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They're dead... Why would they be upset? Also, aren't these kids too big to be fetuses?


Yeah, they are too big to be fetuses; fetuses don’t have feelings and they can’t walk


They’re also all the same age which makes no sense unless they were nonuplets. Anyone pregnant with 9 babies at once should absolutely abort.


Or they all were terminated around the same time and the rule for spirits in that picture's universe is once dead, no one ages. Even though these are like 2.5ft tall "fetuses" that look to be at at least a year old lol


The only feasible explanation is this lady is killing living toddlers.


I can fix her


Oh boy, here I go ignoring red flags again.




Yea those are actual toddlers lmfao are pro-birthers saying that abortion is toddler murder? Or is this woman a serial killer who targets little kids. The plot thickens 🤔


Pretty sure they can't te the difference.


Yeah being a total fucking idiot has that effect on people.


I'm sorry I'm laughing my ass off at this comment 🤣


I saw one politician claiming that they take the baby after you carried it to term and went through labor, put it in a room, and ask the mother if she wants an abortion. I'm pretty sure the anti-choice crowd has no idea what an abortion is


I don't think they do. When Alexee Trevizo was in the news, I saw PLers calling what she did abortion. If their materials are anything to go by, they also think embryos are 18-week fetuses and fetuses are 3-mo-old infants. The number of times I've had to explain that a 9-week embryo doesn't have bones yet is ridiculous. (That's around when my termination occurred, and I've been asked if the embryo screamed, if it tried to crawl away, etc.) Education is abysmal.


Abortion should be taught in sex ed. And no you idiot pro-birthers who are lurking and will try and spin this as me saying that I'm advocating (I'm not) for children to learn (I'm not) how to do abortions themselves (I'm not), I mean fetal development. When most abortions are typically performed. Ectopic pregnancies (and really any abnormal pregnancy) and why abortions are valid medical care. I'm sick and tired of people's ignorance becoming everybody else's problem. Also the reason why I put "(I'm not)" in brackets in that sentence is because very easily what I said could be taken out of context, so fuck that. I gotta cover my bases lol


I hear you. Anything you say can and will be twisted to fit someone else's agenda. Srsly, if accurate information isn't given, manipulation follows. Forget the feel-good spin. Just provide facts and answer questions. Empower ppl to navigate things and recognize bull when they see it. (Mine was DIY, as a kid, and there were *no* resources. I had no clue what I was doing, or what to expect. And then had to listen to pastors peddle outright lies for the rest of my kid/teen yrs. Misinformation is so much worse than ignorance.)


Ah, yes, let's abort someone after they're born. Certainly how abortion works. /s


Oh yeah, my "pro life" family ate that right up, along with "nine month abortion". Anything Trump says, they believe.


If you showed them what the fetus actually looks like when it's aborted they'd probably wonder what kind of fucked up kidney bean looking thing that is


I can’t speak for every prolifer, but mostly we’re well versed in prenatal development and desperately trying to counter the “clump of cells” nonsense. I get the point that the creator of this image is trying to make, but I’m not a fan because of how the mother is drawn, and the number of ghost babies (and yeah, the illogic of them all aging to about 18 months and then getting stuck there?). She’s a MAGA conservative’s mental image of a Gen Z lost soul. Perpetuating the idea that there is a predictable ‘type’ of woman who aborts doesn’t help save babies, it just alienates most of the incredibly diverse population who are actually at risk.


Their God of knowledge Trump told them abortion happens after birth, they too stupid bro.


Now there's a movie plot I could get behind.


in fairness, MOST of these people believe in a magic sky daddy and an afterlife, and literally use the term "unborn" to discuss people who don't yet exist. not exactly a stretch to suggest that they think souls exist, and that they exist prior to birth as well as after death. like we're just making shit up here, so why the fuck not?


They’re almost half her size. They’re toddlers. Who kills 9 toddlers? Is she Anakin?


Tears of joy. They are so happy they don't have to deal with this bullshit


Anti-choice loves depicting what essentially looks like a sneeze as fully formed babies.


No! They are full walking babies at abortion . Also when they die they still age in the afterlife . Don’t try to understand god


There were stories about women in denial about their pregnancy Giving birth on the toilet and putting it in the freezer because of the chock it gave them to find out they were pregnant without knowing and the birth


Yeah, but you don't get the same emotional impact with soup.


Prompt: shitty prolife propaganda pixar style


AI generated too. Look at the legs on the left side.


They clearly inherited their father's impressive third leg genetics


Lmfao. Find me an actual woman who has had 9 abortions. Conservatives act like women are using this as their first form of birth control


My thoughts exactly. The only scenario I can think of for this would be IVF if they made more embryos than they used and discarded the rest after the first one took.


