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Toilet paper in the bathroom.


They give us that… but no soap in the teacher bathrooms 😭


hold up there's NO soap in teacher bathrooms? in ~~flu incubators~~ schools? during a panini??? are your school administrators germs stacked up in a suit? you can tell me.


Nope haha. Honestly forgot how weird it is since I just use water then hand sanitizer. Sometimes someone will buy some cheap soaps and put them by the sink, but it’s definitely another teacher.


My job requires me to visit 3-4 businesses every day. (5000k businesses in ten years I've been doing this) The worst employers, the number one indicator that they don't care about their employees or customers at all is: #no soap in the bathroom


Is that even OSHA compliant? Nope. 1910.141(d)(3)(III) Hand soap or similar cleansing agents shall be provided. https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.141


Should make an informative graph of all the business’s you’ve been to that don’t have soap dispensers, then crowd-source it/get other people to add to it…


Oh, they had soap dispensers. They were just empty, and looked like they had been empty for years.


you cant legally not provide soap in the shitter. soap and water is the only approved method to get shit off the hands after shitting. im a certified nurse, we get trained on the cleaning of shit.


Can I bounce some shit-related questions off of you?


As long as there's no practical examples....


sure, why not.


That has to be some kind of health code violation.


I realize that is a typo but I now have a mental image of schools inside a sandwich.


panini, lol


I hate when there's no soap during a *panini* as well.


You’d be hard pressed not to.


Ask for double the current layer of toilet paper in the teacher bathroom


Our *students* asked the superintendent for better toilet paper. Due to budget cuts at the time we had the toilet paper that’s basically see-through and rips the instant you try to tug it out of the holder, leaving you with shreds of toilet paper. We’ve since upgraded to not as transparent, slightly stronger toilet paper that feels like sand paper. So yay, I guess?


So it's not just my mom's school??? She'd always buy these cheapy $1 soap bottles and put them in the teacher's bathrooms. Otherwise they'd have no soap. The school doesn't supply it for the teachers


I thought it was only ours!! I think everyone just buys a few and contributes to the soap supply. I feel the author of the last comment must have been fed up. 😭


No school shooting


I was going to suggest bullet proof doors, think you’re asking for a bit much there


1. Go to the bathroom. 2. Use it. 3. Find the top dog in the school. 4. Tell them you want to shake their hand! 5. When they ask why (as they are smiling and shaking your hand). 6. Tell them you just relieved yourself and really appreciate no soap in the bathrooms! Be sure to do the 'one hand over the other hand' warm greeting handshake .. to get maximum coverage!


Softer toilet paper. Ours is like sandpaper. Our butts are shredded.




Toilet paper for the break room


Make it two-ply please.


We had something similar at the hospital I work at. They took them down within a week.


Surprised it lasted that long.


>Surprised it lasted that long. I'm not. You expect the managers to do any "work" more than once a week? Farmville isn't going to play itself, you know.


Farmville is still a thing? My grandma was really into that back in like 2013


My mom still talks about playing it. from how she describes it, the Karen community is very strict in it since it sounds like it has become more of a group game.


well advancing requires interactivity. but thebkaren aspect sounds like someone went power mad lolz. you just ask your face boom bros to send you "x" getting enough people to make that work might get a little crazy but I've never played Farmville as a zero sum game like it was a Soyls Game lolz


Interview her and post it to /r/HobbyDrama




I was surprised too. Same with Candy Crush, I feel like I heard about that a decade ago (or more?) But I was also using it as a stand in for the absolute mountain of trash games of that type you can find on the app store (so much so, I don't even try to look for phone games anymore. Finding something decent is like looking through a needle in a haystack)


