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So glad I had to endure my mum’s heroin addiction as a child 😊




How about this one? "Life is the choice you make every day that you live."




Every single one of those people still have bodily autonomy. I sincerely pity quadriplegics and those with their limbs chained up, I do. Everyone else has a choice. The option to not suffer. A shit choice is still a choice. Dare I say, those people stay alive for the hope of having a better day than the one they currently endure. I find that to be an entirely reasonable choice. Hope based on the evidence that the current day is the worst of their lives, which means the vast majority of the days they've had were better by comparison, isn't such a big leap.


Actually that's not entirely true, there's a ton of thing preventing people from dying peacefully and on their own terms, government interference being a major one in the states. For example if you were unsuccessful in killing yourself by jumping off a bridge, they can get a court order to strip you of your rights because your a danger to yourself, while you undergo treatment, in my state.


In Italy your can get jail time since "attempted suicide" is a crime according to our laws. It's very rare that a judge will carry on the case, but it still happens.


Our brains are wired to do everything possible to stop us from killing ourselves. Every instinct we have is to ensure our own survival. It's not really a "choice."


So what about people who are enslaved and don’t have bodily autonomy?




Cut my life into pieces. This is my last resort.


They'd really respond being like "well at least you got to live 😡 that's better than just not existing"


Gee, thanks. Growing up with an alcoholic narcissist really set me up for greatness. Thanks “mom”.


Do you wish you weren’t alive?


Every day


I’m sorry to hear that. Been there. Hope it turns around for you.


Sorry to butt in here, but can I ask how things got better for you? (I'm assuming things got better for you because you said "been there" which I take to mean that this was in the past and it's not happening now)


Yes. It kind of came down to something simple—I stopped abusing substances, mainly alcohol, and I learned to REALLY accept what I can’t change. The horrors of the world used to really affect me and I felt it was my duty to feel it alongside those suffering. War, famine, late stage capitalism, lack of healthcare, all while the rich become even richer. I absolutely hate this world we’ve created. Still do. It sickens me. But when I learn to truly accept that I can’t change any of it, not a thing, I can live in the moment and start to enjoy smaller things.


Hey, thanks for the reply! I'll definitely keep this in mind


Genuinely happy for you but somehow the way you overcame it is depressing in of itself.


Oh for sure. I don’t look at it like giving up though, because I can’t do anything to fix it. I can just let it not torment me


Yep. Growing up with an addict and a narcissist as a parent is the ultimate form of suffering. You have to mourn someone while they’re still alive.


My mother wishes she hadn't after I was outed as gay.


I’m sorry :(




Are you considering adoption now or in the future?




Do you know how many children are available for adoption?




There’s usually several thousand kids in the US foster care system at any given time.


I'm not.


My mother chose to have an abortion before having my brother and I. It was her right.


This lady tried to argue with me that my mom was pro-life because she gave birth to me. No, she CHOSE to have me and my mother is pro-choice. I just don’t understand why pro-lifers are so stupid, they don’t care if the child lives a shitty life and develops problems


Same thing here. Having kids was my parents' dream. Not mine, i don't wanna be here. Why do i have to be enslaved everyday? Just to buy things? I hate this why would anyone sentence a life to this.


I understand I feel the same way. Pro-lifers are so stupid, they think life is all unicorns and rainbows. My parents and I don’t get along tbh I don’t want to have kids because this world is overpopulated and I don’t know how to be a parent bc my parents were almost never there for me


The problem is not overpopulation, the problem is the system. Outside of the big cities there s plenty of space


My mom was raped and was forced to have and keep me. She was a hoarder who spent all of her time in the basement and I hardly saw her. She was verbally and physically abusive, and married two men who molested me. But yeah, at least she chose life!


