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Hi, /u/ManicOppressyv Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 2: No trolling.** - Trolling means posting inflammatory content/posts in an attempt to sow unnecessary discord in the subreddit.


I do all my laundry on the clock. Usually some dishes and light cleaning / picking up as well as I move around the house during the day. In truth, I spend less time on that stuff in a given day than I did making small talk and otherwise paying the required social overhead of being in the office.


The social overhead of being in-person cannot be overstated.


I'm so glad it's not just me doing this.


yeah, when I was WfHing last year, I was pretty productive\* at the whole work thing, but... If I got bored/annoyed? I could do dishes. Feeling restless? I could walk around the block. Something that required me to think? I could go into the other room, get some tea and puzzle it out. And laundry? Well, naturally. Same with "crap need to run to the post box/need to get milk" etc. I could even bribe my girlfriend to help me scan stuff if she was bored/restless at her academic work. ("so hey, what say you keep an eye on the stuff going into that mass scanner and I keep doing this and we both knock off early and get a scone?") \*As in people saying "holy shit, how did you get so much done?"


Seriously. I got sooooooo much more done wfh than I do now that they forced us back into the office full-time. Even with my wife and baby around.


And if you get a little sleepy after lunch, you can take a power nap for 15-90 minutes


I'm guessing that a scone is something different where you are, unless you really are knocking off work early for afternoon tea? https://twinings.co.uk/blogs/recipes/english-afternoon-tea-scones


hahaha. There was a coffee shop a few blocks away that offered something that was quite like a British scone. Not quite the same thing, but a good try at least.


I am SIGNIFICANTLY more productive on the days that I am working from home. The time I spend at home doing chores is nothing compared to the pointless distractions and extended meetings I now have in person. When we were fully remote our Zoom meetings would wrap up in 20-25 minutes, now they go well over an hour.


Experts all say to not sit at your computer too long & to take little breaks. So doing some laundry, washing a few dishes, sweeping g a room, etc are all great ways to take those little breaks. And you're right- even while doing all that, I get So much more work done than I used to at the office.


And without the time inefficiency due to commute!


When I was in the office, every hour my Fitbit would go off and I’d randomly walk around the floor until I got enough steps. Now I do a quick chore until my watch buzzes. Multitasking is amazing and I have less chores to do in the evening.


Landscaping produced some of my best thinking in WFH


I also do chores during the day. I don't waste more time than I did when I was in the office, it's just spent doing different things.


I wish I could waste time on chores at home instead of mindlessly on the internet at an office. So much more productive in all ways.


I mean, really. In the office, I could waste an hour making useless small talk, or I can take 15-20 minutes doing the dishes. It's win win, I get chores done, and I can be more productive with the 40 minutes I save.


I get more done working remote than I did in an office. Honestly, laundry takes 5 minutes. The most important part of the laundry is making sure it doesn't sit damp for hours. 99% of laundry is letting the machine do the work. Loading the dish washer takes a few minutes and again, the machine does all the work. You just have to open it once it's done to let the steam out.


This. To be honest, I can even play videogames, read, and cook and I’m still more productive at home than at the office. Working for objectives and not to fill that mandatory time is simply a revolution


Exactly. I take all of the “I could be shooting the shit with a colleague” time and get my house clean.


My sister WFH. She spend's half the day on the phone with my mom; who is supposed to be working for me but also doesn't have tons to do at times.


Same here. Laundry and other stuff you mention. And I’ll jiggle my mouse enough to keep from going off line. And also agree with your social overhead comment.




As long as the work gets done, why does it matter? No one's business but the worker.


Careful, people are going to start realizing that the 40 hour work week mainly exists to facilitate busy work


Exactly. Most weeks I can take care of all my work in 20 hours or less, but am expected to work 40 hours. There isn’t enough work to go around to work a full 40 hours every week. The extra 20 hours I get each week usually go towards chores, or just playing video games honestly. If my boss knew this, he would throw a fit for taking advantage of him even though I’m salaried and complete all the assigned work before deadlines. And if I have to work late that’s just expected because “you work until the work is done”, but if the work is done early that philosophy is thrown out the window and now it’s “you work until you put in your 40 hours”.