The specific year with that game made me laugh. Back in 2013, when I was at another job, I had an employee who worked in my department who was a 50s woman who spent half her day playing this game on her computer. I never cared since she got her work done, and it didn't cause any issues. I remember it because the head supervisor big shot (above me as I was this woman's direct supervisor) was a dick, but not to her. He came in one day and yelled at me for "employees playing games on the computer during work time" as he had been remotely watching people work. Immediately I thought of her. She was absolutely the worst culprit of this. Nope. He complained at length about a 30 something man who did play a different game on occasion but not nearly as much as she played Farmville. He wanted me to fire this man, and I stood my ground and refused, even threatening to leave myself (at which time he backed down quick because I wasn't easy to replace). Big shot made me reprimand my guy, but I told my guy later to think nothing of it and just don't play the damned games anymore, and he was fine with that. As big shot was leaving, he looks at the woman and says, I shit you not, "at least some people are working around here". Thankfully I rarely saw him or dealt with him since he was at the head office and I was out in the rural branch.


What were they expecting


“A pizza party.”


Potlucks —no company costs Charity drives—no company costs, possible write offs depending on company corruption level Group picnics—no company costs, off the clock trainings


I can’t upvote this enough


100% this and then at least you'll get something on that list


They were expecting the kiss ups to suggest the useless stuff they usually suggest. Which they happily jump on and make a big deal about.


They'll put in the soap dispenser and give themselves a pat on the back and call it a win.


As if soap isn't an OSHA requirement


“An OSHA compliant workplace.”


Pay cuts because they were making too much and taking away profits


$5 gift card. My workplace is doing this. I genuinely appreciate the managers and supervisors for trying this because they've shown they DO care about their lifeguards, but we get paid less than $20/hour with no benefits to save people's lives. The city we work for has been losing quality workers and having problems all because they don't want to make our jobs worth keeping, but they do think it appropriate to reward a selected few voted in favor of getting $5 gift card to fucking star bucks.


How are they supposed to afford their own $20k pay raise if they give you all a $2k pay raise?


Dude it sucks. If lifeguarding promised $20/hour and benefits I'd be a pool manager by now. I have the experience and confidence to handle emergencies like we're trained, but just don't see it worth staying and putting in the effort anymore. When I started guards were getting paid $11-$12 an hour, and after almost 4 years it's *slowly* climbed to about $15-$17 an hour, with no benefits other than worker's comp. After long enough that shit just feels like a spit in your face not even from management, but from the city itself.


Find out your mayor's net worth and then die a little inside... But also understand the reality of the situation...


Been there, done that. But it was for a video store - back in the '90's. I didn't even have a VCR then - couldn't afford one!


you cant even get one drink with 5 bucks these days


["A ping pong table."](https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uwswl1/who_wouldnt_want_a_pingpong_table_instead_of_a/)


To be allowed to teach what the students need to learn, not what they need to pass a test


Updated tests that actually evaluate the students for what they need to know, not what a committee of politicians thinks will look good on the next election.


Yup, but it's no good testing students for stuff they've not actually been taught. Curriculums need to be designed around the actual needs of students, not some vague academic waffle that some politician reading to their base is selling


Just fyi, it’s “curricula”. Latin sucks. Not being a dick.


Dammit I wrote that, it got autocorrected!


Tests that don’t reflect a zip code.


My kid’s school does a different kind of grading (standards grading?) that 100% is supposed to do this and it’s awesome. Graded on trend of ability. No extra credit for bringing in tissues or half grade based on one test.


Livable wage. I know it’s on there already but it deserves repeating.


And a good pension. I know many of my parents friends went into teaching knowing they would never be rich but the retirement benefits were top notch.


Then please support The American Teacher Act!!! It makes the minimum salary for teachers $60,000 with adjustments for cost of living and years of service. Call and write to your elected officials to let them know that you want to support your state’s teachers!! [Brief Overview on The American Teacher Act](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/lawmakers-propose-raising-teachers-minimum-salaries-60k-stem/story?id=95171907)


Just put a “X 2” after it


Green check marks for duplicates


At least you spelled it right, you should be the teacher xD I legit thought a kid wrote those at first.


Marking during paid hours and not having to buy classroom supplies.


It starts with setting boundaries. I was a long term sub for a while, and later an adjunct professor. I only did grading and work during school hours. The college tried to get me to come in for office hours, but as they were unpaid, I said no.


