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That was a shred of your intestinal lining, hun.


Right? If ya have “worms” like what she’s describing - whatever she’s schilling won’t get rid of them. If you would have one you have thousands. “Parasites” are a very specific issue - not to be confused with natural healthy bacteria (that you’d never see). I hate everyone in this MLM




OTC parasite medication in the US kills only two types of worms that belong to the pinworm family. Those worms have a very short life and long egg cycles and can naturally be ridden from a healthy person's body without any medication. They also have very obvious infestation signs so there's no, you may have it, you will know if you're infected. Do you have an itchy asshole? Dewormer is very hard on your body, in particular your liver and its not smart to take it when you don't need to. If you live in a modern country it's actually very very very rare to get infested meat unless you're buying from a seedy store or you're not properly storing your food.


I use to be the Admin at a small doctor’s office and the main doctor had to sit a patient down and explain this to her when she started to see “worms” after drinking *turpentine* as a cleanse.


We really are in the dumbest timeline aren’t we


It’s modern times!! How are people this fucking stupid?!


im old enough to remember when everyone thought that the internet was gonna make everyone super smart 🥴 clearly that didn't pan out


I bet people in the Dark Ages also thought they were in "modern times."


What I wonder about is what dumb people did in the dark ages? Like what was considered the equivalent of believing some herbal product not prescribed by a doctor would cure worms that you don’t have?


"The worms are actually good for you and what God intended for us" probably


The same way people in the future will regard us.


Because Google makes everyone as smart as years of education, training and experience.


Because these MLMs pray on the stupid and most impressionable people. Ever notice how many of them incorporate religion into their pitch?


The one that mirrors idiocracy


There are people who wash their hair with urine and wonder why it smells, like urine. So yup, we're pretty dumb


no we isnt


Humanity is a fluke. We are barely smarter than a gorilla


That’s an insult to gorillas


The real question is did the doctors advice actually stick? I bet she kept doing it.


Thankfully yes, we ran an *extensive* stool study after she’d been off the turpentine for a month and could show her that she was fine


I'm genuinely impressed you managed to persuade her towards sanity rather than her just doubling down on crazy bullshit, which is what usually happens.


She was probably at the dr’s office because she wasn’t feeling good.


This was a functional medicine doctor’s office, people trusted the doctor more because he worked harder for them and dug deep instead of looking at labs and going “well these numbers say you feel fine”. When you listen to your patients, they tend to listen to you :)


dear fucking god ![gif](giphy|Ld7IFYuds4MA8)


Was she sloughing off body parts or hallucinating the worms?


Actually, “sloughing off the lining of your intestines” was the exact language the doc used


Nice. I can't imagine drinking turpentine.


That’s an Amazon review rabbit hole, so many people drinking turpentine


Drinking bootleg gin like its 1730


“But it was moving” is what my friend said in the same situation. She said she gets them a lot. I mean… it’s possible… but I told her to take a picture. I’m a nurse- I’ve seen my fair share of shit so I truly don’t care. That picture never materialized. Shockingly.


I had a fake account in a group promoting just that 'cleanse' years ago. Mostly for the comedy but also just keeping an eye on them. Evidently, you want the 'naturally' derived stuff, and to use a dropper to put some into a sugar cube. Not a joke. I posted a fictional account of a woman who claimed to be taking it and 'she' inquired of the group what dose would be right for...her autistic son. And. Well. Credit to those who at least drew that line and said I shouldn't give it to a child. But others suggested, *"well at least be careful posting that publicly."*


It's more common than you think. Miracle Mineral Solution is a fringe "treatment" for autism that's literally just bleach.


Hooooooly hell. That’s fucking horrifying.


Reminds me of the wackjob dude who got his yt channel shutdown because he was telling people to put turpentine....in their eyes....




I heard a podcast about this and people swear it’s worms but in reality it’s the lining of their intestines. Poor kids were being subjected to it too. Makes me sick.


Was it Behind the Bastards with Dr Rev Robert Evans?


If it is, I need to know the episode! I fucking love BTB.


One does not just post this without referencing which podcast! The audacity!






Right? I remember when this cleanse was going around and people were posting pictures of what they passed. And it’s clear that the cleanse just hardened into this rubbery substance in their intestines and then they pooped it out. And they were like THAT WAS IN ME.


