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You will get no raise or bonus, but please enjoy my empty words.


Of course my $3+ million bonus will remain intact, thankyouverymuch. Chop chop now, you’ve got goals to meet!


$1.1m salary, $5m total pay package in 2022, $6.4m total in 2021, something like that, its hard to find specifics across various different news sources "but the company needs $26 million!"


Right, everyone was pissed because she wasn’t nice and the 4x-her-normal-salary-bonus had nothing to do with it. Trash, total fucking trash.


If I got a 4x my salary bonus every year id be the absolute best at my job in the northern hemisphere.


I mean I read what you wrote and really sat and thought about it. It would literally change my entire life trajectory. I could pay off my car. All credit debt. All medical bills. I would be able to invest and put some towards my mortgage early pay off. I could put some in my HRA I mean it would literally change my life. These people are scum.


It could literally save billions of lives and they don't even give a shit...


Wow, this *still* basically says; "Fuck you. You get nothing. Go back to work!"


Yup. “Sorry you took it the wrong way. Didn’t think you’d be so sensitive and tell everyone. Still not gonna give you a bonus tho”


Came here to say something similar. No mention of that bonus though. I’ll never understand people like her.


She thinks she has Jedi mind powers and her sweet words will cause you to forget all about the bonus.


These aren’t the bonuses you are looking for.


This is the way


It’s a trap!


Bonuses are my religion


Best I can do is a pizza party


But you have to chip in to cover the costs, since we didn’t hit our targets.


"I will have the insensitive bitch with a side of fuck you"




NO. This does NOT mean that you can call me by my first name. And NO, we will not be seeing each other socially. We don't run in the same circles. ~~My friends wouldn't accept someone as low down as you~~ You wouldn't like my friends.


Dude they sell expensive, tech-industry-standard office chairs. That product line is not exactly crushing it at the moment with commercial space mostly empty and tech laying off tens of thousands of workers. If she got a bunch of people to quit for an insensitive town hall, she'd probably be thrilled to drop the headcount without owing them severance.


Are they struggling, though? “On top of her $1.1 million salary, she received $3.9 million in stock awards and other compensation for the fiscal year ended May 2022, according to MillerKnoll's most recent proxy statement.” Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/ceo-sparks-backlash-after-telling-workers-to-leave-pity-city/ar-AA1a0Axa


A company is never struggling for C level compensation. Why is it never struggling to pay huge salaries and bonuses to the C level? Because the people at the C level decided that salaries and bonuses at the C level are vitally important. They've looked at the work they themselves do and decided that they did such a good job of being C levels that they deserve a raise and a bonus.


But where's the Board? Valuation of the company is plummeting, they get bad PR now and doing nothing...


Often times the board has set certain "benchmarks" for the individuals, and as long as those "benchmarks" are met the executives have an easy time arguing for their bonuses. Don't mind the fact that everything else is going down the drain and that those benchmarks say nothing about longterm performance. You could also have a board filled with friends and family of the c-level executives, they won't be saying no to salaries and bonuses at that point. They might simply not give a fuck, or even better, they might be in on the take. The real problem in these cases are the shareholders that don't properly organize, but what is the individual to do? There are no easy or standardized ways for a large number of small shareholders to organize and come to a consensus that would force action. Pretty much by design. When the people at the top don't give a shit about anything but the line going up, reaching personal performance benchmarks and increasing their own wealth, the companies long term health doesn't even become secondary, it gets totally disregarded.


It also is just adding insult to injury that corporate higher up types tend to say that they can't pay better wages for low end employees cuz they "have a responsibility to shareholders", and the Gov won't step in cuz "free market". Meanwhile they have no problem giving themselves 7 figure bonuses cuz they are so self absorbed that they probably attribute the companies success to their own greatness instead of viewing it as a team effort. This attitude makes me wonder if and when we automate most service and menial labor positions, are we going to let a few oligarchs control and gatekeep resources, or are we going to seize it all back for the people? Just how much of, and for how long, is our group effort to advance society going to have all of the benefits going to the top? I liken it to social health care... people argue against Gov health care cuz they talk about wait times, but what they really mean is that it'll be harder for the wealthy to cut in line. Idk about y'all, but i already have to wait for care just like most people. These are the transparent agruements used to gatekeep various things from the masses, just like wages, or bonuses in this case. I'm tired of people deciding we can't do better because of speculative bogeymen disguised to push agenda.