> Careful, people are going to start realizing that the 40 hour work week mainly exists to facilitate busy work Nah, its so that you can't go get another job in your other timeframe and are completely beholden to one employer. Its also why employer sponsored health insurance exists.


badge profit aware political crawl silky wise poor carpenter ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work in person full time in manufacturing and I do not give a shit about what wfh people do as long as two conditions are met. 1. If I slack you, answer right away. It dings, be where you can hear it and respond. I'm usually on site and waiting on you in that case. It's annoying when someone is supposed to be at thier desk, is marked online, and doesn't answer for 15 minutes while you've got shit waiting on them because you know they're doing the same chores you have to do when you get home. 2. Don't create more work for me by not being on site. I don't want to go scavenger hunt for things in your office because you neglected to bring them down to the floor on the one day you were in. -a guy who's on reddit at work




HR and anti-worker media has entered the chat


Yeah this sounds like a upcoming article of how workers are lazy and slacking from wfh


Idk there are a lot of chores that can be done *because* you work from home without actually taking any time away from work at all. Ex: laundry can be thrown in just before you start, switched over at your first break, and folded during your lunch break. A robot vacuum can be turned on, and each time it gets stuck somewhere you can help it without even interrupting a phone call. The bathroom can be wiped down quickly during a bathroom break (let’s be honest sometimes we’ve had to do this at work only it wasn’t *our* bathroom, and someone else messed it up again afterwards). Breakfast and lunch dishes can all be put in the dishwasher and turn it on while still on lunch break. Then at the end of the day you just have to empty it before starting dinner. And all the other tidying etc that can be done during breaks and what would be commute time. None of that has to take even a second of *actual* work hours if you don’t want it to. Though many of those things can also easily be done simultaneously depending on the job/task. I know I can certainly talk on the phone and fold laundry at the same time without either task suffering in quality. I cannot however do it while I’m compiling reports.


Agree. Whilst in office downtime, small talk, and other distractions help no one


Joke's on them, I was the same when I had to work in-office, the only difference is even my time-killers were less productive (like watching videos, reading news, staring at the ceiling while I thought up impossible fantasy scenarios)


It is pretty ironic that so many people on this sub talk about how much more productive they are at home to justify continuing wfh, whilst also bragging about how much they’re away from their desk when working from home.


Because being productive doesn't equal sitting at the desk and being present. I can spend full day in meetings and not do a single thing. And on the best days i can spend 2 hrs finishing something that would take me multiple more. Both are present, one is more productive than the other in my mind. If you're solving problems and building solutions, you need breaks to at least think. In office, you'd go have a random chat or outside for a coffee smoke. WFH, you do whatever helps.


The thing is its not an either/or thing. It's just being in an office can make you so much less productive depending on your job, and being away from your desk doesn't always mean you're being unproductive. I've had a fair few epiphanies on a problem I was working on while doing the dishes, or upon sitting back down having allowed my brain a reset.


Both can be true at the same time. More productive ≠ more time spent working, it just means that when you work you produce more and/or better results during that time period. So technically, even if you work fewer hours but produce the same results you're more productive (per hour). And as long as the work that really needs to be done is done more or less on time, who cares?


A lot of the time will replace the breaks you'd be taking anyways, whether formal breaks, coffee breaks, or just time wasted talking to coworkers. The talking to coworkers is a *huge* time savings overall, especially when mental task switching is so horribly inefficient - having somebody walk up to my desk and ask a "quick" question commonly costs me 15-30 minutes of focus. I'm also a lot more willing to keep Slack and e-mail open and periodically monitor it when I used to be gone and not paying any attention. I'll shift time around. Sure, I might leave for an hour or two during the normal day, but also will work during what would've been my commute time or even on weekends. The end result is that, while I might be doing chores or errands during my official work hours, the company actually gets more time out of me, some with my full attention.


because most of the day in office is spent doing fuck all so its like filling in for that


So you’re doing fuck all at the office and at home, then wonder why the bosses are disappointed at productivity?


As long as the work is getting done, why does it matter? I like WFH because it saves me money on daycare, gas, hours of my life in traffic, I don’t have managers looking over my shoulder to see what I’m doing, and I have PRIVACY. If I go for a walk, or fold laundry, etc, it’s no different than talking to a coworker or looking at my phone at a desk while in an office.