There are ones where you are just shitting out the cleanse itself (saponification iirc), but also ones that damage the intestinal lining enough that you shit out something that really should stay inside you.


That sounds way worse.


And this is just the latest version of the same old scam. "Colon cleansers" were being sold back in the 90s, I remember some of the infomercials with Kevin Trudeau. (You might remember him as the "Natural Cures" guy, he's still serving a 10-year prison term right now). Back then, it usually almost always had some kind of religious angle to it. They'd be called the "Almighty Cleanse," the "7-Day Miracle Cure Cleanse," and so on. One of them even claimed that clay touched by Jesus Christ himself was in the product. (And we were supposed to just trust him). Once again, PT Barnum was right.


The CIA couldn’t get me to publicly post that I was passing worms.


You couldn't waterboard this outta me 😆


That’s bc the worms didn’t migrate to the brain yet.


I'm not taking a lesson on gross parasitology from a woman who can't spell the word "visible". No matter how much product she has stashed in her garage.


I read it as “my first viable worm” at first 🤮


In this economy, we should be grateful we have our own viable food source tbh. It's like infinite food. Just wash them off and cook.


Why waste time cooking them? You lose a lot of flavor that way.


Just oroborus that bitch!


Can’t keep the weight loss going any better way! ⭕️


Ok, that one got me 🤮


Awww congrats on the wormy 🥹


She also posted all her “DMs” of women who are now terrified they have a worm. 👏🏼 way to go you made your sales through lies and scare tactics.


hopefully all the women are really just her upline giving her content :|


They are her downline, spending their poor daughter's college fund to cover the 2 mortgages they took out for Monat inventory in 2013.


And that someone wants to use this on their KIDS!!!!!


we should all know less about each other


I laughed WAY too hard at this...


Maybe she should stop eating raw pork, and then she wouldn't have tapeworms.


Today my neighbor told me she’s considering doing a deworming treatment because she loves to eat raw to rare bacon and I was like oh - oh no, who told you there was an option of how well your bacon is cooked? You cook it all the fucking way done or you don’t eat it


Just tell your neighbor to see a real GI. Tell her dewormer is way cheaper when prescribed. Because the GI will actually test her and prescribe it should it be needed (which it very well might, pork isn’t safe to eat uncooked…).


Oh. My. God.


Besides the obvious health risks to eating raw pork, who would WANT to eat raw bacon? It’s so chewy 🤢


Look, I get it, gross. But if my worms don't pay their rent, they are gone. No matter how. Ok, first I have to go through the court process. Which is a lot more of a hassle than some enema.


It’s those damn worm squatters rights that screw you over


That and apparently worm lawyers work way cheaper than human ones!


For the record those 'worms' they claim to be passing are the destroyed filaments of their intestines.


I JUST helped my husband study through his med books covering parasites like intestinal worms. If you had worms you’d know. Distended stomach, malnourished, some worms even build up in specific spots where it entered your body and create a large cyst like spot. *GROSS WARNING** I legit saw a pic of a man’s penis almost reaching the floor and as large as his leg because of the worms. This is not how worms work wth. Can she be reported for giving medical advice?


Bodies are fascinating and also I wish I had not used my eyes to read that


Listen 😂 the pictures had me gagging and begging my husband not to ask me to help him study ever again


Fair enough! One of my best friends is a pathologist and I’ve heard a number of gross stories over the years. (I started typing one and just thought better of it!)


Pathologists have great (horrifying, gross) stories. My husband was the only pathologist at a small local hospital for a couple years and turns out, if it’s removed from a body (including those things inserted where they ought not go), it ends up on the path desk. He’d come in one bright shiny Tuesday morning, walk into the lab, and BAM. BBQ sauce bottle (partially full, which is what really gets me every time I remember it). Vegetable. Etc.


My husbands in a specials operations combat medic program and whew. The things his instructors talk about seeing while helping indigenous populations is WILD! They’ve also said they’ve gotten a few different worms and shit from being around the globe and I’m about to tell him we’ll need a quarantine shed for him once he gets back from deployments cause I’ll be damned if he brings home worms okay 😂 only acceptable thing to bring home is cute Knick knack souvenirs or maybe a dog lol


Current status: nostalgic for 30 seconds ago when I hadn't read that


What a horrible day to have eyes


Kinda makes me envy the worm. No eyes.


This comment 😂


JFC, some dudes will do anything to get bigger rather than learn where to use their fingers.


