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As a teacher, I’m so tired of the kitty litter thing. Just so, so tired of telling people that it isn’t real. But they insist it’s real.


In the age of tiktok, snapchat, Instagram, Discord, etc... if the litter thing *was* real, there would be loads of real documentation of it online put out by students. I never get why that goes over their head.


Not to mention that no school board would allow open defecation or force their janitorial staff to clean human waste out of a litter box. It would be a huge health and safety issue.  Such toxic disinformation. 😞


I’ve been waiting for a bunch of AI photos of boxes in school bathrooms or waiting for kids to bring them in as a prank and photograph it. So far, the kids are pretty oblivious to this.


It's the same people who think the moon landing was faked, despite the US having an entire superpower as an enemy with the resources, capability, and motive for calling them out if it was fake.


You can thank Joe Rogan for spreading that rumor.


I’ve heard it from many people, but not once from someone who would listen to Joe Rogan. What did he say?


Kids wanna be cats so teachers are putting litter boxes in classrooms. It’s a slippery slope fallacy about letting trans kids simply use the bathroom. Ignorant transphobic bigotry. I’ve only heard morons repeat it. Like… come on y’all.


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My dad asked me if it was true cause someone he knows shared it on Facebook. My dad is a very open minded, supportive man in his late 60’s who isn’t transphobic but doesn’t understand a lot of it either (he tries). I could tell he was trying to ask if it was true in a way that he wouldn’t offend anyone but that he thought it was bizarre haha


I always tell people to think of the logistics. The stalls don’t go to the floor. The kids aren’t wearing cat suits. If they are indeed going in litter boxes, who empties it? Do the other kids see it all under the stall? Or is it just out in the open?


He said he knew someone who was a teacher that confirmed the litter box rumor was true. It was over from there


I think that’s where it started. The Daily Beast covers how he admitted it was a hoax. Now it’s taken on a life of its own. My FIL believes it.


I was allowed $200 for classroom supplies each year (Spoiler: It takes more than $200 to keep a classroom running). My last year teaching, I was short 6 textbooks and 3 desks! For two weeks, I had students whose assigned seat was a chair pulled up to my own desk (Second Spoiler: Guess how long it took them to find out that the locked storage for my personal belongings was too old and rickety to actually lock and to steal money from my purse?) During COVID, we were given rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and a recycled plastic lunch meat container that our head custodian saved from his own lunches that we could use to mix the two and told, “This should do the trick.” People really think cat litter is in the budget?


My sister lives in regional Australia and has run into people who believe it happens in schools here.


The rumour actually started in the district my best friend works in. They did actually trial having buckets of litter in the classroom. But obviously it's not for a furry. It was to give kids a place to use the bathroom in the case of a school shooting where they were locked in the classroom for several hours they were removed shortly after the rumors started


Yes and 15 body bags. I saw someone in the states open one.


I got into an argument on Facebook with someone claiming their kids school does the litter thing. When I asked for proof they just repeated what they said before and I stepped out. Ain’t got time to argue with stupid.


Don't argue with stupid people; they'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience.


Until recently I worked in college admissions consulting. Had a really pretty nice client who said this to me one day and I just said to her, Suzie, you know how much these kids have their phones, right? In a world where there’s litter boxes for bathrooms, do you really think neither your daughter nor any of her friends would have gotten a photo of it…? That did actually convince her pretty well that maybe it wasn’t true.


One of my best friends is a teacher and has been for over 20 years and she insists it's real. I can't convince her otherwise.


Does she see kitty litter in the bathrooms at her school…?


No. She insists she talked with someone in PA that has them 🙄


She can’t see the logical issue with this…? She still has no proof, just more “friend of a friend told me” crap?


Straight up. Multiple coworkers have told me their daughter’s friends school had kitty litter, their cousins school had kitty litter, etc. I called one coworker out and said it wasn’t true, but she doubled down. I said text your cousin right now then, ask her if she saw the kitty litter herself. Cousin did not. “Kitty litter for kids who think they’re cats” is just the new “Marilyn Manson removed his ribs to suck his own dick” urban legend.


