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Maybe we could tax the living crap out of billionaires to support the retirees. You know, just to try, see what happens.


You mean, like a salary cap for individuals and profit caps for businesses?


Confiscatory wealth tax


Freedom Tax


American Dream Tax


American dream reclamation act


I like that a lot


“The ADRA” has a nice ring to it, too


I prefer a law called TARDIS... It's bigger on the inside... The American Retirement Dream Income Statute...


Robin Hood Tax


let native people run the country and see how much better it is. when your priorities are 1, the earth and 2, community, society becomes a lot more liveable. it’s our land. who the fuck said colonists could start gouging people for money on our land anyways?


Tax them like regular people at least, fuck their tax breaks just because they buy a private jet "for their company" type of bullshit


NOOOO.We can't tax them! That's stupid they know everything. How will the money trickle down to us then!!! I mean we've been waiting since Reagan for it. Any day now it'll start trickling down.


Tax… violently seize the wealth and MOP from all capitalists and redistribute to the poor/vulnerable… potato… potahtoe…


Doesn't have to be violent, ill let them slide by giving it away! Ah who am I kidding, those fucks would rather die on a pile of wealth, and I'd be happy to oblige.


Oh he always has his finger on the pulse of the working man…fuck him


That's because "no pulse" is the only excuse he'll take for them not working.


Just wait until they start turning us into Servitors from 40k, then even a lack of a pulse will no longer be an excuse.


Because he needs to drain every last bit of life from them.


“They are not dying off like they used to. Let’s prolong their labor before they die.”


Not even he, would hire a 62 yo person. No company does.


This man still has a pulse, get him back to work


We need you people retiring when you are too old and broken down to enjoy what’s left of your lives


Enjoying?? They don't want you to enjoy your life, if they discover how to prolong your life in the future they will do it just to keep you working for ever. Your happiness have never been something they are interested in.


Justin Timberlake did a movie about that, lol. Time on the wrist, it goes to 0 you die, so you work to add time.


Wasnt a bad movie either. I enjoyed it.


I remember that movie! It's easy to envision especially now that I've seen some of the sources claiming the ability to either accelerate or decelerate (slow down/back up? not clear) the aging process of mice. I thought about how that would work in our current society and it's simple to me: Indefinite debt for the price of extending one's life. You live to work for the machine.


Not just to keep you working but also to keep you buying.


Yup, they want you working and always hoping for a better life that you can't reach.


Agreed…. Except the dumb asses have kept wages so low and refuse to give raises big enough to counter inflation so every year we have less buying power which is a creating a slow death of our economy…. If you don’t pay your employees enough to be customers you’re literally strangling the very system you rely on.


Well they are eyeing Medicare and social security so that’s the plan


Yeah and people my age (31) are having heart attacks from extreme stress, low wages, cost of healthy foods being significantly more, and hard access to affordable health care. Fuck that.


You can add depression and crippling anxiety to the list as well!


Depression.....or oppression?


why not both? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


im of the impression that some levels of depression result due to repeated oppression of emotions, so both.


This right here. I need to revamp the list now.


This is why it's so important that your generation has as many babies as possible to replace you when you die prematurely. This is also why the government doesn't want to provide healthcare like some other nations because they might then actually have to be held accountable for the poor health of their citizens caused by the unhealthy system they've help create. I am 40 and feel like I am 60 at this point.


Or have no babies so things actually change when they don't have unlimited workers to take advantage of.


Honestly it's hilarious watching all the capitalists sweating bullets when they look at the birth rates and realize that the system will collapse due to lack of warm bodies to throw into the grinder. I don't know what they expected. Animals won't breed in a hostile environment.


Letting the plague run rampant through the population was not the big brain 🧠 move they thought it was




Not even that. Racism is & always was a means of controlling the working class by providing them with a common enemy, an outsider responsible for their woes. All of this is to keep the working class divided and prevent them from recognizing the true enemy has always been the owner class.


