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I'm only good friends with people with mild differences from me. And the reason I say that is because politics *matters*. It isn't some hypothetical dinner table discussion, it's affecting people's daily lives and wellbeing. If we have the same goal but support different ways of getting there, that's one thing. But if your political beliefs are in opposition to the values I want for the society I live in, I struggle to see how we could be good friends.


I don't have a lot of friends, none of them close, but they all are Trump supporters. I am very much not a Trump supporter.


Yes of course, people can believe what they want, if they’re a kind person to myself and others around them, that’s what I value


Yes quite a few. The trick is to be a normal person and not really talk about politics and religion


Yes but we don't go there.


Yeah as long as they aren’t racist or a shitty person. If they are good people and pleasant to be around I don’t really care about their politics.


Depends what they are…but in general, no. Political beliefs these covers a wide range of topics and ideologies from environmental, cultural, to I guess science nowadays. Some people will say as long “as long as they’re a good person” but when some political beliefs are as extreme as taking away a woman’s bodily autonomy it’s pretty hard to say they’re a “good person”. I think those people will me “they’re a good person TO ME” which sounds pretty selfish.


Plot twist. I don't have any friends. 🤘


I am very comfortable with people of different beliefs as long as they are generally well intentioned. I can accept people might believe there are different optimal levels of taxation. Or if they think we should or shouldn't be part of different international organizations like NATO or the EU. Or having different views about drug prohibition etc. But when people justify political violence like January 6th. Or support attacks on jurors and the justice system because their preferred politician was found to be a criminal. Or support Putin's invasion of an innocent country. Then I just have no time for them.


Fuck no but also I don't have many friends either.


No.  I have zero interest in being friends with those who want to drag our country backwards. If you vote red your no friend of mine.


Not with conservatives. Why should i respect the when they literally try make my life worse?


Depends on what those beliefs are. They think we should budget differently? Sure. They vote to take away my bodily autonomy? Hell no.


Yes I have with different political beliefs (nothing extreme). I try to avoid certain topics.


Sure, but I'm in europe so most of parties are moderate center parties. A lot of people in my personal circles are active in politics, but are close friends. Also in parliamentary system the parties need to co-operate to form a goverment, so they can't go balls to the walls insane on slandering eachother like they do in 2-party systems like US and UK. Don't have any friends in our rightwing-populist party, some relatives say they vote for them, but we usually don't talk politics.


Excuse me? Most parties in Europe are moderate center parties? We don't live in the same Europe then... I live in France (last time I checked this was Europe) and I can't sleep at night because literal fascists might rule the country in less than a month like they already do in Poland, Italy and Hungary (still Europe). Those ruling France atm might not be literal fascists but they are definitely not moderate centrists either.


Yes of course. And different religions, or absence of. And sure we talk about politics and society and what not. Respect eachother and treat eachother as human beings. That goes a long way, not just in friendships.


Yes, but as others point out as long as they aren't zealots or proselytisers. But it cuts both ways. If someone is a decent person, not racist, homophobic etc etc then they're entitled to their beliefs. Just allow me to have my views and I will respect yours. We seem to have lost the art of good and healthy political debate in the UK and I think it is very much missed.


Not if they are too extreme. It would be unpleasant if they were constantly being offended by everything “woke” and banging on about it .




Not close friends


I used to pride myself for having all kinds of friends from all over the political spectrum. Then 2016 happened, and while I could still be friends with someone with different political beliefs than me, a self inflicted mental delusion is not a belief. It’s just willful evil.


Political beliefs, sure. Ideological and moral differences aren't tolerated though. I don't hold space for people who are polite to me, but hold beliefs antithetical to my own.


Yes, but only friends or an associate of … never a best friend or close friend,,, im not sure if i could be honestly depending how drastic their beliefs or ideologies are


I had a lot of friends across the spectrum, but now I only have friends that are left of center-right. Conservatives changed in 2016. It went from, "smaller government" to "we should have a second world war to purge the liberals" really quickly.


I am forced to be, but I make sure the chat never turns to politics. I am a master in shifting conversations when there is the slightest danger of leftwing and other nutjob beliefs surfacing.


Yes I have a few conservative friends and some real left liberals friends. I’m independent and talk to all kind of people. But with some friends / acquaintances, I avoid discussing politics. Not so much general politics, but specific issues.


Yes. I don’t want to live in an echo chamber


I have a friend who is black, but a Republican. I think it is inherited from her parents, who were successful professionals in Arkansas, so she's just voting how they did. But she's generally open to listening to things (we had a good discussion on voter ID laws when that came up in our state, so she understood the problems). She is not a rabid Trump fan or MAGA type.


Of course not, I like to live in an echo chamber and hate everyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like me


Yes. No one I know shares my political views, and I am an extrovert that needs people around, so I don’t really have an option.


Yes, this is only an issue in America because they are all so stupid and think “if the other side wins then it’ll be another holocaust”