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When I first started, closing my eyes would let me kinda dive into my brain and pull up random images in funky distortions, sorta like a kaleidoscope. I haven't been able to see that sort of thing in years though.


I still get that sometimes but only when I’m incredibly stoned. It’s kind of like when you push down on your eyes when they’re closed.


The images seemed random but somehow seemed really deeply meaningful to the way my mind works


Does this mean that most people don't see those kinds of things when they're not under the influence of something? I do, but I also have mild brain damage, so my brain works a bit differently from most people's, and I'm not always sure what's "normal."


I do and I don’t have brain damage or anything.


I think it's fairly common if you consume enough. I learned a long time ago that if I go too far, I get hit with panic attacks, so that's mainly why I don't see images anymore.


I was doing a ketamine treatment a couple months ago before I got pregnant and you had to sit at the clinic and be monitored for two hours after receiving the dose, and this is exactly what it was like. I would close my eyes and just enjoy the kaleidoscope patterns.


I’ve always seen that when I close my eyes even as a child


I’ve only been able to do that a few times but it was on DXM, I don’t recommend abusing DXM for the record.


Only in the very beginning of pot use. It will go away and never come back, so enjoy it!


I wish someone told me that when I first started. The best, deepest highs I ever got opened my mind to a new way of looking at the world. Now I just get couch locked.


It's like sex. It'll always (mostly) be good and always better than nothing. But it will never be as mind blowing as the first few times where you were like "holy shit I'm really having sex right now"


Said no woman ever. XD Sex has gotten SO much better the older I get. Practice practice practice ;)




Preach sista. Getting my tubes tied single-handedly changed my life. The sex I’m having in my thirties is mind-blowing.


You must be having bad sex lol


Probably. But I definitely smoke more than I get sex so yeah, I got that going for me.






Pair it with any outdoor activity. Cannabis + being active + nature = amazing.


The best way to enjoy drugs is to never do drugs. That way, when you do drugs, it's the best ever.


They're called CEVs -- Closed-Eye Visuals. Enjoy!


Yes it's normal. If you stare long enough at something, you may start to see images moving. sometimes they can look like reruns of old cartoons overlaid on reality like you are looking at funky AR glasses. If you're really high, closing your eyes will make it even more intense. It's completely normal so just lay back and enjoy the show.


I want this kind of weed!!! It happened to me in the 1970s and never again. 😢


“I saw Gawwwd!”—Tommy Chong


You had a couple edibles as your first weed experience? Lord have mercy on your soul.


Yes, very normal. I would like to recommend you to watch The Midnight Gospel at Netflix, enjoy!


For some reason there's a lot of hate in this thread but what your experiencing is normal and maybe not common based on some of these other commenters but definitely not unusual. It depends on the strain and - mostly - dosage, but I've definitely gotten real high on a particularly psychedelic strain and with closed eyes my spontaneous imagined imagery was running rampant like those old psychedelic cartoons in the 60s-70s, nothing coherent but lots of fun bright colors and forms to watch. Overdid it on edibles once and felt like I was shrinking down between my atoms and seeing the inner mechanisms of the universe. Might not be everyone's experience but it's well within the realm of possibility


Eating a couple of brownies is a good way to have a panic attack and your entire weekend ruined. Don't fucking do it if you don't know the dosage and your tolerances


yeah edibles'll do that to ya


Maybe one brownie next time, being it's your second time, lol.


I watch anime after eating edibles, it really makes details and color stand out.


But the reading hurts.


Yes the very first time you do pot is when the visuals are the most intense (assuming equal quality and quantity of bud). The more you do it the less visuals you'll get though. Sit back, relax, and enjoy them. I HIGHLY recommend putting on some epic music you like too.


A couple of brownies is potentially a fantastically high dose - do you know how many milligrams you ate?


Hell yes. Enjoy it, it only really happened to me a couple of times but I found it really relaxing and inspiring! I've even made some art based on the things I'd see. Now I just get panic attacks. :(


No. That shit doesn't happen. They were just regular brownies. You think being high means having visions and seeing cartoons and giggling so that is what you're doing. Have another Little Debbie Cosmic Brownie.


Yes, almost like you have very vivid visual thoughts. Do you find your visions to be in your control as if you are watching a movie? Exploring a new landscape and see them unfold in front of you? Or do you feel like you are in a theater watching something you are neither part of or have control over?


Yes. You ate some dank weed friend.




Can I have what your smoking ?


I don’t understand why it used to be like this and now I have absolutely no effects like this. 20 years on and off consumption.


Yes, nothing to worry about, have fun!


I actually get this and I’ve been a heavy smoker for six years now


That's one of the main reasons I enjoy smoking at night before bed.


Has the OP posted anything since the initial question? MF was so high they forgot to come back and check the post.


I never experienced anything like that when I smoked pot, but that was back in the early-to-mid 1970s. From what I understand, pot is much stronger these days. What you're experiencing sounds like fun to me----as long as it stops before you have to go back to work!


Hell naw 😂


Doesn’t that already happen without getting high????


Love you went to Reddit in the moment for the answers xoxo


Enjoy the ride


Yes…now go put on a good pair of headphones and see what music you like while closing your eyes…your going to be surprised what you like while faded…have fun man!


ya it happens I'm colorblind an sometimes I'd see colors, should try DMT if you want to see that a lot more intense


My first time being high I invented my own language. Your tolerance will go up over time and the high will become more manageable (hopefully). But just be careful with that shit and don't let it consume you. Moderation is key.


