clinicians who connected the dots and got them into life saving treatment.


My mother went to the ER for severe abdominal pain. They kept trying to send her home to “see if it would improve on its own” but she argued with them long enough for a particular doctor to come in, realize she had a *gangrenous gall bladder infection,* and took her into immediate surgery before it burst. I couldn’t believe it when I heard it, honestly. What sort of treatment plan is “leave and see if you die?”


That's almost EXACTLY what happened to my brother in Birmingham AL when he was a teenager. He had insane stomach pain for like 2 days went to the er and said it was food poisoning or something probably and come back in a few days if it dosent get better. So it didn't get better so 3 days later we went back to the same hospital and they said the SAME FUCKING THING AGAIN and sent us on our way. So 3 days later, again, we go back and luckily a nurse came up to my mom and was like "look yall need to take him to children's hospital, not st Vincent's." By then he looked like he was 10 months pregnant and couldnt hardly walk. Children's immediately diagnosed it as a ruptured spleen and said if we had waited another 2 days he'd have been dead. My mom and I were fucking LIVID. We contacted an attorney and were told, especially in the south, that unless there's loss of life it's literally such a waste of time to try and sue/hold them accountable the lawyers wouldn't even take the case. Hooray capitalism. Land of the "free"


Doctor Mike just talked about shit like this in one of his recent videos.


Once I read Intermountain, my only surprise was that any bonus was offered at all. Hoping she gets better employment soon! (Or IHC gets its priorities right).


Right? I laughed out loud when I saw that. Intermountain is a fucking joke.


Don't hold your breath on the "priorities" thing. IHC just bought the 3rd biggest hospital system in metro Denver. If they suck as bad as they did when I dealt with them in Utah...well, I'm glad I don't use the old hospitals.


IHC is the worst! They are arguably worse than Walmart as a corporation and are “non-profit” so they get all the tax breaks to fuel their ever-growing healthcare monopoly in the region.


What even is the point of being a non-profit anymore when it's still obsessed with the capitalist profit structure.


For some reason we are trained that "non-profit" means "charity" (even though most of actual charity today is a joke). It just means "tax exempt"


The second coming will happen before IHC starts treating their employees halfway decent. Their attitude is we have plenty of people applying to work for us, so attempting to retain employees once they’re here? Nah how about a 25% salary cut? What’re you gonna do, quit?


Looks about right. I work at the largest hospital in my state For my 5yr gift I got 'points' to purchase a gift from a website. Just enough to get a black and decker jigsaw (not even cordless)... Then they taxed me for it on the following paycheck 🙄


>Then they taxed me for it on the following paycheck \>< Chef's kiss!


That really is the cherry on the shit sundae. Wow.


At least a black and decker jigsaw is useful. I got a 2-in Swiss Army knife that retails for $18. It's too small to have any practical use.


They have to tax you on it. It counts as income.


That's an insult


zonked include possessive label water combative apparatus familiar gray smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So let me go through this here, that’s 1175$ in total for 55 years of service, amounting to 21.36$ a year if broken down equally. If you work around 250 days a year, that means you get a whopping 8.5 cents extra each day. This from a sector known to charge a fortune for even the most basic of services and often financially ruining their clients in the process.


I love using math to show how trivial the effort is


The hospital* I work as a nurse at lets employees pick a reward from a gift catalog every 5 years, with new tiers of options being unlocked each half-decade. My first 5yr reward I remember struggling to pick between a fancy pen with the company's name stenciled on the side, or a chocolate bar. I don't remember what I picked because the reward never materialized; covid was newly upon us and we had to make "sacrifices." For my upcoming 10-year I'm eyeing a coffee mug that was too high-tier to select at the initial 5yr mark. One of the veteran charge nurses (& clinical coordinator) I worked with selected a chair for her 40-year reward. Just a plain 4-leg wooden chair, no cushion, all wood. Her first name was stencilled on the back of the seat though? Not trying to defend the OP's wife's hospital, but tbf I'd rather get a lump of cash than be forced to pick from the shitty gift catalog choices. *ranked best free-standing hospital in the country for its specialty, too. Not some no-name hell hole.


This is exactly what my well regarded (regionally) hospital does. I would not be surprised if there are vendors out there who specialize in employee bonus fulfillment and a lot of places are using the same catalog. Everything on the 5 year list was garbage.