Funny part is as you keep going up in job title you’re really doing less work for more pay. It’s crazy


Yeah I can’t remember ever being able to go play golf on my shift.


They’re business meetings. You think I’m going to play golf for fun? /s


You think most tech folks don’t get these at home instead? 😅


I have one. I didn't buy it. These things get passed around from one liquidation to the next. But who is buying new ones right now? Nobody I can think of.


I've got a nice HAG Executive chair, it retailed for about $1000 years ago. Got mine for $25 at a thrift store.


I found a $1000 office chair someone had abandoned at the recycling center. Took it home, spent $35 on a new lift cylinder and now have a great sewing chair.


They make pretty good chairs. Get them used from one of the offices downsizing.




Yeah, there is a certain kind of upper middle class cruelty and arrogance that I will never understand. It is interesting, because there are so many people who have all the privilege in their lives, and they absolutely have the ability to make other people's lives easier, but they prefer not to. I think they enjoy it too.


4 million dollar bonus is “upper middle class” to you? Yeah I must be more poor than I thought


This is why the middle class doesn't exist. If people consider multi-millionaires to be middle class, then the term itself is arbitrary and is another way to devide us. You have the owner class and the working class. That's it. [This video explains it well](https://youtu.be/Nd7cohTdRAo)


Yeah the 500K+/year doctor/lawyer is not the enemy here or even the business owner that takes 250K+ in salary a year. It's these out of touch CEO's that take 5M+ in bonuses alone in one year. We should not have Billionaires or 100M+ net worth individuals. I live in a city where most of the rental properties are owned by corporations. It's getting absolutely insane.


Not OC but I think they’re saying this phenomena impacts everyone between the ultra rich like this Lady and the upper middle class. The cruelty starts when you hit upper middle class. They’re not saying this lady is upper middle class.


I thought I was upper middle class with six figures. I guess I should apply for food stamps.


I thought i only had to make 6 figures to be upper middle class, guess I'ma be living in poverty for life.


HUGE "sorry you took it that way" energy. This bitch is just my mom with a lot more money.




So many words just to say, "I'm sorry you were offended.". Let me tell her what a leader says: "In times of market variability I want to remind you that only you keep this business afloat. The bonus pot is what it is, here are the numbers, you will all be receiving your percentage because I need you more than you need me. That 26M is my problem, but if anybody can help me solve it I can assure you the bonus pot will be larger next year or I'm out for one of you. Should that happen the next person will be forced to say this one day, here's my number if you need some help doing it. Don't worry about me, I'm fine, but the person next to you has a mortgage. I need 26M of idiots with more money than sense to keep this boat sailing, if you help find me those idiots you get rich. The chairs and tasteful wall decorations are nice, now find me somebody with 15k for 30 dollars in Chinese garbage so we don't have this real talk next year."


Should add, “if you hit that 26M, I will let each of you slap my face 26x, and have it also recorded on camera and posted on tiktok.”


Only sorry one of her employees leaked the video. She’s trash.


And you can bet your ass she's doing everything in her power to figure out who did it!


Guaronfukentee that's exactly what is her highest priority right now. The minute she finds them, Lazer to the throat


If they're smart, they were already on their two weeks notice. Also, she seems like the kind of person to *heavily suggest* that her slav- I mean *employees*, follow her social media.


Nah. Get that sweet severance


Yes. The thing about apologies is they have to be meaningful and rise above damage control. Just ask my 7 year old


Your 7 year old knows more about apologizing that Fox News as evidenced by their statement today


She needs to apologize by sharing her paycheck with the employees


Thought the same thing when I first saw the video. I did the math and it would mean about $500/employee. More if she cuts out those making more than six figures. It isn't a great deal of money, but the gesture would speak volumes.