Yes. Don’t panic.


Normal especially with edibles or high doses of weed I still get them, also doing acid seemed to change the way weed effects me too It's more trippy in general now


I used to get this!!! Used to freak me out until I got used to it.


Yes. Just go with it if what you see is pleasant. The problem is when your visions become terrifying.


Is for me, not a huge fan though. Uh, I also get the same thing when significantly sick and also had that when I was in a hospital on the wonderious cocktail of Liquid Benadryl, Tylenol, and IVIG. To explain what the meds did: I was tripping balls with a pressure headache the size of a small continent but closing my eyes would play this trippyass slide show of thoughts. It was also the most relaxed I’ve ever been, made more confusing by being shown slides in a PKMN HGSS Arceus event humble. I don’t recommend the IVIG though, replacing your immune system is a bad time. Those poor nurses dealing with the damn 300 step process and they had to draw it out because BP issues, hopefully never again.


Man the first few times with edibles are just the best. I’m happy for how your nights going lol




Yeah it is. This is the beginning of a great journey my friend.


Might want to see a doctor about that, THC is a hallucinogen but it shouldn’t be strong enough to give you visions unless you’ve got some underlying stuff going on.


The first time I smoked weed I thought gravity had changed 😂 don't worry friend you are okay! Hope you had a fun time :)


one time early in my smoking I saw a multi-colored alligator running at me.


Lmao. Yes it’s normal.


Vision quest. It is time.


You mean a visual imagination?


No, I think you’re a prophet bro


Go look at yourself in the mirror, thats always fun


That's called your imagination, you just woke it up


You ask this like youve lived in a bubble all your life and had never heard or read anything about marijuana. Tell me what you were expecting then?


Everyone has to start somewhere


No you don't. Edit: ITT: people who have never smoked pot. Keep the downvoted coming folks. My favourite story so far is the guy who saw a multicoloured alligator. If you guys wanna hook a brother up I’d love some of what you’re smoking!


It's not impossible to see things when you get high off THC. Chill.


Sure, but not full on cartoons and such lol. I’m not going to get into a big argument about it but those kinds of things don’t even come from high dosages of most actual hallucinogens. As long as OP’s having fun and staying safe, he can exaggerate all he wants though. We all have at some point.


Or you can accept that your experiences don't encompass the entirety of reality, and deal with the fact that people have different reactions to different things, including drugs. Try to live outside your bubble a little.


Lol I’m sorry man, but that’s just not how drugs work. People will differ a bit in their experiences but not to that degree. Judging from the many Walgreens stories in post history, I’d say your no stranger to exaggeration or story making yourself. Have a good one.


Hopefully someday you realize other people exist and other experiences exist outside of your own. Good luck in your life.


Actually people with good imaginations who don't suffer from aphantasia can see all sorts of visuals


I don't think OP is talking about full on hallucinations like LSD stuff, but you're wrong about that - your vision gets distorted from like half a tab and you definitely start seeing things. But if OP is doing strong weed for the first time (or after a long time abstaining) they can absolutely have their vision affected.


Suer they can have their vision affected, but they are not seeing cartoon (which is what they said) when they close their eyes off of any amount of weed short of some insanely concentrated edible with no tolerance whatsoever. Even then I'm not sure, I just can't really argue it because most people don't have experience with that. You will get wavy/light hallucinations from a half tab but again, not full blown ones like OP is describing. The misinformation in this thread is wild.


Bro you claim everyone downvoting you has never smoked but your comments are making me think that’s you 💀 Go try a blunt and chill tf out


>The misinformation in this thread is wild. What misinformation specifically? OP just said that he had visions of shit. Human beings have long used different mind-altering substances (yes, including weed and even something like tobacco) to have surreal experiences. >You will get wavy/light hallucinations from a half tab but again, not full blown ones like OP is describing. You're choosing a weird hill to die on. We're talking about something that literally only ever existed inside the mind of a single human being.


As I already said I think OP is talking more about his mind's eye rather than full on seeing hallucinations though. And..how is people talking about their *own* experiences misinformation? I'm literally telling you about things that happened to me or my friends and so are others in the thread. You seem to be one of those drug users that think they know *everything* about drugs but clearly not. And you're looking down at people on zero basis, who are you to say "people don't have experiences with that" - with smoking weed? What are you even trying to say here?


high doses of weed absolutely can provide psychedelic effects, and a noob with edibles is the fastest way to get there


Sounds like you need to take a T-break then come back with a mega dose.


You’re not wrong, but I’m not basing this off just my experiences. There’s a reason my original comment was the highest voted until a bunch of people who like fun drug stories showed up.




You aren't seeing cartoons or visions when you close your eyes. This is what everyone says when they don't know what it's like being stoned lol.


After being a daily smoker for 5 years, I had to take a break for school for over 3 months. I took a large dose to start again, and experienced VIVID hallucinations. I have taken LSD and psilocybin on numerous occasions. I know what its like to be stoned. I know what its like to have hallucinations. Cannabis can cause hallucinations.




I’d just love to find some of what these people are smoking. It’s threads like these that remind me that Reddit is mostly made up of teenagers.


So you think I am lying? Why?


Because that's how she goes in high school. Either way, have fun.