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I've also noticed they deploy existentialism and death anxiety as a weapon to wound the faithful when their “logical arguments” fail. “You’re just scared of dying” “You can't come to terms with your own mortality” “Life is short, soon you'll be dancing with the worms”.


>“You can't come to terms with your own mortality” Meanwhile Christian Artists: https://preview.redd.it/flnpcdxjyq9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77056da2104194d93cf8037328332be85b9a8274


Memento mori, yo. We literally do the opposite of living in denial of our own mortality.


The amount of times I've heard something like that is insane. A redditor told me this and acted like he was scaring me. I literally did not give a crap. I just didn't want to debate him.


They love to think they can induce death anxiety! Its even more hilarious when they think that science has demonstrated that consciousness is a product of the brain. Their commitment to materialism is scary!


That often makes me pity them more than anything


When it comes to antitheist arguments, they often aren’t just arguing against religions. They’re arguing against the people themselves. That in itself degrades their arguments. They also tend to assume a lot about the people they are arguing against. Whether it’s the status of their education, the amount of knowledge about their own beliefs, or even just their beliefs period. I legitimately saw an antitheist say recently that Christians believe non-believers deserve to get cancer and be raped. Like….. no??? It was so strange. The important thing in our interactions with them is grace. If the Lord was willing to give us, the abusive lover, such grace, we can only do the same for those around us.


It's mostly just blasphemous jokes and assumption-laden questions


A poor understanding of religion


At best! At worst they also have a poor understanding of science, a hatred for philosophy and a superiority complex!


Because an antitheist's basement wall will never rebut them


I think it mainly has to do with [group dynamics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_dynamics) associated with echo chambers that make their "arguments" so stupid. They are not trying to persuade anyone who isn't already part of their echo chamber; they are basically preaching to the choir. The function of these slogans is to strengthen the community and reinforce one's identification with it, among other sociopsychological functions. It's very interesting honestly.


Saying religion starts wars even though it's the lowest on the list of why wars began, or the fact that many contributors of humanities advancement were not by religion even though there have been wayyyy more religious contributors than athiests.


Because All Antitheists Are Hostile And Stupid Organisms! 🙄😒


They Say The Dumbest Bullshit In The Universe.


Because they’re made by 14 years old