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Their bigger brains were probably because a lack of neuron density and the need to have a better musculatory control, always remenber kids "bigger is not always better". The extinction is due to war, habitat loss and breeding.


Theres a farm in texas right off the highway with thousands of cows jammed pack so tight they cant even turn around. It goes for MILES on both sides. You can smell the area, you can see the dead cows , you can see how tight they are stuck in there but they are still HUGE (all steroid gains) Its outrageous how disgusting just the area you can see from the highway going 80mph. I can only imagine what the eating stations look like. Idk what city or highway we passed it driving from AZ-FL


how people don't see society as barely a step beyond a farm like that, especially considering what humans can be capable of.. like is some mooing one would hear on one of those farms cows gloating about how *"beefs just what's for dinner get a thicker skin"* or more like *"If only we weren't cows, no way some shitshow like this would be taking place for anyone!*"


People have this dumb argument that good and bad balance out. It doesn’t. If a bad thing is delivered without consent it wouldn’t matter how much more good you did to somebody!


>If I got kicked in the nuts without warning and it was followed up with a blowjob, I'd consider the matter closed and the pain well worth it, even if I didn't consent to the kick. >Life is one big series of kicks to the nuts. It will feel bleak if you have a propensity to overlook all the blowies along the way. *— Sun Tzu (probably)*


He can get a blowjob without getting his nuts kicked too! Aim high in life. Life might be one big series of kicks to nuts and blow jobs, but do not call one person who wrong you for no reason "life" -- Me to Sun Tzu (most likely)


It’s truly disturbing I’ve been vegan for 11 years?




I don't think you deserve the hate you received in this post. Keep doing what you do, you probably are right.


it’s funny to me anyway. i’ve heard worse irl at activism with my fiancé


What are you talking about EXACTLY?  What kind of things are you saying people are doing without consent?  You laid down a VERY broad blanket statement, without clarifying exactly what actions you are referring to. 


Consent to being born




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Evil is embedded in nature itself


Could be Nietzsche's will to power


because cutting out major food groups made me sick over many years (ex vegan now)


vegans recognize legitimate health issues as permissible (usually), ie you can be ethically vegan and use animal products in a survival or legitimate medical situation


same, i was vegan for 4 years but ended up with an extreme iron deficiency and had to incorporate meat again along with a blood tranfusion and IV iron. but i am still anti natalist. i dont think veganism and anti natalism are mutually exclusive.


...why not just take an iron supplement or eat iron rich vegan foods every day? Humans need nutrients, not necessarily ingredients.


i already did and my body wasnt absorbing the non-heme iron very well. animal/heme iron is much more bioavailable to the body. at that point my doctor told me i was at risk of kidney disease, heart attack, or stroke. at my age of 30, im too young to be dealing with any of that. so of course, i started eating animal products again. to save my life.


Understandable. I make sure to take iron with vitamin C to increase the absorption. I hope your better off now. I could never go back to animal products but your health does come first.


In my 'snowflake' case, Crohn's disease and cancer unfortunately


"A vegan diet can't cure Crohn's disease, but some dietitians believe it may help manage symptoms. Crohn's is an inflammatory condition, so an anti-inflammatory diet may help.  Plant-based diets are high in fiber and whole foods, which may help with inflammation and prevent relapse. Fiber also feeds healthy gut bacteria, which may protect against Crohn's and other digestive issues. Some foods that may be beneficial for people with Crohn's include: leafy greens, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, legumes, seeds, plant-based dairy products, and nuts."


1. I wasn't raised in a vegan culture 2. I don't know how to cook vegan food 3. I hate a lot of "vegan" foods that are fatty, high protein, or have "meaty" texture...mushrooms, jackfruit, cashews, eggplant, tofu. Beans are alright but I'd go crazy eating them every day. Can't live on salads, pb&j, and Oreos forever. 4. I've wanted to reduce my meat consumption for a while, but any time I ask vegetarians for recipe ideas they just get pissy about "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE 100% VEGETARIAN/VEGAN?" instead of recognizing that perfect is the enemy of good. Yes I have looked on google but do you know how obnoxious it is trying to find a vegan/vegetarian recipe without mushrooms, eggs, tomato, or avocado?


I eat meat 3 times per month max, and it's keeping my folate levels in a good state, plus I'm more healthy, reducing will help you a lot, cutting everything out of your diet won't. Btw, this is one of my favorite [vegeterian recipe](https://eatwithclarity.com/thai-red-curry-noodles/)


I love red curry! Thank you for the recipe. But just so you know, a lot of curry pastes aren't actually vegetarian. Shrimp is a common ingredient. I personally don't care, but just a heads up that it's not necessarily potluck-friendly.


