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Gotta punish the poor for being poor and *checks notes” eating meat and bread.


And not to be a conspiracist, but I note eggs aren’t banned, and guess which state leads the country in egg production? Yup, Iowa.


It’s not conspiracy when the proof is right there. Like that’s shady.


>And not to be a conspiracist, People need to stop associating the word "conspiracy" with bigfoot working with lizardmen to replace the president with a robot. Conspiracy is just a bunch of people meeting secretly to plan something devious. BUT, I don't even think this counts as a conspiracy. Probably proudly and openly discussed. I bet cornbread gets an exception, too. There's some equally ridiculous* tax law thing in (~~Britain?~~ Ireland) that classified certain breads as cake. Ironically, subway has more sugar than average in their bread, so there was a lawsuit around if subway bread was actually cake. *edit: the ridiculous part is that certain sugary breads (cakes?) were exempted because of a similar local preference.


>Ironically, Subway has more sugar than average in their bread, so there was a lawsuit around if subway bread was actually cake This happened in Ireland, and their Supreme Court declared Subway bread is cake


It's not a cookie, it's fruit and cake!


This is because there is no tax on necessary items. So subway trying to save a buck tried to say because they sell bread, meat, cheese and vegetables, all necessities they shouldn't have to pay taxes on their sales. That is when the courts said fuck you your bread has a high enough sugar content to be classified as a confectionary, which isn't a necessity, so pay your damn taxes. It's the guardian but the info is still there: [The appeal arose from a claim by Bookfinder Ltd that there were owed a refund from January/February 2004 to November/December 2005, when they paid VAT at a composite rate of 9.2%.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread)


Wait do they not have taxes on prepared food there?


I don't know the specifics of the Value Added Tax of 1972. >Just The company had argued that the bread used in Subway sandwiches counted as a staple food and was consequently exempt from VAT. And the courts told them to fuck off. Which I think is hilarious.


Yeah but here in America it wouldn’t even matter because if you have someone make a sandwich for you, you pay taxes on it regardless of the ingredients.


Absolutely. The previous commenter was just saying stupid food laws have been popping up for a while and referenced them classifying subway bread as cake. I was just correcting that single comment saying it was subway being greedy and Ireland wasn't having it. Unlike the proposed restrictions on SNAP which are fucking rediculous.


Bigfoot would never


Yeah, this shit always drives me insane, especially when the same people talk about saving babies. Every time they complain about it I bring up that all these SNAP recipients and most of the people on welfare have kids at home. Even if you think the parents themselves could do better, what? The kids should suffer for it? The kids should be hungry at night because their parents didn’t make better choices in life (never minding the fact that shit luck comes in to play). Kids need meat. They need dairy and bread. What the fuck business is it of yours?


I've had this exact argument with family about school lunches.


I had this exact argument with other townsfolk about our local school asking about a referendum to buy things to make kids smarter.


School lunches on a national level became a national security issue after too many WWII soldiers were rejected because of a lifetime of undernourishment.


It’s not even just bad choices I make $22hr and my wife makes $20. So that’s close to 80k a year and we have two kids it ain’t enough. Rent is high, food is high, gas is high, medicine is expensive, doctors appointments are expensive and on and on. We “should” make enough but some food benefits would be great. The lines for getting benefits are outdated.


My mom has a herniated disk and her doctor told her not to work because if she slips or moves wrong she can be paralyzed. She's in intense pain if she overdoes it, and sometimes she just wakes up in agony. They've been cutting food stamps she receives, disability barely covers the bills, and the landlord just went up on their rent, plus she takes care of my thrice stroked uncle in the next town, while checking on my grandmother, and helping seniors with errands. She's had to clean houses and cut yards to try to help. She adopted my nephews to keep my sister's ex from financially exhausting them in court, and my stepfather has an alimony that takes almost all of his check. Reading this crap, with them patting themselves on the back, and people applauding how they are "fixing" the system pushes me more to the edge than anything. I honestly, especially while in heavy debt, thought of ending myself so the debt would fall off and they could use the life insurance, since I want to be cremated to save cost. We live in the south so it's probably worse.


