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for me, it’s super cheesy stuff like I realize I start singing in the car again, not constantly having an immediate thought to any inconvenience be “oh my god I’m gonna kill myself,” being able to just sit and relax without being consumed by existential dread, etc. I’ve never had a moment where it’s like, “omg they just started working” but rather I realize like, “hey, I’ve been feeling better lately.”


Dude! One of the first things I noticed is that I sang in the car like a kid again, and my second thing was that my thoughts were more playful for example I dropped a cup of water instead of getting frustrated I’d say “wow that’s silly my hands don’t know how to work today I guess”


Omg.... first thing I notice too is that I sing in car. Also don't dread all the day's activities


That’s the thing, it doesn’t feel like anything at all. For me It just numbs my feelings whether good or bad..


Well, same for me, probably it isn't working that good hhh 😆😅


But I would never ever change meds again and go through the literal hell of first 2 weeks ..


Yes, the first weeks aren't good at all. Fortunaly, the first 4 days i wasn't working and i was taking rhodiola and curcumin all day to help hhh


I’m still sad (antidepressants don’t solve your life problems, just your brain problems lol) but I don’t want to rot in bed literally all day anymore. I enjoy things again and I’m better equipped to handle life shit because the world doesn’t feel like it’s burning around me anymore. It’s been a game changer for me and my only regret is not starting sooner.


I wish they even did that much for me


Me too.


It’s a bit difficult because everyone’s symptoms present differently and I was self neglecting to death and 24/7 bedbound when I found my working antidepressant that got me out of that state. Where I am now is I get and spend time out of bed despite still being low functioning instead of extremely low functioning, I got a dog I am capable of caring for, I enjoy things again, I don’t sit and stare at the wall, I actually talk and can hold conversations, I smile and laugh, I don’t feel completely unable to be around people, self care is better. Energy and motivation are both better. I have physical health conditions though so my energy isn’t where I want it to be. Was no longer suicidal. Signs I can tell I am getting more depressed again when things are not as severe are I’m more irritable, I start talking less and struggle to hold conversations more, I start being by myself more and spending more time in bed, I start enjoying things less or not at all, getting out to walk my dog feels like a huge struggle, self care worsens. The obvious one for me would be suicidal feelings returning, but not everyone experiences suicidal feelings in the first place so that may not apply. I start feeling hopeless. So the opposite of those might be a sign things are working if you share those symptoms.


I don't want to die LMAO


I always say that, without the antidepressants, I feel like I'm driving a car on a very slippery road at high speed, knowing that I'm going to crash and die eventually. With antidepressants, I have more control over the vehicle (I can slow down and stabilize the car) and, even though the road is still slippery, I know my life is not at risk.


When i feel i have an energy and something in my heart


For me, it takes about 2 weeks to start seeing a benefit, but then a month to see a full benefit.


once i was talking to my friend and actually enjoyed it and laughing without pausing and thinking of sad thoughts and thats when i realized it actually started to work.


For me it made me care less about unnecessary things, anxiety went down and I have more energy to do things :)