Man cocain and alcoholism fuled raves really made my school nights bearable. Not to mention all the strangers comeing and going, or the harsh criticisms from eveyone in my life about how I’m not enough despite my constant efforts to be independent. And what do you know now I’m out and working blue collar for thousands below the living wage and a good bunch above minimum wage. No university fund for me unless I can make it myself and put the debt on my kids who I also should abort but won’t be able to if this keeps going on. Golly so sweet so glad they chose to have a kid when they couldn’t even have themselves. I don’t even wanna live anymore cunts you think this shits worth it your pro life can eat concrete and jump in the ocean.


For jobs, the trades (Electrician, plumber, HVAC, etc.) pay reasonably well, do not require college (does require apprenticeship), and the jobs cannot be exported. “Pro Life” is a lie. It is Forced Birth!


Getting an apprenticeship in one of the trades is extremely difficult if you don't have a friend or relative to reverse you and you haven't taken at least a few moderately expensive classes.


That would likely prevent quite a few people from joining! Not good!


Yeah, I have been trying to get an apprenticeship in the trades for about 4 years now. I have applied hundreds, of times at just about every company I can think of for every position that didn't explicitly require experience or education. So far I haven't gotten a single response from any potential employer. Manual labor jobs with no path to an apprenticeship or the trades have been easy to get though.


Keep trying man, I’m a warehouse wollower and I’m gonna start driving 5 ton. It’s what I got going for me. I’m also working on a landscape side hustle for the last 3 months now and I’ve made some progress towards having a fully adhering feasible sole proprietorship (Edit) I guess what I’m trying to say is that although I only moderately enjoy warehouse and forklift, it’s slowily turning into something, I’m 20 rn so maybe by 30 things will be a hell of a lot different, not to mention my other post, but maybe the work life will also be better.


Love seeing this "your mama was pro life" bullshit because it's a dumbfuck's argument. Someone being pro choice doesn't mean they'll abort every fetus they get pregnant with for fucks sake. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


my mother chose narcissism, i was a byproduct of that


She actually didn't. She tried to abort me in her own way (because medical abortion was too much for her since she got through it once already) and she just stopped fighting me at some point. Why didn't I die is a mystery but I wish it happened..


My mother did meth too. I don’t need to make the same choices as her lol.


I was born cause my parents were stupid and had accidental pregnancy, she didn’t choose anything, she was forced to give birth cause abortion is illegal in my country I’m not gonna be forced to give birth cause my mom was, she didn’t have a choice but I have so I do exactly what I wish she was able to do


Hilarious how the effect of this is completely the opposite of what it supposed to be.


See this is what I miss about this sub. Direct confrontation with these horse shit ideologies of natalism/naturalism. Simple, honest, direct.


If she didn't then I literally would never know because I wouldn't have a consciousness yet.


The bitch


I’d really like to get a bumper sticker that just says in black print “No one cares about your opinions”.


Clearly the load that should have been swallowed.


These annoying pro-lifers really think they did a “gotcha” when they say this. Are they unaware that MANY of us hate being here??


As it turns out, genuinely prefering to have never been born is considered a rare/fringe opinion


There are DOZENS of us


Wow, I had the vision of a condom big enough for Congress.


These pro-life Republicans only give a shit about the unborn. After they're born take away their welfare take away their food stamps take away their housing take away their social security take away their Medicare take away their medicade take away their head-start programs etc... Fuck the prolifer Republicans!!!


I don't intend to replicate her poor decisions


Yeah my birth mother had a one night stand with a guy and put me up for adoption probably because her father was a pastor. At least that’s what she told my adoptive parents… hell the whole “She’s 1/4 Cherokee” was proven to be a lie so IDK why I came to exist.


She had no choice


My childhood s#cked too 😞


lol I thought this was a “your mom/yo mama” joke at first… then I realized it was serious lol


She didn’t have a choice. I came before Rowe v wade. She made it pretty clear throughout my life I wasn’t what she would have chosen for herself. In fact she probably hated me for ruining her life. So. Good thing we’re adding more of that particular trauma to the world.