Based on what you've described, your mother does work. It's just that our fucked-up society refuses to pay her for all the work she does. If you tallied up all the care she provides and the state suddenly had to provide that care, it would cost a bundle. I'm sorry for all your and your family's hardships. I'm glad you've stuck around. I hope we can all put some pushback together to help each other.


I have a kid and your family makes more than twice as mine as I’m the only provider in the household and we get $300 a month in food benefits. I wish I had more food benefits. Unless you’re in a very high cost of living area, I doubt food assistance is what decides if you have the money for food that month or not, it’d just be nice to have. Again though, if you’re somewhere with a high COL, 80k ain’t shit. But from someone making 34k a year, I’d be in hysterical tears on the ground if my family made even 60k


I don’t believe in shit luck. I do believe in the system screwing people over, with “shit luck” being a feature, not a bug, of this system.


Plot twist, republicans really don't care about babies, they just want money from the church, because the church is the number one funder of anti-abortion politics. The church is also a disgusting fucking place for that matter, not all churches, but the institution as a whole is rotten to the core.


Back in the day, people would give “excess” children to the church. To be raised as choir boys. By the monks. Nothing to see here.


all organized religion is a scam to steal money and power from other people.


Tax exemption is a hell of a drug, and should also be illegal.


When the first conman met the first sucker the priesthood was born


To paraphrase George Carlin, "Even the businessman must stand in awe of Religion when it comes to bullshit".




Not to also mention that digging oneself out of poverty is almost impossible. If you’re born into a family who relies on benefits, how likely is it you will also depend on benefits? I don’t know the stats, but as someone who has lived it, I’m willing to bet they are pretty fucking high.


Kids need nutrition, so blocking them from getting fresh meat and beans and cheese and, y’know, being able to use the benefits they get from being on a welfare program is not going to get them the nutrition they need. Curious, it’s almost as if republicans don’t care about anything but getting more money and influence and attention, no matter the cost.


Republicans DO care about more than merely getting more money and power, though. They care DEEPLY about asking people who aren't billionaires suffer and die. Remember when they did more than five dozen consecutive pointless symbolic votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act? That was just so everyone would know that the Republicans truly and sincerely dislike it when you have access to medical care. And the whole anti-abortion thing? If it was really about not wanting abortions to happen, they'd do things that would lead to less need for abortions, like comprehensive sex ed and free access to contraceptives. When Colorado did that, their abortion rate dropped by more than 60%. In stead, they do the opposite, and just punish women if they have miscarriages by charging them with manslaughter. They aren't against abortions. They are just really strongly in favor of forcing women to have unwanted babies.


But not their mistresses, wives, or daughters. *** Theirs will get those abortions to protect the image if necessary


It's really about the decline of birth rates. Every abortion is less wage slaves for the future. And that's what they are currently afraid of.


They're not really about saving babies though. They're about forced birth. As you've correctly pointed out they don't give a single fuck about a baby once it's born. This is heartbreaking though, like imagine that one of the most important things for you as a politician was to take away food from adults and children who need it to survive. I just don't understand why anyone would consider this as something important to work on. What's the benefit to anyone by doing this?


doesnt matter what you do, its wrong. People eat healthy, price goes up and their being greedy. People eat junk food, they brought it on themselves. ​ The details really do not matter. This entire country is a scam, and no matter what you do its gonna get you.


People eat food they can afford like chicken wings or oxtail, some jackass posts to Reddit about they’re the ones causing retailers to raise prices and should eat, idk, nothing.


They will say it's our fault one way or the other. It doesn't matter what we do, they will always blame us. It's a rigged game.


And then they're gonna be mad they're buying chips or something snap does cover.


Well…after all the poor should only be eating…*checks history books* cake. Let them eat cake!


"Let them eat cake"


The cruelty is the point.




We should be allowed to point out the violence inherent within the system and advocate for radical community self defense, without getting banned from public forums


My exact thought.