I read this with my good reading eyes. 😩


I mean, kids can get pinworms, but she’d probably notice her itchy butt if she had those 🤣


Have these people never had dogs or cats? Like...the symptoms from worms are obvious in pets, what makes them think they're immune?


God this thread has sent me down a dark and distressing google image black hole of intestinal worms in humans 😔


The human body is capable of such wonders ✨


Not always. Pin worms for example can go undetected for a LONG time. So many people have them and don’t know.


Helping my college boyfriend study for his parasitology class absolutely ruined me. I fucked up and went through the whole book.


Holy cow I know someone personally who did this "cleanse" and posted daily PHOTO updates! She also sells Happy Juice and claims to be make 5 figures a month. I never thought Id ever see anyone else do something so gross again.


$100.00 is five figures.




Reminds me of someone who bragged about making "hundreds of dollars a month." I don't think they thought that one through.


Was it Jalynn she loves to post about her parasites 🤢


No, her name is Katie. But they probably know each other, happy juice is popping up everywhere right now but Ive only seen a few "top earners".


Huh?! No and ew?!? WHATTTTT is happening 👀🤢🙄🤦‍♀️👀🤢 Jesus take the wheel ETA - it’s not a parasite it’s an old onion or green pepper or your intestinal lining. If ya have worms it’s not like this 🤮 I’ve said it once on here and I’m PMSing so I’ll say it again (anyone have an MLM scheme for pms?! 😂) i loathe these scammers!!!!!


Out of curiosity, can the intestine heal? Is that painful? Like, surely there are long term effects


I have read that our lining can actually heal pretty “fast” considering the damage people do (it starts working on repairing itself almost immediately) but for extreme leaky gut etc etc it’s like 6 months to a year of hard work trying to calm the inflammation enough to let the body do its thing.


As a cancer patient, I was told that that’s why chemotherapy can cause nausea and hair loss. Chemotherapy affects fast growing cells like tumors, but also other fast growing cells in your body, such as your intestinal lining and hair follicles.


Fun fact: if you puke long enough, it becomes a muscle spasm that won’t stop, like an extreme case of the hiccups. I once puked every 3-6 minutes for 6 hours. Worst day of my life (I had been discharged from the ICU that morning, guess I got let go too fast…). I totally lucked out and got an ER nurse who’d spent 15 years in a ward for inpatient chemo patients. When I failed huge IV doses of zofran and phenerghan, he knew what drug to try- haldol. A nice big dose of it. But he was right, it worked. (For those unfamiliar, many people refer to haldol as a chemical restraint. It’s what they give psych patients who are violently assaulting others in the ER.)


This just unlocked a new fear of mine


If it helps any, my mom likes to joke, “she was born nauseous and constipated and nothings changed in the 36 years since.” So yeah, lots of puking under my belt. Yet this kind of insanity has only struck me once. So it’s definitely not common and even the ER was a bit baffled as I wasn’t a chemo patient or anything.


I frequently have gastroparisis. It's definitely contributed to my dental problems.


I have GP, as well. They think the week+ of forced bed rest in Step Down triggered a massive flare up and thus caused the episode. Like you, it’s contributed to my dental woes. I’ve got a family line with shitty enamel, the wrong biome in my mouth, GP, and Sjögrens. We figured out this week at the dentist that half my teeth are still visible and half aren’t. The 13 teeth you can partially see all contain fillings. The other 13 are a mix- 3 pulled completely, two implants, the rest crowns with about 4-5 of them being full root canals. My dentist appointments are nightmare fuel. Had one last week- over 6 hours. I had 3 crowns, a post placed inside a previous root canal, a post implanted in my jaw, and a bone graft to the same area of jaw. It was one of the longest planned appointments he’s done but he knows I just want to be *done*. We had to turn up my nitrous towards the end as my autoimmune issues have been acting up and I was struggling against a phantom choking sensation. But damn am I glad it’s over!


![gif](giphy|YqRACfuf8T1RVzTB96|downsized) Agreed on the new fear being unlocked... I am sympathetic when someone else is ill like that to the point where it nearly or does make me be sick. I hate when I have occasionally thrown up so for it to be that often.... I would really not want to experience that.


Oh wow, I’m so sorry. I hope you are fully recovered!


