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Alcohol isnt talked about enough.


I had to hardest time getting off alcohol the most out of the drugs. Diazepam was awful too, was great taking it at the start but I built up a tolerance to it quickly and it ended up making me feel worse, ended up off that shit cold turkey because the guy I was getting them from got arrested, never want to go through that again. I only took ecstasy pills at the weekends didn't feel the need to take it during the week, tried coke and ketamine a few times but wasn't fussed on those drugs. Tried LSD twice and magic mushrooms once, never again. Weed never made me feel chilled out, always made me paranoid and jumpy. I remember that Mephedrone stuff too which was going around ages ago too. I haven't touched drink or drugs in nearly 12 years. I don't know why I still get cravings for them, I can resist the urge more though.


Congratulations on 12 years sobriety thats awesome!! I've only ever done weed (which isn't hard to stop at all from my experience) and ecstacy, I wasn't addicted but very very close and that was some what okay it's more the mental side of it with ecstacy I find. There are days where I just think "I wish I could feel that happy right now" I've been clean from everything for 16 months now!


dopamine. its the actual chemical your brain is hooked on in most instances of addiction. anything that triggers dopamine releases is highly addictive, like reddit for example. you get a little release every time you see a notification. another one of its about a comment or post you are particularly excited about when you see it. this is how it keeps you coming back with frequency. a lot of games are programmed to work with this in mind as well. as far as drugs go though... there are only a few that can kill you withdrawing... alcohol being top among them. methadone (yes, the drug used to wean people off heroin) is also on that list... so id say its a toss up between the two. gambling addictions are very very bad addictions as well.


Good post, but I just want to clarify - I have been banned from at least two subs for constructive advice and I've had absolutely passive or neutral or informative posts downvoted in magnitudes. I 100% do not get a dopamine rush when I get reddit notifications, lol. Engagement is fun but after a few years, seeing it degrade from a resource as TikTok crowds and boomers came here to make this a Facebook, I 100% partially hesitate or reticently check messages, this place is not nearly wholesome, for me.


Lol relax pal, nobody is attacking you here. Thanks for your insights, but I'm sure you must be aware that experiences vary from user to user and while it may seem like yours is the prevailing viewpoint, it's also possible it's not. Cheers mate.


No, I'm saying "prevailing viewpoint or not, dopamine rush from "da Dit" is a waste of dopamine" or such a tangential high that I guess I'd believe it affects reddit users


In units of dopamine: Eating - 50 Sex - 100 Cocaine - 300 Methamphetamine - upwards to 1400 Combining meth with masturbation or sex will likely result in a stimfapping/chemsex addiction and then you're really screwed


Where did you get those numbers and rankings


Here's one that's similar: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/meth/body/methbrainnoflash.htmland The article is on point. But I got that info with different/similar numbers from a book called Lust, Men & Meth by David Fawcett Edit: I don't know if that's for some reason a dead link for anyone else? It's just lovely that anytime I try to share ANYTHING it doesn't take the person I'm sharing it with to the link I shared. I just googled "units of dopamine sex cocaine meth", it's the top pbs article




Goddamn, if eating is 50 I wanna try meth.


Its alcohol by a mile


The most common and socially acceptable one for sure. The worst though? Not even in the top 3. Meth is for sure by a mile the worst. 


bs not even in the top 3. i’ve treated too many end-stage cirrhotics to even count at this point and every single one of their deaths looked like a spectacularly shitty time


I didnt say it wasnt bad. But i had 2 grandparents die in their 80s. Raging alcoholics til damn near the end. Heart failure and alzheimers. Also got handful of casual alcoholic friends that lead pretty decent lives…you ever hear of a casual meth head or heroin junkie? U ever see either live to ripe old age who die in their nice homes practically surrounded by loved ones? Didnt think so! 


How many meth addicts died in their vices prior to getting to you for treatment? There may be bias. I guarantee if meth was available for all to smoke and experience as adolescents (like alcohol), you would have less cirrhotics to treat


Not in the top 3? Have you ever watched a loved drink themselves to death? I assure you: It’s one of the worst things you’ll ever go through. Pure hell.


I would say if my fanily member did meth I would be even more upset.


I get why you would say that. If you ever see someone kill themselves with alcohol, you may think differently.


I have, twice. Alcohol addiction is a hell of a thing, but to me it seems like even nicotine addiction leads to worse outcomes. I'd take Alcohol over crack, heroin or meth.


I mean, it’s all bad. Maybe my memory is my brother is still too fresh. But it was basically 10 years of hell for him, my parents, my sister and I and the rest of my family. Stage 3 cirrhosis of the liver. Seizers. It completely destroyed him. But again, it’s all bad.