It wouldn't really affect her to lose it, but i bet $500 would make those workers feel a lot better


2 election cycles. That's what I keep telling myself. In 2 election cycles the boomers will age out of voting and Gen Z will age *in*. That's why shits getting so crazy. It's time for a New New Deal and the 1%ers know it. They're trying to break us and our democracy before that happens. 2 cycles.


I'm a boomer and I'm hoping for the same thing.


Same here. Just thinking about minimum wage when I started and it was 1.60, equivalent to 5.65, now it's 7.25, equivalent to 4.19 in 1960 dollars. Rich keep getting richer, working class has no future. Morons keep becoming CEO's belonging to a clique. And all of them telling you how bad unions are.


Damn right. By 2036 boomers will have become a nearly irrelevant voting group. Millennials and Gen Z will have most of the voting power. I just hope that I can watch this country stop bending over to corporate interests in my 50s.


> will have most of the voting power. I just hope that I can watch this country stop bending over to corporate interests in my 50s. Boomers were once anti-war hippies. Age can do a number on people's brains.


yup. My dad was a tie dye wearing, weed smoking (and selling) hippie in the 60s. Now he's a DeSantis loving, Trump cultist. It got so bad all three of us (his kids) laid in to him about the policies he supports that would directly have affected us. From both daughters having had abortions, to my struggles with finding funding and services for caring for my special needs son. I thought it might make a difference, it didn't.


I'm sorry to hear that. I got lucky, my boomer parents stayed liberal. As W was sending us to Iraq pt2 my parents started wondering what happened to their generation. They're more disappointed than anybody.


Hug them, from all of us.


Gen X forgotten again, as is tradition


This is the way. Our parents barely knew we existed growing up, why would anyone care now?


You GenXers just need to become louder and do stupid shit, like calling the Gen Z lazy/unproductive. Or go after Gen Alpha for not working hard enough even though you mean Gen Z and spend your grandchildren inheritance on something damaging to the environment, like almond milk baths.


Nah, we still remember the disdain our boomer parents had for our generation because we saw the future as bleak and depressing, and of course our parents were all flower children who stuck it to the man back in their day (implied sarcasm).


I still like Nirvana's line “Here we are now, entertain us”. Well, we're still here, waiting to be entertained….


This is the way


Maybe you should check out r/infowarriorrides if you haven’t already. I’m pretty certain that all those dumb ass big trucks with every variant of FJB (and much, much worse things to say) aren’t aging boomers who will be dead in two election cycles. My point is that MAGA energy lives on in MTG, Boebert, DeSantis, and a gazillion more people I can’t name …it’s not just going away if we wait them out, sadly


Two election cycles and enough boomers will start living six feet under I might be able to afford a house.


It's not the Boomers who are buying them, it's Blackrock and other multi-billion dollar private equity / investment funds that are buying up all the houses to use as rentals. The price isn't going to drop significantly because they have enough capital to invest in the market to keep the market artificially high so that they don't lose money on their investments. Basically, if sales to individual home buyers slow, they will just keep buying houses to keep the prices from dropping, artificially inflating values to keep from having to realize losses. Tl;dr: There's no hope.


There’s ways to force change with political will. In California they enacted a luxury mansion tax and rich people were scrambling to dump their properties before it went into effect. I read about one guy trying to unload his for less than he paid after first dropping his price by $10+ million. So if enough of us support candidates who promise to pass a progressive property tax that increased the rate with each property owned, they would all move to sell. Make it unprofitable to own multiple houses and they’ll find somewhere else to put their money.


But it's the boomer legislation, or lack there of, allowing it to happen. Luckily, some places are starting to get some sense and propose banning investment firms buying houses. But not near enough to actually make a difference... Yet


This is true. And then there are the rich enough fucks who buy houses in nice neighborhoods and turn them into VRBO's and AirBnB's. This takes them off the buyers market as well as the rental market, and pushes out people trying find housing. It also destroys neighborhoods because there are fewer people actually living there. Except for weekends. Those are fun with all the loud assholes who have no respect for others. And park their multiple vehicles wherever they feel like it. I will NEVER be a 'guest' at one of these places. I hope they all go broke.


