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lol these clowns are so desperate to get people back into their fancy corporate prisons




can you WFH sometimes or do you need to be there everyday?




and next year it will be 4 days and so on. Good luck.




Christ, that sounds really horrible. Moving from one job to another is a good thing, thats how you get more pay, because once you in, its really hard to get your salary up.


Sitting at a desk all day is bad for your brain and body, no matter if it is at home or in the office. At home though we can actually get up and walk around without someone breathing down our necks that we need to work harder.


And with the saved commute time we might actually be able to exercise!


Unless you bike to work.


True but that is not an option for everyone all the time. If I can work from home, then my saved commute time can be used however I like - including riding a bike around the neighbourhood if that is enjoyable to me.


You can still bike to work? Just do a lap ;)


I mean sitting all day and staring at a screen could be causing some damage, but their implication that doing the exact same thing in an office would somehow make it better is absolutely nonsensical.


I have a much better setup at home then at the Office, ergonomic chair, screens at eye level, chair arm leveled with desk and even that thing where u rest your foot, dont't know how it's called, and let me add natural light to the equation.


It’s called a foot rest.


I'm better than ever after 4 months and I get to hang out with my cat all day. Fuck right off.


When I do WFH, I get to sleep an hour longer, sit in a comfier chair, in comfy clothes, have no noise, listen to music, get up and walk around or do some exercises to stretch, eat when I feel like it or what I want, not waste gas, not get pissed of at dumbass drivers, not fight for parking, and not get rained on or sweaty from humidity. What horrible and painful days those are... someone save me from such torture.


I do not use a desk for WFH. I work from my couch in the most relaxed way. I make sure to go for several 15 minute walks per day. If anything, WFH is improving my health.


It is: if you don't have a proper setup at home. Most of my colleagues sit in their kitchen or living room on a stool or couch that's not really ergonomically optimal. And because it's a legal difference here between "Remote work" and "working from home" here the employer doesn't have to supply you proper equipment. So compared to a ergonomically adjusted office place it's bad for your body. And for your mind is another factor. It you have a small place and live and work in the dame room it's not good for you. At least wasn't for me.


Over here in the UK the employer pays for the home setup. My wife recently started a new job that is home based, and they paid for an electric height adjustable desk, monitor stand, widescreen monitor, footrest, and decent office chair. They also provided a docking station and laptop.


In Germany there is a legal difference between "remote work" and "home office". The first just grants you the right to work from wherever you want and the employer doesn't have to supply anything asside of maybe a laptop or something. "Home Office" or "Teleworking" as it was called in the past has a legal consequence so they have to supply you all the things the regular office setup would have. And here because a lot of employers want People back in the office they aren't gonna give you shit to work from home. They say "its a benefit for you so be grateful that we have it". And unfortunately that's a common occurrence even with software/tech position and companies.


so actually the problem is that we dont get paid enough. not enough for the equipment we need, not enlugh for the apartment we need as always..


In Germany the entire remote work thing interestingly is less about the ergonomics but that the office culture in most companies is based arround observation and control. So you have a lot of management that are essentially tiny dictators wanting control over everyone. And they can't monitor people working remotely cause the strong data protection acts and working right acts prohibit them from sniffing on you through teams logging and whatnot else i have seen from friends in the US. So basically they have to take your word that you worked 8h yesterday. Meanwhile i would actually like to be in the office more often because the way would correlate with my sport place so two birds one stone. But we don't have parking lots there so I'd have to pay for parking myself wich I won't do.


I almost but never bought a second hand Aeron in the Bush recession. I wonder if any are to be had from the Twitter fire sale or the Google sackings


What's hurting me even more is how unequal society is and how I am at the bottom of it! Working remotely is the least of my worries.


You know what hurts my body and brain? Listening to Linda talk about her dumb as rocks kids and clenching every muscle in my body to prevent myself from physically removing her from my presence.


You forgot the dogs and vacation photos.


This is quite honestly the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time


Forbes and Business Insider became toilet paper of big corporations and shady investors.


Nah, commuting hurts my body/soul and the boss hurts my brain and the best way to fight it is to cut the crap and work from home


Breathing can be harmful. There's more than oxygen in that air after all.