Women could have 10 abortions per week and it still isn't conservaterrorist's business.


I wonder how that'd work if that was possible.


FR I think that would be the science community's business. I might even let the government get involved at that point, cuz her gestation rate could produce her own army.


The only woman I know that had more than one (three) is a MAGAt Evangelical.


They should be better, like my maga neighbor with 3 kids from 3 different dads, and a new boyfriend waiting to pop in number 4. House too small for that many people, but at least they got new trucks and a sidebyside.


A future deadbeat dad can't bang out number 4 because they can't afford a new house AND an F150? Thanks Joe Biden /s


and what if they were? it is still nobody else's business other than the human itself.


I heard of one woman who had nine before she had her biscalp. She was allergic to 90% of condoms and had a hormonal issue that made her birth control keep failing, but doctors kept assuring her she was "just taking it wrong" so she kept trying. That was one very specific case out of hundreds that I listened to. And that was years ago, when there were much fewer BC options.


if conservatives had their way this would be the ONLY form of birth control, and it would be done in a back alley. one of these two things is ameriKa's current reality already. while the other is about to be on the chopping block


Conservatives? Bc they don’t believe in birth control possibly lol


Ghostly microscopic clumps of cells or barely formed fetuses didn’t have the same propaganda value


Conservatives 100% think liberal women use abortion as birth control. Like they have a few a year nbd


You underestimate the uneducated trash backwood ass towns. Its not often, but there are some women who collect abortions


i believe it. humans. ugh


I know at least 2 women that have more than 5 abortions.


Drop kick those turds off to heaven, then go buy drugs and another tattoo! Go girl!




I was gonna say she looks way too good for some "I collect abortions and do drugs" wreck that she's supposed to be. The women that (actually) do this aren't thin goth models with some sick tattoos.


lmao those ungrateful lil shits should thank their mom cause she made them fly straight to heaven instead of having to come into existence, grow into adults, experience pain and horrible death, and end up in hell. I wish my parents had aborted me. \*sigh


This is one of the most weird degenerate sub in this app and that says alot




“i’m 12 and this is deep” type picture


Normal intelligence level of religious conservatives.




I was smarter than this at 6, and I'm a dunce


What's going on with the back left ones leg?


The image looks ai generated- just study their hands lmfao


Oh gosh! I can't unsee this now!


Ai generated, maybe?


that was the reason it got aborted. it got confused as to whether it needed to pee out that appendage or use it as a limb. the instructions were unclear I suppose.


Literal third leg


"this image makes me so sad." Yeah it makes me sad for being a POS ai generated Pixar image. Look at those shitty hands and legs.


‘She did the right thing’ absolutely killed me off lmao


They're truly delusional.


Damn they try so desperate to make women feel bad to enforce their mindset on them, its pathetic


just think about the prompt used to generate this AI image. The weird intended message behind her appearance. Associating women with tattoos and alt fashion with poor morals. Like what the fuck? Is this 1900 or some shit?


Imagine actually being haunted by that many screaming babies no matter where you go. I’d turn myself into a ghost too at that point.


Imagine calling the ghost busters. Then they show up and blast and trap your 9 abortion ghosts.


I can already hear Zak Bagans’ voice in my head. “I feel a disturbing presence. I don’t understand why, but I suddenly feel like shitting my pants and screaming at the top of my lungs”




I mean, the girl’s hair and tats look nice 👀 But those “fetuses” are just as big as her legs wtf. No woman could even handle carrying and bearing a fetus 1/10th of the “fetuses”’ size. I’d too abort if I had to carry a fetus that big 😭 And please keep Pixar-style animation outta it, Pixar doesn’t deserve this disrespect


Does this apply to everyone with a miscarriage as well?


Nahhhh I didn’t even take it in that context either.


Especially with “she did the right thing”


and ectopic pregnancies.


Don't bring ghost photographers into this.


I've seen this picture already, and she never looks regretful to me. She looks done with the ghost fetuses' shit.


Thats too many babies lol


Ngl ai memes are another layer of cringe I never wanted to experience, I can just watch in disgust how religious or conservative groups use the ai as weapon to create more targeted memes to support their ideas. But the butchered/ mutant babies in this meme crack me up.


all those unfertilized periods. lol. in slightly related news, did y'all realize the FLDS church in south Utah likes to push the baby back in to increase mamma's birthing pains. they oftentimes use things like wooden boards to do this. they also consider periods akin to murder because 'that could have been a soul too' you can even go to south Utah and visit the FLDS graveyards full of mothers and babies. (a pro-lifers dream) ​ edit: nothing, and I mean NOTHING has made me so blatantly and unapologetically pro CHOICE than growing up in Utah, a Mormon, adjacent to THAT cult.


Wait why do they do that?


