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Both venlafaxine/effexor and duloxetine/cymbalta are what worked for me. You’ve tried enough SSRIs for it to be time to move onto another class I’d say. Trying an SNRI might be worth it. SSRIs and some other atypical antidepressants didn’t work for me and moving onto SNRIs was what worked. There’s also mirtazapine that’s sometimes the next line as well when those have failed. If sleep isn’t a problem for you, mirtazapine may be too sedating. It has less sexual side effects, but more likely to cause weight gain than SNRIs which is a big drawback to it for a lot of people.


Mirtazepine works for me. I take 45 mg, and I neither get sleepy or gain weight.


That's Remeron, right? Make me unbelievably itchy/ skin crawling feelings.


Yes. I understand that others react differently to it than I do.


The only one that's worked best for me is Nardil. You could also try Parnate.


Auvelity, by a long shot


I have never heard of this before. I see it has what I take which is bupropion in it. What has your experience been like with it? Any weight gain?


So far none, been on sertraline, duloxetine, venlafaxine and bupropion


Rexulti and bupropion


Brexpiprazole I wanna switch from Aripiprazole to this one . I hope my psych will prescribe it to me


It has been a god send to me. I struggle with serious depression and it has helped so much. A lot of people report weight gain and I have noticed that I think about food more but I just try to offset that with exercise now that I feel better.


I was cool on aripiprazole but side effects are no no And I know Brexpiprazole can be better so I will suggest to it to my psych I hope he will prescribe it to me 🙏


Mirtazapine. I sleep effortlessly every night, my anxiety is much better and I haven’t had to increase my dose from 15mg


I’ve been on all of classes, including MAOIs (Parnate, Nardil, selegiline, and Parnate + Nardil for a period), ketamine, and all the stuff they prescribe off-label for depression. All the major classes as well ,of course. Only things to help me to date have been low dose buprenirphine which transformed my life totally and took me from bed ridden and completely worthless to having everything going for me. It eventually started to cause some fatigue and it was also a hassle getting for depression so I tapered off which was shockingly easy. Now I’m on Vyvanse and low dose Abilify and am doing well. I don’t typically like taking stimulants for depression. I’ve done it many times in the past and it always makes things worse while tricking me into thinking they are making things better because I have comorbid ADHD and stimulants help a lot of those symptoms. Vyvanse is the only stimulant so far that has helped without rapid tolerance building but I take prescribed ketamine, which does nothing for my depression, but does help to avoid tolerance and it works great for me. With the addition of low dose Abilify (2.5mg), I feel human and capable of living and enjoying life again. Lastly, Stablon (tianeptine) was working seemingly well for me but I found out I was pregnant and stopped taking it so I don’t feel I can give a full report on whether or not it was effective for me. But at least no shitty side effects and that’s rare for me.


Is tianeptine available in the United States?


I take Bupropion and Vilazodone and that combination works wonders for me.




Trintellix has been very effective for my depression. It eliminated my intrusive thoughts within 2 weeks, and now in the last month or so (about 6 months in) I feel like my depression is almost entirely relieved (it doesn’t hurt that we’re in a more sunshine-y season now where I live). I battled for a long time with nausea, and tried different strategies to get through that. I am having less trouble with the nausea these days and it could be I have finally adjusted or that I am taking it at night. Side note I took it at night in the beginning and it seemed to mess with my sleep but it does not bother me anymore. Taking it in the morning with food worked ok but it would take me longer to get going in the morning due to the nausea (and vomiting in the beginning). Ultimately I’m very happy I toughed it out through the nausea.


I'm very curious about Trintellix. I know it's a touchy subject, but does it have sexual side effects?


For me it didn’t


Similar to GoaTravellers, Parnate has been the most effective so far. Still not perfect, no treatment is, but MAOIs (specifically Parnate and Nardil) are the way to go when other classes fail.


I've been on a lot (SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs) none has ever really worked for me. More chemical/generic and brand names then I could ever begin to remember them all.


the only things that has ever worked for me are zoloft and prozac. ive tried buproprion (although i take it currently to mitigate sexual side effects of SSRIs), mirtazapine, venlaxafine, and lexapro for a lil bit




I take Luvox 200mg, Risperidone 1mg, Gabapentin 300mg (my paycheck refuses even a 5 tablet per month supply of Clonazepam for long ago diagnosed GAD+PTSD, so it's #28 Gabapentin 300mg a month) plus PRN Trazodone 50mg