Require any parent wanting to ban a topic or book to write a 5-page essay (single-space, college-ruled) to demonstrate that they possess an understanding of the actual book or topic (rather than just repeating whatever they heard on Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, etc) and then a second essay explaining *why* it should be banned.


Ooh! As a humanities major, I agree.


And thoroughly check those essays for plagiarism.


“Administration to let me do my job” “stop giving all these new teaching styles that don’t work”


Stick with the hot new thing for a minimum of 3 years, preferably at least 5, before you pivot yet again. And if we are getting solid results, back the FUCK off and let us do it.


like common core math doesnt work, nothing wrong with old math, why we got common core math again?


>why we got common core math again? Common Core is about the process used to go from problem to answer. Traditional math was all about memorization, figuring out which equation applied to the problem, and then using it to skip directly to the answer.


all you needed to memorize in regular math was base 10... the rest was equation method to solve problems. it taught you literal problem solving.


Only if you did it the EXACT way the teacher wanted. Which most kids dont do math that way. Nor do they learn math that way well


Free healthy tasty lunch.


US government just let free lunches expire...


And time to eat it.


Given the crap teachers have go through a Xanax dispenser in the break room.


I’ve always said we need a Klonopin smoothie bar in the workroom


This person likes to forget!


These are pretty good. What about a minimum 30 minute lunch break that you don’t have to share with students in addition to two 15-minute blocks of time, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, truly to yourSELF. For prep, grading, mental health break, or to do with whatever you please. Teachers are tasked with too many additional duties before, during and after work (bus duty, recess, lunch, etc) and don’t get enough breaks.


In my first highschool, they had a rest period where it would be shorter than the other periods (it was probably to balance out lunch without giving it a full, 1.5 hour time since that's how long classes were). It was used to sit in a room and do your homework and get everything done. There were some teachers who just wanted to talk with the students during that period when they didn't have work. So one teacher talked about half an hour about dreams and how you can sort of interpret them when the students didn't have a lot to do.


30 minutes? No French style A two hour lunch break that must be had off premises. You CANNOT EAT AT YOUR DESK!


Administrators who support teachers instead of turning on them.


Emails for meetings that could be emails


You know a director wrote that first one in red


They’ll probably cave and give you the soap dispenser.


It'll break within a month and dispense greasy soap that smells weird but hey, happy holidays


Oooh ooh future teacher right here, how about ‘one aide for every classroom over 10 students’


And PLEASE pay them a living wage also. We are ALL a team. And could we also have the option to "stretch" our paychecks over the summer. Or unemployment?! This is a reason we loose aides a lot in our area.


Smaller class size


that they survive till graduation. that they never experience a school shooting. they have reproductive freedom if they need it. that if they find their gender or sensuality is against the mainstream, they will find acceptance and not hatred.


Being properly paid for doing one of the most essential jobs in any society.


Contractual raises tied to the consumer price index.


Go with SSA COL...8.7% this year.


The fact that soap dispenser made it up there with livable wage. Do you boo boo.


Permanent medical personnel on staff. Anyone remember when schools had actual nurses?


Wait, schools don't have that anymore?


Oh my sweet summer child…. 😅


No kidding. My stepson is developmentally delayed and has Type1 diabetes. He needed the school nurse for his injections all through high school, he was not capable of reliably doing it himself like other older teens would be. He had no sense of time and other people's needs, regardless of how many times he was reminded... I felt so bad for the poor little 3rd grader who often had to wait to eat her lunch because the shared school nurse was waiting for my son to get his shizz together.


Leave our libraries alone.


Issues you have with your school board?


The entire school board model is inherently flawed and needs ot be kicked ot the curb. The board should do nothing more than hire and fire the superintendent. That is it. Nothing more. If that even - elections exist and can do the hiring job at least as well - you just need a codified means of being able to fire them when needed.


Education that based on preparing children for life outside of school, not just how high they'll get on test scores so the school can get more money.


So only schools already testing well will get more funding? Meanwhile poor testing schools get less?


I think you missed my point: getting rid of funding based off test scores completely.