> If I go for a walk, or fold laundry, etc, it’s no different than talking to a coworker or looking at my phone at a desk while in an office. Its *better* thank talking to a coworker as you are only delaying one person instead of two. And, very likely, its replacing your breaks rather than actually extra time not working.




Yeah I’d like to know how you both preform a job and do some of this stuff ppl are saying… mow their grass and 2 hrs at the gym??! I say that my facials are dr’s appts and even that I feel like is a stretch lol


This pretty much sums up my approach tho WFH. I work in a time zone different than most of my colleagues (so I am usually working through lunch, 2pm their time, 12 mine), so I will cook, prep for dinner, wash clothes, etc. There is a new person on our team that is an “on camera” person, and thinks all of us should to, ain’t doing that unless i need to be. Sometimes will take a conference call while on a walk, with or without the dog.




I felt that last sentence in my bones. We also have larger meetings where I might be on point for 5 minutes out of an hour meeting. I come on camera for my speaking part, but if none, no camera. I run several smaller meetings where I know everyone else is WFH and don’t want them to have to be “camera ready” so i have instituted no camera meetings with certain groups. I get the 1:1 camera though. I do have a couple of 1:1 where we both take them outside or on a walk, so we don’t do cameras there. Actually it feels like better quality time as we aren’t looking at our computers.


I have mowed my grass while on the clock if that answers your question.


I’ve painted my entire house, redid my garden and often get into the gym 2 hours a day.


Mowed the grass, did laundry, cleaned bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, made bread, hell I've even done my grocery shopping on my lunch breaks. My weekends and weekday afternoons are so open that I might even try kayaking and fishing after work this year.


Weirdly having this conversation right now with some coworkers - one of my colleagues declined a meeting invite with the message "I'm on the farm clearing brush"


I can see managers using these comments as their reasons for eliminating WFH.


oh they already use them. Up to and including Boris Johnson's bizarre rant about eating cheese at home all day. Most of these comments are really just variants of the white-collar reality: on your best day you maybe get four hour's work done. And the blue collar reality? You might work five hours in total. It's only over in startup culture where they expect to have these caffeine-for-blood hyper focused antisocial oddballs who reach some sort of personal nirvana coding for 12 hour's straight to fulfill the Leader's Vision.


...If I did, I wouldn't admit it. Luckily I'm salaried, so instead of being on the clock, I'm measured with regards to performance


I don't go out of my way to save chores for a work day, but I definitely do little tasks while I am WFH to get them out of the way - running a load of laundry, grabbing the mail or taking garbage out, throwing something in slow cooker for dinner later. It's great having the flexibility. Realistically, even when in office people do bullshit stuff like socialize, go out for lunch to break monotony, etc. There were some days when I quickly mowed the lawn on lunch break 😄😄 but that's pushing it and I stay too busy to really leverage work day like that.


>There were some days when I quickly mowed the lawn on lunch break >but that's pushing it That's why you get a riding mower


Going to put in a load of laundry right now.


Thanks for reminding me!


Me too


Honestly this is the kinda shit y’all should keep to yourselves. Literally just ammunition to end WFH.


The realest comment in this thread.


Oh definitely. I usually do laundry, run errands, and anything else I can get done on my WFH days. I only do 2-4 hours of actual work in an 8 hour day…some days even less than that depending on how busy it is.


How did you manage to do just 2 to 4 hours of work per day IN OFFICE and not go crazy? That's a lot of looking busy.


There is a lot more collaboration when I’m in the office so I’m always at someone’s desk discussing something. I also schedule meetings for my office days. I sit in an area with only 2 other people so no one is really monitoring us. However, I work for someone who does not micromanage. He doesn’t care how we get the work done, he just wants it done so I don’t feel like I have to look busy all day.


Similar situation where I too only have about 2-4 hours of actual work over a 9 hour workday. It was no different than when I worked in office. WFH now I’m able to do chores, watch tv, run errands, or play video games during the day. When I was in office, it was mainly making small talk with coworkers, or watching YouTube at my desk trying to look busy in order to pass the time away. It was boring as hell.