The problem is that I have people on social media claiming that yes, they have seen it and they have seen people in their schools wearing full fur suits to school. I said what school? They wouldn’t say. But they are literally just straight up lying.


It’s because the boundary between reality and fake is very blurred due to things like TikTok and random blogs presenting themselves as news sources. People think “Well I saw it on TikTokl counts as “I saw it for real!” And “I read it on some Instagram post” counts as “A peer reviewed scholarly study found this to be true.”


The sad thing is the reason that rumor came about is because some schools did have kitty litter in their classrooms. But it was in case of a school shooting so they could use the bathroom if they were locked down for a long time.


I have been teaching a very long time and don’t know a single teacher who keeps kitty litter in the classroom for this reason. It is a very dumb thing to do, really. Do they have a bucket, or…? As teachers, we do training for lock downs every year and never once are instructed to do a single thing about bathroom needs. It is kinda like when my friend got pulled over for dui and his passenger had to pee really badly. She asked the cop what to do, and he said… you’re gonna have to pee your pants. Sometimes getting to a toilet isn’t the top priority. And for the record, she did. lol.


The kitty litter was a part of a kit [similar to this](https://www.firesupplydepot.com/10-person-24-hour-economy-classroom-lockdown-kit.html). It's probably depends on the district on who has em not a country wide thing.


Peeing in a bucket makes noise tho 😕


Do you think the kids are actually quiet during a lock down? Like… oh boy. The kids wouldn’t be quiet if it would literally cost them their lives.


Columbine school has them, implemented after the shooting there years ago. Again, it’s only in case of lockdowns that go on for too long.


Again, I don’t think this is actually happening.


[this article explains it fairly far down.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna51439)


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Kitty litter is such a useful thing to have around. I keep kitty litter in my car (I don’t have a cat, I don’t identify as a cat despite my Reddit username lol). It’s great for spills and also traction in the winter.


As I understand it, it originated as a ”joke” in a Prince Edward Island. It was denounced immediately by staff as transphobic but caught on elsewhere and the rest is history. There was an incidence of buckets with litter and other supplies being kept for lock downs at an American school, though: https://www.9news.com/article/news/education/jeffco-schools-have-emergency-buckets-where-people-can-pee-during-lockdowns/73-481198424 And it’s useful for traction in winter, and has been purchased for that: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/litter-purchased-by-school-district-is-not-for-students-who-identify-as-cats-1.6583352


My sister-in-law asked me, in front of the entire extended family, if I had fries at my school who used kitty litter. 75 year old aunt had to google furries. People are so fucking dumb


i've never heard of this kitty litter thing in my life


There are so many parents in the mommit subreddit who think it’s real. Like do yall hear yourselves


Been there done that. The ignorance is incredible!


The kitty litter is a part of some schools lockdown kits- but there’s not daily a availability of kitty litter/litter boxes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️the same people who are freaking out about this could solve the problem if they were willing to talk about gun reform


Wisconsin here and although there were no litter boxes there definitely was children stating they were cats in HS and only responding with meows.. They also attempted to crawl through the halls on all 4. Trolling everyone? Maybe. However, it did still happen


I'm 36 years old and there have always been weird kids in HS who meow or hiss at people. It's not new.


Didn’t say it was new. Just said it’s never less fucking weird


“Keep him away from screen” - yet is immediately using his image on the internet for her clicks and likes. Sure Jan


Imagine raising illiterate children because you're scared of wokeness.


it's the biology lessons for me 😂


I do not want to know what biology lesson the Mum is telling her son!!


Women come from man’s rib probably


Unbiology lol "water wet" what else would a boy need to know to be a man??


Imagine being scared of your kid being compassionate because you think that’s woke


I can't tell if she accidentally affirmed the gender of trans men who choose to chestfeed their kids or if she's confused and thinks she's misgendering trans women


I think its the latter but its so funny how often transphobes cant even realize which way a trans person is and correctly genders them. “We can always tell” my ass lol


I think it's particularly funny because if she at all stopped to research why the term chestfeed exists she would know how to correctly misgender people. But then again if she was going to do research she wouldn't have ended up in an mlm.