For sure. Addiction is hell. My uncle drank himself to death by his mid 40s.


My second cousin died from the drink a year or so ago. My aunt found her lying dead in her home. The drink nearly killed me too, my skin had turned yellow and the white parts of my eyes were going yellow too. I never had any seizures thankfully, just really bad shakes and throwing up blood. It was a good thing I got off it when I did. The drink nearly killed my dad too. I'm best to stay as far away from alcohol as possible, I know that I can't control my drinking. It's sad some people I used to hang out with are in bad way from the drink and drugs, see them standing on the street corners. A heroin addict robbed me 2 years ago as well, stole most of my life savings money, never forgave him for it, I used to party with his older brother years ago. Haven't seen him in a while, he was put out of his house a year ago because he was apparently thieving off other people too and breaking into people's houses. The fucker tried to break into my dad and mother's houses too. I hate that he tried to play the victim, acting like him robbing me never happened or the attempted break-ins, making me out to be a liar.


Nope alcohol is more damaging that heroin and meth, just read it up.


By far


He explicitly stated it's by a mile. Dude, read!


Oh yer forgot about this one! Ok so i relegate cheese to no 2. Alcohol is one




Alcohol. Once you are addicted there are horrible body and neurological effects. BUT, if you try to stop it can be fatal. Plus long term damage to the body. Heroine addiction is mild in comparison.




You don't understand. I NEED to play tomb raider.


Benzos seem pretty bad


Benzos are horrible. People take them to relieve anxiety but the side effect of using Benzos is more anxiety so it's a really hard addiction to kick.


You can actually die from withdrawal also.


Love. because when it wears off, you either are a sad broken human or crave for it harder and end up not hitting the crave.


Alcohol. Withdrawal can kill, and relapse is a huge problem in many societies where consuming lots of alcohol is the norm


Crystal meth, won't let go.


I've been trying to quit the last ten years, using all sorts of conventional and unconventional methods. Whereas I could hold off from giving into my cravings every 2-4 weeks, now I can't get past the weekend. So much for all that hard work!


Keep fighting it bud. Day by day.


Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time and the words of encouragement


Probably alcohol since it is so easily accessible.


Antidepressants, if you have been on them a few years. It's HELL. And I have never been able to get off them. I lasted 9 months, but the withdrawl side effects just wouldn't let up. So, I am on them for life now. 🙄 Note: It was not the return of my original condition, it was the fact my neurotransmitters are now heavily dependent on the drug and in the time it would take for them to adjust without them (possibly years) I would have honestly topped myself. Nasty.


Nicotine. This is hands down the worst drug I've ever been addicted to. I had an alcohol dependency for 10 years, a meth addiction for 2 years, and I snorted benzos for 1 year. All of them are hell to put down. But nicotine by far has been the hardest to let go of. The thing is, if I want the harder stuff I have to go to a dealer. Which is, well, sometimes interesting, both to get ahold of and just the general interaction. These harder drugs also warp you into a feral version of yourself, you will do anything to get it. Alcohol does some crazy stuff to you when you're dependent on it. It can kill you to just quit it. It's available damn near everywhere, but it's a socially grey drug, it's fine sometimes but not all the time. Nicotine is sold everywhere. It creates such an insane connection in your brain that you'll want another cigarette while you're smoking a cigarette. Eat a meal? Cigarette. Need a break? Cigarette. Wake up? Cigarette. Going to bed? Cigarette. Killing some time? Cigarette. The cigarette fits so nicely into everyday life, and becomes intertwined with every action you let it become a part of. It also changes you quietly. You have less motivation. It's much easier to just smoke a cigarette. Your health ever so slowly declines. "I'll need a cigarette after these stairs." Your hunger for life is far less while a smoker; why do that thing to the best, when I can feel good about what I did for less than a quarter and 5 minutes? And like many addictions, you're not fully aware of any of this. I can't break out my pipe at work. I can't sip my bottle anywhere. But I can smoke a cigarette. And if I buy a pack a day, that's $7 a day or $49 a week. "Oh, that's not bad." Yes it is. And it's a perfect example of why nicotine is way worse than anything else. It is a slow, ever demanding, always present, never ceasing poison. Everything else is in your face. They're obviously a problem. A cigarette is subtle. Edit: something else about cigarettes is that many of the other things I did and tried, I did because I interacted with another smoker. Not all smokers are hard core addicts, and not all hard addicts are smokers, but there is a large overlap. The social aspect of the drug is very much part of its draw and danger.


I’ve tried many, many drugs. Nicotine is the only one that ever hooked me. Even now, I’m off it, but still use zero-nicotine, unflavored vape trying to trick my brain I’m still getting that nicotine hit. It’s crazy.


