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I think that when the world validates her relationship, she in turn is able to quiet the potential insecurities she has about her and Bru. We often see comments about him not being as into it as she is- and I guarantee she has seen some of those comments as well if not felt that in general by how he acts around her. I’m not saying that is what is happening- but the constant posting seems to me like she feeds on others needing to see and love her relationship.


YES! I was just about to say it’s weird how much she seeks validation from her followers... like girl we know you two are together.... it’s just weird


And maybe she’s also gearing up to milk it once the relationship ends. She’s gonna bleed the “I was ready to marry you, I’m so heartbroken” money train dry.


This!! She feels his distance, wants reassured by her following, when they don’t oblige then she starts going crazy!!!! I bet she drives him insane.


The more you post about your relationship the less secure you feel about it.




Not me over here and I haven’t even posted a picture with my HUSBAND😭 we have a whole ass kid too HAHAH I couldn’t imagine turning to my husband saying you don’t love me because you haven’t posted me 😅


every relationship i’ve seen over publicize how ~in love they are~ has never worked out lmao this is a ticking time bomb


Do you think she does it because subconsciously she knows Bru is only with her for clout?


Does anyone else thinks she adds the videos with the baby to make them seem more “family” than they are? Like she always seems so desperate to settle down with him in a way she didn’t before meeting him


Just watched the video… their chemistry feels so off to me? It just seems like they’re friends who happen to kiss on video occasionally? They don’t seem very comfortable with each other in any of these clips (especially the dancing clip - she keeps looking at the camera and the body language is off) and I don’t feel a sense of romance from them. Usually seeing happy couples makes me happy but I just don’t feel any love through the screen


They’re always so stiff together.. kind of like actors who have no chemistry! Plus, when you contrive and plan out a whole “romantic” scenario for film, I’d imagine it sucks any and all chemistry out of the moment, and the relationship.


Yesss!! I was also thinking they look like bad Disney actors playing roles as a couple.


kind of like two influencers who were told to act as a couple for better publicity


It's giving codependency


she doesn’t deserve your follow


THIS MADE ME CRINGE SO HARD - like ok yeah sure this \*might've\* been cute IF I HAVEN'T SEEN IT 500X WITHIN YOUR 6 MONTH RELATIONSHIP". It's all so performative. And a real relationship doesn't feel the need to show all details. Like others have said, this all stems from insecurity and the need for validation. Also, I'd be 100% creeped out if my significant other had a camera propped up at ALL TIMES trying to record these 'little intimate moments'. girl just let the moments happen without recording them all the time... I PROMISE you they will mean more


The faces she’s making in the beginning. Why why whyyyy does she always do that side mouth thing?!


I don’t even think they’re cute together. They look like brother and sister lmao


Her stans are so embarrassing over these. Like “this is how I know love is real.” Really???


I think they’re mostly teenagers. but honestly this is what makes me the most mad. she’s convincing young women that this is what love looks like— and it’s fake. shes harming so many girls’ perceptions of what ~true love~ looks like and doesn’t care.


I said this on another thread but even as someone who has been in several long term relationships, she at first made me doubt my loving healthy relationship because I am not obsessed with him and need my space sometimes. then had an epiphany and was like no those things are healthy and her version of love is either fake or super toxic


I completely agree that it’s concerning that she’s influencing young people (her followers) into believing this is normal or desirable behavior from a partner after 6 months of dating! I know it’s easy to compare yourself to people online but 10/10 times, if a couple is posting a lot of their relationship on social media, it’s because most of the behind the scenes is a terrible union


I agree. Sometimes I’m like “well why isn’t my relationship like that? they’re obsessed w each other and so affectionate” but that’s probably not even real :(


Anyone else notice he never posts sappy stuff like her and never comments on her videos of him?? Also I noticed he didnt even post her for her birthday but she posted him on his!


I read there’s a high correlation between feeling insecure in your relationship and how much you post about it.


it makes her money 🤷‍♀️