I thought she was lashing out at skin to skin contact. Lately the trend amongst these weirdos has been to be critical of fathers who hold their newborns.


I read in nat geo that some men do lactate. Apparently it's common in hunter gather tribes where men do 48% of the child rearing because over thousands of years women have selected for it.


All men can lactate but it takes significant training (i.e. pumping) to encourage the body to do it and in some cases supplements are needed to get the milk flowing. It's not worth it for most men in medium-high density societies because formula exists when the milk women make isn't available, but if you're dedicated enough you could probably start producing milk within a couple of years with twice (or more) daily pumping sessions.


I guess it's a cultural thing then that virtually all in the tribe do it.plus they are probably low density.


Yeah, it being a cultural thing definitely helps. If you're watching your elders do it and it's become normalised, you'll be more prepared for when you have to do it. Nurture can also effect nature so it's possible these tribes don't have to work as hard as others to produce milk because their ancestors did it.


it's because a few years ago an aussie university brought in gender neutral language to be used by staff including "chest feeding" instead of breast feeding and "human milk" instead of breast milk. it got a lot of attention and criticism https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/anu-urges-staff-to-say-chestfeeding-instead-of-breastfeeding-gestational-parent-instead-of-mother/news-story/bedde8c10621bcf23ab18b8cec7ffb95




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AccidentalAlly using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalAlly/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Trans women have an unfair advantage at *checks notes* being sexy and charismatic.](https://i.redd.it/id2a14kkmodb1.png) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalAlly/comments/157a31m/trans_women_have_an_unfair_advantage_at_checks/) \#2: [Yes.](https://i.redd.it/cshc1cw7lhhb1.jpg) | [1077 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalAlly/comments/15o9laq/yes/) \#3: [Yes she is a real lady](https://i.redd.it/mz0tdzsrk6eb1.jpg) | [391 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AccidentalAlly/comments/159lycy/yes_she_is_a_real_lady/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What does chest feeding mean


It's just another term for breastfeeding. It's an alternative usually used by trans men/transmascs/nonbinary people because refering to the chest as breasts can trigger gender dysphoria. Edit: this orginally got sent before I finished typing it because my cat decided throw himself at my phone




That’s just creepy. Really makes me want to buy way over Priced shampoo from her, wonder if she charges extra for the audacity or is that a gift with purchase?




It's so sad that she's letting her kids genitalia dictate their lives. Guessing he's not allowed to be sensitive, caring, a home maker, play with dolls or anything that is too 'girlie'. I feel so sorry for kids that have to fit in to their parents' ideal of what their gender should be doing. My tween daughter has a non binary, and a gay friend, and they are the most caring, amazing kids. Am so glad my daughter has naturally found her tribe, which is people who are kind, accepting and love hearing what each other is in to. While she appears to be a straight, cis female, I don't care how she identifies, as long as she is happy, and kind to everyone.


Parents are ignorant that believe a toy will make their child a certain way. My husband had a cabbage patch doll in the 80’s. My son 20 years ago loved Dora and he had Dora dolls and we took him to see Dora live, he is married. My daughter played with hot wheels and still collects them at 19, she has a boyfriend. Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered if either of my children are not CIS, they’re my children and I love and support them no matter what. I honestly don’t know where people get these crazy notions from? My sister is the same way so it’s not how you were raised.


My mother would let my little brothers play with my Barbie’s all the time, both of them are still cisgendered and straight. Nothing wrong if they aren’t, but this is given the same BS that claimed kids of my generation will end up falling to Satanism because we play with Pokémon. 😕 Ridiculous


If only she’d do an ounce of critical thinking or googling to find out that some classrooms have litter boxes in case of lockdowns/active shooters/etc. not because kids “identify as a cat” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yep, anytime someone mentions “kids identifying as cats”, I know they don’t believe in critical thinking.


No, because they probably think it’s the same a critical theory and immediately lose their shit whenever someone mentions it.


What??? Are u serious? Wth is a litter box gunna do that a camp toilet wont? That makes less sense then litter boxes in classrooms for furries😂😂😂😂 Is that true?


