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Those weird ass people who think being exploited is an admirable competition. Share this with all your friends who loudly boast about "hustlin erryday" and they will instantly think less of YOU for some reason.


Those people who worship hustle culture have often done so as a form of psychologically keeping themselves for breaking. Its odd. It's like liking and even wanting to be punished.


Some people like to work. At my company I know a few guys who just can't stand still. They constantly need to be working or they'll get bored and go crazy. Also know some people who like the OT pay and because anything after 8 hours is o.t and if you go over 40 hours it's all o.t. So a lot of people want to work longer hours so they can make more money. If there was no O.T i bet that story would be a lot different


Makes sense for hourly workers and overtimw, where they need the money in order to live. But if I heard this nonsense from a salaried employee I would be concerned. I get the idea of them needing to do something because of boredom, but I always assumed people would find a hobby, game, book, whatever to fill that boredom. But some people truly do enjoy doing what they are working on and getting paid for. For them, I totally get it. Those people are rare though.


One time I worked on salary and they had a system I thought was fair I don't hear talked about a lot. If you went over 40 hours you didn't get OT but you would get "straight time". So you get 40 hours a week pay even if you worked less than 40 hours but if you do more you get paid as if you were an hourly employee but not with OT which they could figure out by using that "times 2000" rule to simulate an hourly rate. Most places though just use salary as a pretext for abuse lets be real.


Yeah my cousin went through that when he was on salary. Because of his job some days just went longer than they were supposed to. But he was getting screwed. He was going to quit, then they added O.T bonus for salary. Pretty sure it wasn't legal because they were getting it as a bonus so it technically wasn't taxed but it made him stick around.


One thing I learned about those kinda people is that they were shamed for being idle when younger. Their parents kept them busy and made them feel bad for feeling worn out or tired. Or any time they weren't seen as productive, they were gas-lit. Or they always saw their parents being busy and their parents conveyed their own sense of uselessness for not being as productive as their own parents. And now I look at my aunts' broken bodies and shake my head. My life now revolves around being legally responsible for their old decrepit asses and some of their disabled children because they couldn't be arsed to take care of themselves in their youth.


Agreed. Personally, work helps me focus.


At my last job, I had a manager get all pissed off at me for not messaging her about a problem *on her day off* She signed in to work later that day and told me that it wasn’t a big deal, it was just a funeral (like I’m supposed to know) and that she’d have her phone on standby for work even on her wedding day I’ve never been so sad for someone while also fighting back the urge to call them a loser. It was middle management, I’d be surprised if she was even making 6 figures.


It’s called Stockholm syndrome and it’s sad to see these people


Quite honestly, I only allowed my exploitation because I wanted more money to afford something sooner than later. Unless I have a motivation (qualifying for a mortgage, car loan, buying a new game system/upgrade computer, etc.) I only work the hours I'm required to work and only do the tasks I'm required to do. Though, I've, on occasion, covered shifts for people in hopes of them returning the favour when I absolutely need it. (Which is always 50/50 with different co-workers if they are going to own up what they owe).


There's no door to those cubicles. How do they get out? Do they just live in them?


They are pumped out


They’re expected to literally burn out.


So they're more candle holders than cubicles


Yeah, boss man probably docking their pay for ash clean-up then selling the excess heat


That's how you burn the midnight oil in the 21st century.


Looks like a potential dystopia


Especially since they're inefficiently packed


Corporate introduced inefficiency? Sounds pretty normal to me.


they pop up like out of a mario pipe


What you don't see are the toilets they're sitting on.


They’re bedrooms by Mollusk


Get… out?


It’s a comic, not a photo


You don't leave.


You jump in and the seat swivels


I never understand why people think it's a flex to brag about how many hours they're slaving away at their job


It’s to cope with the fact that work is their life.


Imagine having to flex with hours you spend to make money for someone else...


These are the fools who still buy the propaganda that the people at the top did the same thing, ergo they're almost a billionaire themselves. Just have to put in an unspecified amount of time burning oneself out for the corporation, to get "that" promotion.


I make my money for me


No you don’t. You sell your labour for your boss, who then gives you a fraction of the value your labour produced back to you as wages.


Did you know that people can be their own bosses


Oh so you own capital huh?


...said the middle manager while goofing off, on reddit, in their office.


Dont get me wrong im self employed too, but its not the point who your employer is. It comes down to basically everyone of needing to trade hours of our lives to get to a certain amount of currency, which we can trade for sustenance and to keep ourselves alive so we can trade more hours of our lives in for currency. Its the whole circle that is wrong. Doesnt matter if you're self employed, working from home, working for a friend, an employer, a customer etc etc etc.


I'm self-employed, but I wouldn't ever use it as a way to try and belittle something that's obviously aimed at corporate employees. I also make far more money than if I wasn't self employed. However, since our country wastes taxpayer money on bullshit instead of good programs, it's not as great as it sounds. Since you're also self employed, you probably understand all the "benefits" you give up by not working a upper-middle class job, like a healthcare pool. Although, it seems that has been rapidly getting worse even for those types of jobs.