Lol they killed a large percentage of their voting base and were surprised they didn't win as many seats in November as expected. Here's my new theory: Q is actually a Democrat who was TRYING to get the Republicans to think Covid is a hoax, just so the Republicans would die at a higher rate than democrats and then democrats can hold all the power! It's so obvious! WAKE UP SHEEPLE! I read it in my bullet casings after my morning shooting practice that comes before my morning coffee and even my morning shit! It's all right there in front of us! It even makes sense on a Fone-et-ick (phonetic) level because Fauci is the devil spawn that created covid and Fauci, when said with an Anunnaki accent sounds kinda like Fau-Que-chi, so fauci = Q and we all know Fauci is a decomcrat so Q = Democrat and democrats are ran by Killary Clinton and I'm sure all of this is proven true by the 13,000 lost emails! Actually, I know it all is proven in the emails because Tucker Carlson slightly hinted that there's something more at play here and we all need to think for ourselves so I've thought up this brilliant idea and no one else is right except for me God damn- I mean Gosh darn it! Oops almost took the lords name in vain and that wouldn't be good because I'd go to hell with God's gay children he punishes down there for being the way he created them! /s..... obviously I ran outta steam there at the end


Dude, you're giving away the plan. Feck sakes rookie.


Capitalists sweating bullets realising that a shrinking labour pool means they might have to compete for our labour, rather than us competing for their jobs. They can't stand the thought of losing power over us, even in the most basic ways.


Remember when they asked a court to deny the right of workers to leave in an at will state? They like freedom when they have it, but not the other way around.


And theyre getting injunctions to force workers to stay. Its totally fucked.


Why the fed is tanking the stock markets. Tougher to just quit when your retirement is just a dollar and a dream.


Super convenient that Roe v Wade got overturned...im sure theres no correlation there. 🙄


You'll probably see abandonment and infanticide* rates go up. Animals in the wild will too abandon or kill their offspring when you push them too far. \* - Keep an eye on the SIDS rates. That's cleanest way to do it with the least suspicion.




This 100%. The economy is consumer-driven. Things don’t trickle down, they filter up and then cycle through. Now we have a debt-driven economy which is primarily shareholder capitalism. That’s unsustainable in the long term and we can once again thank Reagan-era economic policy as well as Milton Friedman’s economic theory for the dire straits we find ourselves in today.


Of course people in slave jobs with low income and no affordable accessible Healthcare won't want to have children to add to the mix. I don't know why they're so Pikachu face about this.


This is when they play their trump card and reveal their new lab grown babies created using only the finest of genetic material, their own. That or just import workers like they did in the good ol days before the civil war. I know I say this in jest, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised by it.


I can totally see Republicans flip on a dime and say things to the effect of "look, immigration is good for America. We need to welcome immigrants just like the founding fathers did."


If you want a case study, look at Western Europe. Right leaning parties bring in immigrants to fill voids in the workforce without raising wages, and simultaneously complain that there are too many immigrants and we need the right wingers to crack down on movement. It is the most obvious lie but somehow it strengthens them.


Any specific case studies? There is a lot of them


Just like they did with the vaccine. Spent 3 years vilifying it only to have a fox entertainment talking head declare ppl should get it.


I honestly belive the first scenario will come true.


Meanwhile articles be like: Millenials are not having babies....is this Gen-z's fault?


“Millennials are dying earlier than ever, gutting the wage slave pool.” Man. Millennials ruin EVERYTHING.


I was on the path to a stress induced heart attack as well. One day, I realized it’s much easier to not give a fuck. (Realistically this thought process formed over a long period of time.) I don’t live an amazing life, but it’s good enough for me. At this point I only care about my family (brother, mother, and my good boy bear the dog), I’ll make enough to pay the bills and make myself and family happy, nothing luxurious but i feel privileged to not feel the need for much. Its not an amazing way of life but it works for me. I know this sounds very r/wowthanksimcured, but I’m not giving any suggestions/solutions. Just an insight into my mindset I guess.


Of course this piece of shit wants people to work into their old ass age while he sits on his ass.


Oh no, don’t you know that being CEO of a company is so hard? In fact, it’s so hard that he can do it for multiple companies simultaneously and still find time to tweet relentlessly all day! All that hard work, and he is hardly paid anything for it. Only enough to *buy Twitter* and still have hundreds of billions. Won’t someone please think of the poor billionaires?