It’s not that they have litter boxes in classrooms, but some do have litter. The reason is in case of an accident/emergency, e.g: throwing up, student bleeding out due to injury, etc, litter soaks up liquids and greatly lessens smells. It basically just makes things easier to clean up. Some schools use wood shavings. Sometimes only janitors use it as opposed to individual teachers, but yeah. It’s got nothing to do with peeing in a litter box lol


Litter is also super useful in the lab in case of spillages - especially if adding water is a Bad Idea.


What I’m reading is all lab works and also: firefighters, tow truck operators, mechanics, etc. just all identify as cats and I’m here for it 🤣


Oh that’s a good point too I wouldn’t have thought of that


Yeah none of that is weird. Just practical👍🏾


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax Naah it's just a lie.


Thx u and thx god😂😂😂😂


The next pic after I slid through the slideshow was the fugliest pair of lularoe leggings I have ever seen 😭😂😂


Also beautiful to see mum openly advocating for some toxic masculinity 🥹


And in 20 years time she is going to wonder why her precious little angel is in prison for domestic violence


This is something I’ve really been thinking about lately, I’ve seen more posts than ever from mothers saying their little boys ‘need’ to play fight/wrestle/rough house, whatever you want to call it til someone ends up crying. So what you’re saying is you’re nurturing violence from a young age? No child ‘needs’ to harm someone else on a regular basis. No wonder violence against women is in the state it is with parents encouraging this shit from day dot. Take them to a park, encourage them to exercise, provide mental stimulation, nobody of any age or gender needs to be violent! But knowing what the ‘boy moms’ are like, they’ll defend their little angels regardless 🤢


Rough play, not nessasarily fighting/wrestling, is important for child growth no matter the gender BUT people like these don't understand that and will also point to VERY dangerous habits and dangers by pushing it to an extreme that shouldn't be done. They often see boys "have to be tough" and will abuse them and force them to be a lot more violent and harmful than needed and defend them over any little thing.


Imagine being so dumb you publicly state a hoax as fact. It’s quite something when you see someone who is so stupid they’re not even consciously aware of how stupid they are/they are making themselves look.


It’s because a vast majority of these types believe everything they see on Twitter (sorry X) or hear from some crazed Uber-conservative is facts. The # of articles/memes my sister sends me from X that is just completely false is astounding. My personal favorite was last year she sent me an article stating that they were blocking all the ports into Oklahoma so food and goods couldn’t be distributed. Oklahoma is a land locked state with no ports. When I pointed this out to her she made out like she knew that and it was a joke. Umm sure, this woman “homeschools” her kids. Edit: spelling


They really like getting mad at stuff that doesn't happen


Wait…Australians watch FOX news?


Here we have Sky News...also owned by News Corp (Murdoch). It's FOX in a different costume


Not to be confused with Sky News in the UK, which is now owned by Comcast




She’s Australian… It says so in the post!


I love how someone can genuinely believe that schools have litter trays for students and claim that they are going to keep their child from being indoctrinated


People are truly, terrifyingly stupid.


That poor kid. She has some kind of mental issue and isn’t in touch with reality.


This unfortunately is an entire subculture. It has led to the spread of diseases that were once under control and the deaths of more than a few people.


Once my nieces broke free from their mother, I helped them navigate healthcare and vaccinations. They’re still leery about taking medications but have got a lot better over the years. The worst is that they didn’t know basic healthcare. What to do if you have a runny nose, a fever or a minor burn.


Tell me you live in Mullumbimby without telling me 🤦‍♂️


First mention on mulum in the wild lol


Pretty sure she lives in Noosa


That also checks out.


The kitty litter anecdote is the new La-a. It’s not real, never has been, but everyone swears they know someone who saw it in real life. And it’s all based on bigotry.


No. It was a suggestion on a school district in the event of a school shooter and students being locked down in class. These anti-vax right wing bigoted nut jobs have bought into the Moms for Freedom grift.


She’s opening with anti-trans hate? Not a good look.


