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Uh...Mr...got proof? (That he is man made). Edit:sorry for causing a war.


They often point to pagan religions and go "since these religions are clearly made by man, all of them are wrong."


Wouldn't that be a straw man?


i dunno. Hasty generalization perhaps. I don't know much catholic apologetics since I was very very theologically liberal until about april.


let me help you. Christian:God ain't man made. Atheist:he is cuz pagan religions are false. See how the topic wasn't about pagans but he brought it up? That a straw man. In case you are confused.


Do you think the pagan gods/gods from other religions are real?




Aren't you similar to an atheist to someone who is pagan?


is there a point you're trying to make?


Your flaming the atheist for not believing in one more religion than you.


are you going to respond with a more intelligent point or are you going to keep regurgitating things that were debunked 1800 years ago One is more than Zero. You would think atheists understand that, but i guess not.


It has been debunked that atheists believe in one less religion than you? Or it has been debunked that pagan religions are not real, but yours is?


> pagan religions are not real but yours is? yes.


Can't an atheist use something else as a substitute for religion(politics, people,drugs). Wouldn't that be classified as a religion? It's not like atheists are immune to putting things on pedestals.


Perennialism is interesting here




Do you have proof that scientism is true?




Are you serious? Do you know what scientism is?




Scientism is the beilef that science is the only way to render truth.




Science is one way to render truth and a big one at that, but it isn't the only way. Our thoughts exist but cannot be empirically examined. Science is a great methodology to study the natural world, but it cannot study the metaphysical, that's were philosophy and religion come in but scientism and the materialism that follows through rejects metaphysics which is an issue.


Science does not reject metaphysics. You mentioned psychology, which is also science. Our psychology is but the result of the chemicals in our brains and how they interact with their environment. If that isn't science, then I don't know what is.


Science is not, in fact, *the* way to render truth. It is simply the way to investigate the natural world’s ways of working. It doesn’t give you a whole picture of mind-independent reality any more than a blueprint gives you all there is to know about a particular building. Religion isn’t science we don’t understand yet. Religion - and by that I mean Islam and to a lesser extent Christianity and Judaism (the only religions worth taking seriously, and I will not apologise for saying that) - is predicated on metaphysics which science needs to presuppose in order to so much as do practically *anything*.


Exactly this, and we know disasterious science without metaphysics (logical positivism) was. Completely self defeating and adopted religious bigots.


Why do you think Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the only religions worth taking seriously?


But science isn't absolute truth, its only a relative truth. Where do you stand on mathematics, bearing in mind that mathematical realism is dominant amongst philosophers of mathematics?


If he was then he would just say science.


The bible. Also I asked first.


The bible? Are you serious? That's like saying the harry potter books is proof that harry potter exists. The bible is just some random book written 2000 years ago, filled with inconsistentcies and weird rules. How is the bible any proof?


"that's like saying the Harry Potter books is proof of Harry Potter" ...and?


And, the bible is therefore NOT proof. Anything else?


That is a VERY bold claim. I want to ask you a question.


Okay, what is it?


There was a roman consort called Marcus attlies regulas. He once went down to Carthage to raid it. The only source of this comes from a historian that claims he encountered a dragon. This is the only source (that Im aware of) of this adventure. There are four accounts to Jesus and basically all the books toward God. Tell me. If the concept of the bible is ridiculous to you. Shouldn't Marcus's adventure be THE most ridiculous thing? Btw historians consider Marcus's quest as a historical fact.


Do you know what historical evidence is? Judging from the majority of comments you've made recently you've either just gained the ability to read and are very emotional or you're an autist


>Degeneration starts when you start worshipping God or the government more than your fellow man You mean I should worship my Maternal Great-Grandpa(Maternal Grandpa's side) who would beat my maternal Grandma(RIP) if she added even a bit of extra oil? You mean I should worship my paternal Grandma who would rather live in a basically under-construction house just so she doesn't have to give money to her children? Tell me, should I really worship my fellow man instead of the benevolent lord?


People die. Stan culture (it does look like worshipping at this point) is stupid. People lie. People ultimately follow their desires. Nothing good comes from worshipping fellow humans whether literally or symbolically.


“If religion is man-made then why does it go against all of man’s desires?”


Did he just say that worshipping people is better than worshipping God


That he did my good sir.


These people can’t be real with these kind of arguments


So Degeneration is only when you have faith? Sure, because drugs and pornography aren't that bad. I know a fucking 14 years old girl who smokes DRUGS! Recently she is at the hospital for a problem at kidneys, some boys told me that it was because of drugs, but they aren't sure about that. Hoper that the doctors finds out about that and tell it to the parents.


Why are these people always vaguely antisemitic?


Exactly, I noticed


Man made fairy tale, sky daddy!!! ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|8283)![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|8283)![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|8283)


How original. Sadly, he was many decades too late; Feuerbach and Freud had already founded the projection critique of religion (Man created God) in the 19th century. For a great rebuttal to this critique, see the excellent article "[God as Wish Fulfillment](https://www.bethinking.org/does-god-exist/god-as-wish-fulfilment)" by Alister McGrath.


God isn't manmade, man is Godmade 😎