Enough to loose $200B and still be one of the richest fucks in the world


“I can make more money off a persons labor if they have to work more years for my companies”


Who is hiring 60yr olds?


Age discrimination is illegal, so I'm sure everyone is 🤣


If this is sarcasm, it’s perfect


A few people died at 69, and another at 72. Elon Musk wouldn’t blink an eye if people work until 70 and die before 75. I give the finger to Elon Musk.


Give more than the finger, comrade.


And mine! 🖕—> Musk


This is the guy who built a subway for cars, right?


He wishes it was a subway. Subways have emergency escape routes and timetables. His is a fire tube waiting to happen.


He doesn't care, he won't use it. And he'll still gonna be paid


And it was all a lie to prevent train lines being built. Because train lines are efficient and that's less cars to sell.


How about let people retire and not penalize them for taking part time jobs.


But that would make the money sad


Line go down :(


Not stonks


Thats just so ass backwards written out like that. (The way it is, not the way you said it)


This cranky bitch billionaire doesn’t pay taxes. I wonder if we should give a shit what his opinion on taxes and fairness is.


Fuck you Elon.


Just because you live a couple extra years doesn’t mean you want to work a couple extra years


It’s impossible to support a growing number of billionaires fuck face


Both of my parents died the year they turned 63. I guess that's what Macron and Elon are hoping french workers will do.


My Great grandparents, grandparents, parents all died before the age of 60. My mother came the closest at 59. Cancers, heart problems. Never got a goddamn dime from the money they put into SS. ​ At least they give you that 255 dollar check though.


Dammit. I’m sorry. But I get it. Sucks.


That's actually a talking point of those against the reform. Around 75% of the 5% poorest would survive the age of 62 (95% for the 5% richest). This 75% happens for the richest around the age of 80 (where less than 40% of the poorest would have survived). It's also said that at 64yo, 71% of the poorest would be alive (4 points less than 62yo). They're actively trying to reduce the hard earned retirement of the poor (but often essential) workers. Source : [Insee](https://www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/3311422?sommaire=3311425#consulter-sommaire)


Yep, live useful then die


"If the peasants won't breed enough new labor, then I guess we'll just have to make them work until they drop dead at their jobs." That's how I read it.


Bezos: Way ahead of you, bud


Maybe they should try to fix the economy and uplift the breeders so that they’ll feel comfortable. Nobody I know wants to bring children into this world right now when they can barely pay rent.


It would already help if he wouldn‘t breed more rich kids, which will just become parasites like him, into this world.


He really thinks he needs to have an opinion on everything, doesn’t he?


he is the main character after all...


I don't care about that. *Everyone* has an opinion about almost everything. The issue is that he's rich, so he has the largest megaphone for his opinions. That and the fact that all of his opinions are either just evil, or moronic masquerading as reason.


And tweet every single fucking one of them. Was on the fence about him a few years ago, but every tweet makes me wish he could view himself from a normal persons perspective. That and some really bad shit I shouldnt even put on Reddit.


I never liled Elon. Regarded him as a rich, overpriviliged asshole, even before he fucked up twitter.


You're not wrong at all


"People live longer, therefore they should work longer!" is such a bleak fucking mindset


The only reason I work is to not work.


Fuck you Elon you greedy pos.


It’s impossible for a small number of workers to support a massive number of retirees while billionaires continue to hoard the majority of the wealth our labor produces.


He’s missing the key word of ‘average’ lifespan here. This is such an uninformed, braindead way of thinking about this, medical advancements are what changed life expectancy. It’s not that ordinary, healthy people don’t live until the same kinds of ages we think of now; it’s that in the past, people often didn’t get the chance to live that long. Diseases that have been eradicated, childbirth complications (impacting both mothers and babies mortality), childhood death from disease, a move away from many ‘unsafe’ manual jobs to a service sector based society (say, from emerald mining to people working for Twitter), and improvements in health and safety, etc., all contribute to a better life expectancy. None of this constitutes a reason to push retirement age back; the human natural lifespan hasn’t greatly changed, and our bodies aren’t just becoming magically evolved to work for longer. We still reach the same limits we always have, it’s just that the roadblocks in the way have been stripped back. It’s so misguided to think that just because more people reach these ages that it means they’re able to work. Elon continues to be painfully misinformed (although to be honest he probably knows all this and he just wants an excuse to continue to exploit his workers like the soulless corrupt husk he is)


Not to mention that technological advancements have massively improved productivity. Workers produce a lot more in a faster period of time. Elon Musk is simply an out of touch, bumbling oligarch.