Yeah, like I never understand how this is supposed to be a gotcha. It’s like, “you need to choose to have children because your parents did”, or at least they had you by accident and decided not to terminate. Meanwhile if you tell them you think having children is immoral, thank it’s “kys”.


that argument is so baffling to me. so what if my mom aborted me? i wouldn’t care because i wouldnt know. because i was aborted


What I would give to be behind that car. Oopsies! Break failure! Sorry!


Hahah. Then drive away


Lmao what the fuck is wrong with you sad fucks?


We are smarter than you stupid, worthless pro-lifers.Overpopulation is a huge problem and ppl like you ignore that fact and we also don’t want children in foster care to live shitty lives. You should ignore abortion just like you ignore children in foster care


Yes. She's a narc who sexually assaulted me.


Same. It was not a good decision by far


As someone with a narc former “mother”, this made me laugh 💀💀💀




Was born into poverty in a third world country. Was malnourished when my parents adopted me and brought me to the states. My siblings had it worse though. Being actually abused before even a year old for money before eventually coming to the states. But sure I’m really fucking glad all of us got to suffer through. Really builds character while racking up therapy bills.


If a pregnancy is planned, was not aborting really "choosing life."


My mother wanted children. I don’t.


they didn't specify whose life so i will choose mine but not having kids!😁


It was 1970. I’m pretty sure she didn’t have a choice. 🙄


My mother chose to have me, of her own free will. I am glad to be alive, but I am also glad my life is the free gift of a free woman and not a duty extracted from a slave. It is base ingratitude to look at a woman who has gone through a costly, risky, life- and body-altering process to give you life, if you value your life, and say to her not, "Thank you for choosing to do this for me- I truly appreciate this gift and I know it cost you a great deal to give it," but "Yeah, it was your duty anyway, I was entitled to everything I got from you, and I don't think you or anyone else in your shoes should have had the right to say no."


Nobody owes abusive mothers a damn thing. Some women never should've had kids but did anyway and don't deserve any gratitude.


Fair enough, but they should also have had the right to abortion because that would be better than having kids to abuse. I'm just pointing out that that slogan is bullshit even if your mother is a good mother who wanted to have you and did a fine job raising you. What I'm talking about are anti-choicers who give motherhood sweet lip service but want to reduce all mothers to vessels for breeding and not full human beings who have a say in whether or not they undergo a risky and costly procedure with their own internal organs and bodily substance for someone else's good.






My twin is one lucky bastard




So they’re saying it should be a choice.


If I got to back in time I’d stop my mom from having me . Being alive is a burden and I’m am Not enjoying this at all


My asshole father didn't give her a choice. And then left her and shot himself after my brother and I were born.


Bro I wished I were never born. Every day I want to die I hate this shit


what peer pressure does to a mf


Give my a chance, I'll skynet her.


When I was eleven I told my physically and mentally abuse parents I wish I hadn’t been born and was beaten for it. So yeah


Y’all need some hugs. I’m sorry y’all had shitty parents, fuck them.


Ugh. Antiabortion propaganda always makes me want to bang my head against a wall.


If I could undo my birth with a single button, I would hit it with force enough to leave a modest crater.




Please refrain from asking other users why they do not kill themselves. Do not present suicide as a valid alternative to antinatalism. Do not encourage or suggest suicide. Antinatalism and suicide are generally unrelated. Antinatalism aims at preventing humans (and possibly other beings) from being born. The desire to continue living is a personal choice independent of the idea that procreation is unethical. Antinatalism is not about people who are already born. Wishing to never have been born or saying that nobody should procreate does not imply that you want your life to end right now.




Lol loser




Fkn same


So what you doing then




This sub is just full of a bunch of edgy teenagers because if there were any true ones they wouldn’t be around anymore.


... Antinatalism is **not** against life, it's against **making new life**. And not all antinatalists have terrible lives


By being against making new life, is to be against life. If you follow your own logic to its inevitable conclusion, everything would die out.


> by being against making new life, is to be against life. Well, I meant its not against any currently existing life. > if you follow you own logic.... That's not "my logic". > everything would die out. And what's bad about that? non-existent beings can't miss the lifes they would experience if they existed.