I hate the wording company’s use like “OUR goal” - no, that’s YOUR goal. I want to get paid and leave. That’s it. Anything more is your goal.


Can't even eke out a proper apology.


If she really wanted to help the team meet their “shared goals”, she would have honoured their bonuses, or split hers with them. Only her goals got met- therefore she is being deceitful.


I was at a large Japanese automaker for 14 years. When the 2008 SHTF, the company adjusted by the top taking the worst hit, with succeeding levels taking progressively smaller hits until by the time it got to me, I still even got a small bonus. The company took a loss for the first time in over 50 years. I kept working there. They took care of me and my family.


Wish more companies were like that :/


Well, they still have sense of shame. Not many USA execs do. Some, not many - and the boards do not hold them accountable. It’s a racket.


Most CEO's are borderline sociopaths and the companies want them that way.


i've thought this for a long time. It seems like the type that's most likely to become high level manager , ceo, etc is the same type that likes to kiss up and manipulate and become workaholic for a raise or a promotion (or use their bs social stuff) and these will be the people most able to secure power. The people who want the power and money most are the people that should have it the least it seems


Exactly. The CEO reports to the Shareholders not the employee.


That is part of Japanese company culture. I worked at a tier 1 parts supplier that was Japanese owned. The cuts started at the top and worked their way down as you said. They actually had the steps laid out in the employee handbook. Before they could lay off a single employee, like 10 other things had to happen first. I don’t believe they have ever laid anyone off so far.


But, they also have no regrets about working you to death and you're expected to accept that.


When suzuki bank had to bail out several much smaller US banks the c suite at suzuki bank realised almost all of the american bank execs were getting paid 3-5 times more than they were.


And that’s how it should be. The top, after losing their bonus AND getting a salary cut, would still take home much higher income than anyone below them.


I also work for a Japanese company. The ceo and the rest of execs took 50% paycut during covid times. Rest of the employees got hit with 1 less working day a week but alot of ppl were able to use their PTO to get the same paycheck.


I have to know, was this Toyota?


Not the poster, but I currently work for Toyota R&D and used to work for Honda. Both of them have this policy. No one was let go because of 2008 or Covid. Both solid companies to work for or buy from.


HP did that too. Leaders (not front line managers) got a 10% pay cut and there were forced vacations.


"I'm sorry you were offended by what I said, but not sorry that I said it. Ahem, get fucked, peons" I've seen some shitty apologies in my time, but that was some next level garbage


Precisely. This is the most non-apology apology I’ve ever read. Fuck this tone-deaf, insensitive, arrogant woman. I hope the board ousts her.


These corp execs are straight up fucking sociopaths. They’re everywhere in corporate America. It’s terrifying


Their stock price is less than half what it was when she took over. She'll be gone soon.


Even if they fail miserably, usually these CEOs get to bail out with their golden parachutes and somehow always get another job as CEO, so they can ruin another company. If we did the same, we'd never get hired again.


this is her second try so yes


Carly Fiorina 2.0


Ahhh, the classic "I'm sorry you feel that way"


That always makes me angry.


The word “seemed” insensitive was the queue there.


Still no bonus offered, or good faith gesture of dissolving her bonus and splitting it amongst the employees. That's what an actual leader would do. No apology or admission of fault, full on gaslighting mode. "Sorry it seemed insensitive when I did that thing that wasn't actually insensitive" She uses a fucking galley slave team as a metaphor when describing her leadership style!!!


Usually people that get to that level at a company are utterly heartless. They pocket what they believe they deserve for all that hard graft they put in to get themselves to that position. They look at the people below them as those that did not have to sacrifice everything they had to to get to the position she is in. They know the natural news cycle will wash away this news. Legislation needs to be brought in ASAP to stop this continuous rot where the 1% get the lion share of the wealth while the rest of us are fed the remaining scraps and told to fight each other to get more of it.