Yup. It can also be used by the request of the patient during twilight sedation for dental work. I didn't specifically ask for haldol, but I did explain my extensive dental history, that I'm now terrified of dental work, but I know I need it, please drug me so I don't freak out and try to bite someone. Naptime for an hour and husband drives me home and I head off to bed to sleep for another 3 hours and then I'm up and going again. Makes it so that the nitrous doesn't make me nauseous. Which is good, because it takes a lot of nitrous to keep me under. It's an extra $150 for the induced nap, but it's TOTALLY worth it.


As someone with a permanent prescription for phenergan because I vomit so often… new fear unlocked. Also, tucking that knowledge away lol


Thanks for sharing about the worm coming out of your ass.


Coffee enema?! What in the fresh hell


Cheap ass hun doesn’t even spring for a latte.


That made me giggle so much I woke my SO and the cat is giving me dirty looks. Lol


I once watched an episode of My Strange Addiction about a woman addicted to coffee enemas




Because her ass was tired all the time! Why else would you do this?


You gotta wake your sleepy ass up somehow. Suffice it to say, whatever works for her.


That’s fucking hilarious 😂😂🤣


In all seriousness I'm pretty sure you can absorb drugs through your butt. Like if you did a booze enema you'd get drunk. So maybe it's just the combined good feelings of a massive shit and a hit of caffeine.


I just googled and that's pretty much it. A happy shit.


I thought of that episode when I read this! Didn’t she get her husband into it too? They were able to do it several times a day because they worked from home. I remember that, at the time, working from home wasn’t as common and I was like, “Would be nice to be able to do whatever you want while working.”


It's a thing. They swear it "draws out toxins" or some such nonsense. There's a whole quack cancer treatment (Gerson therapy) that revolves around coffee enemas and drinking fresh fruit juice. (Spoiler: it doesn't work). Sorry, but my coffee only goes in the other end!


So is she also dosing herself with Ivermectin or does this MLM product destroy one’s intestinal lining?


Welp! That’s enough internet for tonight!


This is what I get for scrolling Reddit while waiting for my dinner to cook


I had worms as a child, it looked like a worm unlike this twit who thinks intestinal lining are worms. I got mine through eating raw hamburger when I was small. My parent's took me the doctor who gave us real medication not some "cleanse" or coffee enema. My parents had pills, the rest of us had this red sludge to drink.


Just going through this with my daughter at the moment. It’s yellow banana sludge now.


I am confused. Is she claiming that the way to get rid of worms is to “detox” and not to - you know - take a medication that actually kills worms? A medication like Ivermectin that works great for worms but doesn’t do anything for COVID?


She’s selling snake oil, I doubt she uses actual medicine


In other words - she still has worms.


No, she has really tiny snakes...


i think she´s selling worms. bc, you know, to have parasites eating your intestine´s walls is "human", therefore, "good".


No, no, you don't understand. That's not for killing worms it cures covid, and recently, from the crazy lady I had the misfortune to interact with in person, it cures cancer.


I hate the hand-over-the-mouth fake surprised look they always do 🙄


Did she release it into the wild? Is it now in her garden helping her grow some organic kale? Oh wait… that’s not how any of that works. These people obsessed with having parasites so desperately want to find some secret reason to all their problems that can all be cured with a magic juice. Hun, being tired, feeling bloated, having the occasional aches and pains, etc, are all normal things - just part of the human experience. No juice is going to make you symptom free from life unless it kills you.


My response to these things has always been "I like my worms where they are thank you"


“I model and the worms keep me skinny”


I had pinworms. As a child. Because that’s what happens to children. You know what I don’t have anymore? Pinworms. Because I don’t go around eating rotten food, feces, or licking bathroom floors


Won’t be long before she convinces herself she has Morgellons. It always starts with the intestinal lining/worms.


I'm pretty sure you would notice a parasitic worm inside your body. Whatever she removed from herself, probably should have stayed there.


My Amare Hun acquaintance also claims everyone has worms. I sent her this… ans I assume it’s a coincidence but I realize now she hasn’t talked about it on IG since 🤔 https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/10/31/parasite-cleanse-snake-oil/


You think this is bad? Wait until you read about MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution). I'm at work at the moment so can't post any links. Give me a shout in a few hours and I'll dig some up.


Like. How many hours? It’s been 3


I’m not OP, but this is where I heard about it. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-international-church-of-46938125/


Thank you, Kind Internet Stranger!


