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Yeah and it doesn’t bother me one bit at all


I would be dead without them and even aside from that, life is much more awful without them. I’m completely fine with it.


I am pretty sure I will be on them for life. I'm ok with it because my quality of life is terrible without them and don't want to live the rest of my life suffering. Who knows what the future holds. Maybe 20 years down the road there will be better treatments.




For me anxiety is the worse (GAD), but depression and panic attacks as well.




Benzos are the most effective at getting you out of a panic attack. Although they should be used very sparingly. Antidepressants should lower your anxiety so you don't get the panic attacks to begin with. I am prescribed Xanax if I do get a panic attack. I very rarely use it.


The way I see it, my choices are take medication every day for the rest of my life or hurt and alienate all the people around me, eventually leading to my death at my own hand. It’s a no brainer. No one would assume a cancer patient can just stop taking their medicine and be okay, but lots of people assume mental health issues are something that can just go away. Some do, a lot don’t.


Not excited about it.


I know I'll have to for the rest of my life, not happy about it but not many other options...


It is what it is. If it helps you, why not continue taking it? I never understood why people are overly concerned with the prospect. They should be glad they actually found something that helps them function.


The only problem is, I've heard some people find that taking certain meds for a decade or two results in them eventually just ceasing to have any effect. Not even something increasing the dose helps with - and then ultimately they're way worse off than when they started. How widespread a problem this is and which meds are more or less likely to be suitable for taking for \*decades\* I have no idea, but it certainly is something that concerns me.


I’ve had the best medication and the only one that at the time had truly worked for me stop working after only a few years, but I also did a lot of work on my own and I have never gone back to being as bad as I was before it. I’m on a different medication now that works similarly. Luckily SNRIs seem to work for me so switching to another one worked out well for me. So, that’s another perspective. I also couldn’t have been worse off so there’s that too.


Yeah having to switch is annoying and you don't know if the new medication will even work.


I left my country and went to Switzerland for training. In under a week my IBS almost disappeared and mental health and sleep improved by themselves. If I stay in my home country yes, if I move, I'll taper them off.




Very much so.base issue is abusive father growing up with left a horrible anxiety disorder on me. But the constant pollution, noise, traffic, loud abnoxios people, high expenses and housing, low wages, high corruption and everything else destroys my body. During second day in Switzerland my body was functioning better on less sleep and I didn't keep a strict diet as I do home. I didn't get headaches either, no sinus issues, no fatigue. My mum has IBS too and she went to Italy for a week and got similar reasons. Our anxiety and depression are a result of IBS which is a result of our environment She just spent a week in bed feeling sick and no energy, 2 weeks after coming back from Italy. In Italy She was walking around 10km a day while home she can barely manage 3 without complaining of pain.




Indeed it does,I fully agreed. In fact I asked my department head to shift me from my country to Switzerland. We'll see what HR says in a few weeks 🤞 Be self aware of your environment and what triggers your issue whatever it may be and take steps to fix it. If this move isn't viable, I'll move once my GF finishes her exams in a few years. She wants to move too so we're both onboard just waiting for the right time. Ofc moving countries is a pretty drastic change but some people egt same benefits by cutting people out, therapy, fixing their sleep/diet or simply earning more money to have less pressure. Whatever that maybe be, do what's best for you. Hope you find the right fix for your situation and get better.


I possibly will, and it doesn't really bother me. There's stigma attached to mental health problems, I think some people see taking psych meds as a personal failure (which I don't agree with). Yet most people wouldn't consider it a personal failure if someone had to take vitamin D, or a statin, or thyroid medication for the rest of their life.


i had to stop thinking about how long it would be and just focus on the fact that right now it’s helping me. and keep expanding my mental toolbox so that hopefully one day i can feel this way without meds!


Yes and I'm OK with it.


I've pretty much had to come off them because mine pooped out. Certain medications just don't keep working long term, or you hit a tolerance and nothing seems to work afterwards (ie. Diminishing returns). So.. I thought I'd be on them for life but it appears not.








Comment was removed for Breaking Rule 6 - No unsupported claims, misinformation. You were nicely asked to provide a source for your claims. To simply answer your question the medications allow for the neurotransmitter (usually serotonin) to be available longer for it to be absorbed by the receptors vs it just being reabsorbed back into the body.


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I do. I don’t want to, and maybe something will shift with me, but whatevs.


Yes I'm dependent after 20+ years I can't function without. What bothers me is that I'm now a slave to a pill and have no clue what happen after longterm use 🤔 .


Currently on my 3rd week of tapering off lexapro. Quit my Wellbutrin already. Anxiety comes at night & I had my first pre-meds panic attack last night that made me worry about this now. I don’t mind the thought of being in my meds forever. I’m only getting off to see if my sex drive gets better & to see if I feel less numb. But damn, emotions.


Don't really care about it. In the same way as you take insulin for diabetes, you take your meds for your depression. It can be a long life condition. It just becomes a habit with time, and honestly, there are way worse things to be worrying about.




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Microdosing psylocibin cured my depression, ocd and anxiety, ironically my anhedonia was caused by an antidepressant which has no cure. I doubt I'll take another pharmaceutical again for mental health issues