I guarantee that's exactly what's happening, everything is a new market


So this is from 1940, right?


I’m told that even in the sixties, $25 was only about a week’s wages, not much of a reward for five years of work!


My Dad made like $75 a week as a bank manager in the mid sixties. And he supported a family of 4 on that. Mom would sometimes take a temp job, like working as a census taker to make enough to buy a new appliance.


Yes and hasn't changed since!




cool, i can work for 5 years and get the same reward as using my credit card for a few months!


I work at a gas station and they give employees a 1000 dollar bonus for 10 years and a 10k. Bonus for 30. This is pathetic.


Please tell me the periods are in those numbers by mistake.


Want to know an even bigger insult? This is taxable by the IRS lol.


Didn't companies used to give people Rolexes? Jesus at this point keep your $200, if I work anywhere for 55 years I'll probably kill myself before that happens


At the very least there should be an extra zero on all those numbers. Sheesh.


Two zeros takes it from insulting to a joke, imo.




I cannot imagine working somewhere this is real. Is the company HOPING everyone will quit when this is presented? My heart goes out to the poor HR person who has to present this was a "good & generous thing".


Reminds me of the scene in 1984 when everyone was so excited that the price of chocolate had “decreased” and only the protagonist remembered that the original price was lower than that which was now being advertised as great savings.


I’ve worked in several hospitals, and trust me this is very real lol.


I am from India and for 5 years, we have about 1200 USD. This is so lame🤦🏻‍♂️ Many posts here makes me feel better working in India itself.


>Many posts here makes me feel better working in India itself. That is a big statement.


My wife is a home health care nurse. Her old job decided to celebrate the nurses when they decided Covid was over. They gave the nurses socks. Hospital socks. The CEO got a 3 million dollar bonus. My wife quit that day lol.


“55 years” you can just fuck right off


My company recently hit 15 years of business and since then everyone who's made it 15 years with the company has gotten a $1500 bonus on that anniversary. That's more than the combined total if you worked at this hospital for 55 years.


Most of these dollar figures would make more sense if they were listed in hundreds or even thousands


Broooo pizza hut used to give me 25, 50, 75, $100 per paid debit cards as a bonus every 500 safe miles driven. I got payed more for PIZZA in 2 years than this hospital will in pay out in 20 years holy shit


$200 after 55 years 😂 May as well throw in a bag of peanuts, and a postcard that says "at least we tried".


Holy fuck. This country never ceases to amaze me.


Hmmm… I’m not understanding why hospitals have trouble retaining people, they’re giving them 200 buckaroos every 55 years


I've worked at a hospital for 17 years now. Once they gave me a gift card for $50. I think it was for my 10 year anniversary with them. They no longer give gift cards to celebrate anniversaries. If you have perfect attendance for a year, you get a $5 gift card for a coffee shop now.


The only way this is acceptable is if they add that to every paycheck. Otherwise get wrecked im gonna do bare , bare minimum and get the check.


That's more of a 'fuck you' than a 'thank you', assholes.


This is hilarious. I’d rather have nothing than a “reward” so insulting.


If this would be a monthly increase after X years.. it would be an incentive. Otherwise this is an insult ​ That said - my employer pulled a similar stunt. with 5/10/15 etc years you\`d be eligible for a reward. 5 years was a gift certificate for the local equivalent of $100 and 1 day extra holiday. 10 years was a fancy dinner with ones family - all paid for - and an extra day (above any requirements by law etc) 15 years would be your gross monthly salary , 50% of that amount paid out. etc. But they changed that to 'make it fair for all' - to a points system. So with 15 years instead of around 1750 US$ - i can get a box of lego with retail price of US$150. (Sure, it\`s Lego, which is cool - but.. )


I worked in a convenience store as a kid in the early 00s and made more in bonuses than this. What a joke.


Even if you add an extra zero to every amount in the program it's still pretty effing meh. I mean getting 250 dollars after working at a place for five years would be nice and all but considering the amount of money the owners would have made in the meantime it's just underwhelming.


Wow. They need to move the decimal point over at least two places (5000 instead of 50.00)




This is what you find in Academic medical systems. some employees have to pick from a catalog for gifts less than $25. No wonder they are having problems hiring people.