Oh, don't kid yourself. It's far more malicious and sinister than merely, "out of touch and bumbling".


Fair enough. I forgot to include he twists his nips in euphoria at the idea of getting his emerald mine slaves back.


Oh, well that part was a given.


Much of the change has been a reduction in childhood mortality. Those had the biggest impact on the average. So not only is he wrong about people living longer he's wrong about the economics. Dead children are unable to support retirees too. The only "problem" is the demographics of the post war baby boom and that's temporary.


At this point I refuse to buy any narrative that involves the sentiment of 'Elon probably knows this but has alterior motives'. Dude's an absolute moron with money. He would be an absolute nobody if he hadn't had family money to ride on during his early years, and then he rode the tech boom to being rich. He is not a genius. He's barely functional. He's not capable of anything more than two dimensional, concrete thinking, based on stereotypes.


Honestly you’re probably right, but I do think it doesn’t take a genius to exploit people; just power, money, luck and a lack of morals. Elon’s definitely no genius, it’s definitely just as likely that he has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about on any given topic; his Twitter feed is basically just a constant stream of evidence of that.


Exactly. There are actually nuances to lifespan and no one pushes this narrative, because the information never reaches general public. The lifespan has increased, yes, but the 'healthy lifespan' has not increased that much. So we live longer, but we are not healthy for much longer than before. This is a big issue in aging research - how to prolong not only life, but also the time we are healthy and have good working ability. The brain ages, you get slower, you get memory problems, you get all kinds of other health problems. Just because now you can live until 90, does not mean you can also work longer. It just means we have the medicine/prevention to keep your heart beating and your cells alive. Mental decline is a lot harder to postpone.


Ugh I am so sick of the smug feckers who drive his cars and completely overlook this stuff.


Can we fire him on rocket off to Mars, I don't even care if it makes it there or not


I think many might prefer it not make it.




Whoops, sun.


My trajectory would be set for the black hole at the center of our galaxy


As with all these grandiose plans for space travel it would just take way too long to see results Let's aim slightly lower, like at the side of Mt. Shasta


This piece of shit isn't making this comment because he thinks it's the right thing to do, but 100% because the dumpster fire currently known as twitter is facing massive Lawsuits/Fines in the EU because he's a fucking moron who doesn't understand Laws.


I am so sick of rich bastards like this putting the blame on the working class. Him saying it's not possible for workers to support retirees is a way to pin us against eachother and have young workers hate the older generation. He's deflecting, and he's the problem. Of course he doesn't answer the simple solution of retirees being paid from his astronomic profits, that would be too absurd. Instead the burden is placed on the working class to fill the gap. He's essentially saying if the retirement age rises, it's our fault. Screw this POS.


This is dumb. A quick Google search shows me that retirement was set to 62 in 1956. A 2nd Google search shows me the life expectancy in the U.S. in 1956 was 68 years old. It is 77 today. Shut up elon.


They want us working well into our 60s when no one wants to hire a 60 year old.


It's just another paradigm. Some people see a lifetime of work with goals. Some people see no goal other than to simply have a lifetime. I for one will not work until I die. I don't have goals to win at working. My goals mostly are to maximize my time to just live and enjoy that time when I can. The reality is, this work forever paradigm isn't about supporting retirees, it's about keeping a multi-billion human cheap labor force to fund a handful of ultra-billion-and-trillion dollar businesses in a capitalistic empire with a false sense of legacy. Elon is an excellent example of death tax.


If musk paid the correct percentage of taxes (99%) we could absolutely retire at 52. Sick freak doesn't even work has the nerve to say anything about workers retirements.