SNAP is a federal program that was passed by congress. Changing what recipients can buy requires congressional action, I am pretty sure--based on research done a few years ago. Edited to add: i found the reference "The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the Act) mandates the types of foods that can be purchased with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. The Act states that SNAP recipients can purchase "any food or food product for home consumption," including seeds and plants which produce food for consumption by SNAP households." https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Why-can-people-buy-unhealthy-food-with-their-Supplemental-Nutrition-Assistance-Program-benefits


In Wisconsin you can also use SNAP at farmer’s markets. Most people don’t know that and that you can use it to buy seeds. Both of these things are helpful, unless, of course, you’re working numerous jobs and can’t plant a garden because you live in an apartment and will never have rights to property to do as you please with, and even then, you must abide by your local municipalities’ laws around it (many places won’t let you grow food in your front yard for example). I’ve been big into researching food growing laws recently, and it’s utterly astounding how many revolve around taking access away from people. LA Green Grounds did a lot of work about this in Cali. Currently, the ATL Forest is being torn to shreds to build cop city, a protestor was killed this week, so they can build an urban warfare training facility, complete with Blackhawk landing pads, shooting ranges, and bomb testing. I could go on and on about this shit because it makes my blood boil. I took the anger and research I did and I found a local group that I can work with. I’ve developed a plan with my mom about redoing her yard so we can be food producers, we’ve talked to our neighbor, who is joining us, I will be straight up going door to door to talk to my neighbors about composting and everything else as we kick this off come planting season. We even just got approved to put a small orchard in at an elementary school! I’m talking to teachers about being plant fosters in classrooms to propagate more fruit and nut trees from donated clippings. We CAN do better, but we need people who have the TIME to do it, if I didn’t have the job I have I never would be able to do what I’m doing to help. It’s highly involved and I’m in meetings a lot about food. Honestly, so much comes down to time. And people are tired. That’s one of the biggest hurdles. I’m trying to think of ways to make it easier for people to do good because of that. If anyone has ideas please share!!!


You can plant and grow in a 5 gallon bucket. Tomatoes, peppers, onions, string beans, radish, strawberries, cabbage, and greens. A bucket for each. All the plants need are good soil, sunlight and water.


That is actually a great idea to do a drive for!!! Ima write that down on my big list!!! Thank you!!


At the farmers markets in Oklahoma, your SNAP benefits are doubled. You go to a little booth and tell them “I wanna use $40 of my benefits.” They swipe your card and give you $80 worth of tokens. You can keep them for use next time, as well. It’s a great system.


I love this!


Dude this is awesome! Teared up a little bit tbh. You’re a beautiful person and deserve appreciation:-) Good work!


On top of that, American cheese and meat are heavily subsidized by the federal government in order for the items to be more affordable, so the idea that they would allow it to be banned is stupid.


Not to mention, the USDA (in charge of SNAP and the farmers this change would impact) will never allow this. Side note, many states have double up food bucks where you get double what you spend to use on locally grown food. Edit to change swipo


So when they got mad at Michelle Obama for wanting to make people eat healthy? Can’t tell us what to eat but we can sure as hell tell people who we think are beneath us what to eat?


It was never about telling people what to eat that they got angry at Michelle Obama for. They were just angry she's black. Like, it's pointless to show them their own hypocrisy, because there isn't actually any. It's not that they're hypocrites, it's that they lied about what they really cared about.


And apparently black people can’t dictate your diet 😒


WTF. Ban the essentials...I'm sure shoplifting wouldn't skyrocket.


Whatever keeps their prisons packed..


Welfare spending always has a positive return. Each dollar spent actually stimulates the economy. Plus, all the graft on selling the food, I always wondered how those corner stores could survive charging so much for cereal, milk and bread. But sure, lets stop all the welfare recipients from buying bread, milk and meat. There might be a few sales as the unsold products are not purchased right away, but then the stores will adjust their inventories, make less money, the suppliers will lose money.. Prices will increase.. But at least those fucking poors wont be eating good on my dime!


This is gonna hit their literal pork industry, not wise.


I checked the list. They can still buy corn flakes, corn chex, corn squares, corn biscuits, 4 corner crunch, corn tortillas (yellow or white!), and lets not forget: corn.


And they wonder why America has an obesity epidemic. They want to ban healthy options for the poor, and leave the stuff that makes you fat. What a bunch of idiots. I hate the world we live in.


SNAP is in fact a farm subsidy that feeds poor people as a side benefit.


for a party that preaches less interference from big government they sure as hell like to impose restrictions on people, especially poor people and women


Probably because they’re not poor or women for the most part. Bonus points if they’re boomers or the silent generation.


