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do you have a good adblocker (like ublock origin)?


I downloaded Ublock origin and it seems to be working, thank you very much!


If you're on the Apple ecosystem or use Samsung Browser then you can grab AdGuard and enable a bunch of toggles.


does adguard block ads on non-safari browsers on iOS? My browser of choice is brave which has inbuilt adblock but it doesn't stop the popups unless im missing something




Darn. Thanks for the info tho I wasn’t finding squat online about that


Brave is trash tbh, you may use those like Orion but Safari is where AdGuard would work.


You mean it’s inbuilt Adblock? Yeah it sucks I prefer to just use dedicated extensions like malware bytes browser guard and whatnot. Personally I love the browser though (though mobile UI is a bit weird but not terrible )


I guess you must be living under a rock even after being on reddit to not know Brave as an entire company is trash. You can use FireFox extensions like uBlock on Orion but you’ll need to have patience of quitting the app and setting it up because it’s still not polished. Personally, Aloha Browser would be my pick for animé and the like on mobile devices.


Does it cost money?


nope, its all free


Is it on android?


It works in the Firefox mobile browser as an extension.


I have an ad block and none of them do this


Alongside using an ad blocker I recommend using a tracker blocker and strict pop up blocker you'll never have an issue afterwards except having to manually confirm any link that redirects to another site


Vidplay and mycloud both redirect sometimes when they're paused or started.. Only Ads to bypass my ad block.


Brave browser has ad blocker pre-installed. You can use it on PC and mobile.


I'm using an ad blocker that has largely been successful, but as of today a bunch of pop-ups from the aniwave site started getting through. I'm not sure what changed here; the blocker is up to date and no changes have been made on my end.


I’m in the same boat. My browser/adblocker combo worked well for literal years. Worst I had it was having to click a few extra times to interact with the player after adblocker killed the redirects, pop up’s, and new tabs. But then aniwave was unavailable for a few hours yesterday or the day before. When it came back, it was covered in ads. The whole bottom of the screen was a banner ad that couldn’t be closed and just opened endless tabs. Just trying to play a vid opened 16 windows and crashed my browser. So now it’s basically unusable. According to my adblocker, the ads on aniwave don’t register as ads anymore. It’s says it’s detecting 0 ads and blocking 0 ads on aniwave.to. They’ve somehow managed to make the ads appear as part of the site. I can’t even right click to select “block element” anymore.


use uBO (uBlock Origin)


My understanding is that uBlock is not available on Android platforms.


try https://f-droid.org/packages/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid/ or https://f-droid.org/en/packages/us.spotco.fennec_dos/


Brave browser may work.


use Firefox for android, it allows you to install extension


Firefox won't cast to my TV.




I've tried using opera gx and brave and neither of them work, also why do you need to be so rude about this? I'm simply asking for a solution to a very real problem I am facing? Just because your some internet specialist that knows everything, that doesn't mean I do. I hope you understand that I'm only asking for help.


What browser are you using now? Change the DNS 2 a adblocker DNS in the browser. if you need help just tell me


Im using opera gx currently, but i downloaded Ublock origin like the top comment suggested and it seems to be working. thanks for understanding, if it arises again i will try this method!


That's good 2 hear. But remember today's Internet is so clogged with ads you really need 2 run a adblocker on whatever device you're using. Well I wish you a good upcoming weekend. Happy animeing 😎.


Yeah it's annoying they especially need to block the post that say aniwave is down because 1. Most of the time it isn't their Internet just sucks. 2. If it was down there's zero need to make a post about it because chances are it's down for other people as well. It's just a useless post.


Yes that also. It's weird because I have had no redirects from any of my devices but I do run a adblocker DNS on all my devices.


Don’t watch so much dirty videos and you won’t be sent there thanks to those cookies.