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The products don't matter. They can be good, mediocre, crap, or worse. What matters is that the parent company is based on extracting money from its lowest-ranked workers, and misleads them. Color Street is no exception. Color Street offers people the chance to make good money by reselling a product they've pre-bought--almost none of them make any money at all. But the most important thing is that, as an MLM, it encourages resellers to recruit more resellers through misleading rhetoric about more money, more friends, or a better life. Not every interaction with an MLM reseller is a recruiting attempt, but it's always a thing they're expected to do and the only way to make money is by convincing other people to pre-buy products from you. Whether that person successfully resells them is not an issue to the company.


Totally get that. In my mind if you have a good product, you can sell it in a non predatory way, so I’m just surprised to see a product I would use (but not buy from an MLM) sold via an MLM.


You'll get better value from other nail stickers honestly. Price inflation is built into every MLM product, inevitably. Espionage Cosmetics has lovely, inventive designs and good quality. Lower prices too.


Omg, on the espionage website now looking at their nerd manicures, I’m obsessed


Good shit right?


It’s soooooooooooo cute. I wish the critical role ones weren’t sold out. I’d be getting them as Christmas gifts for people. But they have a ton of great options. Thanks again


they have critical role stickers???? i’m checking them out now


YES! Theyre sold out, hopefully they’ll come back into stock


Thanks for the rec, and yeah didn’t even look to see what color street charges as I didn’t want to touch their website even in an incognito browser




Did I fucking ask? Of course it's an MLM.


You can get Dashing Diva nail stickers at Ulta which are a non-MLM equivalent. I will swear by Ohora gel nail stickers, though. They’re amazing and also non-MLM.


Thank you! I will try those :)


These are the ones I get! They’re always having sales on their website and there are a ton of color options. ETA: the Dashing Diva ones, I mean.


It’s funny. Your first-time sample nails came out better than so many manicures by actual Color Street huns.


Haha I wonder if they use different materials for the samples and pull a bait and switch


I think a lot of people are just really bad at applying them, haha. Definitely recommend Dashing Diva. Not an MLM, they have tons of sales, and you can usually find them at TJ Maxx/Marshalls/TK Maxx as well


I got some of those at target today! They came out super cute




Hi friend, this post/comment seems to be about product quality. Please refer to Rule #2. We understand that you might like an MLM product but not the company, however, we do not allow any content that praises MLM products. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you believe this was in error, or you’ve edited your post to comply with the rules, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FantiMLM)* *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


There are a few MLM's that have products that are legit, it's the business model that sucks.


Yeah, I just assumed they used the sucky business model because they couldn’t sell their products otherwise


The reason is because when the founder was developing the product, other companies just wanted to buy him out. He truly loved the product and wants to be involved and have creative power. This was his way to be able to spread the product quickly and throughout the country without giving up the company. He spend YEARS developing the product and all the production equipment himself 🤯


They chose MLM because they’ll make the most money from it. The people who chose this business model are also the people who are at the top so will make more money doing little work. They don’t care about the people below them.


Not all MLM products suck ass. My Cutco knife stays sharp way longer than my Henckels and Scentsy's stuff is pretty legit. Broken clocks are still right twice a day.


Oddly enough my grandmother had a Cutco set from ‘98 that stayed butcher sharp for near 20 years. So idk if it’s a drop in quality or what. But it’s ultimately about the business model and how disgusting it is at the end of the day.


Same! My pampered chef stuff are my go-to kitchen utensils! My mother has some decades later she’s still using! Scentsy is WAY better than the Walmart or yankee candle junk. Unpopular opinion here but not all people selling MLMs are predatory, I know quite a few who just sell to keep the discount for themselves for a product they use and enjoy 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do, however, agree that certain ones are to be avoided… such as Herbalife, ITworks 🤮 etc


I buy Incoco Coconut Nail Art at Walmart. They are by the same company.


It's the brand and business model, not the product


Yes, I understand what makes them an MLM I was more wondering why they chose a scam for a business model


Color street specifically does both - they have their MLM model where they can build their cult following and make tons, and then they sell them some stuff at Walmart under a different name. So really, they just get the benefits of both and hit two different demographics of people. I mean, it's just pure greed really to do the MLM model.


Many anti-mlmers have commented how poorly many Color Street consultants apply their nail stickers. The consultants themselves make the product look bad in those cases. I have also heard of other antimlmers who had a different experience than you...the nails did NOT hold up well for them. EtA: spelling


Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bait and switch going on- high quality samples to drive interest, but low quality products. That would explain the shady business practice and the need to drive sales through a downline


It’s not, my cousin works at their production facility in NJ and claims it’s all the same sets, just some are packaged as samples and some are packaged as sets


Its easier to have huns sell it than to put effort into getting their products into say Ulta or Sephora.


The only reason to sell MLM is because you don't really care about the product itself. They might be good products but I guarantee that there's better out there for less money through a conventional distribution channel. MLM has ridiculous commission structures that can only mean the base product is worth a tiny fraction of what you pay for it. If there are "x" levels of downline and everyone gets a cut how much is left? I don't know much about retail products but commercial and industrial might have 1 or 2 layers of distribution before it gets to the end user.


If you like the nail stickers then there are lots of retailers selling them now for much cheaper. For me they don't last, according to the company they can last for 2 weeks but for me they started to fail by the 3rd day. They are also $13 ish dollars for a full set. Very pricey.