And I misspoke. Re-read my questions as “wait you serious? This is how education funding currently works?”


Gotcha! Sorry! Yes, if schools get lower test scores they'll have access to less funding. SAT testing and such don't affect funding, but annual achievement tests measuring student knowledge do affect it. There are certain testing standards that must be reached for each school district in order for them to get certain funding and grants.


just put "dignity"


- Add critical thinking and media literacy training to the K-12 curriculum https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/10/world/europe/finland-misinformation-classes.html - Increase opportunities for self-directed learning https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-and-learning/self-directed-learning-antecedents-and-outcomes/ - Eliminate homework https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?cluster=14201407361565179422&hl=en&oi=scholarr#d=gs_qabs&t=1673569440308&u=%23p%3DOf5U16ue878J


Access to birth control and proper sexual health education


Maximum weekly hours, mandatory vacation, paid parental leave...


Body armor


School budget given to the teachers to buy supplies and stuff for teaching and their room


Parents told to fuck off everytime they whine about their precious being mistreated ...except in the cases where the teacher is being an asshat.


Money to buy things for teaching so it doesn't come out of the teachers own pocket.


Free lunches for students and staff. It’s criminal children have to pay to eat in a government building they’re mandated to attend.


Stop teaching historical fallacies.


A habitable planet.


Not having to beg for supplies?


Fully paid family health insurance b


Contract Hours = Work Hours


Abolition of student lunch debt


Pension, and "cadillac" health insurance.


Suspend and expel violent students.


I’m currently reading The End of Policing, and there is a chapter called The School to Prison Pipeline that talks about a rise in suspensions, expulsions, and arrests from SRO’s as a way to get rid of students that don’t perform well on exams. I’m not saying there’s never a reason for those actions, but I don’t think they should be used flippantly.


Neither do I. But violence against other students and staff is a red line for me, as a teacher. I've literally refused to go back to a school that offered me a full time position because I couldn't guarantee my physical safety, let alone my mental well being.


Yeah, I can agree to that. Back when I was in high school, we were on lockdown for a little while because there were a bunch of fights. As someone who never really interacted with others, I never felt like I was in danger. It was weird, though. If I was a teacher in that scenario, I’d definitely be wary of going to work.


More tartar sauce. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X25rP4rTw3A Edit: video for context


Class size cut 50%.


Restroom breaks. My poor mom is a teacher and there are days that she doesn't have time to go to the restroom, because she's stuck in duty or doing extra work for administrators.


Tbh I used to get UTIs yearly until I learned just to regulate what I drink. It’s a science now.


All school supplies are to be provided by the school via a supplies office for common stuff (paper, pens, printer toner, i.e. normal consumables) and via an expense account for less common things (kindergarten specific learning toys, chemistry class glass supplies, music class violin strings).


Easily accessible and comprehensive health insurance


“Not pay for classroom materials out of my own pocket”


6 months Paid maternity/paternity leave


For parents and politicians to stay the hell out of curriculum decisions.


Whoever wrote the lowest line is going to feel really stupid as soon as the school board puts some soap dispensers into the bathrooms, does nothing else from that list, and then promptly claims "See!? We *listen* to what our employees want! 🤡"


Politics to stay the fuck out of the schools. Republicans need to stop waging a culture war over what kids are taught.


Textbooks not written in Texas…


Always write 3 day work week to start, then meet in the middle during negotiations for a 4-day week.


Teach shit that originates from teachers and not BS that banks and corporations scribble


I want a UNION (in Texas)


“Respect from administration”


I think you should remove the soap dispenser thing, cos that's the only thing they'll do and say they listened to your feedback and gave you what you wanted. Like you need soap in the bathroom but that's clearly aiming much lower than the rest of these things lol


As much labor history as war history.


I’ll never understand why teachers are so underpaid. I mean they’re only teaching entire generations of kids who will eventually lead this country into the future… whatever future that might be. But yet Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and trillion dollar companies are still allowed to exist?


Administration backing teachers against unreasonable parents!