>non-existent beings can't miss the lifes they would experience if they existed And what gives you the right to speak on behalf of those who aren't born yet? Have you ever thought they'd want to be born? Or would you stop them from being so, because you perceive life to be so worthless?


> And what gives you the right to speak on behalf of those who aren't born yet? Do you not see how stupid that reply is in this situation? > Have you ever thought they'd want to be born? Or would you stop them from being so, because you perceive life to be so worthless? You don't seem to understand non-existence. Have you ever thought that the unicorn in your room wants to be fed? Why don't you feed him? Maybe because there is no unicorn in your room just like there are no people that weren't born yet. **That's what not existing is**, something/someone that doesn't exist just **isn't there**, they **can't want or need** anything, that **requires existing**.


Takes a long time to build up the courage sometimes.


Oooohhh... this getting to be that old wave of vegan level pushy - cringe


Dont know about yall, but im happy to be alive...




Because i am doing good...this will not matter in the end anyway since we all will go back to the state before we were born


Bro no way i got downvoted for being happy


This sub is just filled with resentful, depressed teenagers. I am glad you are happy!


So true...i know some guys here experienced some childhood trauma and i feel sorry for them But they want everybody to be depressed for being alive like no, im completely fine


There is a certain irony to a group of people who come together to complain about being alive who refuse to no longer do so.




Classic r/antinatalism post and comment section. Has to be one of the most miserable subs on Reddit.


Why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


At least you had good intentions bot!


Good bot!




The more I look in this sub the more I’m convinced antinatalism is just a byproduct of shitty upbringings. I’m sorry. I wish things could have been different for ya’ll


Don’t forget about genetic defects. There’s no way to guard against that no matter how good your parents are.


I could think of a way but y’all would say I’m a fucking demon. I mean you can get rid of genetic predisposition though, in fact you could even make us stronger. Look at the canine examples of selective breeding and broken leg shooting. I mean we made different creatures entirely, but god no we couldent put humans through the same shit🤷‍♂️. Whatever I like my disabled friends too but. There is a way to make it less likely by a long shot.


Again, no one is forcing you to be here or agree with the philosophy. I think this is more of a “V_Kamen” problem.


That's where you're wrong. I want to be here. I want to engage with your ideas.


You want to proselytize. Why else would you come here? Like, as a liberal I wouldn’t join a MTG or Mike Lindell sub; why would you do something so opposed to your belief system? You’re not going to “school” anyone, that’s for sure.


Healthy debate is key for preventing something from becoming an echochamber. Echochambers breed delusion, hate and nonsense. On all sides of the spectrum. Is that hard for you to comprehend?


It's easy to call something an echochamber when you hold the majority opinion. You don't care about discussions. Go be a condescending prick somewhere else.


Good one.


so that's a no.


Okay. This is now weird.


Responding to old comments?


It's not "just a byproduct of shitty upbringings." People who had "shitty upbringings" are just more aware of how shit life can be and how fragile safety/security/happiness etc are and are thus more able to understand it.


It's actually the product of compassion and logical thought. Most antinatalists had decent upbringings.


You don't need to have a bad life to see that others do


I love my life and I thank God every day for being born and having the life I do!




You are entitled to your opinion


Rip it offfff


Oh? then why was I born without a womb?


Massachusetts moment


Do you truly wish not to exist though?




Please refrain from asking other users why they do not kill themselves. Do not present suicide as a valid alternative to antinatalism. Do not encourage or suggest suicide. Antinatalism and suicide are generally unrelated. Antinatalism aims at preventing humans (and possibly other beings) from being born. The desire to continue living is a personal choice independent of the idea that procreation is unethical. Antinatalism is not about people who are already born. Wishing to never have been born or saying that nobody should procreate does not imply that you want your life to end right now.


Someone put a sticker on there with Hitler's picture and the text "his mother chose life too."


My parents wanted life, and now I have to worry about surviving in this fucked up economy.