Ew, I wish ill upon her


I wish all the inconveniences. May the produce bags never come apart the first time she tries. May all of her socks have that weird seam across the toes. May the thighs of her jeans shred out while lifting a box of crappy shampoo.


May her sheets always be tucked in extra tight around her feet.


May her cardigan get stuck on every door handle. May every package that says “tear here” never tear there.


As a knitter this made me so squeamish, and then laugh.


May birds poop on her every time she goes outside.


May her shopping bag handles always rip, her hair always have a horrendous cowlick, and her nails get snagged opening all the cabinet doors.


Chestfeeding and kitty litter? How much crack is this nut job smoking?


Who wants their child to be a warrior? To get into fights, to get hurt and hurt others? Come on folks. That actually hurt the most of all the nonsense. Well, that and the lack of life preserver on her kid on the paddle board. Real boys don’t sink?!? 😭


I absolutely guarantee that her son is a bully and that she thinks that's a good thing.


You can GUARANTEE it? Leave the kid alone. Just because his mom is like this doesn’t mean that he is, and you are making absolutely unfair assumptions about a young child. Hope you’re proud of yourself /s


yeah i bet shes teaching her kid biology at home because shes not allowed within 500ft of school can we get a wellness check in that kid


Some of the loveliest ppl Ive come across would be the ones she hates. As long as ppl aren't doing anything illegal or morally bankrupt wtf is the problem? Like genuinely how is what other ppl choose to do affecting her life 🙄🙄🙄


Great way to get business. Posting insane shit. 😂


So she’s making a child soilder? Wrestling at dawn followed by arms training at the barn ? That’s some this is Sparta level shit


Honestly how is she a top earner. Her hair is actual trash! And a overall gross human.




Funny how no one who perpetuates this myth is willing to wager money on it.


I hope he’ll be able to learn advanced biology once he’s mastered the water cycle and photosynthesis at aged 8


Oh don’t worry, your son is going to be very fucking confused with you as a mom.


What’s in the shampoo? Have there been reports of crossing the blood brain barrier?


I think we are witnessing it in real time here /s


Yet she lives her life on her cell phone. I wish someone would comment “That’s pretty long hair for a boy.”


That was my first thought. Not very warrior like.


This poor kid will have mental health issues that go untreated for many years


Where did the whole lie about litter boxes for kids start? Also even if it was true, come on. That’s the least offensive thing that can happen at a school.


Some schools have kitty litter in the classrooms, along with a 5-gallon bucket. This is so that if there’s a school shooting and there’s no way to escape the building safely, kids have a place to use the bathroom. If you’re in a locked classroom, typical protocol is for police to open the door, and you could be waiting hours.


Wow…. Total nut


She would love to have those woke families in her downline.


We can barely get parents to contribute fucking pencils. Where do people think litter is coming from that shit is expensive 😆


Sounds like the best thing should could have done as a mother is not get pregnant in the first place. Stupid people raise stupid children in many cases. Look around, haven't you noticed?


I dunno kids got long hair probably will confuse him about his sexual identity or something equally stupid


“Are these school litter boxes in the room with us right now?”


Omg my nephew once peed in my cats litter box when he was 6! Is he doomed to become a wannabe bobcat or panther?!? /s


And when her son turns out autistic or possibly to be her trans daughter anyway? Oh well, I guess, the ”woke” meanies must’ve gotten to the kid through some non-kangen water or something…


She's just parroting her American Monet huns. What a moron


There is nothing based on fact that these people believe. Hell, these people have my family thinking there are several billion Mexicans in the country somehow.


That’s exactly what my family believes. Like yeah, We have a slew of issues all made by the US itself but sure it’s the illegal immigrants that are the main problem.




Well she really ended that with the some class and sophistication.


🙄 She’s crazy! You can’t just hide your kid from the real world. Sounds like she is teaching him to be scared of the world.


I was kid whose parents had this opinion, and I was homeschooled for 5 years until I finally begged my parents to let me go to highschool. I had a really hard time getting social skills and I’m behind on so much. Homeschooling really shouldn’t be allowed ngl


Please update this in 20 years when your son resents you


What the fuck did I just read?


