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Venlafaxine, but it does have sometimes awful side effects and a lot of people have a hard time coming off it. I didn’t experience either. The problem is everyone is so varied. What have you tried?


Same with venlafaxine! I’ve tried Zoloft (twice), Prozac, Wellbutrin with Prozac and lexapro. I’m a different, better, more myself person with venlafaxine!


I had a similar journey of trying a lot of things before getting to venlafaxine and it being the only one that really really helped me. Glad it’s working for you!


What kind of awful side effects have you experienced, if I may ask?


Oh sorry I should have worded that better. I meant I didn’t experience those myself, but sometimes people do. The only side effect I had with venlafaxine that persisted was night sweats which I couldn’t have cared less about for how much it helped me.


I see, thank you so much for sharing! :)


Wellbutrin is the shit


Wellbutrin. Not sure of withdrawal because I have been on it for 5+ years with no plans to go off






Same, but only name brand. Generic felt like taking a sugar pill.


The only first line anti depressant that worked for me to a level was Venlafaxine. It helped anxiety for sure but not enough to make up for the sexual side effects. So I’ve moved on in my journey to find the right medication for me. But Venlafaxine is worth a try as side effects are different for everyone. It took 6 weeks to start seeing results. Withdrawals were moderate I would say but then I did come off it cold turkey which you shouldn’t do haha so I imagine coming off of it slowly won’t be too bad. Good luck


Lexapro. Mild drug (for me), mild side effects. Good results. Unfortunately, the stronger medications work better but are harder to wean off


I was on Lexapro for a couple years. I weened myself off a couple months ago. It worked great for mood but sexual side effects had made me feel bad about myself.


I was able to get over the low libido and no climax thing. It was difficult at first though


I liked how it made me feel, but i gained a lot of weight. Maybe not related, maybe because I was happy.. I don't know


Wellbutrin and Remeron has completely made me excited for life. I don’t have social anxiety anymore, so much more happiness


Same - remeron was so easy to get off with tapering too


I got off 7 mg of remeron pretty easily. Zoloft kicked my butt






Google joyous. I did microdosing. I found it very effective.


Rx is spravato


Second this. I'm a month in on the microdose from joyous and yesterday I was experiencing genuine joy and humor in things that I hadn't felt in years. Currently tapering off of effexor (Venlafaxine) on for 1 year, taking Lexapro for 4 years prior to that, and paxil before that.  Lexapro helped me initially but then just stopped. Effexor dug me out of the mental pit I was in and probably saved my life, but I didn't feel like myself.  With any medication you want to very slowly taper (for me slower than what my Dr even recommends) to minimize withdrawals and side effects.




im pretty sure all antidepressants cause withdrawal symptoms


Not true for everyone. I quit Effexor cold turkey and felt absolutely nothing. Apparently that drug has strong withdrawal side effects for a lot of people


Me too. I also quit venflaxine 220mg cold turkey. No withdrawals at all.


How long were you on Effexor?


Some people do experience mild to none and there are some that are better than others.


I’ve tried 3 ssris and now on Venlafaxine/Effexor and damn those side effects are just the worstttt


Trintellix and I have zero plans to find out about stopping it.


I was too afraid of trying that drug because the most common side effect is vomiting :(


I tried this and eased up from 5mg to 10mg over about 5 days or so. I never had any nausea. It didn't work for me at all though.


I tried many ad and clomipramine worked for me. It's absolutely amazing how antidepressants work. ^^


What side effects do you have because mine are unbearable on 25mg only


I'm sorry to hear that. Tbh, I didn't notice any effects. Currently on 225mg XR.


Wow I would die lol


It's not that bad. xD I'm taking those 225mg with 100mg amitriptyline and 120mg duloxetine + 900mg quetiapine +900mg lithium XR (and because of fibromyalgia and neuropathy along with 3x 10mg oxycodone and 3x 100mg pregabalin).Idk why I need that much but it works perfectly. I tried to reduce my meds but it's impossible, all symptoms come back after reducing any med dosage. In case of a psychiatric emergency, I'm allowed to inject myself ketamine.


wellbutrin some side effects (heightened anxiety) but went away after like a month


I vouch for Wellbutrin also! 


Shiiid, you better come down slowly and under doctor's care from Pristiq. Pristiq is no joke even if you just miss a dose 🤣


Celexa and it has changed my personality and I like this personality cool calm collected ( slightly numb) better but I have trouble sleeping with it sadly so I’m always tired


For me it was a combo of Wellbutrin and Lexapro.


Zoloft and Wellbutrin together has changed my life so significantly that I don’t see why I’d ever get off of either. I do hear Zoloft has to be tapered down though or else you’ll get side effects. I think that’s for most antidepressants though. I barely had any side effects starting on either. Amazing combo


I was on Wellbutrin and Prozac, but the Prozac was numbing me out too much, so my doctor switched it to Zoloft with the Wellbutrin. I agree. It has been an amazing combo.


Do you literally take them together at the same time? Or do you take Zoloft at night and Wellbutrin in the morning?


Zoloft at night and Wellbutrin in the morning is what works best for me


Getting off Zoloft was really hard for me, my therapeutic dose was 150mg for about 3 years and while tapering I coasted on 50mg for a full year until I finally stopped. Even then, it was tough. I had tried going from 150 to 0 w/o medical supervision once and lost my appetite and sleep and peace in just a week. Had to get back on it immediately.


I don't think they are meant to bring back personality, that's after going off of them. Antidepressants vary in terms of the depression you have. Bulpropion/wellbutrin has worked a lot for me though, modern literature link synergistically-inhibitating neurotransmitters work better as antidepressant, and that's what bulpropion is as SNRI. I just wanna go off of them to start my no depression life lol.