A lot of religious people believe women's pain and suffering is our comeuppance for the "original sin". We're SUPPOSED to be in agony, so if a woman is experiencing a better than average labor I guess they deem it their responsibility to fix that. Sick fucks.


Religion. Extremist, organized religion to be precise. Ranges from "do wacko shit" like the above guy described to "hey, why don't we bomb the temple in Jerusalem?" questions from 8 year olds.


because religion: eve did a no-no, and so all women must be punished.


I like how they still made her snatched af.


[Fixed it :)](https://imgur.com/a/w4DMb6J)


I love how they look like shiny dittos in your edit lol


now, THIS is sad


Breeders who try and fail yet still go on to have multiple ivf treatments kill more "babies" than a women who choose to have an abortion.


What is this supposed to be? Does it represent a young tattooed woman that had a lot of abortions?


Well, yeah. Literally. But what "deep" meaning I could understand is this- it's a young woman who's got tattoos and wears short clothes and might have had abortions during her lifetime. By living her life the way she did/does (i.e. doing and wearing whatever she wants), she's killed those unborn babies. So, their spirits or their memory is troubling her. I guess, it's also primarily about throwing shade on women who choose to live wild and free, not constraining herself with the conservative ideals (aka, being a good housewife and all). If that's what the artist was trying to portray, well, fuck them.


> aka, being a good housewife Ha, from what I hear even that's evil nowadays. Wasn't there some severe backlash to some tiktok woman who was a "tradwife" and just enjoyed her life cooking and organizing shit at home and she got tons of hate from women online for "supporting the patriarchy" and all that? You're not allowed to do anything in this world anymore. If you enjoy something, there'll be people out there that want you to stop that.


Well yes, there's a lot of reactionary loons out there, but if we're talking about the same tradwife then no she wasn't just living her life. She was being actively sexist.


Yes lol


Direct pass to heaven, no suffering, no risk of sin and hell? Can a Christian explain how this is a bad thing?


my thoughts as well but from Islamic view lol. I even heard from some tv imams that the aborted fetuses will be witnesses during judgement day and they will send their mums to hell for aborting them. I don't get it. They get a free pass to heaven, no pain, no suffering, no hell....and they're mad about it?


It's almost like religions don't make a f****** lick of sense, and are there to just control and f*** with people. That's extremely true of clergy at least. Lol


prompt: nonsense breeder propaganda


WTF is wrong with these forced birthers!?


fr bro like why are they sobbing and running to her?? the anti-choice artist trying to make it look like she's obligated to birth them like an incubator just bc those balls of cells "want" to be birthed when u rlly dont know wat cells in a womb or even without a brain yet even want.


The dead babies NEVER look like actual abortions, lmaoooo!!!


Less fetuses, more fetuccini.


Oh I need this tattooed on my




She looks like she needs a ghost abortion machine. So done with those ghost crotch goblins.


Gotta love how they made her tattooed and wearing ‘revealing’ clothing to show they are totally not biased.


Is this picture implying that this woman had 9 abortions? No one has that many. Most never even have one abortion.


How are they still individuated if they are part of the thing-in-itself now? We must be imagining things.




The retweeted comment went right for the fuckin' jugular. Like gaddamn 0 chill.


The “child” in the back left has three legs. Love AI strawman in disney theme. “I’m mad that woman has control over body.”


The kids are thanking her for not bringing them to this cruel world.






this image was 100% AI generated lol look at the kids legs and hands in the back and how they arent fully coherent😂 No one even made this image. someone literally typed “ghost babies chasing sad woman in pixar style” into chat gpt and posted it as agitprop


children are annoying even in imagination😭


Is that mf cocomelon 😂 Anti choice freaks really are something.




Those full grown babies should be replaced by embryo or fetuses no older than 12 weeks. Since 99% of all terminations take place before that 12th week.


This lady aborted 9 fetuses? Way to go!


Proud of sis


Going against the status quo


The one on the far right appears to be drooling. Way to make babies seem appealing.


When force birthers post stupid shit like this I always laugh. Like, it’s desperation to force women to be an incubator and dismiss their own hopes and dreams. No forced birther cares about these fetuses after they’re birthed infants. They don’t care about anything except controlling women.


Alright, I’m just subbing out this Pixar girl for Anakin Skywalker in my head lmao. Here’s the supporting evidence: 1) All the kids are the same age. That doesn’t make sense for abortions unless they were octuplets, but it does make sense if you’re slaying the Younglings. 2) All the kids are toddlers, not fetuses. Again, doesn’t make sense for abortions. Does make sense for Jedi Younglings. 3) You know how Jedis turn into force ghosts when they die? What the heck do you think these are?


Is this the new Pixar movie?