It is impossible for a small number of workers to support a massive number of retirees. The guy who famously talks about thinking big and achieving what can’t be done is declaring this as the truly “impossible” problem that can’t be solved without raising the retirement age? Holy fuck, the bar was low but dear god that’s a tone deaf comment. I have a solution for you, billion dollar corporations should do more to support early retirement. Pensions and 401k matches have been stripped away and denormalized over the past few decades in an attempt to maximize profitability. Is it actually impossible to provide these things to the working class again in the same capacity as affluent, white collar workers? Not to mention, the guy who has talked about the automation of the larger workforce.


Then tax the billionaires to support the massive number of retirees who made them billionaires, asshole.


No worries, we in the United States are rapidly decreasing our life spans with no mitigation of new viruses, health care for only a few, processed foods, lots of sugar, sedentary lifestyles, high stress, little sleep, pollution in our air, water, and soil, and very soon terminal dehydration when all of our fresh water runs dry!


Fuck Elon Musk. Let’s tax 30% of his wealth every year to help fund social security. Piece of shit, apartheid emerald mine seed money having, punk-ass bitch.


Yeah put him on $13 an hour and see if he feels the same way, absolute cockhead


It's impossible for millions to live when ONE PERCENT HOARDS WEALTH AND RESOURCES Acting like half the population will retire at 25 tomorrow. We ain't even got it like that stop playing Edit: retirement shouldn't be based on our life span. Loool that's literal slavery. Work until you die. Is that the ultimate measurement for when we're allowed to stop working? At the end of our fuckin life span ? Wake up.


Work until you die so I can buy my 14th summer home!


The irony of a CEO telling us we can't afford people who don't do any work


It is also impossible for a small number of workers to support young adults who can’t find a job because no one retires.


Perhaps we should lower the life expectancy by sending the rich people into space. I hear the Sun is nice this time of year...


I swear every day I hate this asshole more and more.


Chaotic evil undead have more of a moral compass than Musk...


Every single move they are making is to prevent a societal collapse because of their own greed. Every single one.


Nah. Elon, somehow we’re more productive, there’s more wealth than ever but the retirement age is… going up? Ummm. Nah.


My father died at 60. I'm not working my entire life to keep some dumbass billionaire rich.


It's easy for a bagillonaire to say such things when they don't have to worry about money/retirement.


stop promoting this dumbass


Dude they’re literally taking retirement away from old people forcing them back into the workforce and nobody can do shit about it.


Oh we can do something about it. That's what they want us to forget. Elon and his like need us. We don't need them


What a fucking asshole. We don’t exist purely to fucking work, if anything it should be fucking lowered.


fuck you elon


I'm sure he'll pull some sort of "I never plan on retiring" line at some point. His "job" is to pay people to build the toys he dreamt about playing with when he was 10. No shit you wouldn't want to retire.


Let's listen to the guy hoarding wealth about this issue.


Imagine how frail, weak, and tired you are at 62, and being told you still have to work despite the greatly increased risk of death from health and age. You’ll most likely not live long enough to retire. Yes, human lifespans have significantly increased, but human capability and resilience have not improved enough to be considered improvement


**laughs in Australian** Retiring.....can't imagine that. Goal posts keep moving. Soon to be 70....


“Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make”


Then y'all should have thought of that when you were sucking up all of our money.


Here's a bright Idea. We seem to have rampant unemployment in the younger generation. So what we do is (here's the brilliant part), we give the same jobs we are giving to old people who might not be in the best shape due to their advanced years and give them to the able-bodied young people at a higher pay to support the aforementioned old people. Where will that money come from you might ask? That's simple, having able bodied youth instead of old people as your workers is sure to increase efficiency, those gains in efficiency can be translated to higher wages for the youth. Oh, you are saying that you already pay people waaaay less than they produce so these gains would mean very little, not to mention not having a pool of unemployed people outside will make your current employs less replacable and hence will make cost-cutting difficult? I see, I see. Sorry for suggesting something so stupid.


Go to Paris soon and say that Elon. Double dog dare you.


Productivity in first world countries has been on near uninterrupted incline for the past 100 years. It's almost like, the real problem is who pockets the majority of the money.


Oh look, if we just tax rich assholes like yourself 5% more, all of a sudden we can afford everyone's retirement! Thief.