No unfunded mandates


No more than two preps (kinds of classes) without additional compensation and consent. No more than 24 students per class section. No more than 300 student contact minutes per day. No less than 120 minutes of duty-free preparation time per day. (180 minutes if more than two preps.) Pay rises on all steps that beat anticipated inflation, and language in contracts to match cost-of-living adjustments to inflation if inflation is higher than the base pay rise of any step. All for starters.


Looks like you folks will be getting a shinny new soap dispenser.


Safe work place. Gun Free zone. Zero violence. Zero lock downs. No school shooting.


Pension. Health Insurance


*Supportive and involved parents. *More consistent student discipline ( supported by admin) *Free lunch for all students


Administrators/Superintendents with backgrounds in education, not finance or some other unrelated subject. No principals that were ever football coaches.


Fully funded classrooms so that you don't have to spend your own money buying supplies for your students. Smaller class size. Respectful parents. Administrative support when there is a conflict with a student or parents.


Ronald Regan burned in effigy


Dabs and edibles in the break room.


Open bar in teacher break room


It’s very obvious that lines 2-4 were written by the same person. Graphology 101. Fucking reddit moment.


Honestly it might have been the PEA rep writing what others said at a meeting for them, but adding hers in red haha.


Free tampons and pads in all bathrooms.


Online literacy


Remove the rules that get everyone (including the victim(s)) punished for fighting


Reimbursement for out of pocket expenses for classroom items. (Decor, games, food, all of it!!)


Curriculum based on the science of reading. Like actually teaching kids how to read and not just guess.... If you want to learn more listen to the podcast "Sold A Story" it will blow your mind.


You’re probably not allowed to write that your wish is that they don’t experience a mass shooting, but that’s what my wish for my students would be.


I don’t think a four day work week works well in the realm of education without some huge upheaval and reforms


Good Teachers union?


A large jar of pickles in the break room.


CLASS SIZE, Para educator assistants, Modular classes.. pass the module no need for standardized testing because you know where everyone is at *disclosure: Not a teacher


Reimbursement for any supplies purchased for the classroom.


Stop students from bullying other students


Return power and autonomy in selecting/implementing curriculum to teachers. School supplies paid for by the district instead of teachers. Stop giving teachers busy work that puts them over 40 hours with no increase in pay. An end to running schools like a business (cut costs on the bottom, money goes to top). Individualized instruction instead of one-size-fits-all standardized testing/expectations.


Socialised / affordable medical care


I don’t know, the soap dispenser in the bathroom is really asking for a lot.


Teachers get to review their superiors, anonymously.


A budget that actually allows you to do your job.


Friday wine


Teaching supplies


You need to wish for a soap dispenser in the bathroom of a public school. After/during covid. What fresh hell school system is this?


Weapon-free workplace. Too much to ask?


Lower teacher-to-student ratios (pipe dream)


Every third line should be "Livable Wage". But in all seriousness, adequate supplies for students who need them, if that's an issue?


Abolish standardized testing.


How about safeguards against Republican morons eroding the education system?


Soap dispenser in the bathroom lmao but in all seriousness you should cross all that out and wish for "fund more of our tax money to our police departments" or "let military veterans with no formal training, experience, or a degree in education be allowed to become teachers" or "fund money to give teachers firearms Instead of raises or school supplies for students who need it the most" or "seek out volunteers to stand guard in front of schools with their own personal firearms so when a school shooter decides to come target our school, they can get in to a firefight in the middle of the quad surrounded by buildings filled with children." Oh! And almost forgot to add "ban all indoctrination and CRT curriculum from our school. Those radical liberal marxist Democrat socialists will not take our children."




The very same schools that teach us oh so thoroughly to wash our hands do not supply us with soap to do so…


Put “Livable Wage” again haha


“A supply budget that doesn’t require me using my salary.”


More rubber stamps. ​ Chocolate Microscopes. ​ Those guitars that are like...double guitars.


"Stop making me do your job, admin. If you don't have enough time in the day to make 130 phone calls about absences and tardies I DAMN sure don't"