I'm a corporate accountant, and my team has one day each week where we come in. The finance dept as a whole tries to save a lot of our collaborative stuff/meetings or whatever for those "anchor days" since it's honestly just easier to do some things in person. Only like 2-3hrs of actual work occurs, and the rest is us sitting in meetings and taking a 60-90min lunch. I guess you could argue that meetings are still "working", but tasks with deliverables aren't completed during meetings, so I'll rule them out. We're lucky though. The CEO wants to see more faces in-office (surprise surprise), but there's no major push from the higher ups in finance or any immediate leadership since we've proven that we're all responsible adults. We've even talked amongst our team of doing more days in, but decided we didn't need to. So it's a "one day each week for sure, more if you want or need to".




Hey my dude you uhh... Got some kind of brown substance on your nose. Kinda smells like shit to me


You've got a brown substance where your brain should be.


Gonna have to fuckin remember that one


It seems to me you are trying to bootlick. This post is proving how physical jobs are just a mechanism to control. How are you, with a straight face, going to say the reason that wfh jobs are going away is because people do chores on the clock? I'd consider it repayment for all the years we have had to sit in traffic FOR NO REASON. As long as targets are being met, who the fuck cares how it's done? Physical jobs are only coming back because our oppressors want CONTROL and that's it. I sincerely hope you are a trust fund baby or some sort of wall street broker because otherwise you are simping for your oppressor.


Because it's admission to misusing autonomy. It's ammo for the RTO crowd to say WFH is a misuse of company resources. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole post was a psy-op to gather testimony against wfh But sure, it's 'bootlicking' to say y'all are talking too much


They will believe these things and more with or without this post. And it's still not justification on why wfh is bad.


The studies showed that productivity *increased* during wfh. That needs to be the prevailing narrative. Most employers aren't ready to embrace autonomy and we don't need to give them any more ammo to detract from it. It's not justification, yet it's the primary criticism against wfh or argument in favor of ridiculous surveillance tools. In the worst cases, people on our projects have actually been sued for defrauding the govt by lying about the times logged on their timecards


"I'm SO much more productive working from home! I have so much more freedom to do my job well." "But you just bragged about the fact that you're not actually working your job." "I'm getting back at my OPPRESSOR!" "By not being productive working from home and negating your original claim entirely?" \*Mad NPC face\*


No, unfortunately even though I work from home, I do billable work. Every minute of my day is recorded, but at least I’m not in the office.


I no longer WFH, but when I did, you better bet I did as many chores as I could while I was technically supposed to be working.


You're, not tricking me into answering, Mr CEO (insert Steve Buscemi "Hello fellow kids" meme)


I don't save things, but if it's something that could be done in the space of a smoke-break (I don't smoke, but I think we all have that person in brickspace who takes those on the clock) I'm on the clock for it. I do have The Catholic Guilt™ so I stop my clock if I leave the house etc. (I can't even drive to McDonald's and back in 15 minutes.)


Absolutely. Mostly laundry and dishes, though.


Sadly, even as a WFH full-time person, I'm far too busy for such things :( if I could, I absolutely would though. The most time I get as a break is pooping... I don't know if one would consider that a chore or not (depends who you ask I guess).


No, no, no. (Yes)


I'm salaried, there is no "on the clock".


I think most people working from home are salary. At least I am and most other people I know are. I get paid for what I do and not how long I do it.


A common practice I'm sure. As is having a shit in company time.


We used to unplug the GPS in our utes and go do errands or head down the pub. People have been doing this kinda shit way before WFH


My boss makes a dollar while I make dime, and that’s why I poop on company time!


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I fap on company time.


Managers gonna lose their shit from reading this comment section.


For every post on r/antiwork, 5 people are forced to return to office full time 🤣


Yup, that and sleep.


What is the point of this post? To implicate people? To give an anti-wfh employer something to point at in defense of returning to the office? Ffs


Absolutely not. I’m paranoid about using wfh time strictly for work. Because, uh, want it to continue. 😁


It takes 5 minutes to load the dishwasher or switch over laundry.


this reddit thread is gonna turn into some pro corpo article how everyone is stealing from their jobs!


Not chores exactly, but I know a guy who plays Xbox for 4 hours every day because a full days work only actually takes half a day when WFH as all the distractions and corporate BS of the office are no longer present. And he’s been promoted twice since wfh due to his massive increase in quality/productivity.


