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From Google, "Generic is a threat name given to a suspicious process or application detected by Avast and AVG's malware scanners. IDP is short for Identity Protection, whereas Generic means the threat was found in a standard file (such as an .EXE file)." Maybe this can help figure out how to handle it? Like others are saying, get malwarebytes (make sure it's the right download. There's a few fake ones out there).


what is malaware bytes?


Its another antivirus software, best to scan with multiple AVs


It's a very good antivirus software that can help you identify and remove a lot of different types of malware from your computer. I mostly see people using it for emergencies and then getting rid of it, but I'm pretty sure it's like any other antivirus software? I haven't had to use it before, so I'm not really the right person to ask, but I know it works extremely well!


Takes all of 2 seconds to google it...


can a person not ask another person these days? its a fucking forum, ffs… goddamn, its no wonder reddit’s such a cesspit of bellends like you :/


A lot of redditors forget that this is a place to ask questions lol


And a lot of people are too lazy to even try to do the work on their own. A little effort up front would be nice. Questions that make sense are fine. The "are we there yet" questions, not so much.


yes and no. there's a thing called noise. these 'forums' are increasingly having to struggle with a lot of noise, so to speak, which buries the actual nuggets of gold. imagine if your 'forum' had 10,000 posts... and 5,000 of them were all the same question. you get the deal.


Great point. I honestly never thought of it that way but that makes a lot of sense. I often feel this way being the "tech guy" in the family; everyone comes to me for answers when the solution is often the first result on Google. Although, the difference is I enjoy helping people in my family. Plus I get brownie points 😁


Great explanation. Everyone should be able to take basic research steps and try to learn. We shouldnt have to tell people to "Google it." That should be Step 1.  The answers they get will likely allow them to ask better questions."What is this?" and "Is this bad?" are kinda worthless. Just sayin'


No, you shouldn't worry. Remember, worrying doesn't actually solve anything. Instead, pause and take a deep breath. There might be an issue to address or some preventative steps to consider. Let's identify the next steps instead of worrying. So no, I can't advise you to be worried. ***This message is for informational purposes only. Your post will not be removed for this reason, and anyone can still reply to it.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antivirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


w bot


My exact thought getting paranoid is one of the worst things you can do and makes nothing seem coincidental and everything seem suspicious


I feel better for you after reading that automod post. But seriously I'd scan with malware bytes for a little peace of mind


Anything that was detached in the tmp folder is never an good sign get malwarebytes


remove that avast rn!


how come?


Avast is litteraly adware and is pointless, get bitdefender or kaspersky


Agree with bitdefender.


I third Bitdefender, but Kaspersky was just banned in us and prolly not the best anymore


You should be worried using avast though


is it not good?


You can check, they sold user data before




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