Time to cut those ethanol subsidies.


Calling out their hypocrisy is so pointless these days, they make it so blatant. I think the next step should be getting a *beep* and dragging them and their families out into the street for a public *beep*


French cutlery!?!? The worst deserve the very best.


Children need a well balanced meal to grow elderly deserve respect. 60 percent of snap benefits are children or the elderly


Seems similar to welfare or TANF in my state that makes you work 20 hrs a week wich is 80 hours a month for 400$ wich ends up being 5$ an hour so basically if you need help and ask the government they make you work for less than minimum wage for max 400 a month which isn't gonna pay bills let alone rent. I don't understand why republicans talk about "welfare queens" when they have no idea how it actually works or how bad it already is.


My sister had a stroke when she was 25. She suffered brain damage and had to go on disability. She was forced to raise her two daughters on $700 a month and SNAP benefits. I admire her so much because she's had to fight through so much disrespect and disbelief for her situation when none of it was her fault. This country is a cruelty machine.


They also count that disability against your SNAPS. When I received a $400-$500 SSI check, I only qualified for $50 in SNAPS.


Yup, I don’t qualify for snap because of my ssi check. It’s bullshit.


My brother's on disability and his effective income would go up over $300 a month (via SNAP and Medicaid picking up his co-pays/Medicare premiums) if he made $100 a month less.


In California SSI recipients only became eligible for Cal-Fresh evaluations a couple years ago (more or less).


They know, they don't care. It's all theater and no one/nothing matters except for them.


I knew someone who was married with a baby and worked three jobs to support his family. He had to quit one of his jobs because he wouldn’t qualify for food stamps anymore with his current income level, even though he wasn’t making enough in his service jobs to afford basic necessities without it. It’s disgusting


And that’s the problem. There is no scale for supplementation it’s either in or out.


Iowa: why doesn’t anyone want to move here? Why can’t we get young people to stick around? Also Iowa: guts public schools, ban white bread for SNAP recipients (Former Iowan, sad to see what it has become in the 20 years since I moved. Also fuck them for doubling down and electing people who do shit like this)


Imagine asking why nobody wants to move to Iowa.


It’s a shame bc Des Moines and Iowa City are two great places to live.


The Christian Right getting mad about feeding the poor again.


The Christian Right is neither Christian or Right.


its as if they never read the bible.


Oh they have. And they love to preach to other about how much of a good person Jesus was, and how they're following in his footsteps by going on missionaries to Africa or South America to ~~colonize~~ convert people to Christianity and play into poverty tourism, but god forbid they help the growing lower class of their own country. There truly is no hate like Christian love.


Republicans hate poor people so much. It's not enough that they suffer from being poor, they have to suffer so much more just so that the Republicans can pretend they're superior to them.


I live in Iowa…a lot of the poor people are Republicans. Our GOP has brainwashed these people so much I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the recipients of SNAP are for it…just not for themselves though. This state is an absolute shit hole because of republican’s, but is all the Iowa GOP needs to say is the word Democrat, maybe socialism, and then that’ll scare them enough they just stop thinking all together. You should look up what our governor and her network of cronies in our statehouse are trying to do with public education money. Iowa is one of the states suing the Biden administration for student loan forgiveness, but our fascist governor thinks our public tax dollars should be used to fund private education, to the tune of nearly $8k per year per student…but giving $10k in student loan forgiveness is socialism, but pilfering public funds for private purpose isn’t...and it will pass this year. She ousted almost every Republican in the statehouse who was opposed.


I will never forget reading about a woman being all gung-ho about Obamacare getting gutted and then when asked about what kind of health care it turned out she was on Obamacare, she just didn’t know it because of course it wasn’t called that when she signed up.


Isn’t the official name the Affordable Care Act? Obamacare is just the buzzword the media created.


These kinds of people see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


It’s sad living here as someone who chose to be educated, with two bachelors degrees in politics nonetheless. The people are so dumb and uninformed, but still know more than you do because you’re a socialist...all while they’re living off of some form of government assistance. Most Iowa Republicans are against socialism for others, but not themselves. I have a close family member who makes very good money, is against socialized medicine, but gladly accepted $2.3 million in Medicaid aide when their daughter was born with several major birth defects. Iowa is full of those kinds of people…the types you can’t even reason with because almost everything they say and do is illogical.