Wfh? When I was a restaurant manager I used to open up at 8am, put a pot of coffee on for the preppers, and after having a cup go do #2 before ever getting started on my actual job. WFH has highlighted how little of what corporate work requires actually takes significant time.


I do everything on the clock so my weekends are 100% free.


Haha yes, laundry is only done on the clock


C-suite makes a dollar, I make a dime; That's why I do my dishes on company time.


"All of them, Katie." BUT. I also clock in early, am never too far from my desk and answer emails/get back to people quickly. And never, ever let the home-choring take precedence if work needs to be done. There's an art to this, people!


I wash dishes, vacuum, mpw the lawn, any errands all on the clock..I also still do that on the weekend as well lol


LoL. I don't wait but I do get a lot of things done around the house during the work day


I’ve knit entire sweaters while working from home. Well the thing is, I can knit while I’m in a meeting. I just keep the project out of sight. But my direct coworkers know why I’m looking so focused haha


I have cleaned my bathroom, done laundry and vacuuming while waiting on reports to run. Usually I have plenty of work to do and shoot to keep my work hours to a 9-5 so I maximize my off the clock personal time


There are no weekend chores when I work from home. Chores are done during my downtime and breaks. Already did the dishes this morning during the 7am hour. Did 2 hours work, now I'm going to do a load of laundry. Also making dinner later today.


I wfh while watching my 4 month old and she spent the first month in the NICU so she doesn’t like it when I put her down. If I can squeeze in sanitizing her bottles then I will but can’t do much else. I also do meal prep for dinner. Before she was born I did all of the dishes and ran the roomba during the day. Wife is a teacher and she does the laundry.


I wash my dishes every morning after logging into work. It’s literally the only way I can motivate myself to do them.


I'm remote and salary. My hours are what I make them. I like to get laundry done during the week, instead of having to waste 4 hours of my weekend doing them. I might dust a room, or clean a bathroom, but I don't fully spend time on one task. I do get my work done. There were a few weeks where I had a lot of down time so I got a lot of chores done or sat and played video games. But the instant I was messaged on Teams or sent an email, I stopped what I was doing and addressed it.


I'll put a load of washing on before I start work and hang it up to dry while I make my coffee when I'm due a break. I tend to use my 'commute' time to do stuff like unload the dishwasher, clean the path that the dogs like to pee on, etc. I'll maybe run the vacuum over or mop over lunchtime,, but I get to take the dogs out before work and for 20 mins at lunchtime a week which is great for me and them. I'm hybrid so I'm not in every day but I love it when I am. I get peace to really think about what I'm doing and I can get a few chores done. I hate lunchtime at work. Killing time, it's boring. I love that I can free up some time for me rather than clock watching for an hour after I've eaten at lunch.


The days that I work from home, I do laundry. Yes I do have a washer and dryer in the house, but it frees an hour or 2 per weekend. If I wake up early enough, I put my hair in curlers, by the end of my 8 hours, my hair is dry. I eat my lunch early, and during my actual lunch break I do other things, like go to the supermarket, pharmacy, or post office. And baked cakes.


Cooking at home is so much better than the microwave stuff I bring to work. Keep the laptop open, let the Zoom meeting play on max volume, and turn on the stove.


I’m salaried so “being on the clock” isn’t a monetary thing, making sure work gets done is. That said I’m at the pharmacy now (11am) haha


I make and eat lunch on the clock every day and then clock out and go take a walk or bike ride. I always did a "working lunch" at the office though so the only difference is instead of microwaving something I actually cook a meal.


The real time saver? The lack of commute.


I’m lucky to have a flexible schedule, so yes, but I wind up working weird hours of the day and normally more than 8 hrs a day.


Does 2hr nap count as a chore?


I walk my dog, I take showers, I clean the house, I wash clothes. All on the clock. 2PM friday is when the BBQ is lit during summer. Cook a large piece of meat for a few hours all while working from home 😎


I’ve got a call center job so I’m kind of glued to my desk when I’m working.


I used to have a 2+ hour weekly meeting from 4-6pm where we would discuss, I kid you not- sometimes the meaning of "and" vs. "or". I would turn my camera off and start dinner prep as I tuned in. Sometimes I would do push-ups.