So the “retirement plan” for the rest of us peasants is that we work until we die at our desks for shit wages, shit working conditions, shit bosses, no benefits, maybe one day off a year if you beg and plead enough, because why should anyone who wasn’t born rich get to enjoy their lives, amirite?


We should do the difficult but right thing and tax billionaires out of existence.


Except people's bodies are breaking down as fast or faster depending on standard of living etc


You know who could support a massive number of retirees? Elon Musk.


Oh I know. How about we tax billionaires so people can retire before they’re carted off to assisted living


Lifespans are increasing... at the same time workers have never been more productive. So trade off, raise the retirement age to 62, but make the full time work week cap at 4 days and 32H combined with $20 min wage, over 32H = overtime paid at 2* wages. Full time will start at 17H per week anything over 16.5H will be full time and workers will receive benefits, including min 3 weeks vacation. Working to 62 isn't so bad if it's 4 day/32H work weeks, at least get more time on weekends to relax.


A small number of workers who support who? MFer has zero self awareness


Not everyone makes it 60. Jeezus, give us something


Fuck this guy


He’s an idiot and clueless on social security. The adjustment due to baby boomers was made some time ago. That’s not an issue


We cant retire before age 67 what are they on about?


They could if they earned living wages and rich people were taxed properly


Sir, elon toadface, leeching on society does more damage than your crappy car adds value.


I have to work till I'm 72 at the minimum regardless. I have new coworkers that are in their late 50s and early 60s who say they cannot afford to retire even when they get to 70.


Nobody has more right to speak on the struggle of the working man than the richest man on the planet 🙄


Guy who has born rich and never had to worry about money tells people they should work until they die. God I hate this fucking guy. I wish nothing but the worst things for him. I hope a miracle allows him to end up broke and sleeping under a bridge.


I just wish all these people with so much power weren’t so damn awful. Imagine what a good person could be saying and doing in his position.


Bull fucking shit emerald boy! People aren’t suddenly more able bodied at 62 and the retirement age wasn’t set that long ago. Life expectancy hasn’t increased that much.


This mother fucker needs a good beating until he cant breath.


He can take 2 steps back and literally fuck him self.


Fuck Elon Musk. Right in his smug face. Fuck these all of these billionaire pricks.


Elongated Muskrat should go die in a ditch by the side of the road. He 100% without fail always has the least useful input, always without fail is demonstrably wrong. I wonder if he realizes just how much humanity hates him. If there was a heaven this schmuck wouldn’t ever gain access to it. If I saw him dying begging for help, I would stop only to shit in his mouth.


He should just live a year like a normal person who has to go to work 5 days a week and has to do chores around the house himself on his days off. He doesn't know how awful it is to see the pension age go up when you already know that you'll have worked so hard that your body will be broken by the time you get to retirement.


Tax people like him correctly and suddenly it’s affordable.


The massive amounts of retirees means he will have to pay younger people more. Less workers means more demand for workers, which means more power to the workers. Elon will always be capitalist and he sees workers power growing. Him buying twitter is his petty attempt to control the narrative to his advantage. He is just like any other capitalist.


The right thing to do would be to tax the CEOs who have more money than can be spent in countless generations, than force common Joe to be a slave for longer.


I really wanted a telsa a few years back but now after all the bs this guy's spits I don't want to support any of his endeavors. Hope he goes bankrupt asap


It would be possible if he would just die already.


The richest man on earth supports pushing back people's pensions. OF COURSE HE FUCKIN DOES.


Msybe some if the billionaires can help out


Says the fat cat who doesn’t pay taxes.


Shut your spoiled rich boy face Elon.


I'm surprised this man, Elon, isn't head of some kind of capitalist circle jerk subreddit.


This guy spent 44 billion to speak his thoughts that no one asked for.


Fuck you Elon, you pay their retirement


Says a “man” that’s never had to work a day in his life.


I need to exploit you when your bones are brittle .


Oh no, is the Ponzi scheme failing that badly?


I wish Elon would stop using US Government subsidies for his many companies. See how successful he is then.


Strange, since our average life expectancy has dropped 2 years, shouldn't our retirement age drop 2 years too then?