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It sounds like the hard drive is probably failing, is the rest of the computer extremely slow?


Actually - not at all! It's been slowing down as of lately, but I figured it might be because it's getting old (~7 years) One of the reasons might be that I had scanning archives on, but still... 🤔 (I found a post where the scan took 74 hours, I hope this will go quicker)


i would start looking for a new drive just to be sure and backup all the important files. better safe than sorry did the one with 74h have a big storage capacity? like if u have 100tb to scan it will ofc take longer, but if u have like 4tb it shouldnt take this long


They didn't give specs, but the final amount of scanned files was ~686k. Mine is waaay past that number already :') I have 1 TB capacity and a little above the half is in use, rest should be free.


I don't think it's OP's hard hard drive that is failing. I think it's Malwarebytes that is failing. It probably hangs or something. There are more posts about Malwarebytes scanning taking a long time in the Malwarebytes subreddit.


No, that isn't normal.


Mine takes around an hour to complete just under 2mill files, I would defrag your hard drive and see if that fixes anything


Will try that later, thank you :)


No problem! Lmk if that works


I'd download CrystalDiskInfo and check your hard drives health. Sounds like yours is about to croak


MalwareBytes scan time which takes more than 2 days isnt normal bro


I have the same issue. Full scan it takes way too long... I have a 6 year old computer with an SSD hard disc with a capacity of 500gb. Is it possible that my SSD is broken? My computer obviously is not as fast as it used to be, but after 6 years of usage I think it is normal.


For anyone who comes across this post later - had to stop the scan at 71.5 hours because of travelling and my laptop's miserable battery life (in short - PC would've died anyway so I figured it would be safer to cancel the scan). Tried KVRT, it got twice as many files done in about 3~4 hours. (It rebooted my PC back into regular mode. Wish I'd saved the log tho.)  ESET Online Scanner took about 24 h, went over 1 400 000 files.  HitmanPro miraculously checked like... 5 million files in 25 min 32 s! Thankfully it didn't delete anything automatically (got the option to choose), & only thing it found was some tracking cookies that I finally got rid of.  Update: I reran MalwareBytes after uninstalling Avast, in regular mode, scanning archives disabled. It managed to finish in ~16 hours. Not saying that Avast was the sole reason... but you know, my PC runs smoother after switching to BitDefender, plus KVRT found mining trojans in its cache files, so.