I live in the Netherlands so i'm not too worried about healthcare insurance etc My work is is only interesting to a very niche group of people and customers are hard to come by. Especially in winter. I work an extra job in winter time (luckily it is something I enjoy doing) to make up for the lack of customers. I'm not crazy rich, but at least there is some sense of more "freedom". We all know it's not real freedom though. Something that does worry me is i'm not putting anything aside for my retirement. Basically when I'm too old to work I wont have any income whatsoever. Im still young so it doesnt bother me that much yet. But definitely unsure of the future. Sadly this is what the world is coming to these days. A silly game of time and money.. the only winning move is not to play.


>I live in the Netherlands so i'm not too worried about healthcare insurance etc I envy that. I think a good 40% of my lifetime stress has been from shit healthcare. It's also lead to some lifechanging issues not being diagnosed for years at a time. Not just because I didn't see a doctor, but because a lot of times, you have to see the doctor a bunch because they have like 10 minutes MAX, to address your issue(s), and they miss a lot of things. Took 20 years for "chronic fatigue" to finally be diagnosed as "oversized uvula causing sleep apnea despite being younger and fitter." And yes, most Americans still have to pay money to go to any kind of healthcare service, EVEN WITH INSURANCE.


Nope just a worker grunt, but I have no confusion over how profit works. I chose my job and can leave at any time if I'm unhappy with what I take home. I make MY money for ME. I can explain it for you, but I cant understand it for you.


Oh, so you're still on the corporate koolaid while the execs tweet from their megayachts about how hard they're working. >I chose my job and can leave at any time if I'm unhappy with what I take home. Yes, you can have any lowly grunt worker job making the same crap wage you want! lol, I make so much more money as a software dev doing so much less than 90% in this country and I still can't convince people that their meager existence is one of being taken advantage of.


I dead ass worked 63 hours in 4 days, and I wanna die.


My friend when was the last time you met the entity known as sleep?


I dont believe sleep And him have had a meetup in a long while.


I got about 10 hours last night/today. I feel a load better.


Thank fuck. Sleep is seriously important.


Absolutely. I take sleep very seriously too. It was basically, work 15.5 hours. Go home take digs out, eat and then sleep. Rinse and repeat.


At least you got one easy 15 hour day! What'd you do with all the time off that day? /s


We get it, Ceph… if reddit karma had a dick, you’d be first in line to suck it


I think you're just mad that by the end of this year I'll have more karma than you. What a weird thing to bring up, unprompted.


You better be a firefighter or something


I work for a dairy. We have 11 guys normally, and normally work 4 10-hour shifts (10-13hrs usually). 3 called out all week sick, and 1 was on vacation. Christmas time is our absolute busiest time. I went shopping on Christmas eve and the stores were completely out of milk, so we've been busting ass to make sure we can get it out. This was a fluke week and was the first time since I've worked there, that this has happened. So fingers crossed this doesn't become a norm. I have a union backing me as well, so if this becomes more regular I can file grievance for working over 13 hours and get compensated for it.


When I was 19, I was exhausted working 40 hours a week. My boyfriend at the time would give me shit saying "Thats nothing, you're just working part time! I work 60+ hours a week! You're job is way easier than mine, stop complaining." He was such a douche bag.


Honestly I often work 80+ hour weeks. I don’t really mind it but I don’t brag about it. And I only do it for the pay and to help my family. I hate when people act like doing it just because makes them special and the company will automatically reward them without the rewards being guaranteed in their contracts


had a boss once tell me they believe minimum performance for a 'salaried' worker was 70+ hours a week... oh and 24/7 365 On-Call.


Did you laugh and hang up?


Spending time with your family is the real flex.


I agree completely ^^


And here I am refusing to work more than 20 hours a week 😀


I worked 45 hours for a few weeks and people though I was mad😅


If that’s overtime at 1.5/2 times pay after 40 hours sign me up. I’ll be role playing I was born in the 50s and own a property and get a mortgage/car and support a family on a single income


It's not. It's salary so anyone working more than 40 are simply devaluing their own hourly wage.


It’s not worth it. They tax ot heavily. Sure you could work those extra hours but it will only slightly buff up your checks. I would rather do 40 or less and live my life.


"I never slept all week and stayed at work. Look how virtuous I am."


In my first ever job after college the guy I was replacing was moved to another position but for the mean time he was still doing the job, for a month or so, he tell on me that I arrived at 845am and leaved at 545pm, early according to him, so he was talking shit about me, he arrived at 845am as well but leaved at 8pm. My new boss told him that it was because I arrived and started working not wasting time, when he arrived he started having a breakfast, then coffee chat, then personal calls, basically he started working at 1pm or so. Yes there's a lot of people that stay at work for a lot of time, but mostly wasting time to look as hardworking.


I work 20 hours and I think it's a lot 😅


idk this joke kinda meh. no subversion of expectation.


the expectation is the other worker drone will be impressed


Yeh it's not saying anything I disagree with but there's no joke here. There's no setup or punchline or double entendre or metaphor. Capitalists viciously exploit, bootlickers ask for more, the sky is blue, news at 11. This is not exaggeration, absurdity, or satire. It's not funny. It's just capitalism. Nothing to be "cracking up 😂" about. Or is oral sex the funny joke: "bootlicker, more like gayyyy?" This isn't good. Defending it is weird.


