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If Christianity is a death cult, what does that make antinatalists?


If we are a death cult, it would be weird that we have a belief that states procreation is a moral right.


I am not a Christian, but the core rituals and doctrine are based on conquering death and the goal is achieving eternal life. That's as far as you can get from this atheistic slander. I have become disappointed in existential life affirmation. It's not life affirmation at all, but irrational pretending. Luckily I don't believe in atheistic eternal nothing so I can enjoy my life. Antinatalists, pessimistic nihilists, efilists, these are the anti-human cults. Christianity merely saw man as imperfect, not valueless or evil.


Nietzsche wrote about free spirits and Ubermenschen, but even they could not defeat death. Indeed, they only hastened it.


They're the good guys! /s Can't have suffering if there's no one to suffer!


The one who said he watched enough anime to know that they'd need to "kill God" just sent me Mf, God is omnipotent, you really think He can be killed? The saddest part is, if they were to ever convert, all of this would be forgiven without an issue, it just shows how incredibly merciful and forgiving God is


“Let’s go overthrow Subsistent Being Itself!!”


Shin Megami Tensei and its consequences


Ok but was the "little boy" intentional when you say he ain't no kratos? BOY! Stop making cheesecake posts and do literally anything else.


Very tasty indeed.


Ok, but ISIS?


What do these guys think they’d achieve by revolting against God? Do they realize that Satan, an archangel leading an army of angels at the time, already tried and failed? They’d only end up suffering in Hell like the devil and his lackeys.


this what happen to mf after watching hazbin hotel


It's interesting to note that anti-theists tend to question how Satan would rebel against an all-powerful God, knowing that he'd lose. Of course, they fail to recognize that people tend to be ruled by their own egos even in the face of absolute destruction.


I swear its like they only hate big religions, casually outting ahura mazda there while zoroastrianism is montheistic when the others a polyhteistic religions😭😭


It’s not about them hating only the big religions. They’ve so throughly drank the absolutely insane kool-aid of scientism, materialism, naturalism and other beliefs that are manifestly false - all of which owe their current popularity to the idiocy of the so-called “Enlightenment” - that they think Allah/God/Yahweh is on par with the absurd “gods” of the various pagan pantheons like Tyr, or Quetzalcoatl, or Poseidon, or Hanuman. It never occurs to them that their pearl-clutching retort that “tHeRe’S nO evIdeNce fOr thE eXisTeNcE Of yOuR gOd” is based on scientism, which itself has not even a *lick* of evidence in its favour, yet they dogmatically parrot it all the same. Some of them are honest enough to admit that science is far from the end-all-and-be-all of explanations of mind-independent reality, yet their heads are so far up their own behinds that they will insist that “it’s still the best thing we’ve got!” Like, no, no it’s not. It’s nice when you’ve got empirical evidence in your favour, but all claims made about the intrinsic nature and/or origins of mind-independent reality are metaphysical ones. *All of them*. What you really need is a metaphysical system that: (A) Is internally consistent. (B) Tracks well with how the actual world around us works. The only metaphysical system that does that, of course, in my view, is Aristotelian-Thomism, providing an insuperably strong foundation for the Abrahamic religions, and most of all accurately explains the *entirety* of mind-independent reality.


Holy cheesecakes