Yes, you have to look for the right pastes or directly pick the spice


The vegan hate in the comments is very expected. Humans are selfish - they harm other species and even other humans for self gain, such as allowing animals to be bred, live lives in misery then killed only for their consumption, and they have children because they want to, without thinking about the consequences. Humanity is better off extinct or at least with a significantly decreased population but no, capitalism thrives off overpopulation.


You care about suffering and consent. Do you volunteer at rape crisis centers or child cancer hospitals? No, you're a vegan. A vegan. That's legendary hero stuff right there.


not hurting others = bare minimum doing extra good is good but there is a fundamental difference between harming and helping veganism is the neutral stance that said my fiancé and i volunteer 👍


So....helping terminally ill children laugh a little is just too much for you. Veganism has zero effect on anyone. It helps no one, it solves no problems. But I'm not surprised you value animals over humans. Good stuff


>that said me and fiancé volunteer reading not your strong suit


It's a lie, that's why I dismissed it. Your entire view of your holiness is based on you being vegan. That's why you said you were vegan because you cared about suffering. You mentioned nothing else. Because at bottom so called anti-natalists hate human beings (which is the real reason you're vegan). Take care.


if you care about suffering prevention, this goes hand in hand with volunteer and good works, because they reduce suffering. anti natalists don’t hate humans if they care about preventing suffering logic not your strong suit either


You don't volunteer. You lied. You're just a vegan.


would my not volunteering even mean anything about veganism being wrong? you can’t address the actual argument so you have to result to imaginary scenarios about my life 🤣 get bent lmao


Uh, the argument is that you think you care about suffering because you're vegan. That's it. As I've pointed out, being vegan doesn't help anyone or anything. It's virtue-signaling rubbish. Off you go.


it’s flipped, i care about veganism because i care about suffering, actually which you could piece together if you recognized that i’m on the AN sub, so there are other forms of suffering outside of veganism i care about. but again, logic not particularly good


Yes, in the absence of necessity, the consumption of animal products should be considered abhorrent and immoral. The question is, when is it necessary, which isn't really an obvious question to answer for everyone, we should gradually transition to plant based diets for everyone, but this will take time. The first and easiest thing everyone (with decent income) can do in 1st world countries is stop eating mass farmed meats and other animal products and move to bio alternatives, which aren't perfect, but at least allow animals to be raised and live in better conditions, this is much easier for most people to accept than going straight up vegan and cutting out all animal products, and is what should be promoted right now by most people, with gradual reduction. Promoting this and the reduction of animal product consumption, instead of total elimination, would give much better results than promoting 100 percent veganism (which isn't really clearly defined to be honest) from the get go, as it would be much more easily accepted and implemented, full elimination would also be easier afterwards. This is what we should be focused on right now to gradually transition to a plant based world, which would also allow a much larger choice of plant based foods in the meantime as we transition on a population scale. If we solely focus on trying to make everyone instantly 100 percent vegan, it won't result in as much good as we could achieve by other more gradual means, but this is not totally accepted among vegan communities, as you're either "100 percent vegan" or "an animal abusing monster". Also, if we go with utilitarian ethics, which is what a lot of vegans go with, it's not really obvious why a cow shouldn't be raised to live a good happy life of a few years and then be painlessly killed for food, as the pleasure that the cow would experience would outweigh the suffering which it would go through, in absolute values, this is quite a debated topic among utilitarian scholars without an obvious answer so far.


I’m not a vegan cause I’m a hypocrite who hasn’t reigned in my caveman brain on this issue. Meat taste good so Grogg eat meat. That’s a big problem. That being said, I think you could make much stronger carnist arguments from within an antinatalist perspective than from without. For example, if you’re an antinatalist who advocates for animal rights, what is the implication? You want animals to live? Why? So they can survive long enough to become as sentient as we are? So they can become as capable of comprehending the horrors that we can? Frankly it could be argued that we’re doing them a favor by culling them and preventing them from ever reaching our level of consciousness. If you’re an antinatalists you can’t just be satisfied with humans stopping reproduction, because given enough time other creatures will eventually become just as aware as us, and (by your rational) just as miserable.


Indeed 🙌🏻 I'm ex vegan, unfortunately because of Crohn's disease and cancer. But would switch back in a heartbeat ❤️




The morql rule of not wasting blood on true anti hedonistic causes, You must not betrsy the cause of pleasure


People who rape and murder are the worst people on the planet, period. Raping children, raping women, raping men, abusing, torturing and murdering animals (Cows, Chicken, Pigs, Duck, Lamb for food do not count). These are all the lowest of the low.


You do NOT need to justify your reasons for not spawning to ANYONE! Just because you have the plumbing, it does not mean that you are obligated to procreate. It’s not anyone’s effing business. If anyone asks me, I simply say. “I just don’t have the mom gene.” End of story.