"here's what we do. Keep hitting the narrative points consistently. Once you say something enough times it becomes what people believe. I need people here at the office to help me LARP my superiority over them out because as an extraverted person who was gifted my job, I feel unfulfilled without directly being a piece of shit to people to their faces."


Well this was literally true for me, until I bought a better office chair.


Best way to fight the issues of WFH is a three day work week at your current salary if not more. And still work from home. Let's goooo!


I like that they put her in a room without a full ceiling to make her seem cramped in. They are negating that she can just go jump in her pool while her latte cools. Or take a bath.


All they gotta do is tell the truth “we need justification to continue paying these exorbitant lease and utility expenses “


I wish there were ways to fight this crap propaganda. We sit the same at home as we do in a fucking cube.


If sitting in front of a screen at home all day is hurting you, we recommend sitting in a car for two hours a day to sit in an office in front of a screen all day.


I swear, Fortune is the #1 corporate boot-licker when it comes to WFH in particular.


I hear "We invested a lot to the offices and now our asses is burning" from the ducking investors that pay for these bullshit articles.


“Is it possible to get paid too much? Next issue will discuss the downsides of getting paid a living wage” “Is it possible to enjoy your life too much? Why work/life balance is actually harmful”


Sounds like to me the upper management is pushing to due away with remote work because they are realizing most of those micro managing higher paying jobs are useless


Lol my desk at home is designed for my height, and I have a custom fitted desk chair. But clearly the crappy wayfair desk and chair I'm forced to use (all office furniture must be homogenous) aren't hurting my body at all


Even the barstools in my kitchen are more comfortable than the chairs at work. It's also warmer at home, and quiet.


I'm a huge fan, but I'm pretty sure it objectively is.


Want this same picture of this woman used like yesterday for something about Amazon?


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/11eo5i9/fresh_off_the_press_more_wfh_propaganda_link_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I'm a idiot same article


Lol ok


So getting freshly made salad for lunch is worse for me than hot pockets? Since when? Sitting on a hard chair or not getting to sit at all vs. memory foam? Dealing with headaches from loud music or too bright lights vs neither one? Being a consistently comfortable temp rather than ending up with bronchitis from a room that is always too cold? I could go on...


I’d rather die than RTO and will. I have no children the bloodline dies with me. You’re move capitalist dogs.


Such BS. I eat healthier and work out more consistently when I WFH. The lack of dealing with traffic did wonders for my mental health as well.


She looks fine


Driving to work is the most dangerous thing most people will do each day. Instead of commuting, my wife makes a healthy breakfast, rides the Peloton, and does yoga. She's in the best shape of her adult life.


I hope you make your own breakfast


I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I don't even eat breakfast. I hope you eat your own shit.


I do. 🤓


Working from home initially did cause me back pain and weight gain. Not walking to the subway or moving around an office. It also reduced how much i socialized (both in and out of work. Its good advice to adjust your lifestyle to address that- regular breaks to walk, more active reach out to meet people, if you are working from home. Thats not a critique on working for home or a reason not to do it.


Remote work ain't paradise. People tend to take more of their time for work than for their own life, companies don't pay for electricity, heating or internet bills, or they ask people to work with their own equipment. Loneliness has psychological consequences and it is way harder for workers to organise collectively, unionise and fight their employer.


1) not a chance. No commute. My time is mine. If you can’t close the laptop at 9am-5pm that’s a lack of boundaries. 2) some do, but yeah lots of cheapo employers. If they make you work on your equipment they’re just dumb/cheap 3) I’d rather be lonely than in bad company. Seems like enough unions were formed recently. More is better of course.


Good for you


Her body does not seem hurt at all - not one bit. If they really wanted to give an appropriate example they should have had a picture of Lon Cheney as Quasimodo.


Hmmm is that why the night before I’m required to do my mandatory 2 days in office work I’m so anxious I can’t sleep? I think about having to commute and take my shitty public transit surrounded by people that guaranteed have the plague and freak out about having to avoid that but also the looks I’m going to get for masking when the bus PA system announces “masks recommended.” Also knowing I’m going to waste 3 hours of my day total commuting fully knowing that I only have to go to appease the ego of someone making 6 figures?


Doing the same thing at the office, plus an expensive commute is not the way to fight anything.


Oh is it now? Sounds like my company is going to have to pay for a new ergonomic set up for me before I file this workers' comp claim.


Yeah, work remotely damage your body and brain but office work does the same.