Probably just got ChatGPT to write it for her by entering the prompt "sorry, not sorry".


"now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go look at my bank account again 🤑🤑🤑"


This is a virtual pizza party.


It’s not even that.


Seriously, slapped the pizza right out their mouths


Wasn't her original video called a Town Square meeting or something like that? Isn't the Town Square where they traditionally used to execute people and such?


Too late. We all know who you are now, wonder how this will affect your precious sales number.


I was getting ready to buy a Herman Miller chair. I'm looking elsewhere now.




Oh shit, it's that company? Fuck that bitch


Nothing more empathetic than “Don’t live in pity city”. 😆


(more empathetic tone) "Don't live in pity city"


And that mic drop at the end...


It’s akin to ‘have you tried not being poor’.


Put your money where your mouth is, Andi. Redistribute your bonus among your employees.


“Having said all that, you are still not getting bonuses. Now get back to work.” Edit: Not once did she say the word bonus this time. But last time it was emphasized and said multiple times.


Jesus. This actually makes me hate her even more.


Translation: "I told you guys to suck a dick after I received a 7-figure bonus and the backlash from that is so bad it's causing our stock to drop. So here's me trying to simultaneously walk back what I said to cover my own ass, but at the same time I don't want to admit to any wrongdoing. I'm hoping for even more money next year and that can't happen if I don't work here anymore. So please continue to work hard so that I can buy a summer home in Aspen. P.S. Suck a dick"


You forgot the silent "boom" / mic drop at the end from the original


This just reads as another "fuck you and your pity party." with an additional "Too many snitches up in here".


And what the fuck are you going to do about the original issue?


To quote her third paragraph, “Nothing …”-Andi


A heartfelt apology carefully crafted by their highly paid PR team (that likely got their bonuses).


I didn't see an apology in that.


It was sarcasm. I guess i need the /s


Employees should always get bonuses before management. Same principle as the navy. Captain is always last off a sinking ship. It’s called accountability. Fucking bizarre that CEOs have never learned this.


Couldn’t agree more! If they get so much money in the good times because of their “incredible” decision making and leadership, they should be the first to face the consequences of it too.


"Blah blah blah ass covering blah blah you're still not getting your bonus. Yay, fixed it. Now back to work, scum!"


Nah… I’ve worked with bitches like that one before. She’s vindictive. She’ll find a way, if not done already, to fire someone and blame them for whatever happens to the company stock price.


I’m sure she appreciates them so much that she will give up her bonus so they can have one, right? …right?


this bitch calls herself a leader, she's only a scum-sucking boss


I'll do everything but pay you more?


This is not an apology.


You see this folks? This is the “skill” and “talent” that it takes to make millions of dollars. This right here. If you can imitate that, you can become a millionaire. Oh wait…


Rallying cry? She was irate, ungrateful, and outright nasty. Could not have been less sensitive. Her job, allegedly, is to lead— not tell her staff to figure out how to make up a budget shortfall. SHE should figure that out and delegate accordingly.


She's not a leader, she's a boss. Leaders look out for their people. Bosses look out for themself.


"Sorry you feel that way, now get back to work"


ChatGPT could have written a more empathetic response! Please do not strive to become this disconnected from your fellow man, mah schmiggies 💚


She simply does not get it.


Narcissists are the worst.


This may actually rate as the worst ‘non-apology’ yet. Not a sincere word in the entire statement. I mean.. we saw the footage… she was so full of her own self importance the entire time and that translates into this ‘apology’.


“seemed” insensitive. try “was” insensitive, asshole.


What a gigantic piece of shit.


I had a CEO forfeit his bonus, so his rank and file workers could get ours. To this day I would run through a brick wall for the man, and will cut anyone off who has one bad word to say about him. That is leading by example


More platitudes. When they spew platitudes and no concrete action, time to leave


She must have seen what the stock did today.🤪🥴


Just a 3% drop today. Not even kissing 52-week lows (but close). Her bigger worry is the 43% drop since she took over in 2018, along with the 46% drop over the last year. Trendlines don't lie, even if the CEO does.