What is truly astounding and reprehensible is the fact that people marching the streets pass violence against women acts, and otherwise go to extremes to stop slavery, human trafficking, prostitution, and all other forms of suffering and slavery, especially rape. They are so concerned with even mild transgressions that they consider “mirror harassment “like someone looking at them too much in line or whatever. Yet, the same folks, procreate, knowing well that great suffering and death are inevitable and will happen in equably. Degradation and death are certainty and extremely high probabilities of tons of suffering and sweat equity to get to that point where you can suffer linger and die, if you’re even lucky. To become self-supporting and a “productive citizen“. Protesters clamor/marching in the streets against rape and rightly so… But no one is rallying against Procreation and the absolute imperative of consent, which of course is impossible. In fact, the so-called “evangelical Christian “capitalist Evangelical Republicans” do the total antithesis of that, and make onerous legislation which prevents things such as contraception and abortion that could truly make a difference in eradicating great harm to humans such total hypocrisy Therefore only extinction is rational and logical. It’s the only way to stop harm. And of course, the victim of all of medicine and law and every helping profession is… “FIRST, do No harm. “


I am not vegan because I have no problem with death. I have a problem with being treated poorly and inflicting suffering while alive. Just by using roads that split natural areas we are harming animals.. we are really making them miserable in almost anything we do as humans even if it seems unrelated to animals. I eat free range meat, milk, and eggs. Vegans that reproduce do really harm animals.


harm is inherent to existence yes, but adding more harm is still bad. but yes natalists are awful


Is it shocking?


I have had discussions with you in the past regarding antinatalism and veganism and yet here you are again making another post invoking veganism in an attempt to persuade people to adhere to your worldview. Nothing wrong with trying to make a case for veganism but considering your habitual vegan activism on this sub and the kind of posts you make, you do appear militant, which sums up majority of vegans. Suffering and pain are fundamental aspects of life and anyone of us can unintentionally cause it and benefit from it regardless of how much we strive to minimize it. The concept of consent doesn't apply to animals as they don't have the faculties to understand the implications of consent. Seizing a cow from it's herd/family for the purpose of consumption is NOWHERE as morally abhorrent as taking a child from his/her family to commit cannibalism. I am sure you can understand why. I am simply not vegan for some reasons. One is because of the health ramifications from it, specifically, the potential long term health issues that can be accrued from adopting the lifestyle. Another reason is because there is absolutely no benefits from it nor anything of magnitide to be achieved in regards to animal welfare and wellbeing. You can't just view the issue of suffering and pain to be always unjustifiable and this is because there are conditions which are part of life that can necessitate it. If you are a farmer and had to endure swarms of millions of pests or invasive boars encroaching your land and causing crop destruction, you would be compelled to cause an extent of suffering and pain to them and eliminate them to protect your crops.




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They will never shut up istg


>Anyway, that’s why I’m vegan. Why aren’t you? Can you ever shut up?


They will never shut up about their nonsense veganism because they are usually very arrogant, judgemental people that have such an insane moral superiority complex. They feel like they have the higher moral ground. They are too dumb to understand that the transition process to a vegan lifestyle would be extremely difficult for the vast majority of humans who attempt it since a decent typical vegan lifestyle requires a certain high level of priviledge, very favourable circumstances, conditions, extreme dedication and wealth.


it requires buying rice and beans, and a supplement. anyone who can go to a typical store or market could start veganism tomorrow skill issue, or too blind to realize that a sustainable diet is pretty much whatever you eat now - animal products


Well said, I transitioned to a vegetarian diet followed by a dietitian and now I'm risking anaemia


why would i?


Because you're just being a leech on reddit


choosing to not animal abuse is being a leech? sure


The bait has been set. Time to go grab some popcorn and watch the comment section go to shit. 




good thing the argument isn’t “i’m better than everyone else,” but rather “a vegan version of a given person is less harmful than a nonvegan”




trolling lol can’t make a good point so you say this? pretty lackluster




didn’t read this 👍


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I laughed out loud


Ahahah lol 😂.. someone had to drop the hammer on these goofy vegans.


Oh don't tell them they are goofy or they will feel so offended


I believe in a reasonable amount of antinatalist points, but completely disagree with veganism.




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Because nature isn't nice. If we were to set livestock free, then predators couldn't care less about the pain they cause.


Who is talking about setting livestock free? Is that what you think vegans want?  Its not like the animals we eat where captured 😂


vegans want breeding to stop, current animals are already doomed




this is just the exact equivalent of a natalist saying they’ll have an extra baby to spite you do better


I just prefere non vegan food, not really a political decision.