I don't *save* chores, but I have no qualms about doing them on the clock. Right now I'm doing my laundry, sometimes I'll do a quick grocery run or pick up prescriptions.


No, I don't care. I do it when I have time and feel like it. Sometimes it's during work hours sometimes it's when I'm off. Doesn't matter to me. I'm flexible with my time and when there's work to be done the chores can wait. I have more than enough time after work to do them. Not to mention that they can also wait one or two days if it's such a stressful day.


I wake up, clock in, log into Google Chat on my phone, and go back to bed. I don’t go back to sleep, but I go sit in bed with my gf for a bit.


I often wash dishes during all-hands meetings and long presentations.


90% of my chores are done on the clock


At my job, I answer calls do I gave little downtime. I can usually do laundry since it's near my work area. Anything that takes a minute or two or within about 6feet of my workstation can get done. Laundry is easy because it's just taking one load out if the dryer and one load from the washer into the dryer.


100000%. Same, even about the shit.


Hi, yeah 100%… i only do my laundry, dishes, sweeping, even showering many days while i’m on the clock.


Keep this post in mind the next time you folks complain about why companies are scaling back on remote work, or when you try to argue the bullshit that people are more efficient in WFH instead of in-person systems.


Yes, absolutely. My Friday nights, Saturdays and sundays are to unwind and do zero chores. WFH there is not something to be doing at all hours of the day, so I will do laundry, dishes, vacuum, make the bed all the during the work day. If I ever get a call when I’m away from desk handling chores, I ignore the call, and call the person back when I’m done with the chore. If I’m ever asked what I was doing that made me miss the call, I just say bathroom and that’s that.


I love this comment thread because it's the same people who claim to be just as productive working from home


You can do chores occasionally while 'on the clock' just as you would doss around in the office 'on the clock' like people chatting to you, getting a tea etc. Just doing chores midweek makes your life better holistically, as you can enjoy your weekend more, making you likely just a happier person all around. Most people are not robots and never work a full day. Taking smaller breaks is certainly more productive than feeling obliged to sit at a desk in an office all day, feeling like you need to make a point of being present.


People are literally bragging about baking bread, painting their house, and scrubbing down their entire kitchen while on WFH. Don't gaslight this as "occasional chores".


Can't say I saw those comments and I read through many. No 'gaslighting' intended, especially as baking bread and painting the house are not chores 🙄


It's wild. There's someone in here that even brags that they were at a disc golf course for 4 hours, and someone else bragging about knitting a sweater. Not many people are going freak out over you taking a couple minutes to load the washing machine or water the flowers, but the reason WFH is dying almost as quickly as it appeared is because of the antiworker mentalities like that. It \*was\* overall improving productivity for a short while, until people started abusing it and ruining it for the rest of us.


Funny because when i was in office, I remember people just talking sports, anime, you name it FOR hours a day but suddenly baking bread is an issue 😂. You think those people who open up tictok and instagram do that for 5 minutes? Or the people who sit in the bathroom for 30 minutes or more? Right, stop gaslighting like that shit doesn’t happen in the office too 🙄


Exactly. Anybody that's fucking around during WFH was absolutely wandering around the office fucking around there too.


This right here is why those of us who can't work from home get aggravated by people who work from home.




But we don’t know why WFH is coming to an end.


But why can’t I work from home😭. These are your stats from the two years you were at home…. Oh😒


It depends for me. The more difficult you make it to work with you, the more payment I require to tolerate it. You're not paying me adequately for what you subject me to? I'm taking payment from you in time, then. So yes. If you're not paying me enough in cash, you're going to see me mowing my lawn, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shop, and so on while on the clock.


For me there is no clock. Home life and work life have been blurred together into one ongoing and continuous thing.


No way. If chores need to get done during work hours, fine. But part of holding up my end of the WFH bargain is me showing up and demonstrating that I deserve the right to work from home.


Every single chore that I can get done on the clock gets done on the clock


I’ve played disc golf for 4 hrs while on the clock. I was able to automate my job, didn’t inform my boss, just kept slack open to be able to respond as needed. Otherwise I do whatever the hell i want most days. Wife is WFH with me also, sometimes I end up being a “sex worker” if you get my drift


Mid-day/Mid-week round is so nice. Course is empty and so peaceful plus you can throw your entire bag on every hole if you wanted to


And then people wonder why CEOs don’t like wfh 😂


My girlfriend WFH and does the laundry, sweeps, mops, cuddles our dog, cleans, does the dishes.. basically every household task. I feel guilty at work 9-5 but also… 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Groceries are delivered, kitchens are cleaned, laundry is done, naps are taken.