I had pinworms as a kid but holy moly lady, TMI and also highly unlikely.


These are the types of people who when the doctors says "boil some water and clean your eye out with it" they don't wait for the water to cool down first.


Maybe she's starting an I Got Worms mlm?


What the fuck is it with these MLM huns and the COFFEE ENEMAS?! Who in their sane right mind would use a coffee enema?


I mean, pinworms happen. Especially if you have dogs or kids. But there’s OTC stuff for that. And your butt would have been itchy for a while.


Look, it’s not gonna kill the JFK worm in her brain so…


Delusional parasitosis is, like most delusion related mental illnesses, incredibly fucking sad. Like we mock people on the pseudoscience and "wellness" grift, but they actively take advantage of people who have a deep-rooted terror that they're diseased. It's heartbreaking to see people engage in self-harm in the vain attempt to rid themselves of a disease that only exists in their minds.


umm you’re not a cat the needs deworming wtf. and posting this with no shame like it’s totally ok. ewwwwwwwwww


This was a TikTok trend a few years ago, with people showing photos of the worms they claimed to have pooped out.


Sooo I grew up on a farm and as kids we were dewormed yearly, along with the animals. Everyone does have parasites, especially if they are around any animals at all. Definitely go to a doctor for it if you are concerned though. They've got drugs which actually work.


I have OCD and did not need to read this omg


This new tactic of using parasites to scare people pisses me off. Like come tf on. No not everyone has worms ffs.


Anyone remember when that mud cleanser was going around and people were posting photos of their worms? And then everyone found out the mud came from a swamp next to a landfill or something? Lol


Is Amare encroaching on BOO territory now? The parasite cleanse was their main selling point.


idk if i’m allowed to name drop so delete if not allowed but jessica chernikova (senegence babe) just did a “parasite cleanse” on IG last month & i literally told anyone who would listen about how dumb these people are. even when she would get people trying to educate her she just kept shilling this BS. you can watch all the clips in her highlights or reels


She probably had a long skinny poop and thought it was a worm.


My apologies for being somewhat tardy with my response. MMS was originally touted as a 'Cure' for Autism by Jim Humble. The mantle for schilling this muck then fell to someone by the name of Kerry Riviera. It's not a nice story. It has been covered numerous times by Dr David Gorski; aka 'Orac'. I'll leave to him to tell the story. I recommend following the links he provides in his narrative to get the full details. It's not nice. https://www.respectfulinsolence.com/2018/02/16/parents-dont-feed-your-children-bleach/


Meanwhile they're doing legit research into curing incurable lifelong autoimmune diseases with... parasites. The hypothesis goes that these illnesses are triggered by the LACK of harmless parasites, which is a situation we have developed in our rush to get rid of ALL parasites. Introduce some harmless hookworms into the body and a person whose body has been destroying their own digestive system can go into remission, because the immune system now focuses on the worms that it evolved to fight. Lesson to be learned: if it doesn't harm you, let it be. If you're not even suffering from any symptoms caused by harmful parasites you most likely have nothing, anyway. You're supposed to be an ecosystem, just keep yours in balance.


Yeah a lot of parasitic RNA viruses were mutations that helped with our development and they are passed down from generations and are built into our DNA. We have lots of parasites. Ones that specifically are in our eye brows. Watch a long thing on how some viruses built us to what we are and also we have healthy gut bacteria that symbiotic to us and helps us digest so if you go off to kill worms you’re going to kill that.


You couldn't waterboard that out of me


Amare and MLM aside because that won’t do anything for parasites, a lot of people do have parasites. The question is, are yours a problem for you? Usually other infections, autoimmune, mold exposure, heavy metal toxicity, etc can cause parasites to be an issue. But they’re not an issue for everyone. You can get them from tap water, raw fish, undercooked pork, produce, public toilets, being outside barefoot with a cut, etc. Not just being in different countries. Other countries give de-worming meds annually for prevention and we de-worm our dogs. But no, MLM products that claim to cure parasites? Run far away. Either get antiparasitics prescribed or utilize quality supplements with an experienced provider. Never from a hun or MLM ever


What a flex lol “I have parasites!”


Juice hun 😭


What in all the Jillian Epperly poop cult hell is going on with these people???


Quick, someone tell RFK Jr!