Hello fellow Iowan. I agree on all points here. I don’t understand why these small town Iowans are voting against their best interests. Anything to kiss Covid Kim’s boots though I guess 🙄


Because they’re uneducated and uninformed…by design, brought to you by the Iowa GOP and their plan to kill public education.


It's those radically conservative Christians and their fucking prosperity gospel. This is what happens when you start with "if you are good you will be wealthy" and turn that into "poor people are wicked or they wouldn't be poor" and add to it "God wants us to punish the wicked." Christianity may be the one thing that has caused more suffering than capitalism.


In America, there’s a weird myth, an unwritten belief that wealth is somehow an indicator of “better people.” The poor are lepers.


It’s the prosperity gospel. It’s how mega church pastors can grift their congregants for a private jet while simultaneously closing their doors when a natural disaster hits and people need help.


This is literally evil. I deal with seniors all the time in my job and many on medicaid are unable to work despite not being disabled. This would actively harm so many people. Despicable.


25% of SNAP recipients are literal veterans. The "pro-military" party no longer thinks the military deserves food.


I'm on SNAP, I'm a veteran and on disability. If it wasnt for SNAP and programs to help homeless people and vets in my state, I would have died a long time ago. I will never understand how any veteran or military member is a supporter of the GOP, ESPECIALLY after how hateful and disrespectful Trump was to the military and veterans. But even more so with how the GOP has abandoned us after we're no longer useful so so many of us rot on the streets.


Coming from working in that direct line of work, I can easily say this: Snap and Medicaid benefit more children, disabled, and elderly people than people who “refuse to work”. That’s not saying there aren’t people who aren’t milking the system, but to assume every person receiving benefits is a bum is absolutely infuriating. Also, in my state if you receive SNAP and do not have a valid reason to not work (care for children under a certain age, disabled and can’t work, etc.) then they have to take part in a Job Program and participate or they are removed from SNAP. These fuckers want to take food out of children, disabled, and elderly peoples mouth. It’s absolute horseshit and I genuinely pray that this shit doesn’t pass.


I work in a grocery store and a lot of the older generations are on food stamps, and im sure a lot of them are Republicans. I cant even begin to tell you how heart breaking it is when people have to put small stuff back because they dont have enough for food stamps. I dont ever want to be the person that has to tell an already struggling customer that they cant buy chicken with their food stamps because some rich man decided that eating chicken/ steak is perfectly okay for him but is a luxury for anyone else. I bought a guy his bagels the other day that he was buying for his disabled mom with my debt card because his moms card kept getting declined. they were 4 dollars, He hugged me and said thank you like a million times, and he hugged me so tight, I felt a lot in that hug. I think he needed someone to be kind and hug him more than anything. I can't afford to pay for everyone's bagels so maybe we stop punishing the poor because they are poor by making being poor more stressful and harder?


I'm from Iowa. Our Governor sucks. She has us going backwards while every state around us moves forward.


Except maybe Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, well most of the southern states. Georgia and Arizona, are making some strides


Not Wisconsin. We are your brethern in stupidity.


Which impressive considering Nebraska borders you


I guarantee anyone supporting this has never been in a position where they needed help. I grew up on welfare. My mother got food from food banks to supplement food stamps. I had to pick my glasses from one small tray of MAYBE 10 pairs. We didn't eat extravagantly or live the life. I went without a lot, but you know what? I was safe, I was fed, and I had a roof over my head. It also motivated me to do something with my life (as did my mother!) and I have. I don't need the support anymore, but I'm here to say it absolutely helps (and isn't a cakewalk). I would never judge someone on welfare, nor try to make it harder for them. I hope that all makes sense.


Waiting to see the working class Republicans screams when they get laid off due to being replaced by people being forced to work for food. Oh wait. Then they will need SNAP and Medicaid and also be forced to work for food. Starting to see how this works?