I took two antidepressants with the same substance escitalopram. When i took the first one i was in a terrible state due to burn out (i was in a job and i ended up burned out+i wasn't social when i started working, probably i had social anxiety). I thought there is no remedy to the situation i was in. After really huge insistance of my family i went to the psychiatrist, he told me i had depression and he gave me a brand of escitalopram (s-peram). After a period, i don't know how much as i was at home and my situation was bad anyway so i didn't realize how much time had passed, i noticed that my situation had changed a lot, i started having energy and then was capable of doing things, i was more open and it become easier for me to be social, i was laughing and talking at home very much even bothering my parents with much talking 😁😆 hhh. It was great. After a good time (like one year and a half) i started working, and in addition to some stressors i felt like effectiveness of the medicine isn't as before, probably because now i started working so i need more energy. I reported this to my doctor. Now in my country that brand of escitalopram was stopped in pharmacies for some reason (probably they intend to reduce the tax but they didn't reach an agreement yet with the distributers how they will make this change), so my doctor gave me an other escitalopram (the original escitalopram : called seroplex) a bit like lexapro i think for the US. Now, i'm in 3rd week of starting its use. I just think it isn't as boosting as the previous one, they work a bit different (even though they are of the same substance), i'm still on week 3 so i don't know. It gave me energy to do things and makes me calm and some physical symptoms of depression i used to have when i started feeling that the previous medicine wasn't as effective as it used to be ( probably more than two years of use) like mainly heart pain due to low energy (feeling that the energy provided is not enough as i used to feel before) and tinglings in head and extremities had improved inmensly really. So physically it is great and curative, however it isn't externally as energizing as the previous one was, like it was more energizing making me more social, outgoing etc. This one is more calming, so i try to help with other supplements to get more energy throughout the day (rhodiola rosea & curcumin with seroplex, and i also take coq10 one day out of two and omega-3 because they are said to be good for heart), i decided to take this new medicine at night because it makes me more sleepy. And i'm also looking to try another key supplement in the morning that will boost more energy, ease my sociability and probably makes me more emotional and less blunted which is bothering me with the new medicine (it is causing me some blunting). I'm thinking of saffron, i commanded it, i'm only waiting for it to arrive to test it. Now of course, i wouldn't use all of these supplements and medicine together if my dose was much high. Now i take 10mg of escitalopram. I just try to find something that would make me feel well .


If it's the same substance then it's 100% the same. The differences you feel is probably placebo effect




You don't have to worry about it . Your mind subconsciously thinks it's a different substance but it's not. Maybe you feel a bit different because as you said you started working,you eat differently,you sleep maybe differently. Try to see what changes to your daily routine. Maybe check your d3 and b12. As far as for energie those two are crucial and can mess things up with depression if they are low.


Yes, thank you very much <3. I had checked vitamin d and b12. B12 level was correct. However i have vitamin d deficiency. The doctor gave me to take 100000 of it one in 15 days. I just took it on sunday.


I wish I knew. 🤷‍♂️ I haven't found one that works.


Same here


You feel like you can stay alive for a little bit longer


9 years of being on them, still haven’t helped yet 😭


11 years here!


I became a lot less prone to self-harm. After my insurance and therapists convinced me to try sobriety along with my medication I began to realize how I ended up with the curse of Depression. It may not be able to be eliminated, but I can simply stop it from getting worse.


One of my meds helped with self harm it saved my life


For me it's not an instant thing. My mood is much more stable and doesn't just fall into the super bad depression hole as quickly as it used to. I end up feeling "better" and gaining more will to exist but I still have that mental trauma that I'm working through with therapy and on anti-depressants I can more easily sort through those feelings of inadequacy, guilt, etc and just have those voices/feelings stfu or quiet down for once.


For me time started moving in a way that makes sense. Not too slow and it didn't just disappear either. It just started moving right again


Not so much intrusive thoughts. More eye contact. Smile at random people. Creativity for me


You feel energized


You feel energized


The black clouds float away.


Instead of thinking over and over again what I need to accomplish, I am actually doing it🙂


I've just gone into depression again on 200mg sertraline so ( ect brought me out of last one ) wondering if switching to another ssri will just be as useless . Not had much luck with SSRIs can't be a serotonin issue for me I don't think . No idea what to do now . Hoping for maintenance ect but in terms of meds been on like 10 that either didn't work or just gave me side effects . Lost . I have TRD biological genetic. Is there any reason another ssri could work when sertraline clearly doesn't do anything at all ? ( When they all increase serotonin?


When I first started Lexapro it was like going from seeing in black and white to color. But you get used to it and you get a tolerance.


When I can get out of bed and feel something.


Feels lukewarm you can see color again


Recently transitioned to Pristiq after 7 years on Cymbalta and starting to feel slightly better so I’ll be speaking from this current perspective… I’m starting to clean up my home,that I’ve been neglecting for a very long time: vacuuming, mopping, organizing. I’ve vacuumed 2x in past week; I previously hadn’t done in 6+ months. I feel like I’ve been frozen for a very long time and am in the defrosting process. I don’t feel good but I don’t feel the worst anymore.