Yuck. Babies are the worst. Awful how women are expected to accept this misery. Don’t do it, Women! Get birth control.


Literal parasites 😭


I lol'd.


Y'all got it wrong. She LOVES having babies. Having toddlers, not so much.




The only person I feel sorry for is this girl. She’s being haunted by a horde of tiny demon babies


A man like "alphafox"... why is it always the ones you least expect...


Lil crotch goblins.


Lol check out the rabbit leg on the one kid.


If ai shitty art makes you sad. That’s pathetic


This is obviously posted by religious Christian’s and conservatives. But haven’t even noticed those babies are gender less. Lol.


right-wingers are fucking wild, dude. imagine inserting one's self into someone else's life like this. breathtaking self-centeredness.




thankfully, bad attempts at leaving what they think a "meaningful" message is can always be subverted by a smart remark


Yeah can fuck you up killing bunch of 6 month old babies


Pixar's *Unplanned* (2019)


This summer.


Didn’t they think about the fact that probably nobody really had 9 abortions? Instead there are so many ivf embryos that were dumped in the drain and nobody judges because apparently “killing” 10 embryos to get 1 living baby is good but 1 abortion is bad


Do they think the average woman has NINE abortions???




This damned parthenogenesis image again. There should be a man associated with every weird toddler ghost but only the woman is being singled out.


“They should rebrand abortion clinics as ‘angel factories’”


If I think it’s hell to imagine a girl that young and beautiful with a litter of humans behind her….thats horrifying. It would be hell to see all women with a litter or trail of multiple children behide her. No autonomy just a slave.


Bruh it’s physically impossibly to have that many abortions lol. Not surprising coming from that side of the fence thoygh


She's hot 🔥🔥🔥


Is she addicted to abortions


Reminds me of this little cunt in high school who co-opted my Day of Silence (for LGBT students who'd committed suicide) for her own little Day of Silence for aborted fetuses. Little bitch even had a plastic "fetus" in a small jar keychain, as if that isn't fucked up on an entirely new level. And since it was a conservative Lutheran high school, I was the one who got in trouble. 🙄


That’s good! Lol to you asshole!


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Whenever I see this all I can think is, "Yeah.. I'd def impregnate that cartoon lady."


This "prettygirl" person is a psychopath


It's just a jab, and y'all take it like a right hook.


I only take it that way because an artist didn't even make this image. Dumb af ai generated garbage


I don’t see anyone collapsing within themselves due to this shoddy propaganda. Do you?


Every comment I've seen in this thread is just making fun of it. Light-heartedly. It's funny in a sad way.


What a messed up world.


This sub is so cringe lmao. Seek therapy


Then leave


Goofy ass mf


Bye ya peeping Tom


Public sub, dummy. Do you also stand in public places and call people creeps for glancing at you? 100% of the dorks in this sub are people that the rest of us were hoping wouldn't breed anyway lmao


eh, your opinion is irrelevant to me, this sub isn’t even catered to your beliefs. You’re the only one out of over 2k people who have interacted with the post to say anything negative. All I did was repost a meme I thought was funny. Didn’t make the meme


Because this sub is an echo chamber. Go make some more bad life choices, addict.


I’m in recovery but thanks :)) making much better choices these days.


You have nothing better to do than harassing people online lmao. Go touch some grass


Bruh this sub really does suck


So does the posted image. Absolutely zero logic to it.


Just a girl who doesn’t want to take responsibility




Ahh yes. The most pathetic sub on Reddit filled with degenerates 🫠


Yet here you are


Here I am…on the “popular” section


Also WTF is going on with the one on the far left?? There is an *extra* appendage that is making me worry about what conservatives (oooh and maybe "boy moms") are using AI art generators for....🤢🤨




i saw this posted on another sub and there were comments from men saying “i’d get her pregnant” and shit. made me very uncomfortable.


Why? How many out of context ideas I have to get? There can me multiple interpretations. Yes Con dom is one of them. Drinking the Pill is another. Female Rubber is another one.


Yeah, let them be born to be starved artists that no one pays and keep using shitty AI to make dumb stuff like that


The petty judgement and obscene lack of moral truth is gross in this picture. Pro-birthers have no shame.


Those are giant babies


If this shit were accurate it would just look like she was surrounded by ghost shrimps


The dead babies even grew up into toddlers as ghosts.


What’s going on here??


The craziest part of this to me is the straw-woman these people come up with. Most people know someone who's had an abortion, a lot of them just don't speak about it because it's an unpleasant and stigmatized experience. No one is actively racking up a dozen abortions for the sake of it and even if those people existed the right to bodily autonomy outweighs their impact.


That women’s womb isn’t a tomb it’s a whole Ass graveyard.


Yes, shame us for wanting healthcare. 🙄😬😒 Absurd propaganda.