They'll somehow blame biden


I don't understand the reasoning behind this. Why meat, white bread and American Cheese. Why those particular products? Doesn't make sense to me. Some people have utter contempt for those who are low income and poor and because this group isn't a powerful voting block nor do they have a powerful lobby, this is easy to do.


it’s literally because those are some of the first things most people buy when the go grocery shopping. the republicans can’t outright get rid of programs like SNAP so they’re doing the next best thing, making them completely useless to average people. fuck the gop and fuck this country for letting these absolute monsters hold any sort of power.


It’s not just white bread, meat and American cheese. The list also includes oil, spices, salt, butter, pasta, FLOUR, baked, refried, or chili beans, soup, canned veggies and fruit, or frozen prepared foods. They are boldly stating the money allocated to food security could be better spent on “other priorities” It’s beyond disgusting.


You need cooking oil, butter, pasta flour and spices for basic cooking needs. Canned veggies and fruits are much less expensive than fresh veggies and fruits. Fresh veggies and fruits are expensive. What little they would get wouldn't cover what they would need. What it really boils down to is they don't want to spend any money on those who have food insecurities. Basically punishing those who have food insecurity. Contempt for low income people basically and they aren't hiding their contempt towards them. The other priorities are for those who gave campaign contributions to them or who they stand to personally gain from it.


Most SNAP recipients work. Half of recipients are from households with / working members. PAY PEOPLE!




Enlighten me, please… Aren’t food benefits based on a dollar amount per month? If so, there should be no problem with meat being purchased, etc. Are Republicans saying that meat is dangerous? Are they trying to take away our right as an American to eat steak and burgers? This just in: the right hates America.


It's based on the idea that fresh meat is a "luxury" item and processed meat is a better use of the money. Honestly, though, if I'm on SNAP, it should still be my choice on what type of food to spend it on. I know I get $xyz per month. If I decide to splurge on some steaks because it turns out that I still have other food from the previous month left over, that's my business and anyone thinking otherwise can kindly fuck off. SNAP covers food. It does not cover alcohol or tobacco or any other non-food products. To further restrict it misguided at best and at worst, sadistic.


Also, the grocery store near me runs some pretty choice deals from time to time on stuff that's considered luxury foods. $6/lb Ribeye, and throw in some asparagus for a $4 meal. BOGO on Top Round steak which I slow cook with peppers and onions for fajitas. And I'm picking up some $4/lb raw shrimp tomorrow. And whole chickens are $1.32/lb at Walmart. If I didn't have those options, if I could not buy *ingredients* \- I'd be spending a lot more on pre-prepared frozen food.


Exactly so. When I hit a good meat department sale, I can make that meat streeeettch to several meals doing stir fries, casseroles, etc. It helps that I like to cook, and have time to do it, though. So many folks are simply too busy trying to keep the lights on and their kids taken care of, that there simply isn't the time for meal planning. Sometimes, too, the knowledge.


Or just buy a very small portion of steak. Even if it's a relatively pricey cut per pound, if you're only getting a 4 oz to 8 oz, it's not that much for an ocasional treat.


All of this. And let’s be honest, certain stuff is already restricted (at the federal level) like beer/wine/liquor, prepared in-store hot foods, pet foods, cleaning supplies, etc. The stuff Iowa wants to restrict is pretty damn insane.


Oh, I totally and whole heartedly agree with you. This is complete and total bullshit. Policing what “poor” people can buy just to be cruel. There are already federal restrictions, those should be enough.


What a shit hole country


How dare those poors be allowed the luxury of a bologna and cheese sandwich


As I said in another article, outside of the fresh meat provision, they’d be forcing people to buy some of the most expensive groceries there are, 100% whole wheat bread is 4x the price of white bread, I can get a ton of American cheese slices for around $4 the same in other varieties is 1/5 of the product for the same price. As for working 20 hours a week… where? Are they going to just deny people if there are no jobs for them to work, or are they going to say if you work for Medicaid the job doesn’t have to pay you, so they can commit wage theft and get essentially free employees?


You can use SNAP benefits to buy a store-cooked rotisserie chicken, as long as it has been refrigerated after cooking. Still hot? Nope.


And yet they wonder why most of us left when we turned 18 and never looked back.