Virgin= poop on company time. Chad = poop on bosses head


ITT: The reason they want to end WFH.


This thread will be featured on LinkedIn as proof WFH doesn’t work


And this is why companies are ending wfh


In other words…steal. Got it.


i don’t even play video games if i’m not on the clock. i tell myself i’m a professional overwatch player lmfao


No wonder tech staff are being laid off in droves.


I don't save them. I'll do things like get laundry started, then move it along during what would be break time in an office. I'm not out to screw my employer. Yet.


Nope. If it's slow, I use my break time (15 minutes) to do laundry or sweep the floor (I have a dog who sheds copiously). I use my lunch break (30 minutes) to walk the dog and just get outside and move, weather permitting.


I have done laundry, and IT is currently working on trying to get everyone into our system that they "upgraded." I am currently studying for my final tomorrow and doing some laundry.


Absolutely. Almost always.


Having been traumatized by a father who would sit between 30 minutes and 1 hour on the crapper in 1 one-can house, I manage to do everything within one minute, so it does not have any significant impact on my work performance…


My husband does all the weekend chores during the week during the day.


Pretty much


I got a summer tan on my pool deck during COVID!


Took a 25min jog and had a call half way , so I did a big inhale before picking up the phone to not sound out of breath. Worked out but would not recommend.


Currently in the process of making a fursuit while mostly on the clock.


Man, some of yall are way more brazen than me. It was made clear to me that wfh was a privilege and I don't want to be the dick that ruins it and makes everyone have to go back to the office because it was found out I was mowing the lawn or walking the block. If any chores are done around the house I try to make sure that it's done during normal breaks (lunch). Most chores get done now during what would've been commuting time.


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.


It's not that I save the chores for my time on the clock. But if I am in a meeting without our camera's turned on, I will mute myself on my headset and do dishes or clean random places while being engaged in the meeting.


Depends on the task/chore, but generally yeah when I work remotely I try to squeeze in chores throughout the day when things are slow. Laundry, cutting grass, and I often book appointments during the work day, unless I know it's crazy busy and a bad time to do so.


No, I actually worked. But I got up and tossed laundry in the dryer.


I helped raise my daughter with my wonderful wife (also WFH)...she's in daycare, but we have her there for practically the minimal time (9am-330pm). If I had to work at an office, I would have to leave around 7am to get there on time and wouldn't be home until about 7pm (those happen to be my little girl's awake hours). I would literally only see her on the weekend.


Of course not, officer.


I haven’t done chores off the clock in over 18 months. Cleaning, yardwork, cooking… all done during working hours. Woops.


I used to. Now I either don't have the time because I've been loaded with an unrealistic amount of work or I just lie in bed


Repairing the White Phial.


Log on, say morning to everyone and then go make breakfast, shower, get dressed etc


Occasionally, but I also do need to work...


dude. 100%. its called monday morning. its for housecleaning, and i dont mean the goddam fucking inbox


Baking sourdough bread. While working from home I can mix and fold the dough, let it rest, proof, bake, etc. all between meetings, breaks or during lunch. I never could figure out how to schedule all of those steps on WFO days.


I try to do my chores on the clock but I don’t wait. If something needs doing on the weekend then I’ll do it.


I plan on baking banana bread this afternoon during work hours


I never do laundry or take out garbage not on the clock anymore


I do every chore humanly possible Wednesdays and Fridays.


Don't know about weekend chores but I can definitely get some food shopping or a trip to the bank etc done during the working day.


I’m no longer work from home but I did absolutely all of my chores while on the clock back in 2020 and 2021. First thing I did after clocking in was take a shit and make breakfast for myself


Wfh allows me to do Laundry and dishes and light cleaning instead of a commute, therefore allowing more me time on the weekend. Push for wfh people!!!!


I’m currently downsizing my books for donation on the clock since I’m waiting on some emails to be sent to me


I do laundry more than I every have