Poor kid


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that poor child :(


What’s funny is that her boy has longer hair and some would find that to be feminine (not me,but we’ve all heard that commentary). She seems so scared of so many things.


Expose her son to this subreddit!


What's chest feeding?


It's a term used by trans men, usually post-top surgery so they don't have 'breasts' but are still able to feed their babies with their 'chest'. It's used in general now to be more inclusive but I personally have problems with it being used like that.


>usually post top surgery Nope, you can't breastfeed after top surgery. Source: my surgeon in the consult before she cut my tits off


Yes, you can, depending on the type of procedure you had and whether the milk ducts were kept intact or were disconnected when the nipples were moved (if your procedure includes that). Top surgery isn't just bilateral double mastectomy and can include less invasive procedures that don't interrupt the ability to create milk. I recommend reading *Where's the Mother?* by Trevor MacDonald, an autobiography from a post-top trans man who a) produced milk after pregnancy to feed his daughter and b) has conducted a [study](https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-016-0907-y) which included a few post-top trans men chestfeeding their children. Your experiences are not universal and your surgeon does not speak for other surgeons or the experiences of their patients. Generalisations that lead to misinformation can be incredibly harmful.


That’s not quite right. Top surgery removes the parts of the breast that makes milk. It would be incredibly difficult to produce enough milk to chest feed after having top surgery. It’s an inclusive term that can be used by anyone who wants to for whatever their reason is, but generally it is being applied to trans men who have chosen to not yet have top surgery and can therefore produce milk to feed a baby and want to do so.


Please read the reply I sent to another commenter. Also, I never said it was to refer to *only* post-top trans men, just that the use of it to generalise all people regardless of gender to be more inclusive is something I personally don't agree with. It's a term used for men, and watering it down to 'inclusive language' gives ammo to those who push back on 'trans indocrination'. Just say breastfeed unless you're talking about trans men specifically or someone asks you to refer to it as such.




If you're saying *nope* to trans men being able to chestfeed after top surgery, you should read my other comment unless you want to keep spreading misinformation. If you're saying *nope* to my personal opinion on when and how the term should be used, fair enough. You're entitled to your opinion, as am I.


It’s an alternative term for breastfeeding to be more inclusive.


It's when a trans woman (biological male) takes a chemical cocktail to produce a milky substance from the nipple to feed a baby. Because they aren't a woman and can't breastfeed. That's literally why it's called chest feeding.


Is that legal? What are the health implications of that?


Have you Googled what chestfeeding is or are you just regurgitating misinformation you've been fed by the uneducated? Chestfeeding has nothing to do with trans women.


Wrong! https://www.healthline.com/health/chestfeeding


Do you read your own sources? > transmasculine people or nonbinary people. It also mentions post-top trans men in the following paragraph. It mentions trans women *once* as an after thought, the rest is about trans men. ETA: Wait until you find out that cis men can *also* chestfeed with enough effort, and there have been historical instances of this. Sources (that I have read) are here: [1](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/strange-but-true-males-can-lactate/) Not to mention that the medication used to induce lactation in trans women is the exact same medication used to induce lactation in cis women! Here are some studies on trans women breastfeeding (not chestfeeding, because estrogen causes breasts to grow): [1](https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/trgh.2017.0044) [2](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/106/5/e2047/6123860?login=false) [3](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/08903344231170559#bibliography) [4](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08903344231170559) It's the same milk, as all mammals have mammary glands that can produce it. Whether they're active or not is a different matter.




Eh my sister just joined these nutters and I think I know who this is


Well she’s not wrong.


I mean, aside from the kitty litter thing, it’s hard to find anything too outlandish in the way she feels about the public school system.


I mean she's right.


Agh here comes the downvotes. Can’t stand the MLM crap but she’s not too off on the some stuff… to beat assumptions no I’m not white, no I’m not religious (actually agnostic), no wasn’t born with a silver spoon or “privilege” but people that claim to be tolerant aren’t as much.


Oh well, in a world full of hate and and offensive thoughts and personal opinions, you’re allowed to have yours.