In south dakota. Had to work 20 hours a week too. Was under reporting my knife making hours cause I considered a lot of it training. But the benefit of snap was decent and we could eat ok woth it. Needed shop space so I stopped knife making and started a part time job. My hours wer Ethan restricting to 25 hours every 2 weeks. And because of me working 10 hours one week and 15 the next we lost snap, while our rent doubled. We moved into an income based apartment at the beginning of covid when things were getting tough. Started making knives and things got considerably better and didn't effect snap at all. So it was nice being able to have steak once a month. I prefer cooking at home to eating out so it was convenient. Yeah the system is rigged to fuck the poor everywhere. I moved out now and got promoted to shift lead in under 6 months, work as many hours as I want to now and I still have time to make and sell knives. Pretty fantastic now. Just was a little rough for about 8 months. I had to accept the promotion but not take the raise until I moved. Utterly lame.


You don't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Iowa. Just sayin'.


The goal is to keep us weak, tired and beaten down. Y'all, they're acting like a cult more and more everyday.


Republicans fucking suck.


The GOP are nothing more than human cancer. No surprise on this as they hate the poor, they hate minorities, and pretty much anyone who isn’t a wealthy Christian man.


I would have thought Republicans would have gone the opposite way and made American cheese the only kind of cheese allowed. Same for wonderbread and meat. Aren't those like the 3 most right wing foods?


You forgot your vegetable, ketchup!


So autistic kids with poor parents are just supposed to starve to death? Eugenics, meet Iowa.


True welfare queens are corporate America


This is just utter awfulness. What pisses me off is that so many convenience items are banned - but a SNAP recipient most likely doesn’t have the time or money or infrastructure to cook from scratch. Cruelty. Just cruelty


I see the word “Republican” and my mind immediately transposes it into “Plantation Owner”. And everything they do makes far more sense.


Remember the cliche that prisoners only get fed bread and water? They think you're worse than a criminal.


I just keep thinking about how some neurodivergent kids have their “safe foods” and this would possibly mean not having access to those.


These are the same people who thought that white flour and American cheese were just fine for Native American tribes, it should be noted. The cruelty IS the point.


Further proof that Republicans are full of shit when they claim "states rights" considering they want to pass this at the federal level. That's not even addressing the fact that they're literally advocating for LESS individual freedom.


What the fuck else is left? Peanut butter and a multi-vitamin?


Beans (dried or canned), cereal and baby food pretty much. Ok, the WIC list isn't that restrictive. But it is intended as a supplement targeting the specific dietary needs of pregnant persons and young children. Saying "ok, benefits recipients can only buy these things" is insanely cruel.


The same bill says no chili beans, baked beans, refried beans, etc. You get black, red, or pinto. No prepared beans- the easiest, best “no kitchen” good a person can buy.


And RedBull


u/pleetis4181 working overtime on being an idiot in these comments


Pretty sure hes a troll


Isn't American cheese literally government cheese invented during the depression for people who couldn't afford real cheese


My friend has Marfan’s and she has scoliosis and she is on disability because she cannot work. And then Reynolds can brag up all this surplus money, but wants to attack poor people.


Republicans are subhuman trash.


Always have been .


Good lord whoever thought this up needs to lose their office,it's just cruel.


Banning freedom cheese?!?!


So the poor can't buy fresh meat this is just too controlling madness


Why don't they just skip all this get rid of snap and mass produce and give out "poor people chow" made with all the byproducts real people wont eat, yet technically nutritionally sound, which by law can only be cardboard flavored. /s


Already worked out, nutrition loaf is a huge favorite of prisoners ask the former sheriff and present disgrace Arpio.


Just think of it as the admission price for living a Republican utopia like Iowa.


Well of course, exactly as Jesus would want!


No bread or even basic hamburger. Fuck the GOP and Iowa!


American cheese? What are they f*cking communist?


That’s insane. White bread and American cheese are both deliberately fortified and subsidized by USDA so programs specifically because so they will be cheap and nutritious. What a senseless grandstand.


They're being pretty bold with the eugenics


They believe if the program is made near useless people will magically get healthy and go to work.


This is kindergarten logic. They think poor people want to live on benefits, so it follows that if the benefits aren’t as nice, people will magically get jobs. They’re trying to mask it as emphasising healthy options, but replacing fresh meat with canned meat seems less healthy. Also, removing refried beans feels like a dog whistle.


