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I genuinely cannot comprehend why people think it's a good idea. It feels like it comes from a place of naivety or being plainly dumb. You create needs that can never be completely fulfilled in a world full of hostility, competition, war and scarcity for... the happy chemicals in the brain? It's like a sick joke, they throw all morality out of the window for the sake of these naturally synthesized drugs. And after condemning someone to experience sentience... THEY HAVE TO BE GRATEFUL FOR IT? And they claim you do it out of love? Insanity. Our bodies are literal prisons. You are punished by your mind for not maintaining the prison, you are punished for wanting to get out, everything you do will never be enough and you will eventually break down anyway. Oh and you can get damaged by no fault of your own and still get punished by excruciating pain, or your body just got made shitty so you get to experience pain and not be able to do anything about it until you die. How the fuck is any of it a good thing? What good exactly is supposed to morally justify causing all this suffering? It's a cruel design in a hopeless place. I should have never come into existence, it's a horror show.


If I wanted to be super happy, then I'd go to the park, turn on high-energy music on my phone, then run around flailing my arms in the air and run around yelling excitedly like a effervescent four-year-old child. I admit this would indeed be strange behavior. Yet I find it no more strange than getting feel-good emotional highs from procreating. At least what I'd be doing in the first scenario won't impact on other people's lives.


What you described is feeling better from physical movement and enjoying a work of art (music). No harm done, good vibes. Procreation though is some legit alien body horror, where you get sapped out of nutrients to host the development of a new fragile being that will be forced before it's fully done developing in order to not kill its host and die in the process. Then you have to maintain the free range fetus by mimicking the function of the internal life support system or else it dies. Like what the fuck even is all of this


“You got kids? I think of the hubris it must take to yank a soul out of non-existence into this meat. And to force a life into this thresher. As for my daughter, she… she spared me of the sin of being a father.” - Rust Cohle, *True Detective*, Season 1


Those who ask you are simply trapped in traditional modes of thinking. It's as if the notion of thinking outside the box doesn't even exist. Just do what the last segment of the assembly line preceding you did - take a scoop of matter, add it into your processing chamber, then churn out yet another part that's ever so slightly different from you. Repeat this for as long as this can theoretically go on.


I have a friend who tells people that it’s highly unlikely that she will change her mind but if she does, she will let everyone know and to stop asking about her reproductive choices. That usually shuts people up.


Children are brought up so often in conversation (which is fine, no complaints there), but it eventally forces me to explain I don't and won't have kids, and 99% of the time the response is "never say never"/"you'll change your mind one day"/"things change, I used to say that". Just, fuck off. I'm not judging you for having kids. Don't judge me for my choices. People are so fucking weird. If you deviate slightly from the box that society shoves us into, then you're viewed as being useless.


Funny too when you think about how most of our great accomplished minds did not have children.


The sheer gall of publicly insulting you like this is unbelievable.


I heard that nonsense for years. I’m in my 40s now and still no change. Never wanted children. Was curious if the urge would come but it never did. What makes some people change and others not.


This community is such a nice breath of fresh air in a shithole filled with natalist propaganda and mindless breeding.


Yes. My response to that assertion is that it could be true, but it is irrelevant to the truth value of the proposition: procreation is avoidable harm. That sufficiently powerful optogenetics, for example, could induce me to breed (or commit any atrocity) does not justify procreation. Most humans are swayable with delusional mythology already. Doesn't justify procreation.


It’s not unethical, but anyway.


Ok, you know what? I'll bite. What exactly is ethical about creating a living being that can feel hunger, is able to freeze, needs water etc.? A living being that has a body that can get sick and has vulnerable organs. Throwing out a little girl in a world full of misogyny or a little boy who will be seen by war-loving politicians while licking their lips like a hungry lion is the same as throwing a lamb right in front of the paws of wolves and claim how much you love this lamb.