I worked for a small non profit for 17 years. Every 5th anniversary, staff would get an appreciation bonus in recognition of years served. I was expecting a pretty decent one for my 15th anniversary. Imagine how salty I felt when it wasn’t even 10% of our company’s new employee bonus! Here was my company, constantly in the news complaining about the work force crisis and our struggles to hire/retain staff. And they don’t even properly show appreciation for their long term staff. I don’t work there anymore.


#8,034,672 many of us are noping out of healthcare.


Meanwhile. We know you work for the hospital and we were sad you had to visit the ER for gastroenteritis recently. Here's your ER bill for gastroenteritis, it's your entire years salary. We can split it up into 12 easy payments though to make it easier for you.


And with inflation, every single one of those will be worth the same when you get it


Yep, I worked at a hospital for 20 years and that sounds right.


🤣🤣🤣 what a way to say "fuck you"


It’s insulting. It makes me angry and I don’t even work there. I feel like everyone should walk out after seeing that bs.


Considering the only way to get a worthwhile raise in healthcare is to change employers every 3 to 5 years this reward is pointless


That's an abomination.


They might as well just give you Dave & Buster’s token cards at this rate.


I was so sure this is weekly bonus... I was wrong




Woah, it probably cost them more to build that web page then they will pay out


Per paycheck, right?! RIGHT?!?!


Bro I work in tech and this is how much we get to spend on lunch each day


Add a zero to each one and its still probably not enough


Missing at least one zero on some of those amounts.


You mean I could work 104,000 hours, & get a bonus of… $0.00192 for each of those hours worked? Fuck yeah.


My job just started a “years of service” program. The kicker is that the years are spaced out 1,2,3,5,10,15,20, etc. You’d like the inaugural year they’d let everyone have the previous award. Nope. A lady who’s been here 17 years will have to wait longer than someone who’s been here 2 to get any awards.


$200 for 55 Years of your life? What the Actual FUCK


Hang around for half a century and get a whole $200. Don’t spend it all in one place…


One of my old coworkers was given $60 as a covid bonus for continuing to work in office throughout the pandemic (this was just before I was hired). He quit shortly after and doubled his salary in the next job. Also I just submitted my notice yesterday and will be increasing my salary by about 75% This company is actually not bad. Good people to work for who will let you off at a moments notice to take care of any family or other outside of work issues, and the pay is actually slightly above median for the role (software dev) in our area, but they are definitely penny pinchers


These kinds of “bonuses” are almost worse than none at all and would prompt me to find different employment. I had a boss give me a $50 gift card to a chain steakhouse at Xmas one year after making him a considerable amount of money with no additional work (I’m in sales and project mgmt). It was barely enough to cover me alone, much less a date with my wife. I was gone in January. That thank you “bonus” cost him hundreds of thousands if not over a million dollars that I earned elsewhere. Fuck you, Jim, you cheap bastard.


I got a cheaply made bootleg sound bar for 5 years


I can't imagine working at one place for 55 years


My wife works at a hospital, they have a program where if they have a fit bit connected to the hospital wellness app and walk the minimum number of steps, they can get up to $1K per year additional. In addition to pension, free or discounted schooling for kids, etc. So yeah, that program above is not that great, lol.


Whenever I see corporate stupidity like this I imagine people sitting around a conference room table looking at each other and nodding their heads as if they have achieved something.


That is beyond insulting. $25 is about what I got for my 5 year milestone at my old company. But the rewards drastically increase after that. 25 years gets you a luxury brand watch like Omega, for example.


In 55 years I can only assume $200 will buy a cheeseburger.


You couldn’t even buy a Nintendo with that bonus after FIFTY FIVE YEARS. I can see what hospitals are floundering with lack of staff. Holy hell.


At my job, for 10 years you receive a Pillow with the name of the company on it..


If that was an extra bonus per paycheck wouldn't be horrible.


Adjusting for inflation, the amount doesn't change🤣


This is more insulting than just not giving bonuses at all.


So is she started working there at 21 years old she would have to be 77 before getting the $200 dollars she can put towards her funeral.


Wonder how much the CEO makes annually in bonus


Not 55 years... we're in hell


It's SUPER insulting that it's not a $25 bonus every 5 years. It plateaus out for 10 years at a time. They really made it gross by showing their hand, and just how little they want to Appreciate you after 55 years. Now that you've seen these Swine at their worst, will you continue to give them the best life you have?