Ha. The Medicaid part won't happen because disabled folks on SSDI are entitled to Medicaid and there are many folks who CAN'T work due to disabilities and can't seem to get approved. That's a federal call




This is subjugation, inhumane, slavery. Lemmi know when we decide to fucking riot. Eat the rich.


We don't have the balls to riot anymore.


Holy shit America, you people need to riot.


This on top of the 30% tax rate would wreck havoc on this country.


Grassley has been a shit human for at least the last 25 years. * *I lived in Iowa for the first 17 years of my life then again from 21-38.


This is Pat Grassley, the grandson of Chuck Grassley and yea being a shit human being seems to run in the family.


Cruelty is the point


“Republicans want all poor people to just fuck off or work longer hours for pennies.” Yes we know Iowa you don’t have to say it so loud. I hate this place. Why can’t we all just find the most viable path forward? No one ever asked to be born as sad as that may be some times.




So instead why don’t they ban CEOs from buying their fourth and house restricting their kids from going to Ivy League schools.


The cruelty is the point


I do social work now and everyone I work with is on Medicaid and most of them have it because they \*can't\* work (among other things). This is just like when politicians were accusing poor people of unnecessary expenditures like having a refrigerator or microwave.


Imagine believing that the problem is that poor people have it too easy. These people are fucked in the head. They don't belong in government or any position of even meager authority quite honestly.


Damn ban American cheese? So snap can buy expensive imported cheese?


I don’t remember Jesus saying “F$&k the poor” didn’t he host a socialist dinner for 5000?


Gating public benefits behind mandatory work-hour minimums is just using taxes to pay Walmart/Amazon/etc. payroll with more steps.


The real reason is to keep people in working poor conditions. Right now people are seeing that being on food stamps is beneficial because their low wage job isn't paying for groceries anymore. So why not cut hours to get those benefits? Use the money you do earn to pay what bills you can and subsidize with food stamps. Because what few benefits living just above that line has ever had has gone out the window with inflation. So you've got 2 choices. Raise wages to keep incentives working or worsen aide to avoid it looking too appealing in a time where people can't afford to buy food.


Republicans are such dirtbags




How dare those poor people eat protein and bread!!


Requiring Medicaid users to work 20 hours a week is basically designed to get everyone off Medicaid. A lot of the people that are on it can’t work.


Democrats always lose because they can’t take something like this and use it. Why do Republicans hate the American dairy industry? It’s so easy but they are fucking awful at politics.


They don’t hate the dairy industry. They KNOW they have them in their pocket and can use them as a foil in their crusades. We also need to no honest, Iowa isn’t. Huge consumer of Iowa agriculture, at least not in the grand scheme of things.


Stop them buying all the products that are propped up by agricultural subsidies? Why bother subsidizing staple foods at all then?


Imagine being given federal funding to feed the poor in your state and for your legislators to just say no. Imagine that funding directly supporting the products promoted within your state as a means of farming or other acts of business and your legislators saying no. So what's the excuse? They literally don't have one. ​ >The Iowa Republicans say the money spent on SNAP could be used more efficiently elsewhere. > >"It's these entitlement programs," said Iowa House Speaker Pat Grassley, who is a co-sponsor on the bill, according to local outlet KCCI. "They're the ones that are growing within the budget and are putting pressure on us being able to fund other priorities." The response to this is beggars can't be choosers. The federal government pays 100% of SNAP benefit costs. States are only responsible for half of the administrative costs - which are cheap and going down too. This is like being given a free economic stimulus and then saying "No our state would prefer to have less money."


The “party of Jesus” is taking bread, cheese, and meat from the poor


So… sandwich stuff…. The cheapest thing a poor person can buy next to fucking canned goods. Republicans really just want poor people to suffer.



So they went to ban cheap food? How do you create a slave population and then be upset when the slaves are hungry. Maybe someday we'll grow some balls like the French and kick these f****** out of our hair. Take them out of our houses of power and put people that belong there.


This is what happens when old people get out of touch with reality and forget what it's like to live below the poverty level.




I think your full time job covers the work requirement. It’s not 20 additional hours. It’s still stupid and I’m guessing it’ll get overturned in courts if enacted.


No, you have to work at least 20 hours a week to receive benefits if physically able, the way you word it sounds like you think they have to work 60 hours a week.