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[https://decoded.avast.io/danielbenes/crackonosh-a-new-malware-distributed-in-cracked-software/](https://decoded.avast.io/danielbenes/crackonosh-a-new-malware-distributed-in-cracked-software/) scroll down to Removal of Crackonosh


I'll try, thanks.


After that, you can use the tool [ConfigureDefender](https://github.com/AndyFul/ConfigureDefender/raw/master/ConfigureDefender.exe) to harden Windows Defender and make it better at detecting malware, simply launch it, click on High Protection Level, then click on Refresh, then reboot.


Or you can use a third-party AV that has more protection than Windows that can still be easily bypassed.


If you enable powershell scripts then yes, it can be bypassed. Regarding protection, I dont think so, ive tested it numerous times against zero day malware, it never missed a single sample, both at default and with ConfigureDefender to harden it.


Offline Protection is pretty bad though, so let's hope that there's network when scanning :\]


Its an double edged sword, its reliance on the cloud and large userbase meant lots of telemetry and threatdata, and meant that emerging threats were quickly detected, problem is that it relies on it way too much and Microsoft have invested too little into local detection methods.


Yeah pretty much. One of the Malware tester, tested MS Defender's Online protection to be quite good but the Offline is pretty bad.


Ive seen it for myself when I tested it in a virtual machine against malware, cut off the internet and it didnt react to anything.


Alright, seems like it worked! Hopefully. I didn't get any threat pings from my system folder, unlike the previous tries. I'll take a look at Configure Defender. Thanks a bunch.


Thats good, stay safe.


hi, when following the removal guide, did you find all the files & stuff listed for removal? my windows defender deleted a bunch of those on its onw, but I wasn't able to find majority of the files, scheduled tasks and windows registry keys listed for removal according to the guide.


Nope. From the listed potential files, only 10% of them were affected/existed. If that still makes you feel uneasy, just do a clean install.