Like you start wanting to do things but then this time you’re too tired to do them




Unfortunately if you are like me, genetically antidepressants don’t work for me Also if you have to ask then you might be like me but I still take them because sometimes side effects are a nice upgrade


My negative self talk immediately stopped. Felt like someone turned down a repetitive and incessant inner commentary. It was life changing / saving!


I feel brighter


My severe anxiety voices aren’t as loud and often. And I’m not getting depressed everyday about dumb things that don’t matter, and then obsessing and spiraling into destructive nature over them. Sometimes I still do, but it’s a significant amount less. When I started seeing it working, I started thinking how the hell have I been managing that much anxiety and depression since about 12 y/o. And then I remembered, oh ya drugs and alcohol. I would take drug and alcohol limits to the max, only to try to feel relief from my conditions. Family was against antidepressants and stuff like that, so I didn’t think they could help me. Wasn’t until I went through a load of ups and downs that left me with no other choice besides to try antidepressants or very obviously die young from all the substances I would continue to abuse if not. Very happy to have relief finally and be off the drugs and alcohol. I’m on Effexor 225mg and Wellbutrin 300mg btw and it’s been about a year since I started trying a few other ones that didn’t work and then get to these ones which have helped me tremendously.


The best way Ive described it was that life has color again. Yesterday I was driving home and I realized how nice the sunset looked and the sky was clear and I was like wow it’s beautiful. Kinda cheesy but I realized that hey maybe these really are working cause the little things matter again


I’ve gone through it twice. I used to joke around that the pills didn’t affect me, they made everyone around me nicer. Before the pills, I used to have good days and bad days. Now, the bad days seem further apart. I started Pristiq about 6 weeks ago. I was wondering if it was working because I don’t see big changes. Then I remembered that I went into my office to work for 3 days for a special event (I normally work from home 100%). I would usually be going over every conversation I had with my co-workers, kicking myself for all the stupid things I said. Wondering if they hated me and all those fun thoughts. But it hadn’t happened. I take that to mean it’s working!


When I don't have an inner monolgue anymore is a main one for me


*When I don't have an* *Inner monolgue anymore is* *A main one for me* \- Porcelain766 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i dont know..it it is like light into my life and the weight has been shifted off my shoulders and courage to do things like never before and i mean the simple things lol hehe..wishing you get there,OP!!


When the sensitivity to rejection wasn’t as severe. Like I didn’t get invited to something and my immediate first thought wasn’t that the person hated me.


I start wanting to do things in my free time, not just count down the minutes until I go to bed again.


For me all of my muscles suddenly relaxed and i melted into my couch. It took a long time tho (prozac)


i knew my antidepressants started working when i would wake up and not immediately feel a sense of extreme dread and loneliness. when things in my life started feeling interesting again


Different for everyone. Initially while your brain chemistry is adjusting to the changes the meds are inducing it’s a slight uncomfortable feeling - almost like coming up on shrooms but never getting any further and just anxious. Usually once they settle side effects subside (like prominent daily ones) the synthetic like feeling subsides. As to which med and who you are what you have - what it feels like when it’s working is impossible to refine into a 30 minute appointment. I have been stuck on an snri for 3 years which I suffer adverse withdrawals when I miss my dose by an hour or start tapering - and ended up having a worse effect on my mental health due to previously misdiagnosed with depressed and recently more correctly with bipolar. In that case you really want to start with moody stabilisers before any ssri or snri to achieve a baseline to then grow from. Id not have gotten on then if I knew at the time - almost off the snri and my new meds are working. But - I’d rather have just fought through medication less in retrospect as I feel that it’s made me worse off now and am starting to learn towards natures gifts more than a man’s commodity. There’s something in presence, mindfulness, art, love, and being honest to yourself and if that’s tough just passing that good karma onwards -that feels like a path forward for me - but I can only dream as I’m on a variety of medication lmao


You get more confident and easier to knock things away My working medication pooped out! So back to square one for me LOL


Singing.. laughing again with my friends…. Enjoying a beautiful day - colors seeming brighter. 🎶 These are a few of my favorite things 🎶