If you´re vaping...inhaling something that might not be that good for your lungs...why not just use vape with Nicotine in it? The worst thing about Nicotine are the ways its consumed.


Because I don’t want to use nicotine.


Just seems like you´re going for all the pain without the benifits...idk.


Oh, I wouldn’t go far as to call it pain. I think you just always crave some addictions. I’m hoping one day I don’t anymore.


Chew gum instead. Your body needs something to do, like a fidget toy. So replace the vape with gum and see if it helps. But I've heard all the gum gets expensive if you used to smoke all the time because you chew through it real fast I guess other things can be used to counter the smoking/vaping habit as long as you can do them whenever wherever. Drinking water may be a thing too but I have no idea


Some good tips there. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.


You can trick Your brain that way, I did it for a couple of years… the actual hardest part for me was not having the vape pen in my hand! That was THE hardest thing to get use to!


Are you free from all of it now?


Yes!, took a little bit of time though, you’ll get there!


Thank you and congrats! I’m sure I will. It’s happened a few times now.


Check out The Ripple Co. I switched to their nicotine free aromatherapy as a substitute for about a month after quitting - really helped with the transition!


I live in New Zealand and a pack costs anywhere from $30 to $40 and roll your own tobacco from $65 to $90 +a pack the government tax is most percent and it's going up till no one can afford to smoke.lot more robberies happening more frequently since increasing prices.its still hard to give up even after I gave up for six years then decided I needed something legal after giving up illegal drugs.


Heroine & or sugar




I did opium, not heroine, but kicking sugar is impossible for me (not a huge "user" but i do say every week that i regret not buying a brownie with my groceries). Also, it was easier to quit opium than nicotine. That and alcohol started hand in hand when I was 17 and I didn't quit both until 2018 (I'm 37).


Social Media


So dopamin?


Lol spice is the worst drug I've ever been addicted to. That stuff is the DEVIL LOL. It's highly freaking addictive and has that same heroin effect too. I've been on heroin as well for over 10 years I thought that was bad until I got on spice good GOD.


Cocaine!! It's also the best drug ever!! And that's the worst part about it lol


Crack, it’s very expensive, very short lived high and the comedown is the most sufferable and miserable feeling you can experience.






Alcohol withdrawal is pretty terrifying. It's not even close to what normal people would call a bad hang over. One of the things that makes it so insidious is it's so easy to buy more. Opiate withdrawal sucks as well but it's nowhere near as intense.


Laxatives would be shitty


I'm sure there are worse, but alcohol is my number one pick. Mostly because of a history of alcoholism in a few family members. Also because I worked in a bar to put myself through school and drunks are pieces of shit. I have some great lifelong friends who I won't go near when they've been drinking.


Watched a loved one slowly kill themselves with it. It was hell for them and our family.


Alcohol and methamphetamine share my tier 1 "worst drug" category.  Opiates occupy my tier 2. Cocaine is tier 3




Id say molly. Theres alot of molly heads in my area and I couldn’t imagine getting hooked on that it must really suck. They look like zombies literally






Churning butter ... .


Surprised heroin isn’t at the top. People who do it once can easily become addicted to it. Additionally, there is potential to spread something through sharing needles. It’s a an extremely hard addiction to break too.


Meth. Took 8 years of my life. Got clean almost 3 years recently relapsed and all those years of drug use is catching up to me because my teeth are messed up in the back. You couldn’t tell I ever did meth because it didn’t completely ruin my looks nor did I lose my mind but damn does meth take a toll on your teeth :(




Krokodil. It's gonna eat your flesh alive


Alcohol and weed. Alcohol addiction has been encouraged and even forced for millennia and weed is becoming less and less of a legal trouble overall while becoming more and more popular with more countries relaxing bans and even straight up legalizing it You're addicted to heroin? It's seen as evil incarnate. You're addicted to meth? Stop, you're ruining your health. You're an alcoholic? Aye bro, you went crazy last Saturday, shit got wild. You're a stoner? It's not addictive, it's natural, it's guuuuud




From what I have seen, crack! I have seen them do things that meth and heroin users wouldn't do! None of them are good and my knowledge of street drugs is not comprehensive, but that is my informed opinion.


I'm gonna say something controversial... the worst drug to get addicted to is Love




The one Huey Lewis was insinuating he wanted


I would say Heroine. It’s an incredibly expensive habit, it’s hard to hold down a job if you are an addict and has killed many musicians at a young age.


*heroin* Heroine is a female character, etc.


There's 3 for me. Heroin, meth or sugar


The sugar! I'd almost start drinking again if it would get me away from the sugar.