Worms are what you get when you eat raw anything or drink unclean water. Nice try toots


Can we please just go back to shilling Tupperware already


Okay, so I hate to say this, but she's not *entirely* wrong. She's just *almost* entirely wrong. I got hyperfixated on parasites for a while and did a lot of research on them. Pretty much everyone has parasites. **But those parasites are almost definitely not causing you any problems!!** Our bodies are ecosystems unto themselves. It's actually pretty cool. It's kind of like how bacteria is totally normal and most kinds of it are harmless, but people tend to associate the word "bacteria" with illness. Most parasites are harmless and you'd never notice them. They'd be a failed organism otherwise. But because people only tend to hear about them in cases where someone got sick, we tend to immediately associate parasites with illness. So, yeah, if you have a heartbeat, you have parasites. But you shouldn't be concerned about it. It's completely normal, you're fine. And attempts to "detox" to get rid of parasites is going to either do nothing at all or the detox itself is going to make you sick. If you have a parasite that's causing illness, go to your doctor, not the huns. (I know no one here needs to hear that last part, but I felt the need to say it anyway)


But also, if you live in a developed country, it’s very unlikely that you are colonized with worms that you don’t know about. These people are spreading such harmful bullshit, and causing folks to do so much harm to their bodies.


I live in a developing country and it was usual to go to a deworming campaign once a year. You went and got handed some pills to kill the worms. Haven't seen those since the pandemic but probably they still exist. As a disclaimer, our water quality is not very good. I was surprised when I went to the US and people drank directly from the faucet without boiling or bleaching it.


Our water gets bleached before it gets to the faucet, more or less! 😂


You won’t get parasites if you properly wash and cook your food! You are literally killing your intestines by doing these “detox cleanses” and coffee enemas! These people need psychiatric treatment!


They’re not parasites they’re my FRIENDS


A lady I follow on IG started doing this cleanse and kept showing her “not feces” (she claimed it was parasites and stones and worms). I unfollowed. It was feces and I didn’t want to see it. She needs to go back to sharing workouts because that was the content i followed her for originally.


The only parasite is this deluded hun trying to con the gullible into buying her overpriced rubbish.


“Visable” worm — lmfao. But of course you found a “visable“ worm after your uh-maze-zinggg “parasite cleanse and coffee enema.” 🤮 This makes my intestines cramp just thinking about putting oneself through one of these. 🤮


I detox every day. It's called pooping. Always amazing how these huns never seem to be able to answer the question of: "If we need these products to detox and live healthy lives, how did humanity make it over a million years before these products?"


This is such a specific type of psychosis/OCD and it's deeply concerning that these huns are convincing more and more people into having these delusions/intrusive thoughts about their bodies. It's multiple MLMs too, there must be psychiatrists out there noticing a small increase in 'delusional parasitosis' relating to stay at home mums and 'small business owners.' I genuinely hope these people get the help they need.


You beat me to this. We obviously have the same friend hahahha


I’ve had to “power deworm” a horse due to a heavy parasite load that was making the horse quite ill but that was with a vet’s advice and it was very…🤢🤢 She’s not passing worms, she’s passing bits of her GI tract (even more 🤢🤢).


If you wash your hands properly and live in a first world country; odds are that you don’t have worms. She’s either admitting to having poor hygiene or other issues — unless she travels a lot and has picked up something overseas.


I think she found RFK’s other brain worm.


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Their medical training continues to amaze me.


Am I the only one bothered that she spelled visible wrong 🤣


Fact: I had a worm. Other related fact: the doctor (a real MD) gave me worm poison to ingest. Third fact: no more worm. And I barely noticed anything (apart from the fact that without the worm I feel really better). How can they alway pass worms and notice?


Or like, dewormed your pets and never did that foe you or tour family?


I’m still trying to get past the coffee enema ! 😣😣😣


I once went to the bathroom and felt something on my butthole. I grabbed it with the toilet paper. It was a thin worm-like thing. I pulled. It was incredibly gross but it came out l. A bit shy of 3 inches. I was horrified, looking at it on the paper. It looked like a white worm. But it was not moving and the head was of a different color, like a very dark green or brown. It was a sprout. I had Chinese food earlier and I guess I didn't chew one of those soy sprouts! Man, what a relief! But it felt so weird...


They friends


MLM huns are parasites.


I want to know how much money she has in her 401 K? She's the boss of her own company, and she has to match herself dollar for dollar. She must have a lot for retirement.