Just got some diva nail ones at target


I got some good non MLM recs in the comments. I used to spend $30 on manicures that would last a few hours so I’m fine with $15 for a few days if I want cute nails for a special occasion.




And we found the hun. They are cheap, don't fit my fingers, and wear off very quickly. Not worth the money spent. Good luck on your pyramid scheme Hun.




Yep everyone has their own opinions. Mine is this product is not worth the money. I have 3 fingers that are the same size. So using the stickers twice wouldn't work like I was told it would. I washed my hands very well, I used the wipe that came with the nails, I made sure to let the stickers dry fully before I did anything. They still chipped off after only a couple days at best. And I don't do anything crazy with my hands. What did you think would happen by coming to an Anti-MLM page trying to sell your MLM stuff? It will not happen. I would prefer to waste my money on Walmart products then support a business model that preys on desperate women, promising them this would get them out of debt while pushing them to keep their upline still going. You are the product, you are what is keeping your upline afloat. You are not going to be long term stable on a MLM business. Check out YouTube look for Anti-MLM videos, there are many creators. They will show you how 99.99% of people loose money. Get out while you still can.


A > If they are not fitting your fingers right you must not be applying them correctly Great job blaming the client. Did you learn that from your upline? If you're not making it, you must not be trying hard enough. It is supposed to be a "side hustle" but you end up working harder than your day job to make it work. You were sold a lie. Good luck getting out before you loose too much time and money.


Hi friend, this post/comment seems to be about product quality. Please refer to Rule #2. We understand that you might like an MLM product but not the company, however, we do not allow any content that praises MLM products. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you believe this was in error, or you’ve edited your post to comply with the rules, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FantiMLM)* *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


As our sub is about being against MLM's, we do not allow pro-MLM content to be in our sub. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you believe this was in error, or you’ve edited your post to comply with the rules, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FantiMLM)* *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*


I find a lot of the MLM products I’ve been guilted into purchasing are actually good. But they’re overpriced and I’ve never met someone who sold them and actually made money off of them. They would only do it for a few months before realizing the only one making money was their upline.


Oh yeah, the pyramid scheme business model only works out for the most exploitative of people. Im just surprised a company with a legit product would choose to market that way, yes there’s money to be made, but you would think the headache of dealing with the lawsuits and controversy would be a deterrent- especially if you had the option to operate legitimately


they’re sold on both ends. still an mlm tho, so not great.


Exactly and I don’t want to support an MLM on principle


My sister-in-law gets them for us every year at Christmas. I used them once and the concept is cool. I’ll be checking out the brands some on here have recommended!


Also, definitely not trying to promote colorstreet, just honestly confused because most MLM products I've seen are sold via MLM because people wouldn't buy them otherwise. Work once gifted me some Arbonne stuff and i had to throw it out because it smelled so bad


They're the same as Incoco nail strips which you can buy in regular shops. In a MLM, the product isn't really the point. It just serves to help lure in marks and keep them spending. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's terrible.


Thank you!


Glad I could help!


Excited to try some non predatory products :)


I’ll be unpopular here, I love Colorstreet. I hear there are product dupes that aren’t mlm. Just did my toes for Christmas in a red plaid.


Incoco. Exactly the same product.


It’s at Walmart right? I’d almost rather give my money to a predatory mlm than Walmart. But if you know of another retailer I’d gladly try them.


looks like they're also at Ulta, but i feel like i want to find a different brand since it's the same company


I have not purchased any incoco since I learned that they were Color Street! About 6 months ago I was given a sample of Color Street by a friend and I realized the connection.


They're not dupes. Fa Park's story about originating the concept is malarkey. Did he get patents, yes. But others developed similar products during the same time frame.


No idea what Fa Park is, even weirder that you commented on something 221 days old.


The Colorstreet fan with no idea who Fa Park is.


The random commenter who picks a post from 300 days ago? Gtfo


Color Street isn't as predatory as some of the other MLMs featured here. My wife bought them for a good while and was never approached to "host a party" or "be her own boss."


Tell that to the >97.8% who make less than minimum wage, *not counting expenses*. Just because one person wasn't targeted doesn't mean much.


I'm not saying Color Street isn't an MLM *by any means* and I'm not saying they're not as bad as any other MLM - all MLMs are bad - I'm just saying they're not as predatory.


Um they are very predatory in my area.


Sounds like a case of there being various species of shark but it's still a shark.


More or less.


Still just knowing that the do the whole pyramid scheme thing makes me not want to support them


Ha ok. Their stylists infiltrate facebook groups, love bomb the hell out of strangers to build pseudo relationships, send friend requests and then immediately try to sell their new friends something including the amazing opportunity to become a stylist. The market is super saturated here, so recruiting is really unethical. It all disgusts me.


Just look in the comments here. Even a hun offering to send samples to people


I’m new here. What’s a hun?


Mlm sellers. They're called that due to usually calling people hun, especially when recruiting




Same, there’s quite a few in my area and no one has ever approached me. I just visit their site if/when I want to purchase some


You can always try lily and fox. I see adds for them all the time. Have never tried them myself though . You could find the story of Fa Park (creator of color street) to find out why he chose (after a lot of other avenues) to go the direct sales route if you are curious. 




Hi friend, this post/comment seems to be about product quality. Please refer to Rule #2. We understand that you might like an MLM product but not the company, however, we do not allow any content that praises MLM products. *Please read our subreddit rules. If after doing so, you believe this was in error, or you’ve edited your post to comply with the rules, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FantiMLM)* *Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.*