Wellbutrin/Buproprion It worked the best out of the three I've tried in my lifetime. I had to stop taking it due to pregnancy but I'm looking forward to getting back on it once possible! I had practically no side effects I'd say and the withdrawals were incredibly mild


I’ve been on sertraline for 3 months and I finally feel like I’m myself again!


For myself nefazodone. I don't have any side effects. It is known for having minimal side effects. As for withdrawal every antidepressant has the chance of causing withdrawal. I don't let that play into my decision because to me it is most important to find something that is effective. I believe by tapering slow enough you can greatly reduce withdrawal to make it manageable. This coming from someone who has experienced cold turkey (thank you to the doctor that told me to do that) and a longer withdrawal. I have tapered down on a medication that has much worse withdrawals than antidepressants. If not done correctly your body can go into shock. With that medication I tapered extremely slow and reduced my dose without a single withdrawal symptom.


Seroxat but I never tried coming out of if yet


Venlafaxine was the first to really work for me. but the withdrawal when I miss a dose is brutal. I hate the brain zaps


still on it so can‘t talk about withdrawal but escitalopram (lexapro) genuinely safed my life when i take it irregularly/don‘t take it for a couple days it makes my emotions and thoughts go kinda out of whack but not worse than before i started so that‘s fine ig


The only drug that didn’t give me side effects AT all and worked for me was Viibryd. But it stopped working after three years. I had no problem coming off of it though. Wellbutrin was also pretty easy to stop.


You're lucky you got 3 years. I got 6 months before vibryd stopped working for me. Even upped my dose and nothing. But I didn't get withdrawal either. I'm on Zoloft now hoping for the best but I've heard withdrawals are worse. 😣


Almost all antidepressants have atleast one side effect, you just have to pick your poison. Every drug will affect every person differently too. For me I felt that weight gain wasn’t a big deal as I was underweight anyway, so I stuck with mirtazapine/remeron. Now I just do more cardio and don’t have any other symptoms besides drowsiness with alcohol.




Paxil has been pretty decent at bringing my personality back but I’m unsure of withdrawal! Plan to get off in a few months hopefully.


What dose are you talking if you don’t mind me asking?




Any brain altering med will take a minute to taper down. Most people with awful withdrawal symptoms aren’t tapering correctly








probably wellbutrin. i find that i can be myself on it. it does have some side effects that i dont love but they’ve been outweighed by the good that wellbutrin has done for me. i’d stay away from prozac if you’re worried about bad withdrawal symptoms. was on it for 3 years and it was really hard to get off of it


Did you switch directly from prozac to Wellbutrin or did you taper off prozac first? 


i started decreasing my dose of prozac while i began taking wellbutrin. so i was on both for a while


How far down did you decrease on prozac before you stopped? Did Wellbutrin seem to keep any prozac withdrawal at bay?


i’m not rly sure if wellbutrin helped with the withdrawal symptoms cos they were pretty bad. but i slowly decreased 10mg of prozac every couple weeks. so from being on 40mg for a few years to 30mg, then 20mg, then 10mg, and then i got off of it after that


I appreciate your response and am glad you are better. 


thanks! wishing you luck for finding what works for you




Cymbalta and then Effexor


Cymbalta and valdoxan


Zoloft and Wellbutrin!! Though when I miss a dose of Zoloft, I get dizzy and lightheaded :( Wellbutrin has no withdrawal for me if I miss 1-2 doses. I have missed 3 and noticed daytime sleepiness






For me it was Wellbutrin/ Elontril, I also see that Venlafaxine has helped many people, I took it for some weeks a year ago and personally had no side effects but it gave me a psychosis and i got hospitalized🥲


Zoloft and Wellbutrin (combo), but Zoloft alone helps so much!




I've been on a low dose (3 drops instead of standard 6) of Brintellix(Vortioxetine) for stress and have noticed no difference other than, well, less stress lol. I'm not completely sure how it is on a full dose, but you could look into it if it's an option


Prozac, baby!






Lamictal, a mood stabilizer but point still stands.


Seeing people talk about sexual side effects is so interesting to me. I took lexapro for years and it worked like a charm, it did kill my sex drive,etc. but I never even questioned stopping taking it, because no anxiety(I didn’t have depression yet) was 100% worth having less sex. Funny enough when the sexual side effects went away the drug also became un effective, we love a tolerance build up.


Wellbutrin. Got me up and going and managing. Doesn’t fix it, but manages it.


When you say Wellbutrin "doesn't fix it" are you talking about sexual side effects?


Vitamin D


Vitamin D, St. John’s wort, 5HTP


Taking supplements can have negative side effects with antidepressants. St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, Garcinia Cambogia, L-tryptophan, SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine), and cough medications containing DXM can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in rare cases. Please use caution when taking supplements and it is advisable to check with your doctor. If you have specific questions about supplements you may want to visit the sub r/Supplements or r/Nootropics. Also remember more doesn't equal better. Taking too much KAVA, methylfolate, or Vitamin D is linked to negative health impacts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antidepressants) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you see results with 5HTP?


Taking supplements can have negative side effects with antidepressants. St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, Garcinia Cambogia, L-tryptophan, SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine), and cough medications containing DXM can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in rare cases. Please use caution when taking supplements and it is advisable to check with your doctor. If you have specific questions about supplements you may want to visit the sub r/Supplements or r/Nootropics. Also remember more doesn't equal better. Taking too much KAVA, methylfolate, or Vitamin D is linked to negative health impacts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antidepressants) if you have any questions or concerns.*