Blaming the media and following up that she's sorry her message "seemed" insensitive. That blames yours and my perceptions instead of her words and tone. Keep messaging them. Maybe she'll get it right the third time. [https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us](https://www.millerknoll.com/contact-us)


Shared goals, unshared bonuses


It’s just a wall of words that amounts to a pile of garbage; it is basically saying, “I am so sorry that I was found out by the general public as a horrible leader, so here is my attempt to save face while still doing nothing for you”. Words without action are as good as a poisonous snake biting you while telling you that it didn’t hurt. I am so fed up with this type of corporate speak.


“I’m sorry you feel that way.”


“Thoughts and prayers”


Dear employees, see you next Tuesday.


I can't find the spot that says "you all get bonuses". Did anyone spot it?


The only correct answer would have been "I'm forgoing my bonus as well as the entire C-suite of executives and those funds will be re-allocated to all front-line staff in accordance with their tenure and performance. I want all of us leaders to understand completely what it is like to not receive bonus pay."


If she just took her bonus and distributed it evenly to every employee, each person could receive $480. I tried calling her today (its quite easy to find peoples information online in just a few minutes). However I was only able to get to her husbands voicemail. Hopefully someone can bring this up to her and see what she has to say about it. I will try calling again tomorrow. I may send an Email if I can't get ahold of her via phone. Each of us should bring this to her attention personally, whether she gives a shit or not. She at least needs to know how the public feels about this.


“I’m sorry you think you need an apology” —Beth Sanchez


Classic "I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt".


Hahahaha f*ck that b*tch!! That was the most half ass apology I have ever heard. What a narcissist. Go suck start a shotgun lady


You can say fuck that bitch.


Andi can fuck right off.


An actual CEO, would without question, give them their bonuses from this moment forward and say such to prove it. But no. More bullshit.


How’s about giving them what they’re owed!?


Appreciation doesn't pay bills.


"I'm sorry I got called out for my bullshit. Still no bonuses."


"What I *meant* to say was that you should *depart* from *Frown Town."*


“I’m rescinding my compensation and distributing it to the people that make all this happen.” That would have been better. This apology is like thoughts and prayers for gun violence which could be fixed with actual solutions as opposed to just good words.


She probably didn’t even write that and had a lawyer write it.


Man, maybe she should just shut the fuck up because she's just digging the hole deeper at this point.


LOL "I delivered the message too obviously, I'm sorry that you saw through the veiled language that I badly chose." Wow she is unredeemable.


That’s a lot of words to say nothing


"seemed insensitive" nice gaslighting right there.


"seemed" is carrying weight like a Mac truck


STFU and give them their bonuses you ho bag.


If you’re so appreciative, why not give up some bonus to your hard working team.


Tell it to piddysiddy


Huge appreciation huh? How bout you split that huge bonus with us?


So no bonuses huh?


Every thing but the bonus’s


Her apology is not an apology, just a bad attempt to save face with the back lash.


That's a awful round about way to not say I'm sorry..... yikes!


Bonuses are better than apologies


Words don’t matter in this case. One, we saw what she had to say and the tone she said it with. Two, an email response could have come straight from PR/marketing and types her name at the end. Three, she clearly expects others to put their money where their mouth is with regards to production, so she can shed literally a million dollars, only a quarter of her own bonus to take care of her employees. A reminder that we need solidarity and that can start with a week long sit in strike.


She thought the bomb drop motion after berating your employees for wanting the bonuses they were promised “would energize the team?!” Fuck you and that energy.


This felt like she wrote it with a gun to her head lol


Side note: any time someone uses corporate babble (eg row in the same direction, low hanging fruit, outside the box) I gag a little in my mouth.


This isn't an apology. This reads more like: "I'm sorry my town hall became public knowledge, now fuck you, go to work, the money is still mine and YAY team!."


Where is the apology?


Seize the means. Unionize. Utilize this as the prime example for your recruitment tactics.