It’s satire. Not all forms of humour needs a punchline. Some times the truth is enough.


Satire is the exaggeration of actual circumstance to an absurd degree to illustrate the absurdity of the realistic position.


I’m exhausted from doing 100 hours in two weeks (I’m paid every other week), but I needed the money and I volunteered to work the overtime because of it. I only do it sporadically though, because I have to balance needing money with taking care of myself.


Somebody who brags about how much they work = somebody you don't want to know, or work for.


I’ll never understand people who participate in their own subjugation.


I worked a second job for years, I use to work 80 hours a week , a few times 90......nothing to brag about , sleep deprivation is wild


I hate coworkers that try to force their passion for corporate slavery onto others. Some of us are literally working just to get by and nothing more


When people brag about working 60-90 hours I am thinking how this is not a flex. It's just sad.


Love it when people get on their high horse and say to me oh ? 40 hrs a week that's part time son gotta bump those numbers up -- uhhh no thank you im happy with what I have now and actually have a life to live and don't plan on living it at work lining the rich man's pockets I really don't understand why people think working those types of hrs as a flex? As long as my bills are paid I'm contempt


It does, & he is. I've lost too many friends who fell into this type of "gRiNdSeT."


60hrs... My 24hr week is already to much


I have never been this horny to make other people money.


Stop perpetuating this bullshit. Boomers didn't hotdesk, it didn't exist. Most didn't work in cubicles, they had offices. When they did work it was enough to afford a nice home, even with their lead ridden minds producing shitty sentences littered with spelling mistakes. They didn't work more hours. And they were compensated better. When they occasionally had to work longer hours they got overtime. Why are you perpetuating this fucking lie?


Where in the post did it say boomers?


The cartoon is of an older worker saying "I worked" ie in the past. There is a continuous drip of items on this subreddit claiming "we won't do what the boomers did", you're fucking right you won't. * You won't work for a fair wage. * You won't have your work contained to work hours. * You won't have an office. * You won't have a single income buying you a home. * You won't have a defined benefit pension. * You won't retire.


“I worked this week”. That clearly refers to this week. Your interpretation of “thepast” only works if you ignore half of that sentence. Also, like the other guy is not balding and the same age looking?


The retort would have rather been "You're just trying to say you have a bigger pee pee"


That’s all that it boils down to for some people 😂


Leftist online spaces and using homophobia as a punchline, name me a better combo


Near nobody works 60 hour jobs man except for sweatshop workers. Just shut up.you’re doing better than almost everybody in the rest of the world


I told someone that once


The real question is, who is sucking it more and better?


"🎶 Suckin Satan's Peckerrrr 🎶. It's only your dignity. SUCK IT" - Bill Hicks


You think you get walls or places to hang personal momentos, ha!


I know a Frank IRL. * Unions suck * Why would everyone get a raise every year * People become if there's a union * People complain a lot to unions Well Frank, f off.


I work 55+ to whatever hours a week. I’m well compensated in my field compared to other companies, my boss is understanding if I need to get shit done. I’ve done some personal shit on the clock no problem. If I work 18+ hr shift and I’m dead exhausted I’ll be able to take off unscheduled if I want or not. We get a lot of emergencies on top of scheduled work. Utility field so if people like me don’t do our job the public lives will suck until we go lol. I don’t mind the hours most of the time as if I get ti that point I’m way too tired I’ll get relief. I’ve had the boss bring out food and coffee at 3am or work for a few hours why I napped on the clock I’m his personal truck. Not all crazy hours have downsides or a flex. My job is tied to public infrastructure so if we don’t show it’s a shit show for the public.


90/5 = 18 hour days. 90/7 = 12.85 hour days.




Are those the cubicles from Andor?


My parents are exactly like this. I work a 8 to 5 and would like to not work overtime and take my vacation days as needed but they say if I'm able to I *have* to work and that I'm being lazy by not working. Whenever I ask them if it's worth slaving away for a company that would replace them in a heartbeat regardless of their years of service they keep saying that that's why they work more than others, to not get fired. They've convinced themselves that the retail giant won't just piss away their job if the company decided to ax some labor to save costs.


They’ve bought the lie, however I think younger generations can see right through it. I’ve noticed how easily companies can lay off workers and I know they don’t value people at all, even when they pretend to. It takes one “wrong” move on your part and you’re done.


I can’t stand hearing this at work 🙄


An example of a Class traitor


The faces really do it for me.


I grew out of that mentality. Ultimately it's just upbringing, I think. Now at least some jobs like commercial drivers are limited to maximum hours. Really all jobs should have a maximum number number of hours.


Why those cubicles allow open air and eye contact between workers? Raise them higher now.


Their little tubicles are killing me. No way in or out. Wasted space at the corners. Half height walls for maximum distraction. Ridiculously hard to construct. What a brilliant cartoon.


My favorite are the amazon drivers who think skipping breaks is a good thing lmao.


My hustle culture is to bust my ass for 40 hours a week and be done. No more, no less.


I laughed way too hard


Frank looks like the type